Besi C Avail a bit Tor Jul I V!. ... GUY CHAMBERLAIN Right halfback. 192 pounds. First year. He has scored two touchdowns from the kick-off this year, running the entire length of the field both times. He is a master at defensive end. It ( o I J A WW t 51 JOE HOEFFEL Assistant Coach fV c V DICK RUTHERFORD Left halfback. 173 pounds. Sec ond year. An All American half back, according to Jack Wheaton, the K. u. coach. He is a star of the first magnitude in every depart ment of the game. ME d) TO D. I 1 1 -. ,-,-r - PAUL SHIELDS Left guard. 1S0 pounds First year. A most promising candidate who has been seriously handicapped by a lame knee all this season. He will make a name for himself next year. Just watch him. 1 f 1 I i' .""3""' "DEWEY" HARMON Freshman Coach I HARRY COREY Right tackle. 205 poundt. First year. Corey blocked a drop kick in the South Dakota game, and thereby saved Nebraska from a probable defeat. He's a demon at breaking up plays of the opposing team. W. "LUM" DOYLE Fullback. 170 pounds. First year. Doyle punts from forty to fifty yards consistently, and is a sure ground-gainer through the line. He will make a strong bid for All-Valley honors next year. LOREN CALEY Halfback or uarter back. 135 pounds. First year. The fast est man in the suad and an artful dodger. He is also the light est man in the suad, his weight being his biggest handicap. (on Caotain and left tk and should be All-Amenc ...... -C! inrougnoui mc J r