'"wynagp 9f y vrpsTOgsycs ti-- f .H'-r.iiz tSlr ,1-al ,rfiyi;wprwMtvf. jrwn.fsuj A BNOIINBER EDITION V The Daily Nebraskan Picnic At Epworth Today Picnic At Epworth Today VOL. XIII. NO. 141 UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1914. Price 5 Cents U-. PLAY IS A WINNER MI88 MARION PREECE AND "ROCKIE" AMERMAN 8TAR. LARGE AUDIENCE IS PLEASED Mr. Griswold as Tracy Tanner Comedy Star Guy Williams D6es Excellent Character Work Strong Cast Ably Support the Leads. "The Fortune Hunter," which waB given by the senior class at the Oliver Theatre last night, was -an artiBtlc as well as a financial success. Before a crowded house a very able cast pro put it over big. The play showed the finest kind of coaching from start to finish and waB greeted with applause and enthusiasm from the opening act, where the deep laid plans to ensnare an heiress are discussed, to the final stone where all ends happily, even if not according to the system. The stage settings were unusually good, especially that difficult third act with the rehabilitated drug store. Clarence Clark has been doing some very commendable work as a stage manager of University plays for sev eral years and deserves great credit for lUs-caref-uLexecution-of-this-thank-- less job "Rockio" Ammerman, as Nat Dun can, the "fortune hunter," was especi ally good. The part is no easy one to Interpret and "Rockie" did some very finished and artistic work, work, in fact, that almost puts him out of the amateur class. His facial work was probably bis strongest asset. Marion Preece, in the role or Betty (Continued on page eight.) KOSMET KLUB PLAY BE ING SWUNG INTO SHAPE Tickets to Go on Sale Friday Noon Play May Be Given Out In the State. One of the classiest tunes In the Kosmot show is called "Moonbeams" This catchy little song will be aug mented with spot lights and a pony ballet and ought to be a hit from the start. Peoplo who have been hanging around the rehearsals have so many varying opinions on the question of which song is the hit of the thirteen jpjigjvumherjL in the show that it's hard to predict which one will be the lucky number. Ono thing is certain, all of the music Is good. Whenever Professor Scott enmn n n none that, didn't come out very well In re hearsal, hp Immediately -cut It out of THE r Rank Acacia 1 Alpha Theta Chi 2 Phi Kappa Psl 3 Kappa Sigma ... 1.4 Phi Delta Theta .. 5 Phi Gamma Delta 6 Silver Lynx 7 Alpha Sigma Phi 8 Delta Chi 9 Sigma Alpha Epsllon 10 Sigma Phi Epsllon 11 Beta Theta Pi 12 Delta UpBilon 13 Delta Tali Dolta 14, Sigma Nu . . . 15 Sigma Chi 16 Alpha Tau Omega 17 Averago Farm House Bushnell Guild SCHOLARSHIP SWING OF FRATERNITIES -1st Scm. 1913-14 Indox No. 227.0 216.5 200.9 179.1 170.5 158.3, 147.3 143.4 140.9 140.5 130.2 126.0 113.8 v mro Per Cont C. &F. 4.7 .- 9.3 7.5 8.3 7.5 13.6 10.9 11.7 8.0 12.1 11.9 17.1 16.0 -1st Sem. 12-'13- -lst Som.'l1Vl2- Rank 1 5 8 4L 16 9 2 Now- 3 7 12 11 6 Index No. 201.9 180.6 159.0 182.1 80. 7 131.0 197.4 189.4 169.3" 112.9 116.5 . 177.2 Rank 5 1 2 10 14 6 4 13 12 15 7 112.7 86.2 78.5 139.4 -ttri-22.5 20.4 21.5 12.9 '13" 10 14 15 SEMI-FRATERNITIES. 264.3 1.0 194.8 4.7 111.3 128.8 105.8 99.7 142.8 252.0 163.1 44 3 9 8 Indox No. 154.8 213.5 173.4 93.7 81.3 "127.0 158.0 87.6 92.6 79.4 126.9 -08t- 161.2 103.0 114.5 129.1 GREAT MUSIC KOS BEST EVER GREAT PLAY M ET KLUB EL PRESIDENT?' SEATS FRIDAY NOON Purdue. Despite the cool weather, the Pur duo circus, ono of the greatest of all university events of the year, was a great success. Hundreds of students, townspeople and out-of-town visitors clouded the lino of march. It was ono of the most brilliant and amusing spec tacles over presented at tho university. The march was led by tho cadet offi cers. The floats wore tho crowning feature and showed much originality. Tho Mexican war and local conditions woro depicted In nil their various phases. The whole parade was limited to West Lafayette. On tho whole, tho parado wqs a grand success. the performance. A greafr deal of 'Interest has been manifested as to just when the seats would be put on sale, and the Klub has announced that they would be on sal next Friday noon at tho Oliver box office. As Saturday Is Fete Day, a number of organizations are plan ning to reserve large blocks of seats for the purpose of entertaining out-of-town guests. Owing to the fact that tho Kosmet Klub show is a muslcaf comedy, writ ten entirely by students, and produced under the auspices of a student club, much Interest Is being taken In the production by people In all parts of the state. Thore Is somo possibility that performances of "El Prosldente'.' will be given In other towns In the state after the production here. - THE SCHOLARSHIP STANDING , 1st Som. 1913-14 Per Cent ' Rank" Indox-No. C. & F. Delta Delta Delta 1 269.2 2.7 Kappa Alpha Theta 2 255.5 8.5 Kappa Kappa Gamma 3 255.4 1.4' Delta Gamma 4 252.6 3.0 Alpha PliI .... 5 " 24871' 176 Pi Beta Phi 6 241.4 2.9 Chi Omega 7 ' 238.6 1.1 Delta Zeta 8 231.8 4.6 Alpha Omicron PI 9 229.8 7.0 Alpha Chi Omega 10 228.6 3.5 Alpha Xi Delta 11 220.8 7.8 Achoth 12 N 198.7 10.4 Average 241.6 4.4 OF SORORITIES -1st Som. '12-'13- -lst Som. ,11-'12- Rnnk 4 1 2 10 c 8 5 3 9 12 11 7 Index No. ' 271.4 291.6 280.1 219.8 24272 237.7 256.4 278.9 234.1 202.9 218.2 239.6 247.4 Rank 9 6 2 5 7 3 11 1 8' 10 New 4 Index No. 213.9 244.8 268.5 251.5 "24270- - 261.7 181.1 194.2 253.9 237.6 BASELALL LEAGUE TO PLAY FORTY-FIVE GAMES -WITHIN-THIS-MONTH; MANAGERS HANDLE TEAMS Coach to Furnish Two Balls for Each Game Schedule and Rules to Be Put In Book Form Commit tees to Handle Eligibility. .Coach Stlohm mot tho managers of tho ten Intor-departmont Loaguo base, ball teams in his oftlco yesterday morning to arrango a sohedulo and appoint tho managers of tho teams. R. Haskell was made manager of tho Froshman Laws, W. Howard of tho Junior and Senior Laws, Ollvor of tho Civil Englnoors, J. E. Brown of tho Mechanical Engineers, C. W. Bock of tho Electrical Englnoors, H. R. Harloy of tho Agricultures, H. Thelson of tho Commorco, C. E. DoBord of tho Toach ors, J. F. Oborfoldor of tho Freshman Acadomlc, and S. Greenstono of tho Chemistry team. Tho eligibility committee chosen by the managers assembled are: R. Has- .kell, II. TholBon and J. E. Brown. Tho gamoB committee consists of W HpJffflEd. J, F. Oborfoldor and O. W. Beck. Two baseballs havo been assured tho managers for oach gamo by "Jumbo" Stlohm. The winning. team takes the balls for practlco games. Some bats and other athletic goods will bo secured from tho athletic sup ply room. Such athletic goods as the department has on band will be sup plied to tho league. Tho following v (Continued on Page 4) LETTER FROM FORMER DEAN OF ENGINEERING COLLEGE Expresses' Regret That He Will Not Be Able to Attend Banquet ,. To Illinois. i MSS GUDffi M IS QUEEN OF THE II- LTEGIEDJLJIim Popular Senior Girl Black Masque and Delta Gamma Elected by . Senior Girls: Cars Leave For Epworth Park Every Ten Minutes During Afternoon. i. Miss Gladys Bunt Is the Queen of tho May. She was elected by the senior girls to rule with queenly hand the fosUvltles of Ivy day. Miss Bunt is a Black Masque and a member of Delta Gamma sorority. Chairman Kavan of tho Ivy Day committee announces that cars will commenco running to Epwortb Lake Park at twelve-thirty today. Both the Epworth ,Lake and the State Hospital cars will leave the corner of Tenth and O streets every twenty minutes, thus making ten-minute service. The program will begin -promptly on schedule and will be interesting until the closing strains of music from the band at eight o'clock. About six hundred tickets have been sold. Tickets may. today bo secured on the campus until elevon o'clock from the young ladles at the tables. Students not having tickets to present at the entrance gates will bo required to pay an admission of twehty-flve cents and receive no lunch. The program this morning starts promptly at ten o'clock with the ora tion by George Lee Bayse in front of the Law Building. The Ivy will lie planted between the Library and Law buildings immediately after the ora tion. Tho May Queen crowning will take place north o( tho Administration Building. . v Tho following is an extract froma letter recelvod from Dean C. R, Rich ards of the University of Illinois: "I desire to express my apprecia tion of this opportunity to greet again my friends at the University. I wish, that I might find it possible to beTTa Lincoln during the annual engineer Ing celebration. It is Impossible, how ever, for me to attend "tlfdmeetlflg this year. t "I have kept fairly well in touch with tho progress which has been made at the University during the" past year, and from what I can learn the-Collego-of-Engineering-haB-Bhowh- Bubstantial growth. I heartily cqn gratulate the faculty and students upon the evidences of progress made. ' "With personal regards to each of my friends, I am, . "Very cordially yours, "C. R. RICHARDS." Tho dean needs no. Introduction in this University. Ho was one of tho most popular deans which the En-y glneerlng College ever had. He went from here to the University of Illinois and has been doing rgood work at. all times. ' Des Jarden Pill Artist. Des Jarden of Chicago pitched a no hit, no run game against Iowa last Friday. Des Jarden, who was Walter Camp's all-American football center; Is evidently some pill artist.' -'"? ' , 'lk H vl 31 rO r -r f v -I ? . f r i f J ?i V Ww t iii... ,