V THE DAILY M E B R A S K AN I he Daily Nebraskan Property of TUB UMVHRS1TY OK NEBRASKA Lincoln C. A. SORENSHN Editor-in-Chief . Acting Manning Kdilor. . . ,K. V. Koupal AMoclate Editor U O. Cnatt RIorORTORIAL STAFF Ivan 1. Ueede Irving T. Oberfelder ,T C. Beard Lester Zook Everett J. Althoui la Slater F W. McDonald Margr. KaufTman E. Crablll Harold Q. Kin Charles M. Frey Janus A. McKacnen .1. R. Glassey Bennett C. VI gr W. Jacobson T. W. McMllllan J. I Uitttn 1-uolle Leyda SPECIAL FEATURES Whos Who Silas Bryan Lorena Bixby Society column Rm,"e uvL.!, I Dorothy Ellsworth Cartoonist Charles Mlsko Athletics Henry Kyla Business M.innjrer n f-JFl"? Asst. Business Manager. .Russell F. ClarK Subscription price $2.00 per year, payable In .dvance. Single copies. 5 cents each. Entered at the poatofflee at Lincoln. Nebraska, as second-class mail matter, under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 3, 1914 Tt Is the ideals of the college men and women that determine what will be the history of this country for the next thirty years. . f The Belgians are a proud people. They would ask alms of no. nation. But so serious is the situation that Albert, King of Belgium, has asked the American people for aid. His ap peal follows: "Despite all that can be done the sufferings in the coming winter will be terrible, but the burden we must bear will be lightened if my people can be spared the pangs of hunger, with its frightful consequences o dis ease and violence. -I confidently hope that the appeal of the Amercan commission will meet with a generous response. The whole hearted friendship of -America shown my people at this time always will be a precious memory." BEER AND BANQUET. Drinking is disreputable. The stu dent who feels himself obliged at every school celebration to fill up with liquor is a nuisance to the Uni versity. Particularly disgusting is the fellow who imagines himself drunk because he has smelled a beer bottle. Why these remarks? This is the reason At former Cornhusker ban quets it has been customary' fr a few fellows, after buying a dime's worth of beer, to lean against the bar. give the University yell, and then saunter back to the dicing room believing themselves "tough." These same fel lows will ask everyone to smell their breath and feel most happy when you tell them they are drunk. They want to appear hardened, don't you know. The Daily Nebraskan has selected one of its best reporters to cover the Cornhusker banquet. He has been in structed that what is wanted if possi ble is a spicy, sensational, Hearst type story. He is to secure the name, fraternity affiliation, etc.. of every bar room hero. This information will furnish material for an excellent front-page lead Monday. It will inter est our readers we are sure and will help these same fellows to acquire the reputation they apparently so much desire. Classified Column WANTED Room-mate. W. H. Wil son. Inquire Uni Cafeteria "or 345 N. 13th. 54-56-2 UNI. NOTICES Seniors. The Senior caps have arrived and may be obtained at uny time at the University Book Store. Notice. Senior Class Pins. Orders for Senior class pins may be taken the week after Thanksgiving and the pins will be here before Christmas. All Seniors are expected to have these pins, so give your orders early, and help out the committee. Cornhusker Pictures. All payments for fraternity, so rority and organization group pictures and for individual junior and senior Cornhusker cuts and space must be naid to Townsend. Payment must be made before space will be reserved. M. L. POTEET. Sigma Delta Chi. The oDen meeting of Sigma Delta Chi announced for Wednesday night at the Delta Tau Delta house has been noRtnoned for a week. The change has been made in order to avoid con flict with the Belgian Relief Fund en tertainment, taking plnce on that night. Girls' Club Council. Thursday, November 3, 5 p. in., Y. W. C. A. rooms. Girl Club Council meeting:. Important. Either come yourself or send someone in your place. Be prompt. A. S. A. E. Meets Thursday. December 3. 7:30 p. m., in M. A. 206. The subject for discussion is "Il lumination on the Farm." "Lighting With Electricity." by Prof. E. E. Brackett. "Lighting With Acetylene Gas," by S. E. Llederbrand. If you wish to be enlightened along these lines, be sure to come. Komensky Hop. Komen&ky Club will hold its semi annual hop in Art Gallery next Satur day evening. Cornhusker Pictures. All pictures having to do with the following events and activities should be handed in to the editorial office of the Cornhusker at once : Ivy day, Law barbecue, graduation exercises, track and cross-country teams, both of last spring and this fall; Senior sneak day, football, Olympics, High School Fete day, comics, and any snap shots portraying student life. today at 11 o'clock at the east end of the Armory. Every man who expects to play must be out. Notice, Palladiant. Special business meeting in the Palladl.m Hall tonight at 7 o'clock, sharp. Everybody out. ROBERT SIMMONS. Phi Delta Phi. Phi Delta Phi will meet at the Delta UpBllon house at 8 p. m. tonight. Help the Belgians! I ! Ted Marrlner, Cleaner, Hatter. 235 North 11th. Buy your Cornhusker Banquet ticket today. Moving pictures of Iowa-Nebraska game for benefit of Belgian Relief Fund. Temple Theatre tonight. FOR RENT Two first-rate rooms, $9 and $10; one block from campus. 1240 S FL L-5593. 5244-685 LOST A Waterman fountain pen, south of Chem. Lab. Leave at Daily Nebraskan office. . 52-54-1 FOUND University pin. Owner may receive same by identifying at Ne Cornhusker Offices. Editorial offices, room 1001. fourth! floor, U. Hall. Editors' office hours are from 2 till 5 p. m., Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednes days and Thursdays, and Saturday morning. Phone. L-8758, three rings. Business office, room 1, basement. U. Hall. Business manager's office hours are from 3:30 till 5 p. m., Mondays. Wed nesdays and Fridays, and on Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays from 8 to 9:30. Phone, L-8758, one ring. Tenor Singers. Tryouts wil be held at 11:30 today in Memorial Hall for all tenors wish ing to make the Glee Club. Tegner Meeting. The Tegner Society will hare a Christmas entertainment Saturday evening, December 5, 1914. at 8 p. m., at the Y. W. C. A. rooms. Please come in Swedish costume, and bring a small Christmas gift. Freshman Football. Freshman squad out every night now in preparation for Senior game, Wednesday. Senior Football. Senior football team will practice FRESHMEN VICTORS. (Continued from page 1) on a cross buck. They failed to kick goal. This ended the Sophomore's scoring. Tn the fourth quarter, the Sophomores were penalized fifteen yards for, holding, and when they at tempted to punt, Brown blocked the ball and Mulligan scooped it up, rac ing across the Sophomore goal line. Several forward nasse were staged. In the first half the Freshmen got away with some long and well exe cuted passes, and in the second half the Sophomores made several long gains by .the aerial route. Line-tip: Andrews le Hawthorne Baliman It Oester (c( Lowry lg ' Rausch Hays 1....C Critchfield Schumacher rg Crandall Helzer rt Gerrie Perney re Bell Claar(c) qb Colt on O'Brien lh Moore Elliott rh Fuchs Lahr fb Bremer Substitutes: Sophomores, Beynon, Stephens, Delamatre, Deering. Fresh men, Bauman, Skinner, Lynn, Brown, Mulligan. Johnson. Touchdowns: Oes- ten, Colton, O'Brien, Mulligan. Scott's Orchestra. Call B-1482 or B-4521. Help the Belgians! ! 1 Now is the time to get your Corn husker Banquet ticket. Views of the University. . A University calendar of unusual beauty has been displayed in the win dows of one of the book stores. At the top of every page a large sepia print of some University building is shown, these views being remarkably clear, and displaying the beauty spots of the campus to the best possible advantage, tl is a beautiful piece of work, cover included and deserves commendation as an advertisement of the University. Help the Belgians! ! I Now is the time to get your. Corn husker Banquet ticket. Moving pictures of Iowa-Nebraska game for benefit of Belgian Relief Fund. Temple Theatre tonight- Texas Footbail Men Awarded T's. Fourteen members of the first 1914 University of Texas football squad were awarded T's Saturday night at the meeting of the Athletic Council The body also voted thirteen men eligible to wear the T seconds. The thirteen were selected from the scrubs, or .the Shorthorns. Daily Texan. Buy your Cornhusker Banquet ticket today. Just Arrived 100 UNIVERSITY CALENDARS made by the Albertype Company, Brooklyn, N. Y. 15 Sepia Views-Nice cover-10X15 inches-Sold by the hundreds at all Universities-$1.00. COLLEGE BOOK STORE FACING TIIE CAMPUS. THE University School of Music .Established 1894 Opposite lh .University Campus Eleventh and R Instruction given in all branches of music Students maj enroll at any time. Beginners accepted. Prices reasonable WILLARD KIMBALL, Director Help the Belgians! I ! THE C O O The name means Co-operative Planning. Buying and Selling-Co-operation between us to supply your needs. Reniember it is Tiie CO-OP, 318 No. nth Gills That Are-Different are to be found In our stock of Christmas Novelties. Calendars and Art Panels, Gift Books, and Greeting Cards, all tasty and surprising ly low priced. . ' Graves Prlntcry Specializing in University 'Piinting D-2957 244 N 11th University Y.M.C.A. Cafeteria IN THE TEMPLE FOR UNIVERSITY FOLKS ONLY Quality Economy CoAvenicncc Meal Hours, 7:00 8:30 11:00 1:30 5. SO 7. CO. Early Shopping for Christmas , THE SLOGAN Our Christmas Stock is here. Drop in and Get First Choice Tb UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE Phone B-SS84 S43 No. 11th braskan office. See R. F. Clark. 52-54-?