The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 26, 1914, GIRL'S EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. XIII. NO. 154
' Price 6 Cents
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-jXheEailyNebraskan Rn 1
The Dean of Women
The Girl's Club was organized in"&K)8. This year the season opened with a
Although Miss Graham has been in the ew gjrj8 ftntj tne Deftn 0f Women . party lor the new students, soon to be
University less than a year, during that fopmod th(j dub for th(j ge of ad followed by the girls' elub luneheon,
Short timer she has so endeared herself , . which was held on the day of the No-
. , . . , mg flic girls who were working their . 1 ,,. . , ,
to every student who has come in touch b b braska-Mmnesota game. A few weeks
with her that they feel as if they have way through college. A small contri- latei. cmn(, the girls, club keil8illgloil
an interested and sincere friend in her. bution was given each semester and a At the end of the football season came
Indeed, her friends umong the students permanent loan fund was begun. In the Cornhusker banquet in the gym
are limited only by the number of her 3910 the members decided to give a nasium, half of the girls taking boy's
acquaintances. Her natural womanly series of parties for the freshman and parts and representing the famous team,
culture and her beautiful character have other new students, and the Girl's Club the band and the crowd of "rooters."
made her a woman whom all the girls Luncheon, the day of the big football After the holidays the series of parties
love and respect. game of the season became an annual began. These gave the girls opportunity
Miss Graham never refuses to do what affair. become profioien.t in the new dances
she can and her contributions of effort The loan fund has been enlarged and and the latest card games. Professor
and service are always made joyously, a number of needy students have been Chambers of Omaha and Miss Charlotte
The school spirit among the girls, so no- aided during the past year, about $300 Whedon gave exhibitions of esthetic and
ticeable this year, can easily be' traced a,t this time. fancy dances several afternoons. The
Tb Miss Graham.'Slieis-eVei'-alcrtrfor-aii TJiC-dllb is govcrncdby a council of Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores and the
opportunity to better conditions among girls chosen from each classTwho wiHbe IMnxilcitfasqiTCTrlnulhaTgenthcaTtiesr
representative or ail tne gins in tnat munoer ol picnics are pianncu,
class. The president is elected by the which will be held later in the spring,
regular ballot system, and is appointed Bess Rogers is the president now and
as Helegatc to the national Girls' Cltlb Genevieve Lowry will hold that position
convention. next year.
The True Gentleman
It is almost a definition of a gentle
man to say that he is one who never in
flicts pain. The truo gontleman carefully
avoids whatever may cause a jolt or jar
in the minds of those with whom ho is
east all clashing of opinion; or collision
of feeling, all restraint, or suspicion, or
gloom, or resentment; his groat concern
being to make everyone at their ease and
at home.
lie has his eyes on all his company;
he is tender toward the bashful, gontlo
towards tho distant and merciful towards
the absurd; ho can recollect to whom ho
is, speaking; ho guards against unreason
able allusions or topics which may irri
tate; he is seldom prominent in conver
sation and never wearisome.
Delegate Report of Girls' Club Convention
the students, socially and otherwise.
Miss Graham was the person at the
back of the wonderously successful Co
Ed Cornhusker party. It was Miss 'Gra
ham who got the Black Masques inter
ested in starting the popular Saturday
afternoon parties for University girls.
It was at Miss Graham's suggestion
lnt flm "Yi "nnlfjiH invpsticriited sn thor
oiiRhly the point svstem. It took Miss Girls Clubs or women's governing dates and may not stay out after ten
Graham to institute the very excellent boards exist at nearly all the colleges thirty on a week nigh At Washington
Junior advisory board system. Miss and universities visited by the Girls Club college everyone must be in at twelve
Urnhnm m .iij i -4 " " delegate Miss Genevieve Lowry. thirty even if they have been to a col
Christmas for the poor campaign carried The women's governing ooards guiier- lege dance. -Iir-stmitj-seliools-t-liere-iH-ft-011
bv tho Silver Serphents. In fact, ally "lve two functions, one as a seff- rule to the effect that any girl attending
what new better movements in school governing body for girls, and the other a dance on a week night is subject to
as a democratic social center, rue ooarus suspension.
at "Wisconsin and Minnesota are excep- The point system is closely connected
tionally well organized in this respect. with the boftrd, as the office of prcsi
DTsobedfence totlnrrnles formula tde dent-and-mombors-of-the-executLv-ecom
have there been, that Miss Graham has
not either started or "boosted."
He makes light of favors when ho does
them, and seems to be receiving when Tie
is conferring.
He is never mean or Uttlc in disputes,
never takes an unfair 'advantage and
for arguincnts
He has too much good senso to bo af
fronted at insults, and too indulgent' to
bear malice. He is patient, forbearing
and kind.
If he engaged in controversy of any
kind, his disciplined intellect preserves
him from the blundering rudeness of bet
ler, pernaps, but less educated minds.
He may be right or wrong in his opinion,
but he is too clear-headed to be unjust;
he is as simple as he is forcible, and as
brief as he is decisive.
Girls' Club Election
by the club or board are punished by the mittees are credited with a large number
board, A vigilance committee report all of points. The point system is eompara-
cases of disobedience. The board has tively a new thing and although it is
power to suspend a student if circum- used in several of the. larger schools, no
stances render it necessary. The board very definite idea of its success could be
The 1914 Class Gift
Scene Hall of library.
Time Any time Friday.
First girl "Buy a ticket, only ten coes not interfere with cases of delin- obtained. Northwestern is the only school
cents, that will give you a chance to quency, these arc dealt with by a faculty that seemed to be enthusiastic about it.
vote. You know that one of our girls is committee as is done here. Other schools claim that it hampers the
a candidate." The honor sysetm does not-form-a-part usofulncss-of-thc-girl-oC-cxceptionaLabiL-
Girl in charge of ballot box "Girls of the constitiition-but-its-jidoption-gen ity-,-
About this -time the question of tho
1914 class gift is troubling the commit
tee. A suitable gift that will fulfill all
the requirements is hard to decide upon
The class wants a lasting memorial, some
Thing that "will be a benefit to future
you are not allowed to campaign or so- erally accompanies the growth of student One object of the board is to reduce
licit votes." self-government because it forms the only student extravagance and cost of living.
Girl who bought ticket and having re- practical means of preventing dishonesty This is accomplished chiefly by having a
ceived ballot "Ijct me see! It says vote and of raising the moral standard of the director of student activities as we have
for five so I can only vote for five, is student body. Oases of dishonesty are here, and a dormitory system,
that right? Hum that's funny 1 Who's: brought before the board and the indi- A word may be said here in regard
this third girl?" vidual is personally censured by the com- to the dormitory system in the eastern
Girl in charge of tho ballot box mittee, for a second offense they are schools, especially those at 'Wisconsin,
"Don't you know her? She's Sophie's placed upon probation and the third time Michigan and Minnesota. The dormitor-
room-mate, you ought to vote for her; flTcyirrer-Bnspcnded; T-he-decisions of the ics arc pjvned ancLpperated under uni
JYou know Sophie is a peach." board are not influenced in any way by versity supervision. They are nicely
Voter "I'll vote for her. AYho is the faculty, nor ftre-thuy-rcported-to-the builtndlcganay-iurnishedout-flixty.
.tho fourth girl?" "
students for all time to conic. It must
be something that will require no future
class taxation to maintain, in other words
a self-supporting gift. Something that
can be used the year around is pre
ferred, not one that can be enjoyed only
at, certain seasons as tho fountain or ouo
that only runs occasionally as the 1912
' clock. '
Why should not the class of 1914 show
their originaityin-the-fielection of their
"fflcrulty-nntil-a-suspension- casc-comesjup. to one hundred live in a single house. St and gjojnjthjngJhat will be of
ar n tr-tlnr "ballot- box ' She 's that The girls governing boards at all the Tho smaller number is better as it is more
tall girl tho girl with tho freckles. You places visited, has proven more success- huiue-liku. Itoumsin tltree housea-ai'o-remember
how she acted at the Junior ful than similar organizations of tho often spoken for a long time in ad
Hop. Just cut up something sconda- men's. Tho men's boards are fashioned vanco. They are ideal homes for stu
lous!" "Yes." after tho regular courts of law, and dents. Each liouso has its weekly meot-
Girl at "ballot box "Yes, she, wore consequently the machinery is too compli- ing and bus a board of its own, a dele
that green hat with the black 'Do-funny' cated to permit tho quick decisions that gate from each house represents it at the
sticking out and tho bluo dress with are sometimes necessary. Often cases general b6ard meeting wher tho house
orange slippers. No! I don't like her at are tried that would puzzle a lawyer of rules are proposed and voted upon,
-all." i years of experience. All over tho country there is a growing
Voter "Well I guess that I won't Another task undertaken by the gov- spirit of democracy and the slow but
vote for hor." erning boards is the formation of house sure breaking down of caste lines occom-
Girl at the bailot box (turning to the rules. These rules do not differ- ma- panying this is the growth- of student
-crowd) "Now remember girls, you are terially from those in force here. No. freedom from the storn faculty rulings
not allowed to electioneer." girl is permitted to have week night and a broader opening for the individual.
real service in the advancement of edu
Why not have a loan fund? A perma
nent loan fund that could be loaned out
to needy students at a reasonable inter
est. A fund like this is needed in the
University because about one-fourth of
the students are partially or wholly self
supporting. The funds provided by the
Girl's Club and the Engineering Depart
ment are inadequate to the" demand.
The fund would increase naturally in
time, and would require no future class
tax and would be of immeasurable bene
fit to tin needy. ' !'
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