0 TheDaalvNelb.ra XMAS SUGGESTIONS IN THE AD COLUMNS VOL. XIV. NO. 58. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1914. PRICE 5 CENTS. WATCH' OUR XMAS ADS EXTRA T 0! AGRICULTURISTS TO HAVE PART OF 'daily NEBRASKAN GOOD PROGRAM "AG" WEEK Rett of Wee Will be "Peppy" Barn Warming Planned Fop Saturday Night at Farm Dance Friday Night Agricultural week le liere, and as yet the Ags bve not been much more in evidence than ie their usual custom; however they are) all working on their program for the last part of the week and a live time aeema In store for all. Tomorrow the Agriculturists will have 'charge of a part of the Dally Nebraskan. R. J. Possen will be edi tor, while P. W. Gentleman and Chas. Gunnels will have charge of the busi ness end. Tomorrow they will also have charge of convocation. A spe cial program has also been arranged. For Friday night the Ags'have ar ranged for a dance at Rosewilde Hall. It has been the custom at this annual atfair to admit none but Ag students. The custom has been departed from this year however, so that those who desire to attend this hop may do so at the rate of $1.25 per couple,- At least partly responsible for the above, is the fact that the All-University-Mixer fa o be held in the Armory on the same night, and the Ag students wish to avoid anything that will even approach excluslveness in character. It is hoped and expected that the main difference between these two functions will be that of price alone. The farmers have arranged for a magnificent "barn-warming" on Satur day night. It will be held on the State Farm campus in Horticultural Hall.- It will be free and everyone Is invited. The Ags will all be dressed in typical farm regalia, and others ara asked to do the same If convenient. An enjoyable tfme is assured all those who attend. DR. MAXEY MAKES VALUABLE DISCOVERY Declares That Party of Feedbarn Did Not Oeliver Feed to Party of Freshmen "Nothing Is trivial." -mighty oaks, etc., etc.," tbVforgetfulness of a cer tain feed man In this town has caused discovery of wondrous economic Im portance, has filled several otherwise vacant columns in the Daily Nebras kan. wakened the slumbering muses in many a scribblers heart; has oc casioned many a hearty laugh; given the cynics an opportunity to moralize on the rot that is getting into the papers nowadays; last but not least, it has engaged the services of that most admirable sleuth. Dr. Maxey. Conceding nothing, he singlehand edly dug to the bottom of the case. From the clues which he has in his possession Dr. Maxey has come to the conclusion that the party of the feedbarn did not deliver the feed to the party of the Freshman rhetoric because party of the feedbarn was ar rested. Dr. Maxey bases his Inference on the fact that he saw -party of the first part" out on (the) bale. DECEMBER ALUMNUS WILL BE OUT SOON Guy Reed Silent Concerning 8peeial Features Will be Distributer This Week This month's Alumnus has now gone to press and is expected to be ready for distribution by the end of the week. Guy Reed's deep silence con cerning its special features are lead ing the wise ones to believe that there are some surprises awaiting Ms read ers. JOURNALISTS TO MEET TONIGHTFOR CONFAB W. O. Jones of State Journal to Speak All Men Interested Invited A meeting of all men interested in journalism will be held tonight at the Phi Kappa Psi house, 1544 O street Will Owen Jones, a Nebraska graduate and editor of the Nebraska State Journal, will speak on "The Writing of News." The need of a school or course in journalism at Nebraska, such as is offered in many other state universities, will also be discussed. Men on the staffs of the University publications will find this meeting a good occasion to "hash over" the tribulations that bother the writer, at 7:30. REGENT HALLER DISCUSSES SPAIN Says That Development is Backward Modern Art Deals With Bull Fights and Executions In an unvarnished version, Regent Haller of Omaha gave his impressions of Spain in a talk to the students at the University Farm this morning at the convocation In Agricultural Hall Agricultural development and meth ods of travel are backward, he 6aid, and many of the people are Ignorant and proud as well as being filthy be yond description. He called Phillip II ' bug house" and pronounced the Escorial, a combi nation monastery and palace which he built, to be more like an eighth blunder than an eighth wonder of the world. Modern art in Spain, he said, was all gone. The common subjects are executions, bull fights, and other grue some subjects that reflect the cruelty of the Spanish heart. The older pic tures at Madrid, however, are said to be beautiful. For an American to withstand the Spanish cooking, the regent declared that one must have an asbestos stom ach and alimentary canal. Three-fourths of the central portion of Spain was likened to the bad lands of Nebraska and South Dakota, Although his impressions were gen erally unfavorable, Regent Haller said that he saw many interesting things In the country well worth while. Re peatedly In bis talk he told the stu dent that If they wished to see Spain they should visit Mexico during a quiet period, if possible to find such, and that they would gain a fair im pression of the land of Don Quixote. Lives of Seniors all remind us We should strive to do our best. And departing, leave behind us Notebooks that will help the rest- SECOND BIG III EVERYTHING IN READINESS FOR SECOND EVENT OF SEASON GOOD PROGRAM NOW READY Committee Have Arranged Several "Stunts" Which Will Please Come Prepared For a Good Time Of course no one has forgotten that the second all-university mixer will be held on Friday night, December 11, in the Armory "as usual." All the stu dents as well as all the facclty are ex pected to be present and no one doubts that tliey will all be there. There will be amusements of every sort, several numbers by the band and an original little farce will be staged as a part of the stunt program. In deed they have promised to give us a peep into the little Red School House of the Faculty in the days of long ago. ' Perhaps this will give us some idea of those wonderful things that "father did fifty years ago." There is excellent authority that the committee has for some time been in direct communication with the bellig erent leaders of the world who have promised to send reports which will, perhaps, be read. Out professors of history! Here is your one chance for direct facts, evidence boik-d down and full of truth! It has been noised abroad also that those who attend this mixer will have the opportunity of seeing a Russian honeymoon but it cannot be learned just who constitute the bridal couple. There will be no formal Introduction that evening as it is not a formal affair. A. good novel means has, how ever, been adopted which will entirely do away with the necessity of intro duction. Have you noticed that it Is the most popular thing to come singly or in groups of threes and fours? To come by twos take half the fun away. Come however you like, but be sure to come some way. If you lose a little steam, use the safety valve and not the whistle. It's better of blow off than to blow. Dally Texan. SPACE IN DAILY NEBRASKAN FREE All Notices Regarding General Uni versity Events Are Willingly Published A student while speaking to one of the Nebraskan reporters the other day asked whether or not the notices that appeared each day announcing the various activities were paid notices. The reporter was quick to respond that any notice advertising some school event was gladly published free in order to aid in developing the tt tendance to the various meetings, socials ciid activities. The management is pleased to sup port thla reporter in regard to this matter. When at any time there Is an event which Is of general import ance to some society, organization, or to the University student body in gen eral the Nebraskan will be ready and willing to help "boost" the event. DR. CONDRA WILL ADDRESS CONGRESS Will Address State Conservation Con gress In Omaha Tomorrow Will Also Show Pictures Dr. Condra who has been touring the northwestern part of the state, arrived yesterday In Omaha where he will show his state conservation films and address the State Conservation Con gress with lectures that go with the films. It is expected that he will re turn today. Dr. Bengston will go to Crelghton Saturday where he will ad dress a teachers' association. ONION IS T3 HAVE CHRISTMAS PARTY Miss Howell on the Program Grab Bag to be Big Feature Every body Out The Union Society will hold their annual Christmas party Saturday even ing at 8:15 in the Union rooms on tha third floor of the Temple. The So ciety is pleased to announce that Miss Alice Howell will give a Christmas program at that time. All University students are invited to take advantage of this opportunity of hearing her. The ever welcome Christmas institu tion "the grab bag," will have its place In the evening's entertainment and all are urged to bring some article whose value does not exceed five cents. REGENTS TO MAKE TRIPJF INSPECTION To Visit the Various Schools in the Western Part of the Country Chancellor Goes Chancellor Avery, Prof. Barbour, and all members of the Board of Re gents, except Copeland and Anderson, left yesterday morning for a tour of Inspection of the buildings and grounds of the Washington, Chicago, Wisconsin and Minnesota universities. The trip Is made in accordance with the plan of the Board of Regents to inspect the different plans of group ing buildings and the style of archi tecture used at other schools before beginning to build here. One day will be spent at each institution in study ing the grouping of the buildings on the campus, this being one of the most serious problems to be faced in extending the University here. On the data gathered on this trip the party will base their recommendation as to what plan of grouping buildings should be used at Nebraska. Some attention will also be paid to the styles of archi tecture at the different schools, al though this is only of minor Im portance. Today the Regents will be at St. Louis; from there they go to Chicago, and after spending tomorrow at that place they will go on to Madison, and from there to Minneapolis. They ex pect to return to Lincoln sometime Sunday afternoon. RAG DANCE Couple Reporters Have .the Dancing Craze A couple of the reporters on the Daily Nebraskan started dancing In the office last evening and the man aging editor called them down. The response was. "Isn't this the RAG officer' The managing- editor re mained silent. BASKET JALL LIST THE TEAM WILL MAKE THREE TRIPS THIS YEAR JAYHAWKERS ON "SCHEDULE Last Game of the Season Will be With the Wesleyan Coyotes Who Handed the Huskers a Couple of Defeats Last Year According to the Nebraska basket ball schedule as completed and ' ap proved by the athletic board the Corn huskers will take three trips, the first being through Iowa and Minnesota. The first game of the season will be played on January 6th against the Company G quintet of Fort Dodge, Iowa, at either Omaha or Fort Dodge. The following day the team will meet Hamline College at Hamline, Iowa, from which place they will go to Min neapolis where they will give the Gophers a couple of chances to get revenge for their defeats of last year. The Minnesota games will be played January 8th and 9th. On January 15th and 16th Nebraska meets the Ames Aggies on the home floor. On the 20th a cyclone will sweep over Kansas from the north, causing much loss and suffering to the farmers around Man hattan' on the 20th and 21st and then veering slightly to the east will take a couple of whirls at the Jayhawk nest. Official prognosticators have set the date of these dis.arbances as January 22nd and 23rd. A battle royal will occur on February 6th when the Corn huskers tangle with the rapid Wes leyan pack (the word "rapid" is used advisedly; "speedy" and "fast" are be coming too hackneyed for our pure and elevated style and besides we like to set Doc Sherman a good example). This mixup will occur in the Coyote's den three or four miles east of Lin coln. February 10th and 11th will see the boys at Des Moines scrapping with the (Continued on page 2) HOFFMAN ADDRESSES LINCOLN ROTARY CLUB Speaks on Subject "Ventilation in Its Relation to Health Special At tention to Work in Chicago At the weekly meeting of the Lin coln Rotary Club Tuesday noon, Pro fessor X D. Hoffman of the Mechanical Engineering depaitment gave an illus trated address on the topic "Ventila tion in Its Relation to Health." After discussing in a general way tie effect of impure air on the health of the in dividual, special reference was made to the work being done In Chicago in connection with the ventilating of moving picture theatres. Professor Hoffman expects to be In Chicago De cember 17. 18 and 19 on committee work relating to the National Commit tee of the A. S. H. tc V. E. on compul sory ventilation of buildings, of which he is chairman. Journalistic Meeting All men interested invited to Sigma Delta Chi meeting at Phi Kappa Psl house. 1544 Q street, at 7:30 tonight. W. O. Jones, of State Journal, on 'The Writing of News."