THE DAILY NEBRAftKAN THEATRES 1. Lincoln. 2. PawncoCIly. 3. Edgar. 4. Omaha. Places In relay will bo determined 19. BosBombyor Su., 84. 20. GIlchrlBt Sit., 85. 21. 'Grubb U. P., 99. 5. Varsity 8hot Put 2:00 P. M. 1. L. HobortBon M., 117. 2. SawybT-r., "T1K 3. Meyors N.j 130. j 4. ItosB N., 139. 6. Varsity High Jump 2:30 P. M. 1. Ostergren M., 114. 2. A. Blerman M., 103. OLIVER THEATER Home again for the summer Commencing MONDAY, MAY 18 (Except May 22, 23 and 25) BARROW-HOWARD PLAYERS TXir'Days B?gTnnlng MohT,Mayl8 . Mats. Wed. &. Thurs. by time made in preliminary heat. Fiold Events. 1. Varsity Pole Vault 1:30 P. M. 1. McKay M.. 109. 2. .Murray M., 113. 3r Ronvis NWh ' 4. LlndBtrum N., 131. lZrHrsrPofeVaTml730-PrMr 1. Riddell B., 7. 2. Gait E.. 1G. 3. Wallace K., 34. 4. Thomas K., 33. 5. Scott K.. 31. 3,M urmyAU113. 4. Meyers N 130". 5. Kruno N., 129. - -G. Robs N., 139. 7. H. S. High Jump 2;45 P. M. 1. Maxwell B 5. 2. Douglas C, VI. 3. Moul P.. 22, Douglas Fairbanks' Gfcaf Play HAWTHORNE OF THE U. S. A. 1 r M ORPHEDM THEATER THUR., FRI., SAT., MAY 14, 15, 16 MADAM MARION "A DAUGHTER OF PROTEUS" THE THREE FLYING KAYS In an Aerial Sensation PHOTO-PLAYS "FREDERICK THE GREAT" A Dramatic Two Part Masterpiece Hearst-Selig News Pictures "HE NEVER FOUND OUT" MaJLPally at 2130. PrLc$cJJL& 25l Night 8:15. Prices 15, 25, i 5, 50, 75i LYRIC THEATER MON.-TUES.-WED., MAY 11-12-13 CAPT. WESLEY'S SEALS Deep Sea Performers RICE AND MORGAN PHOTO-PLAYS "DOLLY OF THE DAILIES" "The End of the Umbrella" "THE IVY DAY FESTIVAL" "CUPID VERSUS MONEY" "HEARTS ARE TRUMPS" Three Shows Daily 2, 7 & 9 MAT. All Seats 10c NIGHT--15c Flowers All the Time Chapin Bros. 127 South 13th Telephone B2234 PRINTING-GRAVES New Location, 244 N. tJth Street I"" gBll mr!Z8?mt IVJMVA VfrlJBlIm m r 6. NiniB K. M. A.. 41. 7. Vandevir L., 51. 8. Fullaway O., 60. 9. Martin P. C. 73. 10. Rice P. C. 144. 11. Foley S. O., 81. 12. Graham S. O., 80. 13. Bossemeyor Su., 84. 14. Bertram Su., 83. 3. Varsity Discus Throw 1:30 P. M. 1." L. Robertson WL71T77 2. Sawyer M., 118. 3. Meyers N., 13G. 4. Ross N., 139. 4. H. S. Discus Throw 2:00 P. m 1. Iliddell B.. 7. 2. Shultz B.. 9. 3. Adams B., 1. 4. Baker C, 11. 5. Wallace K.. 34. G. Stout K. M. AT,42r " - 7. Dale 11., 143. S. Jelinek C., 13. . 9. Sconce E., 18. 10. Lott 'F.. 21. 11. Fields K.. 32. 12. Newburn K. M. A., 39. 13. Young L., 52. 14. Frappia L.. 53. 15. Engstromr o.. 57. 1G. Founer O., 64. 17. Gingery P. C. 71. 18. J. Gabby P. C, 72. 4. Boyd K., 2G; " 5. Ball K., 25. ' 6. Thomas K 33. 7. Norbury K. M. A., 40. 8. Hall K. M. A., 37. 9. Albrecht L., 45. 10. Jackson L., 46. 11. Morearty O., 61. 12. Ilouner O., 64. 13. Flint 'O.. 59. 14. Van Home P. C, 76. 15. W. Gabby P. C, 69. 1G. Jamelson P. C, 70. 17. Nixon S. O., 82. 18. Montgomery Su., 89. 19. Neihous Su.. 90. 20. Clark Unl. P., 98. 21. Grubb Uni. P., 91. 8. H. S. Shgt Put 3:15 P. M. 1. KlddoU B., 7. 2. Day B., 2. 3. Baker C, 11. 4. Jelinek C 13. - 5. Sconce E 18. G. Gait E., 1G. 7. Wallace K., 34. 8. Lott F., 21. 9. Foster K., 27. 10. Norbury K. M. A., 40. 11. Newburn K. M. A., 39. 12 Young L., 52. 13. Frappia L., 53. 14. Rouner O., C4. "SI-W" Try the Y. M. 0. A, Lunoh Boom, Cafeteria, Flan City Y. M. 0. A. 13th & P Call Tel. B-2-3-I-! THE EVANS Cleaner TreiTerl Dyers 333 N. 12th St. WHITMAN'S OLAflBY OANDY MEIER DRUG CO. 18 and O Streets , Carry your Bank Account with us! CITY NATIONAL BANK Cor. Hth and O Streets. ' WSr-.l:. r- VPJtaBkBBBkBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM BK --..' ibbbbbbbbbbbbbI bbbbbHPtvvT f imJL .'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH TiiilttiMJVfV .flH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI S MtW-2V "BAH FOR THE IRADLEYl" -the college rmn'a sweater. Thick heavy and warm-smart, snug fitting auo wen idiiorea-wiu outlast the col lege course. The Bradley Shaker is illustrated-a fine all around, dependable sweater that will stand all you can give it, and more. The Bradley Na ya,o Shaker has a Navajo border deftly knitted" colo? an a' m in YOUt fie& If your dealer doesn't sell Bradley Sweaters write us for the names of dealers who do M a stand for a "Bradley-it will pay you. Bradley Knitting Co. DiLivan Wis. CLOTH CS THEY FIT wvSPMr '"Hr ' ','',i' abbbbbbbbbbH I 1$ if lT" jjl'o bBjvvB T I ARTHUR C. HOWARD Leading Man of the BARROW-HOWARD Players Opening an All Summer Engagement at the Oliver Monday, in "HAWTHORNE of the U.S.AJ TN OLUS the outside shirt and A underdrawers are one carment. Tills means tint the shirt can't work out of the trousers, tliat there arc no shirt tails to hunch in scat, tliat the drawers "stay put," to say jnnlurTgCftlnrcornfoTt and economy of saving a fjarment. OLUS is coat cut opens all the way down closed crotcli, closed hack. Sec illustration. lor tell. If mJi ai.l fie 14 wrar, we rrcoDimervl the tprclal attarlinl collar OI.US with rrtuiar u Hiort ilcerei. J-.atra a!7ft tor erv till or itout men. All iMft fabric. in imait crnrni, iKJuomt ui i.tu to 9iu,uu. OLUS one-pteco PAJAMAS fur lounjlnr. reitlnc aikl romlortablc ilcru. Made rn the umr prltciple at OI.US Sliirta. roat cut. doted buk, cloifj crotch. no atrmua lo tighten or come looae. l.ou to 9S.&0. Aak your dealer for OLUS. DookUt on requcat. PH1LUPS;J0NES COMPANY, Makers D,pt,N 1199 Broadway, N. Y. Rememberi If it isn't coat-cut, it Isn't OLUS Bl ft Far Sale at MWH5 Formcrl' formerly MAGEB e DBBMBR -i 1 1 1 1 i . s b . 'w 'ji .ji wm ' -mlwiiljM)n