mmfimmJkmi wi- 4 i THE DAILY NEBRASKAN mm niiinniniKi!: asifcmoyti ;; Hhlui JOHN L DE SAULLES ????????????????? WHAT WHERE I ti m 1 y. '(& S wr !' " K HANDY DIRECTORY OF THOSE WHO ALWAYS HAVE SOME- THIN8 YOU NEED ! Kl , W! fc i& i 1 i Ilk rfll Turn Your Shirt Tails Into Drawers - WHAT GOOD ARE SHIRT TAILS ANYWAY? In OLUS tho outsldo shirt and under- drawers are ono garment. This moons (mat the Hhlrt can't work out 01 tho troUHorn, that there are no shirt f, . .. . I. I.. II.. 1 il...t tl.n .ri tailH to uuncii in uiu buui. umi drawers "stay put," to oay nothing of the comfort and economy of saving a gar nient. Olusls coat cut, opens all the way down olosod crotch, closed hack. See Illustration. $1.50to$10 For golf, tennis and field woar-r wo rocommend ihe. special attached collar -ObU-8 with regular or short sleeves OLUS one-piese Pajamas for loung ing, resting and comfortable sloop. Mado on the samo principle aB OLUS Shirts coat cut, closed back, closod crotch. PHILLIPS -JONES COMPANY, Makers Dept. N 1199 Broadway, New York m M m M mt ; ii warn H mil SIMMONS THE PRINTER Good Printing 317 S. 12th St. f cL B-2319 The University of Chicago HOME STUDY in addition to resident work, offers also initruc tion by correspondence For detailed In formation addreas ji t hn Br LAWS TO FEAST ON ROAST BULL THURSDAY Former Yalo football star, who haa Just been appointed United States mln later to Uruguay. Mr. do 8aulles apent three years In South America and la well posted on conditions In that section. Gathered Yesterday Morning to DIs- cuss the Present Mexican Situation. MndYear U.ofC.(Drn H)Oaeao.Ul "lwU,,T' PROFILE PB7"'e?!aKBtfBl Scarf slide space and lock front Ition (after UNITED "sill&tli COUAR CO. TROY N.Y. If You Want To fighrGrfo Mexico ! If you want to buy cloth ing NOW at July Clear ance Sale Prices COME HERE! $12,50 and $15 Suits... $9.50 $18.00 and $20 Suits.. .$12.50 $22.50 and $25 Suits. . .$14.50 KLINES 1132 O STREET Tho Laws hold a special convocation yesterday morning In tho Freshman Law room. All classes wore tem porarily postponed in order to arouse some-of-thooltLtima onthuslasm over tho Law barbecuo which will bo held Thursday. Wit, eloquence and other animals were at large. Shortly after njno o'clock, during the staging of a mimic battle In Mexico, Professor "Wilson entered and declared a truce. Oalrd Grlflln occupied tho central position and introduced his speakers in an original manner. Those who expounded on tho situation were Leo BayBoe, "Moony" Prince, Hugh Agor and Guy IClddoo The latter was groeted with a round of applause, which bespeaks great success for tho senior play. TlckotB are on sale now and going fast, according to tho committee. Real barbecue steer is promised. Kansas. 7TJnTvefsTty ""Defies Stattr Fire Laws!" "1,000 in Riot!" were the glar ing headlines of the "Yellow Sheet" of tho Dally Kansan which appeared a few days ago. Six students are wounded and two are under arrest. The trouble began at the theatre where a Washburn man, wrestling with a Jap, was to receive $25.00 if he stayed with tho Jap fifteen minutes. Ho stayed tho -fifteen jnlnutea and when he demanded his money he was given only $20.00. From tho theatre the students marched up the street to the Carnival, whore they got In trouble with tho showmen and the riot followed. f .(- Carry Your EtcanU Mccount Alth Us KfUlK CITY INTIOINVL BNK HUH 11 CORNER ELEVENTH AND O STS. (flril Gregory Coal Co. NVU1 J. M. CLARK, '10. See Us First. Lot Us Soo You First. B329I flnricf Flowers All the Time. CHAPIN BROS, llUlUt 27 South Thirteenth. Telephone 132234 Printing Na Location 244 N. 11th Street GRAVES Take Your FILMS developed. to FREDK. MACDONALD to be 0 and 8 ExpoiuroH. 10c. 10 Exposures, 15c. 15 Expoauros, 20c 318 Urownell Blk. LINCOLN 137 South Klovonth 8U MISS LOUISE LANGHAM At the Magnet "Paid In Pull," tho tremendous five season theatrical success which en joys a record run on Broadway, New York, has been adapted into scenario form and under tho direction of Au- the All Star Feature Corporation has been produced In a fivo-part picture of powerful strength. Tully Marshall, tho originator of tho character of tho young husband, Joe Brooks; William Riley Hatch, who plays Captain Williams, tho rugged old reprobate, and Hattlo Russell In the part of Mrs. Harris, aro of tho original Broadway cast. Supported by a most unusual cast of favorite play ers, these artists have been persuaded to again appear In their old roles for tho camera and are to bo seen In tho film production. "Paid in Full" will bo shown at tho Magnet Tuesday,, Woduesday and Thursday. California. California's runners, in the recent meet with Stanford, were badly heaton by tho Stanford men. The final score was 66 G6 to 55 16 in favor of Stanford. Miss Langham ia the daughter of Congressman Langham of Pennsyl vania. 8he Is said to be the prettiest girl In the congressional set In Wash ANNOUNCEMENT During the remaining weeks, of tho fiohonl year, BlCT&flA 'HP3L mk -o .,m the Daily Nebraskan will issue several special num bers in supplement form. It has been the custom in previous years for various school organizations to ask the management of tho Daily Nebraskan bo allow one issue of the paper to a certain organi zation. These special issues have always been suc cessful from the editorial standpoint but nearly always a financial burden to the paper. In the future special editions will be issued in supplement form only as this method allows plenty of time to get news and advertising matter into shape and will not cause a delay in the issue of the daily edition. During the next five weeks several special editions will be issued as follows: GIRL'S NUMBER early in May. PHARMACEUTICAL NUMBER second week in May. Other EDITIONS will be arranged for during the next few weeks. Heads of organizations contemplating a special edition as in previous years will kindly consult with the hiiHinftflfl manager. THE BusinessManagement Patronize Our Advertisers! j I M A'..,v:ifoift&f, :'f . - ,-:V., au w:,,UKalgjy."JJiu . 2Mrrjx,v;t IWUfc'W v"!" 1 T T "t nurciw1 wi"'"""i'i"Tii miw iwir'Hr ""-''H iiu.