The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 07, 1914, Image 2

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The Daily Nebraskan
Property of
WonriBlnC Editor P. C. Bponoor
Kclto JDdltoiv.ituthM.-Bjlu4ro
AModato Kditor - V. KoupaJ
-Athlotlo IMItor C. K. Morse
Oarrje Ootmn Jonn l.atiz
W. HJ. Hascr Oornldlno Kuurtmnn
Etissabwth IIr HurIi McVlckcr
Lcon'PnJmw F. M. Mcrrlnm
J. A. Phllllpl
BualneM Miuiwror Prank 3. Porklna
AwbL BualncHS Manager.. RusboII F. Clark
Hubnorlptlon prJco J2.00 per year.
payablo In advance
Single coplM, 5 ctmta oaoh.
Entered at the pontofflco at Lincoln,
WM.niRku. as flOcond-olaM mall matter,
under the Act of Oonproea of Marcn a,
Tlie DAILY NEBRASKAN purposes to
b tho free volco of Btudont Bontlmont;
to bo fair; to be Impartial; to seek advice
kb well m offer It; to truthfully plcturo
oUoko H'o; to go furthor than tho more
printing of news by standing for the
highest ideals of tho Unlvoralty; in uhort,
-to-euve-thBUnlvorfllty- o-Nobnuriuu
ThurHtluy, May 7, 1914
credit for work dono, thoj do not at
tempt ropresontatIvo choice thoy do
select mon who will furthor tho Inter
ests of tho Innocent society.
As tho Innocents view tholr own so
ciety, their method of selection 1h all
right. Thoy wish no power, thoy do
slro to glvo no recognition. But the
students havo como to look upon tho
Tnnocontfl as their leaders. Thoy havo
como to bellovo that tho Innocont Is
tha jnan who -has boon rewarded for
what ho has done tin tho University.
This Is what tlio. students think of tho
socloty. This Is what, as wo see it,
tho socloty should endeavor to bo
either real lendors or an honorary so
cloty to give recognition to tho deserv
ing or both. If such bo attempted
and It seoms that It Will not bo de
mocracy must rule, popular elections
must rollow. Hut If tho society Is to
go on as It Is, then lot every member
of tho University or Nebraska under
stand exactly tho nature of tho organi
zation. It Is not necessarily represen
tative; It Is not honorary In the sonso
that It recognizes either nopulnrlty nr
The Forum
May 5, 1914.
Editor Dally Nebraskan:
On March 31st of this year the
University public was Informed
through tho columns of tho "Rag" that
orders for the 1914 Cornhusker would
bo taken April 1st and 2nd, tho sale
to begin jU 7:30 a. m the 1st. Stu
(lotits woro. also given tho nameB of
those authorized , to tnkn orders. On
activity; it docs furthor the ends of
tho Innocont socloty.
University Notices
Pan-Hel Dance.
Tho Pan-Hellenic danco will bo held
May-lGth-at tho Auditorium.
The InnoccntB havo boon chosen for
another year. Again we are forcibly
struck with the sincere Idea that the
present method of choosing these men
Is fundamentally wrong out of place
IiTlTlTemoeratk TTodyT TlTesio "men
If the organization Is to be worthy of
consideration. If the organization is to
be moro than a mutual admiration
club, if the organization is to carry
weight with the students must neces
sarily bo the popular loaders. Tho
usefulness of this, organization de
pends directly upon tho popular lead
ership of Its members. It Is directly
from tho students that tho Innocents,
through leadership, can over bo
worthy of second consideration.
It may be argued that thirteen mon
of the graduating class are bqttor
qualified to chooso tho thirteen best
men from the junior class than is the
student body. Theso men, we aro
told, know who is who and choose ac
cordingly. Out after all, Is It not
merely an estimate on tho"T)nrt of
theso thlrteon well-meaning men?
Aro they not but estimating who are
the moro popular men who aro tho
leaTler8? Are they not, among them
selves, trying to fathom public opin
ion, trying to chooso tho mon who are
Tho Cornhusker nas two $25.00 duo
bills for salo on two of Lincoln's lead
ing tailors for $20.00 each. Here's a
ehnnco to "mako $." 00 on a good suit
of clothes. Apply at Cornhusker
ofllco of business manager.
Phi Beta Kappa.
The Phi Beta Kappa initiation and.t
banquet will bo held at tho Linco'n '
Hotel, Friday, May 8th, at 6 p. m.
page four of this same lssuo of March
31st appeared a notice that created
no little lntorest among the members
of tho student body. Manager Swift
of tho Cornhusker was to glvo away
one do luxe book to one out of every
hundred persons who placed their or
ders beforo 8 a. m., Wednesday, April
1st. Tho book was to havo the lucky
person's namo on It In gold. Tho win
ners were to bo determined by a sys
tem of numbering and drawing. Fur
ther, out of every hundred copies sold
after 8 o'clock one person was to be
given ti tie lu.vo book ' in place or a
standard which thoy might order. Tho
names of tho winners in tho drawing
wero to be announced in tho "Rag"
and on the Cornhuskor bulletin board
In front of tho ofllce. It may also be
noted that those commissioned to take
orders used tho drawing thus provided
for as an Inducement In urging stu
dents to subscribe.
In tho Nebrnskan of April 3rd, Man
ager Swift was quoted aB saying that
the salo of Cornhuskers was "the host
over." Evidently ho was even then
being asked to namo tho winners, for
the same article goes on to say: "The
I prizes to be given on the orders takon
before 8 o'clock on the tlrst day will"
be -annouTicrtTtlnrlirHt of tills week or
early next. Swift has been so busy
Go With the Crowds to
. Rebuilding and Remodeling
On Men's Suits
lino fifth lift On Mens Hats
On Trunks and Bags
Armstrong ClothiiNr&J
the most popular, who aro the loaders?
"What we can not understand is: WHY
ESTIMATE? Leaders aro thoso who
have power with tho people They
'are the ones, and tho only ones, whom
. the studnntii will ronpeet-mh feHw
Ennlnftrlnn Nntlrt
aii m.n h.nriii.ff ti.w. f m. 1 thos ordering beforo 8 a. m
TT.irrt . !, , ...111 1 t. ' flt
lllfeltlWl O UtllMlUUl Will JJIUUBU UllbXl
In all tickets Thursday morning, 11
o'clock. M. A. building 102. After that
tlmo all tickets must bo secured from
Professor Brldgman,
Carl Fisher, "
W. A. Nelson,
Dick Lyman,
W. H. Blxby,
T. E. Wood.
Tickets Nos. 118, 243, 244 and 245
havo been lost. If you have one of
these numbers see Blxby, or you will
got turned-down at the banquot -
W. H. DIXBY, Chairman.
HesoTveo- seats" " for the Kosmet
show, "El Presldonte," will go on sale
Friday noon, May 8th. Oliver box
Thoy alone aro fitted to be members
of an organization which will havo
real power among tho students. What
we wnnLro-the-mrturHl-leailer: W-e-
Wo firmly believe with Thomas Jcf
forson that all tho people aro wiser
than any Individual or group.
The Innocents, wo aro reliably told,
choose, on the other hand, tho men
that they believe will further their
own specific ends, not those that will
have power, or thoso who havo earned
for themsolves popular recognition in
thp University.. Neither Is any sort
of representation aimed at, nor is
recognition for past achievements
taken as proper criterion for choice.
Now wo ask, just what aro theso ends?
They aro doubtless what thoso thir
teen men bollove tho best for tho Uni
versity. Again refer to Mr. Jefferson.
To sum the whole thing up in a word,
thg, Innoconts do not wish to choose
c lea'dors, they do not tfjsh to - glvo
Cosmopolitan Club.
Tho Cosmopolitan Club will meet
Thursday evening nt 8 o'clock In Fnc
ulty Hnll nf the Tcmplo, H-te-to-be-"Gorman
Night." Tho sons of tho
Vaterland will havo chnrgtrof the pro
gram, tho music and tho dancing.
with his campaign that ho has not
Jiad time to arrange for the drawing
of these prlzos." (Note that he here
forgets to speak of winners othorthan
Had he
this early date decided that it
would not bo practical to substitute
one deluxe for n standard out of every
one hundred copies ordered after 8
o'clock? This latter was also Included
in the announcement of March 31.)
The last of that week and the first
of the next came and went, as well as
the last and first of several succeed
ing weeks, and yet we have not heard
from Manager Swift. Ills silence has
been broken but once. On April 9th
the Nebraskan contained this statements-"In
response to tho question
as to why he has not announced the
winners . . . Manager Swift smiles
and says, "I've just simply got too
inmiy things on my mind now, but
before long I'll be ready to mako the
announcement." Today, nearly a
month later, tiro students are bogTiF
ning to join Mr. Swift in his smiles.
They are thinking of the great num
ber of things that must have been" on
his mind when he last spoko of the
nrlae contest Xhoc-uHJ&t-ljftve-been-
Graduation Gifts.
Hund-mndo articles In oxclusivo do
signs jewelry, pottery, leather. Room
401. Brownoll Block.
a .great many things to hold his atten
tion since his "beforo long" has not
yet como to pass.
Woukl-it-not bo fairer in Mift Kin:
Scandinavians Meet.
Tho Scandinavian Club will meet
Saturday evening, May 9. The meet
ing will be held in room 104 in tlfe
Law Building and will begin at 8
o'clock. Mr. Geo. E. Howard will
speak on tho solution or social and
economic problems in Denmark.
Everybody cordially invited.
dents who ordered Cornhuskers for
Mr. Swift to immediately hold tho
long-dolnyed drawing and announce
the winners? Ho at least should give
u reasonable explanation of his delay
and sot a date for the drawing. The
keeping of his promise in regard to
this matter will mako it easier for
future managers to hold the confidence
of the students. . McB.
To the Subscribers of
the Daily Nebraskan :
During the campaign for new subscribers during
the past registration week, promissory notes for
$1.00 were taken by the management as equivalent
to the cash subscription.
While these notes aro payable on the demand
of the publishers, it is not the intent of the pub
lishers to demand the payment at a certain date
but it understood that payment must be made be
fore tha signer of the note leaves school.
Those who are indebted to the Daily Nebraskan
for the present semester may visit tho offioe in the
basement of University Hall at any time and upon
the payment of $1.00 receive a receipt in full.
Promptaymentvillass1stlnrinmnrgement very
materially in making a full financial report before
the end of the school year.
The embryonic schoolmasters of the
Teachers' College aro figuring upon
a bill kill for Friday afternoon. Their
victims are to bo tho Chemical Club
huskies. This big fight is to bo, staged
on Nebraska, field. All co-eds aro re
quested to turn out, inasmuch as this
is to be a special ladles' day.
Band Hop.
Report of the Band Hop given in
the Temple Mimic Hall, May 2, 1914:
Total receipts, 41 tickets at $1.00, $41.
Expenditures: Orchestra, $18;' re
freshments, ?12; programs, $7;
rental of Juill, $-7; doorkeeper, $1.50;
total, 345.50. Wm. Locke, Chairman
of Committee, Audited -May G, 5914-.
Agent Student Activities.
University School of Music
Established 1894
Opposite the University Campus, 1 1 th and R Sts. In
structions Given in All Branches of Music. Students
may Enter at Any Time. Beginners Accepted.
I ! 4
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