r.n" - tt --- P Ij" T il'ni ii it - i rin a.... wet ill m : .,..... .,.l.,t..,,WWTO..w.M,.l.iW,Bgwt...t, ,...,,., ;i ,. , ( .. t,l,,,riulllLJJlTjJ,:;::;a:x.,- mmaiiMiiii inrm-iimniiimiTWiittrti mil 'Hint iiriimi mwiitm'ri ir I THE DAILY NEBRASKAN t I N JSlHHnHHR39MiHflfliflfllMHIi ik. s&i .r HHIHIIHiKj3uiiJHHIiBHi The Season's Favorite, " TttdVr1HfW?0 L. VltiBtn 3 I Collar f J FULK CLOTHING CO fc University Jowelor and Optioian C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S.S.SHEAN OPTIOIAN 1122 0 St. Yellow Front Your Patronage Bolioited GIRLS' TRACK MEET (Contlnuod from pago 1.) tho track ovcntH mid MIhs Boghtol will conduct tho bnHoball gnmc. Mildred Scovillo will net us announcer. Tho BtartorH mid Judgon of tho meet are: Mildred Butler. Amy Armstrong. Doulnh Harris. Lor ha. Gertrude Van Drlelr Virginia Loltch. Francos Tuthlll. Mnrlo Clark. Edith Miller. NEBRA8KA ACADEMY OF 8CIENCE8 MEET8 TODAY Governor Morehead Speaks at Nine O'clock Blon Arnold Also on the Program. TRACK TEAM OFF TO AMES THIS AFTERNOON (Continued from Pago Ono) Frame Your Diplomas! While they are new and fresh. This also applies to CLASS PICTURES The Lincoln Book Store DOES THIS KIND OF WORK PROFILE kX -hritaku and CollluaandKuBor qf Ames. Doth Collins and Irwin did this uvent in 10 seconds flat last Saturday, and a fast raco is certain. In tho ipilo run Seder and Snyder of Ames will oppose McMnsters and Gootzo. Sodor did 4:40 against Mis- rHiOUri-laKt-W-OOk, finn'n, wlin wnfl in- Jurcd so sovorely that ho was unable to go to Kansas, is again in shape to put up a light. McMastors is also fast rounding into form. Nobel of Ames and Llndstrum and Kruse will light it out in tho high hurdlcB. Zumwinklo and Scott uilL,go in tho 440 against Wilson and Ivarson. Wil son, last Saturday, ran tho distance in 51:3, while Zummlo took 52:4. In tho polo vault, Stoney and Cap tain Doodlo will endeavor to win first and second over Smith of Amos. "Seven" Myers and Clinton Popper Hobs will do tho heavies in both tho discus and shot. In tho low hurdles Stonoy Llnd strum and Nafzlgor will run for Ne braska. Haggard of Ames will run agalnsti uigg- 4imTzlCilbllCTlnzllicr-hnlt mile. Doodle and Herb itee.se will broad jump against Moad Kratz and Gootze will do the two mile run and expect to do it up brown. In tho half mile relny, Scott. Reese, Irwin and Zunjwlnklo will compete iLguhmt Ifnrqpr, Hull Wilson and Col- litis. TlrcniTllerreloy-is-not-decidcd-upon nB yot, but it looks like Scott, Kublk, Gootzo mid Zumwinkle opposod by Pearson, Jverson, Kaiser and Collins. At 8:30 o'clock this morning tho twenty-fourth annual session of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences will lroHl-arnooting ln room-206-of tho Mechanical Engineering Building. Up to nine o'clock business matters of tho organization will be attended to, nnd after that hour Governor More head will give an address of welcome. Erwln II. Barbour will respond to this nddross. Tho program of the meeting will be gin with n report on the Iowa Acad emy of Science meeting by President Typewriters Rented ALL MAKES J. C. Jensen, b. W. HayeB, president of tho Peru Normal, speaks on "Med ical Inspection in Schools"; William F. Rlggs of tho Croighton University will speak on "The Arlington Wire less Time Signals"; Dean Charles Fordyce will Bhow the. progress made SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLYCO. 117 SOUTH TWELFTH PLAY BALL Spalding and Victor Base ball, Tennis & Track Outfits. Supplies forevery Sport. , ,,:,:,;, . w I,,' !.., win turn LflWLOR CYCLE & SP0RTIHGG00DS CO. I4230SI. on "The Wastes in Toachlng," and Dr. C. E. Condra will show tho motion pictures taken In Nebraska. Doctor Bessey and E. C. Hurd will give talks which will be followed by a live dis cussion of engineering events of the day by tho famous consulting en gineer, Blon J. Arnold. NORTHWESTERN COACH AND STUDENTS DISMISSED Put Two Freshmen on Baseball Team Against the Rules Clean Ath- letlcs Wanted. Scarf slide space and lock front i 7ion W SJA &rs OMt Brand " ' "'" n America UNITED SIUW& COUAR. CO. TROY N.Y. HOLD KXCIiUHIVKIiY MY KLINES 1132 O Street The Northwestern University has been experiencing some trouble with Its baseball team. It seems that in a recent game with tho University of SERVICE MInneBotatAVo freshmen in The denial school were playod, contrary to the Conference rules. Tho men were both playing under assumed names. As a result tho coach of athletics lias been dismissed and the captain of tho team, McCosh, has been expelled from tho University: Bot-h- thono mwii it win IDEAL TYPES OF MEN DISCUSSED BY DR. BROWN (Continued from pago 1) SHIRTS power of kllllirgrrnther-than-from-ln- tolloctunl strength. Echoes of this idea are found in tho regard for blue coats and brass buttons. Tho Industrial viov overshadowed tho military idea. This is an ideal of our times, but it, too, Is doomed. .Men are measured according to this stand ard by their number of bank notes. This standard Is conducive to both good and evil good Insofar as gain 4qHClitrnlly mnfln aa a reBiilt of Indi- dlscovered, knew of or actually in- stlgated tlio plan to pTay These Tn eli gible men. Tho stand taken by tho University, which has demoralized tho team and caused the forfeiture of both the Perdue and Indiana games, has been generally praised by the college men and by other universities. Public opinion has declared itself in favor of clean, rulo-abiding sport. The Artists Way, Take a Lesson Every Day. To our students is our highest aim honest and fair business dealings with everyone, our guide. INSTRUCTORS Eighteen artists, mostly all imported from New York and abroad because of their up-to-date methods and high stand ing as teachers and artists. No expense has or will be spared in securing artists of the highest proficiency. Send for booklet which will fully con vince you that we can give you a full year's accomplishment in one term of ten weeks when measured by other school's methods. Tn aH its; branches" Is taught with the every day method. II JtM JF Our name is not borrowed from any other PI Alfl t institution. "We get all our prestige by our high standards-, good service and artist instructors. Send for Catalog. NEA TERM JUST STAKTHSTO ADVANCEMENT MUSIC LINCOLN? MUSICAL COLLEGE OLIVER BUILDING. EIGHT MEN COMPOSE 'VARSITY TENNIS SQUAD Those soft cuff kind -some with collars to match. Regular $1.00 sellers 69c KLINES 1132 O STREET Southern Opponents Have Advantage for Weather Has Been Better. Men Working. vidual ability, and bad from tho stand point of greed to which It gives rise. Tho next Ideal Is that of man as a thinker,- an, lntelectual giant rather than n physical or Industrial pno. A man Is able to have more Influence f-through writing grants-things thanl from killing whole nrmiQS. Milton and Shnkospearo aro examples of this idoal. Man at his host is the man who thinks. But the greatest pf nil men, says Dr. Brown, Is the man who ilf tho servant of all. The man who realizes himself is tho ono who most com pletely serves. This is true In tho school, tho home, tho church and in tho world. Utility determines tho es timate which wo place upon men, as is shown by tho honor wo glvo to such men as Lincoln and Gladstone. Tho true secret of Christ's Influence and of any groat man's influence is un selfish service. If this principle is taken as tho guiding principle in tho lives of men they will feel at its close tllat they have sjipnt tholr time In the most efficient manner. Tennis practice has been going on quite steadily the past few days. With tho Missouri Valley meet only two wnoks off, hard and consistent work will bo necessary the rest of the time. The men havo been severely handi capped by tho inclement weather and are not in nearly as good trim as their 1914H5enior Commencement Announcements in ASTOR TEXT Tho Latest Style of Engraving Ac EACH rivals In Kansas nnd Missouri, who havo had a much longer time in which -topr.acllca. . Eight men, namely, Sussman, Allyn, Flory, Flnloy, Meyer, Williams, Ellis, and Chatt, have been chosen to make up the 'varsity squad. Tho last two named are not eligible, but nro of sufficient calibre to give the 'varsity men good opposition. Theso men havo tho privilege of tho courts from three to six each afternoon. Anyone Is privileged to challenge any man on tho 'varsity squad, and If he can do font him can displace him. Tryouts for the team will be held in about a week, and are open to all. We sell direct to the Student. Why not have the L ATEST-STYLE-qF Engraving? GEORGE BROTHERS ENGRAVERS MEN wanted for summer work. Wo havo men now going to tho Univer sity who havo made from $300 to $900 clear for last summer. Call any time at tho Stanley, 1302 Q St., room 4, sec ond floor. Ask for C. Miller. DEVELOP YOUR BUSINESS CAPACITY by special work in BUSINESS TRAINING You can arrange for worc to tfuit your convonlenco THE LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE is fully accredited by tho National Association of Accredited Commer cial Schools, and offers tho best to be had in equipment, courses and Instructors. Elegant New Home, 14th and P Sts.r 1st Corner East of City Y. M. C. A. B6774 E. C. BIGGER, Pres. W. N. WATSON, V. Pres. W. A. ROBBINS, Sec'y A rju. ' V l 1 4'- S I ll . ,dt&aB.M.&& ,