The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 06, 1914, ENGINEER'S EDITION, Image 3

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Engineering Society!
Official Pins, Fobs
and Coat Chains.
Civil Engineers!
Pins, Fobs, Tie
Clasp and Lockets.
Frat. and Society!
Jewelry of all kinds
Estab. 1871
1143 O
Frame Your Diplomas!
While they are new and
fresh. This, also
applies to
The Lincoln Book Store
Frazier Cycle
231 So. Ilth Lincoln, Htbr.
Claatt, Peabodr ft Co., Iae. Maker
Chop House
solves the problem
Open day and night
1340 0 st. LINCOLN
ATCHES"and CLOCKS of all kind
repaired at the Watch Repair Store, '
Work Guaranteed. J 14 So. J2tb, Lincoln
Enginocr's Night is oho of tho nfost
important ovonts of Engineer's Week.
On this night all tho Enginorlng labor
atories will bo running with a full
force of etudonts at work just as thoy
do regular laboratory days. Tho ma
jority of peoplo aro busy each day and
have no chanco o see- what is being
done at tho University. Tho object
of this "night work" is to provido an
opportunity .for everybody to soo JuBt
what an engineering courao Is. Spe
cial invitation is oxtended to the shop
man so ho may bo shown tho advant
age of an engineering course over tho
old time apprentice system. An in
spection of these laboratories will bo
very Interesting and Instructive oven
to tho non-technical and, it Is hoped,
will corrcot many erroneous ideas hold
concerning this profession.
Three laboratories will bo open
tho civil, olectrical, and mechanical.
On tho first floor of Mechanic Arts
Hall tho Civil Engineers will make
their display. Miie visitor will ue
shown how any material is tostod to
detormlno Its strength. In theso ma
chines hugs knots aro tied in steel
bars and large steel rods aro slowly
pulled in two. Anothor interesting
exhibit is the method of testing ce
ment paving and general building ma
terials to detormlno their relative
value. In another room will bo shown
tho various Instruments used by the
surveyor In laying out railroads, and
In other difficult feats that fall to tho
lot of tho Civil Engineer. These will
bo fully explained to tho visitor and
should clear up many hazy Ideas con
cerning -them.- Also in this room will
"tKneochlbltod-tho druwlugs inudo-bytbo-
students In the different years. The
architectural department has somo
very fine drawings made by tho stu
dents in their school work, and the
department of macnlne design has
many sets of working drawings of var
ious machines. Many samples of
freshmen drawing will bo shown .and
tho visitor will bo ablo to detect any
lmprovemenl when tho student b(
comes a senior.
In tho Electrical Laboratory, tho
results. of this wonderful force wnTbe
ahown in many now ways. Tho latest
forms of olectrical devices for power
lioueo and railway use wilL bo. undor.
golng actual tests. Some very mod
ern electric lights will bo used for
illumination and tho visitor will have
explained to him any feature of elec
tric, lighting. ho does, not understand.
Ho will bo shown how his meter
works and why somo lights cost more
than others. Tho automatic telephone
switchboard will bo another Interest
ing feature as will the storage battery
and the mercury arc rectifier.
In the Mechanical Engineering
Laboratory tho visitor will see a real
factory layout. On tho first floor he
will seo a modern and up-to-date ma--chine
shop. Here tho twelve-inch
equatorial telescope Is being assem
bled. Across tho corridor Is tho
-power laboratory? Here-are-englnes
of all kinds being tested, also a com
plete , hydraulic testing plant and an
Ice machine. In the. foundry tho vlsl
tor will bo ahown tho mystorlous--method
of making molds and a heat
will bd run at about 9 o'clock to give
.the visitor an opportunity to see jUBt
how a foundry works and what molten
iron looks like. In tho forgo shop
students will indulge in making tools
and forginga under tho Btoam hammer.
On tho second floor Is tho wood-working
room. Hero is where tho fresh
men havo their chanco to, become re
fined carpenters. Many very difficult
ly constructed wood articles will "bo
displayed. At the special lathes will
bo, students turning out patterns while
pthera will bo at thevbenches fashion
ing out by hand. In tho fuel testing
laboratory one will see one of tho
most complete layouts in this country
for the testing of coal and oils, and
everything will bo explained. In an
dther room Is tho apparatus for heat
ing and vontllatlon. In tho drafting
room Is an electrical blueprinting ma
chine. This will be In operation and
tho vlBltor will bo shown tho myster
ious method of obtaining a blueprint.
Thus In a very short tlmo tho visi
tor Is taken through a complote on
glnoorlng courao with tho difficult
-features 'eliminated.
An onglncor there was, and ho spako
io a -gang of his kinu ono uay,
And tho themo of his tale was an an
cient themo, and the text of an
ancient lay;
And again ho asked, as others havo
asked (and many a man shall
"Now what is tho blame to our honost
name, tho blight on our mighty
task? -
"Their books aro full and their papors
too, with the flame of others
than wo,
Ye read onch (lav of Croker and Qnav.
and tho scraps from over the
And It's Captain This and It's General
That, and tho wedding of Lord
But there's nary a hear for the en
gineer, 'tis a name that never is
"Wo build tholr bridges, wo build their
roads, wo tunnel tholr moun
tains steep,
Wo build tholr ships, and wo run them,
too, on the salty and treacherous
Wo dam tholr rivers and make their
mapB, naqHglittlielr"cltleBatr
But no caress from tho public press
' why isn't this wrong mado
Then another arose from a corner
chair, well up In tho firelight's
His hands wore rough, and his framo
wastough, and his laugh was
deep and low;
And ho smote the board with his ompty
stein, and ho waved his rooking
"I wot mo well of this social hell but
pluck ye tho fruit that's ripe!
"Tho onglnoor is a power, lads but a
power behind tho throne;
Their scrap, and hustle, and scandal
tales but leavo us tho more
Their preachers preach, and their law
yers law, and nono Is heard for
the din,
But while the sit wo get up and git,
and gather he greenbacks. In!
"What caro wo though they know us
not, or kon of our mighty craft?
They can't dispense with our need Im
mense, wo could anchor 'em fore
and aft!
And tho loss thoy know the more they
must pay, for tho work of us un-
i known folk. ..
So here's a beet to tho engineer, the
man who never goes broke."
The Engineer's grand rally and
smoker wll lbe hold in Brownell Hall,
at 1Q7 So. 11th, Thursday evening,
May 7th, at 8 o'clock. Chairman Sul
livan and tho committee havo spared
neither tlmo nor money in preparation
of this stupendous event. Innumer
able real stunts aro slated for that
night, and in addition, thero will bo
A real treat In the lino of smokes, as
a consignment of cheroots,, built of
tho purest upland Havana tobacco,
havo been imported by' the commit?
,'toos expressly for the occasion!
Every professor, Instructor, and
student In tho entire Engineering Col
lege should make a special effort to
attend this, the. last Engineer's smok
er of the year. - , -i
I ? -i
Xfrwft,, I TAILORING- BfefflPT - f- - - '-J.
WMicL -A company wIW & "
l Smit&KJmklT mm wry
w7r- r rB wJXm Vm MJIfM f ffl- f- - 4 - 4-1 :
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SUITS Sponged and Pressed
SUITS Pressed by Month
Phone 17987
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W men who Know now a coiiege
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A Tin Afhor HWRntor is so Borfectlv suited to their needs
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we will send the names B Hfl Sj :l
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Patronize Our
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