." i'H Mil rw t THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Social Service .- ? r Social service is an notivity which iB of sewing clnsses nt the Y. AV. C. A. becoming moro nnd more popular with building. And Margu'erilc Dyo has a college women. It is surprising to noto sewing class at the Evans Laundry one how many of our own classmates arc al- noon a wock. ready actively engaged in the work. The North Side Neighborhood House The Eight Weeks Clubs have the most ,lt 9thiand. z. ,m8 clnimod the services of possibilities for university girls. They ov1 ""'versity girls. Amy Armstrong are under the management of the Y. W. J tftUBht '"nasium class there, and C. A. and are especially adapted for Qw hr' "nt l w .'ld girls in small towns or rural communi- na Bonnell have had charge of girl's ties, whero the college girl may serve as c lJ )8 .,..,, a leader. Winifred Scegar, Ethel Hills, , CH,d the of th.e individual and Ruth Squires led Eight Weeks Clubs K'rl severa of the organizations have last summer and had great success. Quite contributed towards social service. The a number have already signed up for Nebkft ? f Chi Omega accord clubs for this summer. Miss DraTviir-in?-to J" npaLP-?a.8 1 ? be glad to talk to any other girls who PM 25 to thc ! udcnt m io soei- are interested in the work. 0, department who does the best .... A, work. The awarding of the prize is The Camp Fire Girls is another group. mBod 2fi cent tho Hcholftrshi in connection with the Y W. C A. They of the n d tnon are training to bo guardians of younger , r , -,l b e, j o ftluj 75 eent u n ft pftper writtcn -groups. Clara Hill has already taken ()nilJlln(lividiml 0Bial Hftrvi(i0 charge ot a group at one of the churches wQrk Te Qnmmu and Beulah Harris has another group at. ,mvc hftd elmrgj q r plfty 8tory the Orthopedic Hospital. m h()ur ftt tho Neighl)orhood IIou80 evory The Y. W. C. A. has a class once a Sunday evening. At Christmas time -Vei5lr-Dpcn--to-girlfl-who-wi8li-tokiinitheGhi Omegas gave money to tho methods of socinl service work. Neighborhood House for toys and play Two university girls are acting as ground apparatus, and the Delta Delta part time secretaries for Y. W. C. A.'s, Deltas dressed dolls for the girls in tho Geraldino Kaufman at tho Teacher's Col- kindergarten at 1st and K streets. lego High School and Eunice Baros at the State Farm. Several university girls are carrying on social service work in connection with the Liitv -Yr-Wr-er WiniftwU Probably the social service work in which the most girls were interested was tho selling of Christmas tags to buy, clothing, food, and toys for poor famil- -ics. This was started by the Silver Ser- Scegar has a study hour for children pents, but was carried out by a commit every Sunday at the Bryant school. Ruth tee of fifty; $142 were raised, and 232 Carrol and Josophino Ballard have charge individuals were benefited by it. Tho Y. W. C. A. started this year with their annual open house, Friday ovening of registration week. Tho annual formal recoption for new students camo in Oc tober at tho governor's mansion. This wair followed-by a joint natty witlithc Y. M."C. A. on Hallowe'en. At Christ mas time a kensingt'on was given for the faculty women. Santa used great care at this time in selecting gifts for the guests. Miss Munson seemed to enjoy her Stiehm boat and Miss Pound found another twin in an auburn haired doll. The Y. W. C. A. has had many dis tinguished visitors during the year. Miss Bertha Condo of New York City, was hero in February tQ carry on a Vocation al Conference. About 300 girls heard Irer spealc at tonWoation,-and.ilio other, meetings wore correspondingly well at -tended? For-ihrc 'lnyH '" April Miss Y. W. C. A. in the Teachers' College High School. Mrs. Emma F. Byers, executive secre tary for the North Central Field, was here for the beginning of tho finance campaign. At iliistime the advisory board, assisted by a number of women of town, raised nearly $1,000 for the annual budget. At the same time the advisory board were carrying on this campaign, the studeilt members were working on a membership campaign which brought their membership up to nearly 500. According to reports, this makes Nebraska the largest association in any state university. Tho Association has been active in social service work during tho year. Sev eral classes on how. to carry on the work have been lieltT, aiul many Individual girls have been doing actual social ser- Modern Business i$ Human Service Hand your Work to be Cleaned and Pressed to our driver when he calls for your lanndry or telephone us and our Auto will call in a few minutes. All Work Guaranteed. Remember the Work and Service that Pleases. -jEH THE EVANS t Cleaners, Pzessers and Dyezs PHONE sB23u 32? No. I2lk St. Blanchard, student secretary iur Stat Universities ,and Miss Taft, student sec retary from Shanghai China, were at the University. As a result of Miss Taft'p interesting presentation of association wo.rk in China the girls voted to under ' . take tho entire support of a- secretary in China beginning next year. The secre tary chosen was Mifcs Grace Coppock, U of N. '05, who is now National Secretary of China. Tho amount necessary to be raised is $1,500. Miss Fannip Morris, field student secretary, was also herein April and, helped to organize 'the, now uinnwnrlr The Association holds a number of Bible Study Classes in tho University and also assists -in such classes in various churches of tho city. Nearly 500 girls are enrolled in th'ese classes. Tho missionary contributions this year have gone to support Miss Katharine King in China, who jointly represents the Associations of the Universities of Iowa, Minnesota, and Nebraska. Thc Association holds ite regular Ves per Service 'every Thursday afternoon at 5' o'clock. These meetings are sometimes EYrWrA L - '- : : - H T Hatha wqiIpqP room Pn i HiUilllimilllllJ IUUUI UUMIUUi I m Manufacturers of PURITAN m I Phone. B 6152 2030 O street I r o J,h v. i .. .. AlV .itd-1 . i - ,, 'jr , -A