i e OftPrlEUM Thrsiij Frliay Sitinlay IMHOFF, CONN-COREENE jn&the Military Comedy Surgeon Louder, U. S, A." Mis Fremont Benton. A Co. ...Thi. Gardiner Trio Prince Lai Mon Kim H. M. Zazell Company Ernie and Ernie Fred Korha'u ov-- THE PATHE DAILY LYRIC Thur., Frl., Sat Sept 24, 25, 26 FRED WEBSTER'S Six Melody Maids MLLE. LUCIELLE SAVOY Singing and Parisian Art Poses PHOTO PLAYS "The Potter and the Clay" "A Double Cover" "Hsarst-Sellg News" These Shows Dally 27? Mat all Seats 10c. Night 15c MAGNET FRIDAY AND SATURDAY "TriE LITTLE GRAY LADY" With the Noted Actress "Jane Grey" The Biegest Hit of the Season Admission 10c, 5c Shows 1:45, 3:00, 6:90, 8:00, 9:15 UNI. NOTICES Band Tryouts. Applicants for membership in the Cadet Band will be givon an oppor tunity to try out for places at 5 p. m., Friday, and Saturday, In the Temple Theatre. , Palladlan. The Palladlan Literary Society will hold its annual opening reception on Friday evening at 8: 00 o'clock, on the third floor of the Temple. Everyone is cordially invited to be present. A lively evening and good eats are promised. Girls' Club Party. The XSlrlB Club will have Its big annual party Saturday afternoon at 2:30 in the temple. The program will be in the form of an elaborate pageant which will make a strong appeal to every true college girl. All upper clasBmen should call at Miss Graham's office to draw the name of a freshman girl whom she will ac company to tho party. Union Literary Society. A special Invitation is extended by this society to all students to attend the opening reception Friday evening, September 25, at 8:15 o'clock. Drill Lockers. The Military department makes the following announcement: Air drill men desiring drill lockers should ar range for them at once. Lockers are going fast and the chance for accom modation depends upon the haste of the application. Military Department A number of drill suits were found last year when the lockers were cut Owners will please call for them at once. Tryouts for Cantata. Tryouts with Mrs. Raymond, for solo parts in Hallowe'en cantata ovpry afternoon in the Temple Music Hall. Hours, 4:00 to 6.00. Pre-tedic Meeting. - Everybody out (frosh included) Fri day afternoon from. 5 to 6 o'clock. Room N. 2io. Dean Wolcott will speak and plans will be formulated for the coming year. Field Geography., Field Geography 21 class will meet in U. 309 next Saturday (tomorrow) at 8 a. m. It is important that all members be present x. PROFESSOR BENGTSON. Chorus Registration Still Open, Registration for University Chorus, M., W., F., 5 p. m., is still open. One hour credit each Semester is given for the work. All men who find the 6 o'clock hour inconvenient, or impos sible may substitute M., 7-8 p. m., for Monday and Wednesday at 5, or they may substitute M., 7-8 p. m., through out the year in lieu of M., W., F., for one semester. Athletic Board Election. The election of members to the ath letic board by the Btudent body is to be held Tuesday of this week. The four members from the faculty, ap pointed by the Chancellor and three from the student body elected an nually. Each class in the college nominates one a letter man pre ferredand the Academy nominates two. Two from the College and. one from the Academy are to be elected i from this number. The Cotner Col-j legian. . Ask Any University, College or High School Man: What Clothes Measures Up To His Ideals In Styles 4 VHHH HBBLDBSh' " fiflflBstsLiLLifcLiBssBiB? H 11 11 1 J3 ASK any discriminating dresser among business or pro fessional men what Clothes best meet his ideas of refined taste. ASK any woolen expert what clothes are made of the most exclusive weaves and patterns of pure virgin woolen fabrics. ASK any connoisseur the clothes that are considered authoritative In style. The answer will invariably be That is the most convincing reasen why these select clothes should have your cohslderatien if you want the best clothes and the best clothes values. Whether yeu want the real live ones with a kick farfan Plairfs, or the conservative patterns ear stack Is brimful ef "new ones" complete to care for yen with ease. PRICE RANGE $20, $22J0, $25, SS0 . StD, 36 and $40 T fulfill every psstiMe shsrtcemlnf we rsent nine etfir Ufwe Sf Ready fer Service Clothes priced frem $10.00 Everythinfl that's new in Shoes, Hats, Caps and Fur nish ln. Ahtmi , V . - ELi SHIRK, Pre. Mayer Bros. Co. .The Store H. A. LEWINSOHN, Trss. Kuppenheimer Clothes for Young Men Advertised in this week's Saturday Eve-, riifig Post (inside of front cover) are to be seen in Lincoln ex clusively at COPTHIOHT1814 The House or kuppenheimc THE Lincoln Business Colle ge Now located in our new home. Everything new, complete and mo'dern. CLASSES FORMING DAILY You can utilize your spare hours and secure a knowledge of shorthand, stenotypy, typewriting, bookkeeping, banking, etc. "Why not call and see us? Ask for catalog. 14th and P Streets. First Corner East of City Y. H. C. A. Phone B-6T& B-6775 Learn The New Dances Waltz Canter, One Step Canter Maxixe, Half and Half, Twinkle Hesitation. SOCIALS Mon., Wed., FrL, Sat, 8:30 to 12 p. m. HAMPTON'S ORCHESTRA Classes Mon., JVed., FrL, Sat, 7 to 9 p. m. PRIVATE UNIVERSITY CLASS Saturday afternoon3 to 5 p. m. Mr. C. E. Bui lard, Member of U. P. T. of D. of D., will be assisted by Miss Irene Walker of Omaha. LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY C. E. Bui lard, U. ef N. '02, Manager L-5477 1124 N St -IT IS COLOR THAT SIGNIFIES- SCARLET CREAM 340 North 11th Street Y Hif i Nttds-Ws Km At Ssssliss We know the requirement of every department and have them. Ye, that tent is ours also The Uniwtrsity Book Store 340 Nrth 11th Strxrt