J.MHkAKAiafeMkBMa4 mfmf4mvmmmmum luwm,to,mrmimmm4mTm, U y iiMtf. j y .- - .jy .- - j. '11 ii1 jnr, ,fi(- F. , , . ' w ' ': THE DAILY N E B R A S K A N wt-- -' j 'j-j -r'" - f i K WlUMM- IN OLUS the outside ahirt and underdrawera are one garment. This means that the shirt can't work out of the trousers, that there arc no shirt tails to bunch in seat, that the drawers "stay put,' to say nothing of the coinfort and economy of saving a garment. OLUS is coat cut, opens all the way down closed crotch, closed back. See illustration. Fur toll, tennli nj field wear, we rrcommerv! the ipeclal MtachrJ collar OLUS with rcfular or ibort iIcctm. Kxtra il.ei fur Terr Ull or .lout mep. All ihlrt labrlca. In imart drilfix. Including illki $1.50 to 910.00. Aak your dealer for OLUS. Booklet on request. PHILUPS-JONES COMPANY, Makers DplN. 1199 Broadway, N. T. Rememberllf It Isn't coat-cut, It Isn't OLUS The Forum In these happy days whan ovoryono Is wishing for poacc and giving no thought of whntmlght happen to thelr- country in caso pcaco doos not prevail, the below editorials taken from the Chicago Tribune of May 4th are per tinent. Yours truly, . - E. N. BOWMAN. WmaSmmx?r AKrrTC rvr,mvrurrr I MiWgTX,-JI4 -J.Js.1 wv w W M Ar A J-g 111 jmM endorses 1 IrapBr SHIRTS I 'ill irifflsrSSsi "j H II LL eV" ll tssaV O - j. c:e .. ot . ..-oo - rfSs &&- saV bHHHIA u o Ov Ziyi ; jfr' z I L i e &id M Iv , Wiinip .iniMfcrrv J H inn him i a ii ,, hi i nil MI sfcaBMsaefcaeMiwff For Sill at wlBi,3,j haoeeTdSbmbr a.VHslsBMssSBHsBs1sBaaili I Sane Patriotism. From Prosldont Lowell and from Col.JIenry Leo Hlgginson the students at Harvnrd, considering what thoy should do for their country in the Mexican troubles, got the advice to keop their coats oh and, if they wished to fit thomselVes for service when their servlco might be needed, to Join the organized militia or go to tho irnlnlng camps, which are to bo opon t'o college men seeking rudimentary knowledge In the science of war. President Lowell's talk to the stu dents wnB a line piece of Bano patriot ism, invaluable to the young men, and Colonol Hlgglnson's was not less so. qHtere'a- a atratum-of-ttriHiafley in-lhe- solf-contalned Now England stock which iloes not easily Ignite, but which burns steadily and to purpose when It doos. Neither President Lowell nor "Col onol Hlgginson discouraged the ardent young follows whose first impulse was to hurrah and put themselves at tho command of tho government. Thoy morcly suggested that tho need most demonstrated to date was. that of fit ting thomsolvos for tho ordinary and not the extraordinary events of human life, but tho boys were not treated to a scholastic homily on tho blessings of peace. "If wo were in danger of war with a great power," said l'roBldont Lowell, "with our small regular army, I should urge every young man who could do o-tu-Bet-nbout-proparing-bimself for milltary service. To bo thoroughly effective this ought to bo done long boforo hand; and, thoroforo, I havo boon deoply Interested in tho plan for summer camps which will fit college men to serve as junior officers and thereby fill tho greatest need wo should suffer In war on a largo scale. When an army Is suddenly expanded tho most pressing need 1b for trained o dicers. "If a call comes beforo you havo finished your courso (at Harvard) and you go go in tho "spirit of regular troops; or If at tho close of the col lege year tho call has not come, yot the war cloud still hangs dark on tho horizon, lot ovory man who can afford It Join somo camp organization where ho can loarn the dutlos of a soldlor." For tho sane patriotism of such edu cators the country Is Incalculably in debt. The Sacrifice. The doad at Vera Cruz will not have died in vain. Thoy are tho victims of -military unproparodnoss. To speak- plainly, thoy have been slain by tho various elements that havo kept this country from havln gan army and a navy big enough and good enough to koop it tit peace. The congressmen Jwho skimp mill- tary appropriations to buy votes by moans of fako road improvements PLAY BALL Spalding and Victor Base ball.Tennis & Track Outfits. Supplies forHoreryiSport. UWLOR CYCLE t SPORTIHU MODS CO. 1423 0 St. Tho mon who support themselves by paid poaco-at-any-prico locturos. Tho Angers of tho doad at Vera Cruz aro pointing at thorn. Tho nation will valuo them at their true worthlossnoss from now on. f Fifteen American dead at Vera Cruz that Congressman Squash might havo tho, contractor's gang vote foTKTm several times. One hundred and fifty American hanged, shot, stabbed, or burned all over Mexico that Secretary Squash might draw a lecture fee for lecturing on peace; that (Mrs. Tea-and-Toaat might entertain Professor Squish 1 (Continued on page 7.) . TallriittlieTowi The Fulk Clothing Company 's Great Sale Attracts Thousands 625 of Our Choicest High Grade Suits left must be sold-at-thesesacxilicing law prices Our Fancy $15.00 SoiUat Our Staple $15.00 Suits at Our Fancy $20 to $25 Suits at . S7.45 $9.95. $12.45 Our Staple $20 to $25 Suits at Our Fancy $30 to $35 SulUar Our Staple $30 to $35 Suits at $14.95 $16.95 $19.95 This includes all our Blue Serges and Full Dress Suits. Not a suit reserved. All our Hats (Except Stetson) Furnishings and Shoes included in this sale. FULK CLOTHING COMPANY 1236-38 O St., Lincoln, Nebraska The Lindell Hotel Center of Things Active MODERN IN EVERY WAY R. W. JOHNSON Owner and Mgr. Remodeling of the Lincoln Hotel Ordinary Will start about June 1 5th. Will be ready for business in the fall, with capacity for 1 50. Ventilation perfect; washed, air, hot or cold as necessary. flfThis room will be the handsomest in Nebraska. CjfMake your a reservations early. - - -And-Soda-Hep "There's a Reason" Eagle Pharmacy SOf, Nnrjh Ulh rf Nebraska Military Academy LINCOLN .UNIVERSITY STUDENTS: The Nebraska Military Academy offers to your younger brothers a first class boarding school where their health, habits, notnellfe and general education are looked after and provided for. Prepares them for college and business. Healthful location, fireproof buildings, splendid faculty. For information inquire of B. D. HAYWARD, Superintendent ' Lincoln, Nebraska i f X ":.V- '! M '. -'lV cr Vjb 1 1 . ' 'V iv ! - VTm JTl -- .J?, tfv)W .ill! I !. . i ;. V, .iffiftyfttt.ir.i... . i,, 1 1 ! ,ti rr----- 7 Wt'i-- " my : "(nY wf