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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1914)
'wmmer - 0 ' 4 ?' THE "DAILY NEBRASKAN WN-'TJtS"""t" V IH"Wj V- 't 4 5jT , THEATRES ORPHEIM THEATER THUR., FRI., SAT., MAY 7, 8, 9 CHAS. YULE, FRED MUNIER & CO. TUDER CAMERON & JOHNNY O'CONNOR, GRACE CARLISLE and JULES ROMER SAM BARTON JUUA-NASH &, CO PARJLLO & FRABITOj CHARLES RUSSELL Mat. Daily at 2:30. Prices 15 & 25 Night 8:15. Prices 15, 25, 5 5, 50, 75 LYRIC THEATER THURS., FRI., SAT., M AY 7, 8, 9 O'NEIL & WAMSLEY The Two Lightning Bugs J ED -&r ET-H EL DOO LEV In "A Vaudeville Medley" PHOTO-PLAYS "THE MAN WHO DISAPPEARED" Third Story of the Series Entitled "THE DOUBLE CROSS" Hearst-Sellg News Pictorial "the Vanity case" Three Shows Daily 2. 7 & 9 MAT. All Seats 10c NIGHT 15c Try Our Luncheonettes They are always tho best We eprve hot and cold drinks all winter long. UNCOL-N-CANDY-mCHEH Southwest Comer 14th O Street WE DO ALL KINDS OF WELDING On Broken "Engine Cylinders, Crank Cases, Transmission Cases, Shaft Housings, Crank Shafts Auto Frames In Aluminum, Cast Iron, Malleable Iron, Machinery, Steel and Tool Steel SATISFACTION GUARANTEED- - PAYNE & WOODARD MACHINE COMPANY General Machine Work Office and Shops 247 So. 9th Street Phone B-1283 Lincoln, Nebraska SIMMONS THE PRINTER GoodJPrinting 317 S. 12th SI. Tcl.B-2319 44 99 try th Y. M. 0. A. LA Room, Oafoteri:, Flan yY.M.0;A. IStkAF WHITMAN' OUUMY OAHDY MEIER DRUG CO. It tad O AtoMte I I i 'The University of Chicago dUj -4 it a ii r n ",-):,;"p " ;"t Baa L L HII Mr vrork. offers nloin true- HUN I - j llvrlTJULl tion by correspondence, fj a I I CTIllW Por detailed In. rfiSyl U U 1UU I formation ddre YllHTr! J JLttodVer U.ofC(PI H)ttlcm.m. -"J6 ADVISORY SYSTEM (Continued from pago 1) each student before graduntlon shall complete at least two years' work in sorno one department (minimum 12 hours). StudentB who wish to special ize after one year of residence may Belect any department, with any pro fessor in that department as advlBer, and may take therein a major of not loss than 24 nor more than 32 hours; such students ahull retain tlio right to" ulioose any elective subject aside from the major. 7. At the end of the second year, any student who Is not taking a major may select as his adviser any member of professional rank In the faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences. 8. Any student may change his. ad viser upon consultation with the dean of the college. In such case, the former adviser shall be notified of such action. Registration. 9. There shall bo a board, of regis tration consisting of five members to be appointed by the dean of tho col leen. 10. It shall be tho tluty of tho board of registration: (a) to see that the registration cards conform to faculty requirements; (b) to sign all regis tration cards before the student goes to the dean and. assignment commit tee; (c) to meet each day of registra tion week to decide on any doubtful and irregular case of registration; (d) to have general charge of tho work of registration during registration week subject to such rules as the fac ulty may determine; (e) to act as an executive board for the advisers with power to call meetings of advisers; (f) to change the studios named by the advisers if they do not conform to the faculty requirements. (Any member of the registration board may call tle attention of any student to nny change he thinks desirable and request. th,e student lo cuireulr hisad viser and ask a reconsideration of tho advice given.) 11. Freshmen and other entering students shall report to the registrar for assignment to rti) adviser. If the adviser assigned is not present in the place of consultation, each student jnay go. iojuiy adviser in the alpha betlcal list of authorized advisers for his initial advice, reporting arter reg istration to his assigned adviser. 12. Advisors shall be assigned alpha betlcally except where preference is expressed by the student, no adviser to receive more than his proportion of students. - -13Hr-he-regiBtrar-Is-glvonpover to arrange for the presence in tho Arm ory of a number of advisers for such incoming students as, are unable to find their assigned advisers. 14. Every student before registering must consult an adviser in regard to his schedule and secure his adviser's signature to- this schedule. Addenda. 15. There, shall bo printed a pam phlet concerning the details of regis tratlon and advico covering ihirfol lowing Items: 1. Time Qf registration. 2. Conduct of registration. 3. Advisors. 4. "General statement. R-Jgreshman-reglstratlon. . G. Group requirements. 7. Honors (subject to Sec. 1G below). 8. Departments. A. Special rules. B. Teachers certificate rules. - C. Group requirement rules. . D. Major and minor rules. 9. Rules and regulations. The editing of this pamphlet shall be referred to the registration board in co-oporation with tho registrar. 1G. Some form of an honor system shall bo Introduced In tho College of Arts and Sciences, tho details to be worked out by a special committee of seven to "be appointed. 17. It is the senso of this committee that In giving advice, no adviser is justified in criticising tho personal!- ties or qualifications of Instructors, but should confino his advico to a con sideration of the suitability of a sub ject mattor to the needs of tho stu dent. 18. A student desiring to drop a sub ject must first consult with his in structor beforo securing tho permis sion from tho dean. Respectfully submitted, II. B. ALEXANDER. 1 IT. W. CALDWELL, CLARA CONKLJN, E. 11. BARBOUR. C. C. ENGBERO. MARY GRAHAM. VANCIL K." GREER. P. II. ORUMMANN. J. T. LEESv J. E. LB ROSSIGNOL. L. A. SHERMAN, Chairman. May C, 1914, MISS LOWRY VISITS THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN (Continued rrom pngo 1) tion, but in tho men's conference and the student council," continued Miss Lnwry. "At present wo have not self- government at Nebraska, but definite steps have been taken in that .direc tion. We have an all-University women's association called tho 'Girls' Club' which corresponds to Wiscon sin's S. G. A. Tho president of this club, tho dean of women, the senior women's honorary society called tho Black Masque, and the senior men's honorary society, tho Innocents, aro working on a constitution wlrieh, when completed, will be put befbre all tho University men and women for up-' proval. This constitution will bo mod eled to some extent after Wisconsin's and I shall take home many of Wis consin's rules, laws and regulations to Nebraska. "I am very much Interested in tho dormitory life of Wisconsin and the inspection of Chadbotirne and Barnard llalls"was anrteirBurer -vc have tio dormitories at Nebraska, but I think they aro only a question of time. Ne braska's colleges are scattered throughout the city, but plans are be ing made to move and unito tho Uni- verslty at one spot In the outskirts of the' town. If this plan Is carried out, as It jindoubtedly will be Jin time, I think that dormitories will., soon be built, as wo need them quite as bndly as does Wisconsin." Miss Lowry was sent by tho Univer sity of Nebraska to inspect the women's organizations in schools of the same type. Shoattonded the S. C. A. Conference at Bloomington, Indi ana, whoro she Vas elected-Ylc&presk dent and secretary for tho coming year. She has visited, previously to her coming to Wisconsin, the Univer sities of- Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Chi cago, and Northwestern. Miss Lowry is a guest of Miss Genevieve Ilon- drlcksrand-thePiBetn Phi-sororityv of which she is a member. She leavos for Nebraska Tuesday. DEPARTMENT BASEBALL GE-T-TH N GHSOO D-6-T-A R-T- All Teams Have Played But Two Fast Senior Laws Forfeit to-AgQles -The The Senior Laws failed to appear for their game and hence forfeited to the farmers. Tho Teachers College and the Chemists aro the only oneB who haven't played yet. Their game comes tomorrow at 2:30 p. m. This is the only game scheduled for to morrow. Below is given tile percent ages of the teams: W. E. E :....i Commerce 1 Freshman- Laws.... .1 Ags; 1 Chemistry .-; 0 Teachers 0 Senior Laws ..0 C, E 0 Freshman A. and S..0 M. E, .., 0. L. P. C. 0 1000 0 1000 0 1000 0 1000 0 .000 0 .000 1 .000 1 .000 1 .000 1 ,000 NATIONAL GUARD NEED8 MORAL SUPPORT OF ALL Commandant Bowman Revived War Question Before Cadets In Memorial Hall. Lieutenant Bowman Lectured to the cadets last night on tho various phases of the Mexican situation, sum mer camps for University cadots and thn proHnnt Htatim nf tlin Ni Guard. Lieutenant Bowman said that thoro was a vast loss of life In tho Civil War becauso of lack of knowledgo along sanitary lines. At this time, and also at the tliuo of the Spanlsli-Amor-ienn War, thero were plonty of volun teers, but thero was a lack of efficient officers. To remedy this Is tho pur pose of tho government In ostabllsh--ing military depart menta-int ho vari ous schools and colleges. Tho Com mandant stated that, tho United States could probably straighten out affairs in .Mexico with a minimum loss of life, but at the same lime the forces which could bo mobilized are far loo small. -h-thla eomteet-ftHr-ho a loo gave-a-bytef outllno of snnitar conditions existing in Mexico. Government cadet camps will bo held again this yenr owing to the sue cess of those last joar. All attending from Nebraska will go to Ludington, Michigan. The cost will not bo to exceed $50 per man. The National Guard companies in tho eastern states rank woli much better, in fact, than those In tho west and middle west. It Is the duty of overy man, according to Lieutenant i Bowman, to at least give tho National Guard his strong moral support. If tho United States were invaded today from tho east the best they could expect to do would bo to hold ono seaport, because of tho small equipment and the small standing army. There would bo ono grand flock of people westward. Ho also pointed out how Germany has ad vanced commercially through forced sorvlco in tho army. Notice. Ihn-fallmvJng-mnti.linvn nind humii. didates for tho election of student .members to lhoUjiixersltyAthlcUc. Board. The election will be held in tho Gymnasium, May 11th, botweon the hours of 9:30 a. m. and 12:30 p. m and from 1:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m.: Kenneth C. Fouts. H. H. Goetzo. Victor Hnlligan. Earl HawTdns. ILS. -Reese. W. B. Sadilok. II. L. Temple. O. II. Zumwlnkel. DR. R. G. CLAPP, Secretary Athletic Board. CLASSIFIED TIST LOST A tan poplin raincoat in Chem. Lab., Tuesday afternoon. Pleaso re turn same to Hag offico. 5-7-C1 LOSTA Theta Delta Chi pin. or please return to Rag ofllco. Find-5-7-60 LOST On campus, a shrine Btickpin. --Return-to-Rag ofilce - LOST Black Masque pin. please return to Rag office. Finder FOUND Dramatic Club pin. Call at "Rag" office. 5-3-63 FOUND Watch fob seal on Twelfth and"R Sts. Call at Rag office 5-6-3 WANTED University student to do light chores for room. Call at 434 North 17th St., between 12:30 and 1:30, Friday or Saturday. FOR RENT Ten-room house at 1748 B St. Will redecorate for fraternity or.sororlty; leased. First Trust Co.' 5-2-62 MAY 16 THAT KOSMET SHOW atlonal ! 4 L a a . Stats m Salt 1 Hum Ttday at?0livtr It Otf let. -rr R E S F D E- XT T - -JL 4 11 M 'H s 'f fH M yn -:.wwiUfc'. '-4' "Vi r.r"T Trr Jrjil'VLy' "v V -u,nn'j.4r ij. ; MM