tfi t ' T - $ " Hf, "" f9f w wiw'-' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN The Daily Nebraskan Property of TUB UNIVianBITT OF NEBRASKA Lincoln RRBD n. DAWBON tttlltor-ln-Chlof Phono L-74R1 ManttKlnu Editor P. C Bponoer AocwteIOdltor,,., Ruth VL Squire Associate Editor R. V. Koupol Athletic Editor C K. Mots flE-POKTORIAL BTAFP Carrlfi Ooman Jolin Luna W. E. Hngtr Ocrnldlnb Knuftman -BillznWh-Hyd Hugh McVlcknr Leon Palmer V. M. Mcrrinm T. A. PlillHM minimum Manager Frank S. Perklna Amrt. IlunlncHB Mamicor..RuBflcll F. Clark Subscription prlco $2.00 per year, paynblo In advanco. Single coplno, 6 cents cnoh. Eirtorcd at the postofllce at Lincoln, NfbniFkii. an nocond-clasa mall matter, under the Act of Couktww of March 3, 187. The DAILY NEBIIASICAN purpoao to be the free voice of stmlont sentiment; to be fair; to bo Impartial; to seek advice m well as offer It; to truthfully picture tolloKe llfo; to go furthor than tho more printing of nows by standing for the highest Ideals of the Unlverfllty; In short, to serve tho University of Nebraska FRIDAY, MAY 15 FETE DAY MEET (Continued from pago 1) Jump. Doodle mid . Stonoy BhouUl mnke a cleun swoop In tho polo vuult. Stoney should ho ablo to place In tho luird-loH. .IiiHt what clianco will do Is all on how tho mon fool Saturday. Season tickets are going to bo good The Koto Day moot 1h going to come off at l he same time and as a result It is practically assured that a mon ster crowd will turn out. Auditor Williams Is going to check the season tickets at tho gate and will take up any ticket presented by any otlior than tho rightful holder. The gcnoral admission for tho doublo meet will bo fifty cents. All University Btudents will bo admitted for 25 centB and their season tickets. The total of the money gato receipts will go to the visiting high school men. Some students have been wonder ing why an extra chnrge was to be made at tho gato Snturday at tho Fete Day-.MInnesota-Nebraska meets. Tho afternoon will see a double bill. Soa Bon tickets will bo good for tho ono half of the admission prlco. Every cent taken in at the gato will go toward paying tho expenses of the visiting high- school contestants. MALLETT Uni Jeweler Carries all kinds of U. of N. jewelry in stock. Seals, Crests Monograms Est. 1871. 1143 0 St. MARY JANE Low heel, strap pump upstairs Dollar Off, BUDD Officials. Honorary Ilofereos Chancellor Avory, Conch E. O. Stlchm. Hoforcoa Dr. Joseph A. Kellly, Guy E. Hood. Judgofl of tho Finish Professor Caldwell, Professor Wolfe, Professor Krnnkforter, Professor Hoed, Rov. Mr. Lolnnd. Timers E. O. Stlchm, C. C. Hoy nolds, C. E. Dullard. Head Field Judge W. A. Koarno. Field Judges Jumps: W. Vldal, Mr. Ewlng, Rov. Mr. I Toward, R. A. Rutherford. Weights: Earl Hawkins, Rov. Mr. Popo, Mr. Charlosworth, Guy Chamberlain. Announcer Mr. Oberfelder. Clork or tho course Uluttios MoTflo," Tlafold Coroy. Inspectors Charles Andorson, Ross llnskcll, Ralph Anderson, Harold No-bio. University Notices Household Arts Club. Tho Household Arts Club will meet TuoBday night, May 19, at tho Chi Omoga houso, 22C North Twonty-slxth Btreot. This mooting is postponed from May 12 to May 10. Catholic Students' Club. Bishop Tlhon will deliver an ad d,rosB to tho Catholic Students' Club In tho Tomplo Theatre, Sunday, May 17, at 3 p. m. All Invited. Students' Chemical Club. Tho regular meeting of tho Stu donts' Chemical Club has been post poned and will bo hold next Wednes day ovonlng at tho "usual tlmo. University Calendar Friday, May 15. Pan-Hellenic dance Auditorium. Pharmacy picnic Capital Beach. Black .Masque banquet Llndell. Saturday, May 16th. Kosmet Club Opera Oliver. Bota Theta PI dance Capital Beach. Latin Club banquet Llndell. Union dancing party Temple. Rag Applications. pplloatlon-for-olectlon-4o-iho-posk tlons of odutor-lnchlef, managing edi tor, two associate editors, business manager and assistant business man a gor of tho Dally Nebraskan for the first Bomestor of the school year of 1914-1915 will bo received at the ofllco of tho secretary of tho Student Publi cation Board, basement Administra tion Building, until 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, May 2S. 1914. Application to be made on form which will bo furnished by tho secre tary. T. A. WILLIAMS. Secretary Student Publication Board. MEN WANTED for summer jntorJc Wo have men now going to the Unl-o-rflliyYjiio mnrtfl from ?aiML to $900 clear laBt summer., Call an ytlmo at Tho Stanley, 1302 Q, room 4, second floor. Ask for C. Miller. 5-8-4 lo.wa. Tho university men of Iowa State College on Monday ovonlng, installed a chapter of tho Sigma Delta Chi, the honorary journalistic fraternity. 'A -number of men were Initiated and- after tho Installation a banquet was given by tho now chapter. $9.50 PROMINENT 80L0I8T8 WITH MAY FESTIVAL. Participants In the Program Known Over Entire Musical World Highly Recomended. van Kllet, Dutch Cellist. Since Joining tho Minneapolis Sym phony Orchestra two years ago, Mr. van Vllet( tho Dutch 'cellist, haB es tablished a reputation as a soloist which the envy of all other artists on this dlfTlcUlt, awkward, but beautiful' toned Instrument. Tho brilliancy and virtuosity of his playing is simply lr- Leonora Allen, Soprano. reslstablo and whorover he has ap peared his success has been Instan eous. However, this was no more than was to be expected of an artist of his reputation and experience. Previous to his coming to America, three years age ho was connected with the lead ing symphony and opera orchestras of Holland, Germany, Austria and Rus sia, in addition to having made several concert tours on the continent. It was shortly after his arrival in this coun try that ho was engaged as solo 'cellist of the Minneapolis Symphony Orches tra, and since then the success of his appearances as soloist with tho Or chestra,, during the eastern tours of Uotlr 1aBrmnninFTar, and durlng- last year's spring tour were little short of sensational. It was more than sensational, It was permanent, as is confirmed by tho fact that every city whore he appeared has tried to secure his services for a recital or concert. On three occasions when Mr. van Vllet was soloist with the Orchestra In Min neapolis this "season tho house has been sold out and hundreds turned away. In the case of Mr. Czerwonky, Alma Beck, Contralto. concertmaBter of tho Orchestra tho same condition held truo. Leonora Allen, the young American soprano, who Is to appear here 'with tho Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, wob born at Decatur, 111. Miss Allen came to Chicago In 190C, whoro she coached for opera with Herman De flBB'yilBjHBBBBBBBBBBBj "BBBBBBHBHHB?IL 'J&?'"JBBM BBBBBBBBBBSttBlBiBlBBj9BEi&'' BH Ib&l ?H IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHbV jBh I BBBBBBBBBHbBBBBBk'ow' BBBH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMHBkBB9B1B& " " ' Fis BBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBhHrsSKxzPiSh?''''' 1&i BBBh BBBBBBBBiBBKfiBj&SMisu3Ru& sBBBBBH Wm&&(j $ f'BI 3Mnk5 ' v i Bh JBJwW( " $k'k &ir "IBIbbi?- &M SBBBBBBBBH&.Lddfife. & 'B&fc Jbbbbbbbbbbb& MtPvlaBV d'Tz bKLJ& CBBBBBBBLBWriiMlt'?' K BBBBJK!',-7Vw.i . tnHHBHBra" ' 1 r v? -bbbbbbbBmR' ?: s sw iY 'f wyfi tBbBBBS'' in-$. f When It Conies To "Exam" Week Don't let any ,question confuse your answer to this one: "How's any man going to save money if he can't see the advantage of Armstrong 20 discount sale" This applies to Men's Suits, Hats -Trunks and Bags. Armstrong GO C.miB May Sale MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Special 39c 89c J. 69 69c J.J9 Wuii THE University School of Music Established 1894 Opposite the University Campus, 1 1th and R Sta. In structions Given in All Branches of Music. Students may Enter at Any Time. Beginners Accepted. WILLARD KIMBALL, Director Clothing Co, .MERCHANTS Lots at 48c 98c J. 98 .- .1. , . h f I V X V it i irV .- r n o f4-Vt ' BJk-ijhA. 4 1