The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 02, 1914, Image 4
"W !iTPVw'T'' ' 'w w('f r " ' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ir- tt iV' I 4 ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY ?!?!?1!! P!!I ui iiuiui nuu o Liioiaij maoicipiouo fit bW&jfil&MBmBUnUmtStt EiTCFCbCT TrTT' IT773 .- J' LZMIMMLMTHIBingTirMlgrlJinTitT7irT!TnDlMBzZ-rr . Ir' t- s hb? ftttVffiwirfflT,giaBfraii iMfrir,rgwr " fM Kite pRSSSK a v ii Ssj iLiiiitiiitfiii(itiifiiiiiiiitfiiiitiiiiitiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiuiiitiiiii i nnrTTTTTTrir towps- ?A t0 G Va rt Tr r v, -v - -v - 2-m LES MISERABLES ONE WEEK, BEGINNING MONDAY, MAY' 4th. 1:00 and 3:306:00 and 8:30. Admission, 25c. NOTE The Magnet management urges every University Student to see this great Play, which is guaranteed to be the greatest motion picture ever made- THE MAGNET PROFILE NEBRASKA PROFESSOR TO GO TO PRINCETON UNI KX2I Scarf slide space and lock front , fion (pilars "OMtJirfuf m"r m America UmTED"sMR.T8c COLLAR. CO. TROy'n.Y. Professor Whltford of Geology Depart ment Has Done Much, Field Col lection Throughout State. TSi BOLD KXCIjUSIVHliY It Y KLIINES 1232 0 Street We Ha 'Mr. A. C. Whltford, a fellow In the department of Geology, will leave Thursday evening to take up his duties with Prlncoton University. Mr. Whlt ford was to liave collected for thoTJnl vorslty of Nebraska, as ho did last year so successfully In Brown county, but the resources of Princeton are such that the University of Nebraska cannot meet It, During the Held sea son of 1913 Mr. Whltford completed the geological survey of half of Brown county, collected several hundred samples of alkali waters, and found and brought In a great collection of the fossil animals of that region. This collectionincludes six orejghtr en tirely now forms of animals and some tlrlrtv nther bettor known fossil sinl. ' mals. He will be sent first to tlio The interpretorg were recruited from the leading theatres of Paris, and It took many months of rehearsal and preparation before the camera's assist ance was enlisted. The actual cost of the production of the film 4s said to have been $100,000. .The famous French actor, Henri Krauss, from the Theatre Sarah Bern hardt, Paris, was secured to play Jean Valjean, and ho Is said to have given a truly masterful Interpretation of this most wonderful of fiction's charac ters. The picture is In nine reels and con stitutes an evening's entertainment. rangement the graduate cannot get his degree on freshmen and sopho more courses. Senior Announcements. For several years it has been the practice at the University to quote prices to officers of graduating classes on commencement announcements, and they have added a profit to the an nouncements for the - benefit of- the class, which they represent. Hereafter this will not bo done, at Kansas. , "Student government Is on trial for Its life," said Chancellor Frank Strong of Kansas University. This statement was made with regard to the trouble that arose with the students a short time ago. The governing body should punish all lawlessness. They shrink when called upon to handle an un pleasant proposition. Dr. Strong says that the student council 1ms been a failure and unless It makes Immediate amends it will have to go. CLASSIFIED LIST LOST A tan poplin raincoat In Chem. Lab., Tuesday afternoon. Please re turn same to Rag office. v 5-7-61 LOST A Tneta Delta Chi pin. Find er please return to Rag office. 5-7-GO LOST Gold watch; Initials A. R ; name on Inner case. Reward. Charge of Rag office. WANTED University student to do light chores for room. Call at 434 North 17th St., between 12:30 and 1:30, Friday or Saturday. PLAY BALL Spalding and Victor Base ball, Tennis & Track Outfits. Supplies for erery Sport. UWLOR CYCLE & SPORTING GOODS CO. 1423 0 St. least by George Bros. They have de Snake Creek beds lit Kftiifhftfftrtv n1nrl-i-prUtAy-nfLcnlllng-jUrpnt in Hin . 1 'f ,f "fo yS flS.fiTi - 1 f? CaWAI n . i rrZ, V4fl! RMSriW of these nifty $1 &i;$J.25 Caps we are selling for 77c KLINES 1132 O STREET foWKflpEft'clrHtt-Ho-Wflt Sioux county, whero ho will collect student body and giving thorn the cabinets of Princeton. His time will be spent In Nebraska until October or later. Les Mlserable8 at the Magnet. A novelty Is announced for a week's engagement at the Magnet theatre, be ginning next Monday, May 4, In the shape of the famous French photo drama, which has been made from Victor Hugo's masterpiece, "Les Mis erablos." The claim is made that this Is the most fascinating motion picture ever taken, The claim Is not hard to be lieve in spite of tjw) wonderful contri butions recently made to the motion picture world. Even a half hearted Interpretation of "Les MIserables" could not be without tremendous ap peal, and the film to be presented at the Magnet theatre Is known to have been produced under the most advan tageous and sympathetic conditions, product at the very lowest price. This policy will be maintained In the future regardless of whether they sell 100 or 10,000 announcements. This will mean a saving to every student. George Bros, have an Interesting ad In another portion of the paper. Kansas. 'Several Important changes have been made In the rules governing the major system at Kansas University. Forty hours may now bo taken In a minor group Instead of thirty. A maximum of twenty-five hours will bo allowed In a single department. Juniors and soniors will be allowed to carry twelve hours a semester In a single group. Before only ten hours could be carried. The work of the Junior and senior, years must Include a minimum of forty hours, chosen from the courses not open to either freshmen or sophomores. By this ar-l 1914 Senior Commencement Announcements in ASTOR TEXT The Latest Style of Engraving 4c EACH We tell direct to the Student. Why not have the LATEST STYLE of Engraving? GEORGE BROTHERS ENGRAVERS. ' i u '. II, II., frl fr" wt y f . fj. J.2T i i -? . . i..i ? "r. iftfe -"WJ&rx,: -A, :ssc--"-r xiarTacss. ,',f 233ECT" Hji uy;. 4' f vw i Hm't T