V. 4r- - i ' '" ' "'. ''!C , VOL. XIII. NO. 157 UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1914. Price 6 Cents COMMENCEMENT H' T - ." ,''. . ' ', I v v, -v. K i ... i i j , .,, HOUSE CLEANING TIME I V.'.t.l.ilUv;Vl.'.'.Wi.,.J.W-.'l.l.-.'!.v ii !...'.u.i.:.i.i'i'i'.iii.j.!i... mr- , M CQMPET c "PROCESSION STARTS IMMEDI ATELY AT 10:00 O'CLOCK. ALBERT SHAW IS TO SPEAK Baccalaureate Address In Memorial Hall Sunday Evenly 1,-Wednesday Alumni Day University Band to Lead Line of March. The week for the scnlora opens Sunday with, the baccalaureate ad XJ, dress in Memorial Hall at 8:00 in the ovcnlng-by-'RoVi- Joseph-Poct-Newto; of the First Christian church of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Except for a meeting of the Board of Regents Tuesday, the lioxt day of events iff Alumni Day, Wednesday, Juno 10. From 9:00 in the morning until 2:00 in the after noon various alumni class breakfasts and dinnors will be hold. At 3:00 p. m. tho alumni address will bo given "s." by William Linn Westor.raann, ,pro "71 -fos'sor of ancient "history in the "Uni versity of Wisconsin. At 4:30 p. m. a business mooting of tho general alumni association will bo held. From 6:00 to 9:00 p. m. an alumni banquet tvIU bo held at tho University Farm. Chancellor Avory will address the alumni on this occasion. Thursday, Juno 11, Ib Commence ment Day and at promptly 10:00 a. m. Ttho procession will leave Library Hall for St. Paul's M. E. church, where Albert Shaw, Ph. D., LL. D., editor of th' American Review of Reviews, will address tho graduates. Tho lino of March will bo headed by the Univer sity Band, followed by tho Regents, Chancellor and guests of tho Univer sity. Administrative officers and mem bers of tho faculty are next, followed by alumni and formor studonts. Can didates for degrees, together with stu dents and friends, will complete the line. E. N. Bowman, Lieutenant of In fantry ,-U. S. A., and Commandant, will bo marshal. 1914 CORNHUSKERS HAVE --GREfNMRVESttJRCRAPSi Nebraska Makes Remarkable Record in Athletics Excels Irv All Lines of Sport. Today th6lU14CoTiltiUBKcTS-uro to bo distributed; The annual publica tion has tho most complete athletic section ever attempted at Nebraska. Tho story of tho athletlo achievements of the spring of" 1913 and tho school year 1013-14 is there sot forth In word And picture. To try to sum up the "-achlevementfl-of-thlB-yenr-'B-GornhuBk era In anything else than detail would be an Insult to the greatest crop of -vtetorieo-ovoiu.rononlnn' nti theNa brask'a University. Jusl remember that "Nig" Purdy'B team played oight games and won eight, that Ross Haskell's basket toss era -played seventeen games winning fourteen, tying one 'ant losing two. For the last three years 'the " Corn-, huskers have not lost a Missouri Val ley football or basket ball game. Track this spring has tied one and broken four old records. As, this pa per goes to its campus readers eight men of this year's track team are warming up In th$ preliminaries of the Missouri Valley meet which. Is be ing held In St. Louis, The teams next year bear promise and will keep the standard high. - flfsaasi wmww i v.Vv.v ;: 'v'.vHtt,.'l!,sB.v, will Jtf WA 1 I n tl XySU ! CivKA-hv.W-.v. aaiI AM ADC M W':M',rfsfel:CT.VW): 01 R Yft 2 1 -rfflTTT Vl rjh - itiifi'VJ:$Tasrcaf Mill iPZ fm$ywJis-:h -n I tf P csJl iWwii&vtsl vA A-Yil a. .i.i-.-i . ii ,n mi t th-r-i kti v... xsv saaam. Anna mt v s ?LA9pr-rrm Rsvv r a iWiKr) K' -strife StBICN XJy lX (Copyright) PICNIC GIVEN AT FARM FOR RETIRING SUPERINTENDENT Two Hundred and 8eventy-five People Present to Do Honor to Mr. and Mrs. Perrin. Wednesday afternoon a picnic was given at tho Farm campus for tho re tiring Farm superintendent, Soriator Willis Porrln, who Is about to leavo for Bartlott, Illinois, to become mana ger of a 400-acre dairy and stock farm. Thoro wore about 275 people present. They composed tho faculty and em ployes of tho State Farm. Tho picnic 3UpperrTvas--sorvEd.-T)nrtiibleHrnorthrot tho Homo Economics building. After tho supper, Prof. Lawrence Brunor, head of the department of Entomology at tho Stato Farm, acted as toastmas tor. A responso was made by Mr. Perrin. He rbvlewed his work while at the Institution. Ho came here Sep tember G, 1889. He gave a history of tho Institution since his residence here. In the course of his remarks he stated that the planting of winter wheat In Nebraska had originated at thoFarm and that ho had boon among the first to plant this wheat Mr, lerrlJH-tSlll., wuB-vury-interesUng-antf recalled to mind tho many Jntcrostlng things that have taken place at tho T,arnTIffer8BoHo-1)yriTho-Chain- cellor and Dean Burnett alspspbke, Mr. Perrin vras presented with a gold watch and chain by tho faculty and employees of the Farm .and also with a photograph album 'containing yiews of tho State Farm. Mrs. Perrin was given a half dozen dessert spoons, Everyone Joins In wishing Mr. Aand Mrs. Porrln a safo journey to their now home. ' i j Work' for Students. Any student desiring to act as sub. scrlptlon agont for a farm paper can secure the necessary Information by calling at the Executive Office at the Farm campuB. DISTRIBUTION OF THE CORNHUSKERS TODAY Manager Will Be on Duty All Day Few Standards Left, But No De Luxe. Tho Cornhusker Is being distributed at tho west ond of tho Armory today. I Tho editor of this sheet was fortunato enough to look over one of tho dis play copies yesterday and wo find that the book Is all that the management have claimed for it. The standard edition, bound In blaclr cowhide with nrp-ebblo finish and printed on heavy enamel paper, is without doubt tho best bound and printed book that has over boon got ten out at Nebraska in tho shape of a Cornhusker. It is fully a half an Unoh-thloker than last yoar-s book-! and bears the appearance of being able to stand any amount of wear and tear than an ordinary cloth bound book would not. Tho manager in- FhVV" (Continued on page 3) 6AMMAPHIBErAS0 RARITY PRINTER DHARTFB No Names Announced at. This Time - National President Sends Congratulations. It has been officially announced by the Gamma Phi Beta sorority that a charter bap boon granted Xo the Phi Beta girls, fit local organisation in tills TJnlvoBly. The following tele gram, has justi beon received frpm the national president: t 'yonker, New York. "Happy to announce petition accept ed. -Miss Sheldon will arrange for Installation, 'Accept my sincere con gratulations. U. W. HARSEN, "IJatlonal President." SURVEY OF WORK DONE , BY CADET8. DURING YEAR Instruction to New Men Similar to That Given West Point Cadets. A general aurvoy of the work of tho University cadets for the paBt year is as follows: At tho beginning of tho year a dif ferent policy was pursued than in tho past In regard to old and first-year men. The old men wore given a gen oral roylow of tho several drills, close and extended order, guard duty, bayo net exercises, nonieclaturo, and Butts Manual" This tvof followed by theo retical and practical combat work and instruction In the service and security of Information, concluding with several combat exorcises after tho new men had. -been -.assigned T-honowmon-woro-colloctod-in-tho recruit companies with competent in structors and tho course of Instruc tion as given to now men at West Point was closely followed, particular attention being given to Instilling tho principles of discipline and having tho men assume and maintain tho proper military bearing. In this later work: Doctor!lapp-save-theHiew-mon-thor- ough instruction In calisthenics.. After thn.neW.men-were-aBglgn : to companies, company and battalion drill was held for about six drill periods, when tho"" companies were broken up for tho Indoor work. This work covered drill regulation tox.ts, a'CQurse'In rifle firing, Butts Manual, and lectures on sex hygiene. After the spring vacation the com; panles began drill outside, wh'lchwork Included both close and extended or der, maneuvers, etc. The. culmination ofr-.thls tralnlngjended with goyorn, mecrt inspection, ,when the cadets did mot creditably ""since government liwpectlon the captains have been given full ofiarge Vn order to prepare their companIeaiH4ir competitive drIlJ. c A f) ALL CLA88E8EXCUSED-ROR-T-H18- AFTERNOON'8 EVENT. RESULT OF SQUAD "C0MPET" Corporal Gentry of "M" Company Carries Off the Honors In 8hape of Cup Companies "A" and l!L.Eollow-.CIose-Behlnd; Tonight is tho time whloh Is' tho bano of tho theatrical managors ', drug gists', etc., oxlstence. It is tho night on which th ecadots forgoUthat tho worrtes of drill uvur oiilol'od tholr" heads, and thoy proceed to colobrato with their grand Company "Q" shirt tnIL .parade.. Tho nno-jwiilch.. i8..to..be stagod tonight wJJl pjitshino all of thoso which lmvo gone down Jn.tho records of history. It must never has thero boon so much "pop"-and" surplus onorgy which mult Boglvon froo rein for ono grand njght'i jsole; bratlon. Everybody Is b"6!llhTdvor with enthusiasm, even tho frcBhmon who :. nlpo months ago sworo they would not drill, and who are now loyal supporters. Thoro has, aB yot, beon no definite arrangement as to where tho parado will go, but thoy will follow tho cap tain whose cpmpany wins In "Compot" today. Everybody will assemblo at about T: 30 In front of the Armory with an old night-shirt or an old pair of pajamas and then th.d "doings" will begin. Thoro will bo no motion to' adjourn. No ono will leavo until he , has had his fill. Only when they aro not ablo to drag on'o foot alter tho other will the tneotlng stand ad journed. Then ovoryono wjll go his woy. and each ono will bo paying to himself, "That was "auro flomo shirt tall parade. I guess that will he re membered for awhile." The annual .competitive drill will be hold this afternoon and with It comos (Continued oh Page 4) . SIGMA XI FRATERNITY MAKES-ANNOUNCEMENT Five Women and Seventeen Men Are Honored Threo on List Are Professors. ' ' Ihe-SIgmu Xlr-an-honorary-eclen tlflc fraternity, announces the follow, lng twenty-ono elections to member ship cf JJbe Nebraska chapter. FIvo of "the people, announced are young women and tho balance, seventeen, aro young men: Henry ' Blumberft A. B John W. Calvln. B, Sc., and,;Dr. C. W. M. Poynter. Bx Sc,, are the .'fac-ulty..mftmbers-chosenr Te-graduatwr Chosen aro: W. W Burr, B. So., C. Wf Bertha N, Kramer, B. Sc, J, Jj Kee gan, B. Sc H. L.; Thompson, B. Sc, ,F. C. Miles, M. A., Bessie Noyeg,Ai B., Mary A. ,Schulte, A. B., anfl H. E. Vasey, B. Sc The following were chosen from the senior class: C. A." Atwoll, E. "S., 6. E. Edison, B. E., Susanne IJ. Parsons, A. B., 0. K JPef)f rln, A. B Wt A.Rockle, BSc, h. T Skinner, B. 'Sc, A. C, Smith, c7'E.,. Ruth O'Brien, A. B., and G. W, NIgh,; M. E. . . J' ' 'Cernhuskersl 1V Persons dMlrlBsJaundard f oplea of the CornhUBker aay order sacae at T. A. Winiawa' ofBoo' r Conihueker offloe for a -few daya. - vjl i IV . " s v i 1 'I i i .,M JV :. tn W tf A i J m J .9 - 1 i " i: 5 Ml , Al t 4 trW . - 4 " Cll ') "'. l t- i i 'J iV ,VW t f Cornhuskers are to be Distributed K: f ,.i,v & .v l-'l -- 1 T -I . - . -' f Todav Irmory 'itr n