i 1 -. w c -IM S - . THE DAILY NEBRASKAN V r. F? -. j I THEATRES ORPMBIM THEATER Thur., Frl., 8at. April 30-31, May 1 "THE QUEEN OF DACE," BE68IE CLAYTOh EVA TAYLOR AND COIIPANY MADGE P. MAITLAMD ARMSTRONG AND F3RD VERNON WELCOME & WELCOME LE ROY AND MORA Gymnasts Mat. Dally at 2:30. Prices 15&25 Night 8:15. Prices 15, 25, 55, 50, 76c LYRIC THEATER Thurs., Frl., Sat., April 30-31, May 1 " THE FOUR HARMONISTS Vocalists and Instrumentalists ALDRO & MITCHELL Comedy Entertainers FhotoTlays brute force SETTING THE STYLE PATHE'S SEMI-WEEKLY ThTCBStTQWB Dally2r7'ffi9 MAT. All 8eats 10c NIGHT 15c University Jeweler a&tl Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 11M O St. Yellow Frost Ymr Patronage Solioited Try Our Luncheonettes Thoy are always the best Wo Bfitve hot and old- drinks all winter long. LINCOLN CANOY KITCHEN 8outhwest Corner 14th O Street rTbe University of Chicago IIAlir " addition to resident H 1 1 In I work, offer also irutruc 1ft V il fti tioa by correspondence. I CTITFlV For detailed In. I lj UJLI 1 formation address lndY..r U.ofCdHr. lUUkanUL IW l"H Call Tel. B-2-3il-l THE EVANS Cleaners Pressors Dyers 333 N. 12th St. 44 99 Try tlie Y. M. 0. A. Lumok Room, Oafeteri;, Plan Ofty Y. M. 0. A. 13tk A P WHITMAN'S OLAMT GAKDY MEIER DRUG CO. 18 and O Itrots BB, J r?llPl .J .L,." .Vakte? .JbkAtM '.,').1.lWl University Notices BASEBALL LEAGUE. All departments wishing to be rep. resented in the Interdepartment Base ball League are requested to have their representative confer with Coach Stlehtn at once. Senior Hop. Senior Hop at Capital Beach, May IS. UpenTng "dance oTTEo season at the Bench. Proceeds to bo applied to the purchase of a class gift. Tickets may be obtained from the following porsons: G. -V. TunkB, chairman; Fred Trumbull, master of ceremonies; Bob Flory, Ralph Wagner, Geralulno Grey, and Elizabeth Hyde. Pan-Hel Dance. The Pan-Hellenic dance will bo held May 15th at the Auditorium. Notice. 11 moil dutiirlng to fllu fib ciuull- dates-for the election of student mem bers of tho University Athletic Board must do so by 12 o'clock, May 4th, at my office. DR. R. G. CLAPP, Secretary Athletic Board. C ' Engineering Inspection Trip. Excuses from Classes To Insuro that excuses will be granted for ab sence from classes on account of the Inspection trip (May 1 and 2), stu dents must conform to the following conditions: 1. Registor In the office of the dean (M. 204) not later than noon of Thurs day, April 30. 2. Be present at the various roll calls during the trip. 3. Apply to Dean Engberg for ex cuse, not earlier than noon of Mon day, May 4. O. V. P. STOUT. Cornhuskers. The Cornhusker nns two $25.00 due bills for sale on two of Lincoln's lead tS CaJaBaklSaw "if I -"BkBvtBDPafcayBt BtaBB9lBBBLV .BBBBBBBViB'l'f.HkBBV 'Jlr.. w1 'CV BBBBaf'iW r alHj Itmir Xi J tBBBBBBBBBBBBb..Sj V Mag XUBaPXalBBBBBBr aBBBBBH 'CjarJBBBBW tSbbbbbbV y4u- SBVrv BBBBBBBr V SBBBBBBBF fc 'Ii!9M'')BBBBBBB YB BBBBBBH BBLBLB BBBBBLi "THE QUEEN OF THE DANCE" - BESSIE CLAYTON in a Series of Dances of Her Own Creation, AsslBted by iVIary Ellison, Mr, Ne9 Norton, Miss Ado Ay res and -a Company of Care- fully Selected European Dancers ' AT THE ORPHEUM TODAY MATINEE AND NIGHT . Miss ing tailors for $20.00 each. Here's a chanco to make $5.00 on a good suit of clothos. Apply at CornhUBkor office of business manager. 8tudent Council. Studont Council convention moetd Tuosday, May 5, 11:00 a.-m., Law 202. SAM S. GRIFFIN, Chairman. Agricultural Teachers. Tho sominnr of agricultural teachers-will meet In U Hall -102? Mondayv May 4, at 8 p. m. Huldah Potoraon will dlBCuss "Boys' and Girls' ClubB." Everyone Interested" Is urged to bo present. Tegner Program. Tho following program will bo given at tho mooting of the Tegner Socloty next Saturday evening at 8:15 intho. Y. w. C. A. room, Temple: " Vocal sojo Ethel Bongtson Reading Axel SwenBon Violin solo Frank Carlson Vocal solo Miss Bramioil Phi Beta Kappa. The Phi Beta Kappa initiation and banquet will bo held nt the Linco'n Hotel, Friday, May 8lh, at 6 p. m. Freshman Baseball. Tho freshman Arts nnd Science stu dents Interested In busoball aro to meet in U. 103 Tuesday night at 7 p. m. IRVING OBERFELDER, Manager. Ivy Day Tickets. Ivy Day tickets may be purchased today and Monday from 8 to 5 In tho Library, U. Hall and on the campus. All who wJah lunches must not pur chase later than Monday evening. No one will be admitted to the park with out a ticket. Candy Sale. A number of the girls from the Y. W. C. A. will sell candy on the campus Tuesday and Wednesday, May 5 and C. KBLH W B J iH W VH Vft k BBBL1bBBBB-. BBLL Did you ever sec a Union Suit that crotch auda closed back? Well, pat. JAw - tCUSPAT. Oft, COAT CUT OLUS Union Suits open all the way down have no Japs, no bunching and only one thickness of material anywhere no ODenini- in back, fit perfectly from shoulder to crotch all fabrics, isn't coat-cut, it isn't ULU8. Price from $1.00 to $3.00. Atlyour dealer." Important Booklet on request OLUS one-piece PAJAMAS for lounging, resting and comfortable deep. Made on the same principle as OLUS Union Suits. No strings to tighten or come loose. $1.50 to $8.60. To DealtrsYoui Wholesale Distributor Carries OLUS. THE GIRARD COMPANY D.pt. N 348 Dro.dwr. New Vork ME For Sale at Typewriters Rented ALL MAKES SPECIAL RATES Office equipment & supplyco; 117 SOUTH TWELFTH The Artists Way, Take AFIIIflAI1 To our 1 K If I III1 honest everyone, INSTRUCTORS Eighteen artists, mostly all imported from New York and abroad because of their up-to-date methods and high stand ing as teachers and artists, xso expense nas or will De spared in securingTTftisrs of thyhiglTOpTgfic1'eTlcy: ADVANCEMENT can give you a full year's accomplishment in, one term of ten weeks when measured by other school's methods. LUIIOIO In a11 its anches is M II A 1 1 1 tau8ht with, the every day NAME instructors. Send for Catalog. NE1A TERM JUST STARTING LINCOLN MUSICAL COLLEGE V OLIVER BUILDING. Patronize Oar Xbrion was Coal Cut, with actual closed here's pne, and the only one aty Qnn T) UNION SUITS including knitted. Rememberl If It Formerly MAGEB & DKEMER TO STUDENTS a Lesson Every Daly. . students is our highest aim and fair business dealings with" j)ur guide. "Send -fo boolcleT which will fully con vince you that we method. Our name is not borrowed from anyotner institution. "We get all our prestige by our high standards, good service and artist Advertisers! T w "I V 4 s M Vi AM .M ,v, fi ..! , T tr Wttf MaaciMbaiBlgB8 Mmt&iwv1?';. - - - .... . . -... ----.. -- -- - - - :-Ba3sAgag.,.WMaB-BaaaBBBaaaMi-aMBBBMaWBataBBMBMBMMBBMB