fc T 1 tWWl . J t . Ji: -it ata '', . F .. W VJu'i f- THE DAILY N I B R A K A N V THEATRES GIRLS' I8SUE OF RAG TO BE THE BEST EVER THE NEW LOCATION. ' ft . ! l A 'V y hf f OLIVER THEATER TODAY 2:30 TONIGHT 8:15 RICHARD BENNETT And Co-Workcra In Brleux's- "Damaged Goods" Nights, $2 to 50c. Mat., $1.50 to 60c TUES., MAY 26, & ALL 8UMMER BARROW-HOWARD PLAYER8 Next Week "THE ONLY SON" ORPHEUM THEATER THUR., PR!., 8ATw-MA721, 22, 23 OUR INDIAN WARS The Battles of War Bonnett, Sum- mlt Springs and Wounded Knee Perpetrated In Motion Pictures by Gen. Nelson A. Miles, Colonel Cody (Buffalo BUI) and Their Fellow Commanding Officers Commanded by the Very Officers, and Camps on the Very Grounds of the immortal uomoais 3 SHOWS DAIL 2, 7 and9 p. m. Prices Mat.allBcats15c; Nlght25c Advertising Has Held Issue Many New Features Promised Illus trations and Cartoons. LYRIC THEATER Mon., Tues., Wed. May 18, 19, 20 FRED J. KELLEY'S SEVEN HAPPY YOUNGSTERS "CHILDHOOD MEMORIES" THE VESTOFF TRIO PHOTO PLAYS "MADAME COCQUETTE" Hearst-Sellg News Pictorial "MR BUNNY IN DISGUISE" ' COMING "THE MAN WHO DISAPPEARED" Three Shows Dally 2, 7 & 9 MAT. All Seats 10c NIGHT 15c Tho girls' edltipn will como out without fall on Tuesday of this woek. Tho edition has been delayed for a long time on account of tho lack of ad vertising and the difficulty ot -secut lng suitable copy. It is claimed by thoBo who havo seen the copy that It is one of the best editions that has over heen put out by a college pub lication. It practically reviews tho girls work for the entire year, including the ath letics, tho social and political activi ties. The paper Is illustrated with a choice collection of cuts and it has unique headings. The Advantage of theFrelenTLocaiTon of the Medical 8chool at Omaha by Dr. Irwin 8. Cutter. Ill lUJuHUnl HIlHlliMif. il I KM Wm UK Im H VI H21 IsTO KJ mi I ST-UD EN-T-COU NGUr-AGAI FAILS TO MATERIALIZE Last Meeting of the Year Will Be Held Next Thursday Urgent Call for Quorum. University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN lilt O St. Yellow Fran Yeur Patronage Solioited The student council convention was unable to meet again yesterday be cause there was-not a quorumpresentr The last mqetlng of the year will be held on next Thursday morning dur-Ing-tho convocation-period: Rsnrenr- ber, this Is positively the last meeting of tho year and every member of tho convention should bo present. The most important business of tho year will bo discussed and a full member ship is essential to the success of tho meeting. Every loyal member of tho -conventlon-wlH-aee-to-ft-that-hu Is In death room 202 of the Law Building next Thursday morning at 11. '00 o'clock. Tho state of Nebraska may well bo proud of tho start, which has been mado in Omaha, In tho building and equipping of a splendid Medical Col- lego plant. On a campus amplo to bo- gin with, tho first building housing tho laboratories has been constructed. This building occupied In September, 1013, is probably as modern in con struction and equipment al finy or tho medical college buildings In this coun try and tho verdlot of all who' Inspect tho plant bears out this statement. The school year now drawing to a closo has given tho medical plant a severe test both for organization and working utility. That tho organiza tion can and will bear improvement goes without Baying and It would bo Qpplornhlp Inrtprwl t .thn-phyalcAl-Aqnlp-l ment were entirely satisfactory. But progress has been mado of tho most effective kind and such progress as builds. for tho future. Tho student body is compact and in general harmonious. How much has been accomplished for solidarity and unity of student Ideals can only bo known by those who havo gone throughtho year. ItrlBfeaf6 to say that no finer body of students will bo found in any school in tho country undnhelr uppbrtunlties equal their Ideals. Tho fears of many (who viewed the removal to Omaha with apprehension), that clinical advantages might not be tho best, havo provon groundless and It is a common verdict of tho upper classmen that they aro "clinlced" to In-tlrcHo-clinics are found a Flowers All the Time Chapin Bios. Telephone B2234 fry Our Luncheonettes They aro always the best We Etorve hot and cold drinks all winter 1oet. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN Southwest Corner 14th O 8treet IN OLUS the outside- shirt and underdrawn are ona trnrmnnt. Tilt mmn flm, t .l.f.- mn'twnrk nut nf tlir frnnnrrn thit li.r. . .t.?r !l to bunch in scat, that the drawers "tav nut." to tn nnthinn- nf the COtnfnrt nncl rrnnnmv of n.ivinrr n mrnmnt m TTCiaxnit .. .opens nil the way down closed crotch, closed back. See illustration. I" or polf, tennis and field wear, wc recommend the special attached' collar OLUS with replar or short sleeves. Extra sizes for very tall or stout men, All shirt fahnrs, inroattcKninelmlinHlcfr$fc5o-to-$10;00r OLUS one-pieco PAJAMAS for lounging, resting nnd comfortable sleep. muuc uii me tame principle ns uluo omrts coat cut, closed back, closed crotch. No string to tighten oT como loose. $1.50 to $8.50. Alc TSHrdflItJorOLU3.DooVU-on-rquitr- PUUips-Jones CoBpsay, Mlwr, Dtpl.N 1199 Brodwy,N.Y. .- Wtt Rememberl If It Isn't coat-cut, It Isn't OLU8 J27 South 1 3th it -i i i i " ' ' ' etisbi 99 IsLdEI i ft si Avil rirHI lA AWf J A AMU IBIBBiBliiBBIiBBBBBBBiiBiBBBiiiBiiBiiiiiiiBW mm '' ' " ' ' ' '"" ' " ' ' ' large percentage of real teachers; men who havo accomplished much for medicine as such, and who are now trying to give their best to a coming generation. Tho school has drifted far from tho "show" clinic of many schools and has placed the touching of diagnosis and treatment on a real aca demic basis. Not tho least of tho many clinical advantages Is tho free dispensary, maintained and operated by tho Uni versity. This free dispensary In round numbers average 1,000 cases per month, giving a wido experience in diagnosis and applied medicine. PRINTING-GRAVES New Location, 244 N. Utb Street try Ifae Y. H 0. A. Lmdi ty Y. M. 0. A. 18th P Call Tel. B-2-3-I-I THE EVANS Cleaners Pressers Dyers 333 N; 12th St. WHITMAN'! OLAMY 0AHDYo MEIER DRUG CO. 13 and O Strtett For Sale. Ihroo-ldl-cloth-Gornhuskersr-TvAT I Williams' office. $2.00 each. FORESTRY CLUB OFFICERS ELECTED FOR NEXT YEAR Forahing, President Forest Club An nual Staff Selected Palmer, Editor-in-Chief. Pkon m Scarf slide space and lock front Carry your Bank Account with us! CITY NATIONAL BANK , .Cor. nth and O Streehu m von i pilars QPHUk&ffytmmm, fa America UNITED SlUfcr aTCMXAK. CO. TROYTlY. yemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm SOLD BXCliUSIVElV VH KLINES 1132 o' Street ' Tho Forest Club elected officers for next year at Its last meeting, held Tuesday evening. Tho staff of tho iroreBt ciub Annual, which is again to resume publication, was also elected. Tho officers aro as follows: Forshlnb, prnRlflont. Woyo, vice-president. Scott, secretary-treasurer. Shumaker, sergeant-at-arms. The following have been elected as members of tho Forest Club Annual staff: Palmer, editor-in-chief. Risdon, associate edltor.- Ohlson, business manager. All officers wero elected unanimous ly with tho exception of tho sergeant atrarms, who had a hard fight, winning by a small majority over Noble. Mmg FRANCIS OUIMETB M WWSSf jT-fepj endorses I ' Wa Hill inE2&j($r0W pt. .! ruw PPJ fm Wj&XiSy&9&$V2tXTCrt. ytf Wv lBBSSBSrBBV " BBSS 3 wmMMh mm mir - JH 1 r?iV'ln?r''9BBHBaBi m ii A jl' ssssl ; IB) il AHgrnvSKmBm z srsi m - :m r -M, w y i sssm iWi -X35 m M vi -i BlllllsHI I WH I mm-. I if ....... MAX. Balloon Quickly Returned. Harvard. Harvard camp, Woodmen of tho World, sent jip a paper balloon here- to which was attached a card on titling dho person who returned it to Deputy W. D. Asklne. to free entrance fees into the order, and within an hour It was returned' by Meyln Kltzinger of this city. Fotmttlr MAGBB & DBEMER Spalding and Victor Base ball,Tenni8 &,Track Outfits. Supplies forvevery Sport bftWLOR CYCLE I SP0ITIHB Q00DS CO. 1423 0 St. PLAY BALL 1 A s 1 ' c Ap U 4' it V irMfcfr,- .-i, - k,kr' :v ft'A.&fiys 'vt si'MlJ'M .&4&&ki'? ,i . J Wfi!K .',l v4. : y. , , a-' i ' . - 4-j