T Usfi aNTmf'r;m- "vwr-ti . -- fa .-V1 Iff THE DAILY NEBRASKA!? Afl .-u .' M"" V-A IST ;o y X f il 'l THEATRES ORPMEimi THEATER Thur., Fri., Sat. April 30-31, May "THE QUEEN OF DA YCE," BE88IE CLAYTON EVA TAYLOR AND COMPANY MADGE P. MAITLAFHd ARM8TRONQ AND FORD VERNON WELCOME & WELCOME LE ROY AND MORA Gymnasts Mat. Dally at 2:30. Prices 16 & 25 Night 8H5. Prices 15, 25, S 8, 50, 75 LYRIC THEATEfi Thurs.t Fri., Sat., April 30-31, May 1 'THE FOUR Vocalists and AARMONI8TS instrumentalists ALDRO & MITCHELL Comedy Entertainers PHOTO PLAYS BRUTE FORCE 8ETTING THE STYLE PATHE'8 8EMI-WEEKLY -Three Shows Dally 2, 7 9 -M-fl-T MLRt. m Nir.HT--Rr UBtvereity Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 11M 0 St. Yellow Frart Tr Patronage Solicited Call Tel. B-2-3-I-I THE EVANS Cleaner Preiser 333 .N. 12th St Dyr "SPA" w Try the Y. M. 0. A. LuMk Room, Oafotarifr;, Plaa HyY.HO.A, .lWi? WHTTBtAW'S OLAftSY OANDY MEIEFTDRUI lf-4uad-0-Jttxftfr LITERARY SOCIETIES TO HAVE JOINT MEET FRIDAY Country School to Be Represented Those in Attendance to Dress as "Kids." The Palladlans and Unions will hold their annual Joint meeting Friday evening at eight o'clock. The program -will consist of a country school pro gram in which Martina Swenson will bo teacher. Tho Sunbonnet Babies and Overfill Boys will figure promi nently. Two prominent members of tho school board will visit. For the sake of tho Boclal hour following the .program, all members and visitors are requested to dress in "kid" costumes. HI M I I W W . JZL Univcnity Notices BASEBALL LEAGUE. All departments wishing to be rep. resented in the Interdepartment Base- rball League are requested to have their representative confer with Coach 8tiehm at once. Senior Hop. Senior Hop at Capital Beachj May 2. Opening dance of the season at tho beach. Proceeds to bo applied to thopurchaso of a class gift. Tickets may bo obtained from the following persons: G. V. Tunks, chairman; Fred Trumbull, master of ceremonies; Bob Plory, Ralph Wagner, Qeraldine Grey, and Elizabeth Hyde. Pan-He! Dance. Tne Pan-Hellenic dance will bo held May 15th at the Auditorium. Notice. All men desiring to ille as candi date's for' the election of student mora frers of the University Athletic Board must dp so by 12 o'clock, May 4th, "at' my ofllco. DR. R. G. CLAPP, Secretary Athletic Board. Engineering-Inspection Trip. Excuses from Classes To Insure that excuses will be granted for ab sence from classes on Account of the inspection trip (May TT and 2), stu dents must conform to the following conditions: 1. Register in the ofllco of the dean (M. 204) not; later than noon of Thurs day, April 30. 2. Be present at tho various roll calls during tho trip. 3 Annlv to Dean Encborg for ex cuse, not earlier than noon of Mon day, May 4. O. V. P. STOUT. Cornhuskers. The Cornhuskor has two $25.00 due bills for sale on two of Lincoln's lead ing tailors for $20.00 each. Here's a chance to make $5.00 on a good suit of clothes. Apply at Cornhusker office of business manager. Insurance Class. Mr. Franklin Mann of Omaha, gen. eral agent of tho Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, will address tho Insurance class "on "Reserves," Friday morning at 9:00 o'clock, in room U. 103. Student Council Student Council convention meets Tuesday, -May 5, 11:00 a. m., Law 202. - SAM -S, GRIFFIN, Chalnnojk. Agricultural Teachers. The seminar of agricultural teach ers will meet in U Hall 102, Monday, BCRlTERIOYHi Bl THRSpianuiqpAUnDirFVfJ -I -AMM.G. silver L I & CoJar f J FULK CLOTH I NQ CO L DEVELOP YOUR BUSINESS CAPACITY by special work in BUSINESS TRAINING You can arrange for worjc to suit yoqr convonlonco THE LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE is fully accredited by the National Association of Accredited Commer cial Schools, and offers the best to be bad in equipment, courses, and. Instructors. ; Elegant New Home, 14th and P 8ts., 1st Corner East of City Y. M. C. A. B6774 E. C. BIGGER, Pres. W. N. WAT80N, V. Pres. W. A. ROBBIN8, 8ec'y - r- ; r May 4, at 8 p. m. Huldah Potorson will discuss "Boys' nnd Girls' Clubs." Everyone interested 1b urged to bo present. Tegner Program. Tho following program will be given at tho mooting of the Tegner Society next Saturday evening at Jhl5 in the Y. w. C. A. room, Tomplo: Vocal solo Ethel Bongtson Reading Axel SwenBon Violin solo Frank CarlBon Vocal solo 7"MisfBrandoll Phi Beta Kappa. The Phi Bota Kappa Initiation and banquet will bo held at the Linco'n Hotel, Friday, May 8th, at 6 p. m. Freshman Baseball. Tho freshman Arts and Science stu dents interested in baseball arb to meet in U. 103 Tuesday night at 7 p. m. IRVING OBERFELDER, Manager. STILL MORE 8ENI0R PLAY TICKET8 MU8T BE SOLD ShortOne Hundred Dollars for-Exc penses- Matinee Tickets Go Slow Clark Busy. "Seniors who hold class notes ought to exchange them for play tickets," is the advice of Mr. Williams, who has been collecting the senior assess- TnentBT-Ho-points-out that in this-way- tho senior gots full valuo out of his note, either by using the play Beats himseK or turning thorn over to some one clue, while if he holdB the -note until tho end of the year indications are that .there will not be enough money in the treasury to tako it up. Ovor $500 worth of seats aro sold "for-the-aenlor-play. Hit .will tako over another hundred, however, to pay ex penses," is tho pessimistic statement of tho manager. "We aro having two full now sets pf scenery painted and this, with other heavy expenses, makes this tho most expensive play over pre sented at the University." Matineo seats aro not going as well as tho evening seats. Tho lower floor or the night performance Is practic ally air gone, "but thoB(r -who-attond. tho matineo performance will see as complete a performance in every wny as in the evening, and in addition may secure much better seats. Clarence Clark is the busy person connected with the senior play just now. He is collecting soda fountains. gas tanks, stoves, book-cases, all tho furnishings of a complete modern drug store, and is preparing to bring on tho rain at the end of the play just as tho hero getsaBtrangle-hold on-tho fair one of bis choice. PHI GAMMA DELTA TO HOLD ANNUAL FESTIVITIE8 Dance at the Lincoln Friday Night Banquet at the Llndell Sat urday Night. On Friday and Saturday of this week will be held the annual fas'tlvities of tjio Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. The program consists of a formal party on Friday flight, given at the Linooln-jJ Hotel, nnd which will be attended by about, ninety couples. The hall will bo tastefully decorated for tho occa sion with the fraternity colors and their flower predominating. Hagon- 1 slck's orchestra of ten pieces will fur nish tho music. On tho following night will bo hold their annual banquet In tho large ban quot room of tho Llndell Hotel. Plates havo boon reserved for ovor ono hun dred mombors and It promises to bo ono of tho finest and largest in nttond nnco of any fraternity bunquot given. Tho guests of tho occasion, which is In colobratlon and commemoration of Founders Day, will bo C. C. Chambers, tho national field secretary; F. Rolber, Jr.,-of-Omahar ono of. their JflyacahQjiB, and H. J. L. Stark, tho chief of Sec tion Twelve. A commendable toast list has been' propared for tho function which, to gether with somo cabaret stunts by tho active chapter, and iiiubIc by Hag enslck's orchestra, Insures to those in attendance an cnjoyablo time. AGGIES AND WE8LEYAN TO PLAY BALL TODAY Aggies Laying for the Methodists' 8calp To Even Up Old Scores. Tho famous Nebraska AggIqs will cross bats with tho fast Wesleyan aggregation on tho Wesleyan flold to morrow afternoon. Manngcr Harley MirtOUncoB"thatlnrbaB-hlB men-ln tho best of condition and that thoy aro preparing to give the Methodists an awfuL dofeaL-jW-hlclL-Wlll Bervo to re vengo laBt winter's buskotball gamo. A largo crowd of fans from tho city is expectod to witness the match. The Aggies havo sovoral good games scheduled for tho near future and are conducting regular practiced. A gamo with Peru Normal has beon scheduled for tho latter part of tho month. "WATJ TED Unlversity-utudcn t-to-do lTght chores for room. Call at 434 North 17th St., between 12:30 and 1:30, Friday or Saturday. Typ e writers Rente! ALL MAKES SPECIAL BATES TO STUDENTS OFFICE EQDIPMENT1SDPPLYC0. II 7 SOUTH TIAEUFTTT Tha Artists Way, Takt a Lesson Evary Day. CDIIIOI? To our students is our highest aim AE.K Wlllt honest and fair business .dealings with WI11 IIVm everyone, our guide. INSTRUCTORS Eighteen artists, mostly all abroad because on their up-To-dute mulhuds aud-high-atand ing as teachers findartists; No-expcnse-haa-or-U-be-Bpared in securing artists of the highest proficiency. ' ADVANCEMENT can give you a full year's accomplishment in one term of ten weeks when measured by other school's methods. MUSIC NAME NB(A TERM jost starting PROFILE bbbbbT bbbbB Sqarf 6lide space and lock front - UNlTBD-SHIlWCOUAR-COrTTlOY MY. KOIiD HXCIiUHIVK&Y DY KLINES 1232 O Street We Have Several of these nifty $J & $J.25 we are selling for imported from New, York and Send for booklet which will fully con vince you that we In all. its branches is taught with the every day method. i Caps -4 77c I I KLINES 1 1132 O STREET I TJ m . - M .Our name is not borrowed from any other institution. Wq get all our prestige hy our, high standards, good service and artist instructors. Send for Catalog. ' MUSICAL COLLEGE OLIVER BUILDING. i :I r I '! Mi j .j j & '( , V , V, I y - -' ?"t,t- JfefarfeaR tsaS i. .'