)WfAMMWflMaMMAMiMWllMMaMi -" f : Mf-- MftfIMiWi Hi iHm,piMhTH --p--T - THE DAILY NEBRASKAN - iyMv'' PtfHUijVjlyfit' rfo1" ' '""V ww " hiwmh ni i mBiTTMjwn v i iirjri MMy 'y iii -V T Wr ' b" - r the Daily Nebraskan Proportjr of THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Lincoln RERD B. DAWSON Kdltor-ln-Chlof Phone . L-74R1 TSannSInirTCattorrT. . rrrrrPCrBponcor Associate Editor Ruth M. Squire Associate Editor R. V. Koupal Attiletic JOdltor :...C. K. Morse UBJPORTORIAXi STAFF Oarrlo Oomon John I.anz W. E. Har Ocraldlno Kauffman Elizabeth Hrd Hush MoVicker Leon Palmw F. M. Mcrrlum J. A. Phllllpl mminiiMJUiuingEr Frank 8. Perklim Aiwt Bufllnoflu Manacer. .Rusaoll F. Clark Subnorlptlon prlco $2.00 per year, payablo In advance Slriglo coplofl. G cents each. Entered at the postofllce at Lincoln, Nebrnnka, bb Bocond-clasa mall matter, under tho Aot ol COlurrwi-ot-March 3r 1870. The DAILY NEttRASICAN purpOBea to b tho frcB volco of ntudont oontlmont; to bo fair; to bo Impartial; to neok advice m -well rui offer It; to truthfully picture oUogeJlfo; to go furthor than tho more printing of nowe by Rtandlng for the hlghcet Ideals of tho University; In short, -to-ecvft-lhe-UnlvorBlty of Nftbrnaka. Friday, May S, 1914 Just now, wo bollove, tho call for some system of representative, demo cratic HOlf-governinont 1b most urgent. Tho Innocent society Is not, and very probably never will bo, a body of men to actually lead or govern tho student body. In fact, It Is not intended to be such an organization. And yet It Is tho only body In tho University which in any way approaches leader ship and tho guidance of public opin ion. To them fallB the position and power of leadership, but to them can never bo given the authority neces sary for effective leadership; upon them cannot bo placed responsibility to tho studont body. What Nobraska wants is responsi ble, democratic self-government. Tho students alono have the right to dele gate to any group or society tho power of guiding "the affairs of their body. ThiB, to a socjlety elected as Is tho Innocont society, is out of the question. Today they are recognized as loaders. Yet the choice of the men who nro toform their body noxt-yenr has met with widespread dissatisfac tion among tho students. These men are, ln( soveral instances at least, not those whom tho students would have elected. Under -present conditions with this society tho recognized leaders this is palpably out of harmony with college --. NEW UNI SPOONS -&L25.$1!50 fHr-BETftrKAPPA-RBg- S4 $5 $6 07,50 $9 HALLETT UNI JEWELER Est. 1871 H43 O COAT MILITARY SUMMER COAT SHIRTS SOFT COLLAR SEPARATE BUDD, 1415 democracy. Tho society declares it wishes nono of this recognized leader ship, but tho fact remains, It has It. Elthor It should rocognlzo the stu dents which recognize it, or the stu dents should refuse to recognize the society, which refuses to rocognlzo its body. Tho latter, wo bollovo, is the only solution. Place in a body which you creato tho power to act, tho right of- leadership, the responsibility to your own body, and you will Knlnrof--flclont, domocratic self-government. Let tho Innocent society continuo in its honorary capacity, but unite au thority and responsibility, domocracy and representative membership, In a student council. Duo to a regretable accident, tho nrtlclo given us for publication in the "Forum." over tho signature "6f"AlF other Patriot," has been destroyed. If possible, we wish the writer could re word his ideas and give them to us ngain. -People-We-Knaw Mrs. Florence Shwnko Hates of Lodgcpolb is in tho city. Marion Scott of Hebron came up for tho Ivy Day program. Mildred Daniels or Ord is at tho Alpha Xi Delta house. "'' University Calendar Friday, May 8. Delta Gamma formal Lincoln Hotel Engineers' Night. Company A Music Hall. Phi Beta Kappa initiation. ' Saturday, May 9. Delta Delta Delta formal Lincoln Hotel. Engineers' banquet Lincoln Hotel. Alpha Thota Chi banquet Lincoln Hotel. Beta Theta PI banquot LIndoll Hotel. Achoth Music Hall. Alpha Sigma Phi Art Hall. Senior Hop Capital Beach. M. V. I. A. A. MEET. Will Be Held on Nebraska Field To morrow Records of Previ ous Years. Evory lovor of good sports will havo an opportunity next Saturday after noon, the equal of which seldom comes to JJjacoln o witness the fif teenth annual meet of the Missouri Valloy Interscholastlc Athletic Asso ciation. Tho Lincoln High School team, com posed of sixtoon track and field men, under the best of coaching, will make a record not equalled since tho days of Les Mann and tho Collins boys. Two members of the team expect to lower Missouri Valloy records, which aro as follows: 100-yard dash, 10 seconds; 220-yard dash, 22 25 seconds. V mile, 51 35 seconds.. V6 mile, 2 minutes, 4 seconds. 1 mile, 4 minutes, 33 35 seconds: "reoryirfinruTTlleTltITG seconds. 22(PyaTd-hurdler5j5-secondB Polo vault, 11 feet. " High jump, 5 foot', 10Vi Inches. Broad jump, 22 feet. 12-pound shot, 48 feet, hy. inches. 12-pound hammer, 172 feet, 3 inches. Discus, 124 feet, 4 inches. All out and boost. 95c O STREET University Notices Pan-Hel Dance. Tho Pan-Hellenic dnnco will bo hold May 16th at tho Auditorium. Cornhusker8. Tho Cornhusker nas two $25.00 duo bills for sale on two of Lincoln's lead ing tailors for $150.00 jjach. Hero's a chanco to mnka $5,0CTqn a good suit of clothes. Apply at Cornhusker ofllco of business manager. Phi Beta Kappa. Tho Phi Beta Kappa Initiation and banquet will bo hold at tho Linco'n Hotel, Friday, May 8th, at 6 p. m. Kosmct. Rosonved seats for, tho KojamcJLl show, "El Presidente," will go on sale Friday noon, May 8th. Oliver box ofllco. Graduation Gifts. Hand-mado articles in exclusive do ftlcna Jnwnlry, pntiory, lnnthor. Xlonm 401, Hrownoll Block. Scandinavians Meet. Tho Scandinavian Club will meet Saturday evening, May 9. Tho meet ing will bo held In room 104 in tho Law Building and will begin at 8 o'clock. Mr. Geo. E. Howard will rspoak on Hie solution of social and-i economic problems In Denmark Everybody cordially invited. Tho embryonic schoolmasters of tho Teachers' College aro figuring upon a bill kill for Friday afternoon. Their victims are to bo tho Chemical Club huskies. This big fight Is to bo staced I on Nobraska field. All co-eds are re- quested to turn out. Inasmuch as this j is to be a special ladles' day. Senior- Teachers. Seniors expecting tho University teachers certificate in June or August, who havo not already announced them selves as candidates, should report to the Registrar's office by May 15. VANCIL K. GREER. Registrar. Deutscher Geselliger Vereln. Der deutsche gosellige vereln vor sammelt slch Samstag abend den 9. Mai, bol Fraulein Stuff, 434 S ud 28 straszo, urn 8 uhr. Ivy Day Tickets. All Ivy Day tickets should bo hand ed in to T. A. Williams at once. W. E. KAVAN, Chairman. FRESHMAN LAWS DEFEAT CIVIL ENGINEERS, 8-6 Business Lads Prove Too Much for the Embryos GoodTJTasS" of Ball. Tho opening games of the Intor departmeiLLJ3aaoJ)all League were pulled off yesterday and the day bo fore. Tho first game was played on Wednesday between tho E. E.'s and tho. M. E.'s. Tho electricians won this game by a score of 8 to 7. Tho games played yesterday wore; Commercial -V8rAnnd-S73?reshmeivand-fX-E; vs Freshman Laws. Tho Commercial boys won their game by two points. These boys aro certainly all business when It comes to baseball. Tho bat teries wero: Commercials, Temple and Tholson; Freshmen, Thoison, Sherry and Baohr. The score by Innings is as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 Commerce 3 1 2 i 29 Freshmen o 0 4 1 2 7 Tho C. E. team didn't seem to havo much class when It carao to compari son with tho Freshman Laws, but lost to tho tuno of 8 to 6. Tho batteries wore: Freshman Laws, Haskell and Hill; C. E., Krajlcok and Bauman. The scora by innings Is: 12 3 4 C B 2 0 2 26 Freshman Laws 4 l 3 08 Go With the ARMSTRONGS 20 DISCOUNT Rebuilding and Remodeling Sale tefifflrOtf Armstrong GrOGD CLOTHES MERCHANTS It ? ;4r You ngHVfenVifcibl Sole Mahogany Calf Oxfords 5.00 Straight English last blind eyelets white qalf quarter lining just the shoo to wear with white hose. 5-8 inch spring heels. A snappy' last strictly up-to-date. Fitted with round lacers. Correct in every detail. Made by one of the best shoe makers in America and well worth $5.00 pair. 4 All Sizes Now. Main Floor. I Hfc B THE University School of Music Established 1894 Oppoeite the University Campus, 1 1th and R Sts. In structions Given in All Branches of Music. Students may Enter at Any Time. . Beginners Accepted. WILLARD KIMBALL, Director Crowds to On Men's Suits OirMcnVHats- On Trunks and Bags Clothing Co. beirH N -A ' . 'M -4 A k',j fc s $b&iwi 4 Zt JL r &, 1 ' .. U.