' wry ' ft"'l THE DAILY NEBEASEAN ' K I- i ft 4 w " BOOKS! ForGraduates -which means everything from a gra'diTating booklet at 20 cents to a fine leather bound Set at $20:00. THE LINCOLN BOOKSTORE ANOKAJf ARRClW. MCOLLAR Cluctti l'eabodr uo. lao. MnKcr Wisconsin. Tho present system of fratornlty ruBhlng spring rushing has fallon in grent disfavor with the fratornlty men of Wisconsin University, They con tend that It tonds to causo freshmen as wall as fratornlty men to got bo hind in tholr studies at an Important tlmo of tho year. They favored fall jhlng-tmatvlmouBlyi T-lioy woultLnoL return to tho old system, howovor, but established a better mothod. It was suggested that rushing come about Thanksgiving tlmo and Initiation about at tho beginning of the second semester. All wero in favor of schol astic roqulromonts from freshmen bo foro Initiation. SIMMONS THE PRINTER Good Printing . 317 S. 12th St. Tel. B-2319 1914 Senior Commencement Announcements in ASTOR TEXT The Latest Style of Engraving 4c EACH We sell direct to the Student. Why not have the LATEST STYLE of Engraving? GEORGE BROTHERS ENGRAVERS J. F. THOMPSON U. of N. '13 Gonoral Agont for Lincoln and Vicinity NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. Inquiro about ono of those poll--cios which-contttiu-a-Hotftl-dlsftblU Ity" provision. Walsh Block, 141 8outh 13th Office Hours .12 to 1;30 P. M. B 3465 Room 14 Typewriters Rented ALL MAKES SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLYCO. 117 SOUTH TUELFTH DEVELOP YOUR BUSINESS CAPACITY by special work in BUSINESS TRAINING You can arrange for work to suit your convonlonco THE LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE is fully accredited by tho National Association of Accredited Commer cial Schools, and oiTerB tho best to bo had in equipment, courses and Instructors. Elegant New Home, 14th and P Sts., 1 at-Corner East of RltyY. M. C. A. B6774 The Artists Way, Take a Lesson Every Day. O W WM IIAP To our students is our highest aim i" K' if Hit1 honest and fair business dealings with m'' UV E. C. BIGGER, Pres. W. N. WATSON, V. Pres. W. A. ROBBIN8, 8Jc'y eryonOj-our guide. INSTRUCTORS Eighteen artists, mostly all imported from New York and -abroadbecause oi their up-to-date methods and high stand ing as teachers and artists. No expense lias or wilTbe spared in securing artists of the highest proficiency. Send for booklet which will fully con vince you that we can give you a full year's accomplishment in ono term of ten weeks when measured by other school's methods. In all its branches is taught with the" every day method. II M MM P Our name is not borrowed from any other N Unit institution. We get all our prestige by our high standards, good service and artist instructors. Send for Catalog. NEVA TERm JUST STARTING ADVANCEMENT MUSIC LINCOLN-MUSICU-COLLEGE OLIVER BUILDING. University May Festival "II TROVATORE," Sat. May, 23 Temple Theatre - Prices 25c and 50c Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra Oliver Theatre. Monday, May 25 -Matine and Night, Student 'I'lckcts-$iT50rGood-for-both-Conccrtg- Adm. 102 mtmtmV'f 3' h i;Ol ".'"IP '. m - " " "- tr ' f w W Ill' ,' HI UHJIIII ! I ill i i L j. s