THE DAILY NEBRASKAN J Don't Forget T" I This is the )& I Home of f Jw'' f I Hart !aidl 1 Schaffner & I clothes Mmm,, "iff- $S?f F-.'- I f B ll i f - 1 I ARM WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ABOUT THAT NEW FALL SUITOR OVERCOAT It's a Vital Question Both to You and to Us To you because it's time you had made your selection of warmer clothes for your health's sake-and because every day there are scores of garments sold from our stocks, among which might be just the one you will want From our stand point-you're bound to buy sooner or later, but working on "The Early Bird" theory, we know you'll be better pleased if you are an early buyer. DON'T WAIT until the stocks are "Shot Full of Holes"--buy now while the assortments are "Full Up". THE PRICE YOU PA Y is strictly your affair, but we suggest you in vestigate thouroughly our values in SUITS AND OVERCOATS at $15, $18, $20, $22.50 & $25 from HART SCHAFFNER & MARX, R. B. "FASHION CLOTHES" HIRSH-WICKWRE and "CLOTHES BOND" OUR NEW ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT is proving to be one of the most popular places in Lincoln. Here you will find a complete line of every thing in Athletic Toggery and Equipment. FOOTBALL BASKETBALL TRACK GYMNASIUM TENNIS SWIMMING BASEBALL GOLF "SPALDING" ATHLETIC GOODS X R O N G Pi "LIVE WIRE" HEN'S STORE