ryiw,yi tMmAmmmmmmfimwi I ' W li THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 4 S a The Daily Nebraskan Property of THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA Lincoln REED B. DAWSON Editor-ln-Chlof Phono L-74R1 Mamujinir Editor P. C Sponoor AwoclnKc Editor Ruth M. Squirca Aaaoolato Editor R. V. Koupal Atiiletio TDdltor C K. Morso REPORTORIAL. STAFF Oarrlo Ooman John Lanz W. E, Har Ocrnldlno Kauffman Elizabeth HyJ Huk1 MoVlokcr Leon Palmor F. M. Mcrriam J. A. Phllllpl Uuslnwe Mannpor Fnvnk S. Porkln Amrt. BufllncoB Manacar. .RumoII F. Clark Subaorljrtton prlco $2.00 por year, paynblo In advance Single coTlcfl, C conta oaoh. Brvtored at tho postofTlco at Lincoln, Nebraska, no eocond-cloaa moll matter, undor the Act of Congresa of March 3, 4870. The DAILY NEBRASKAN purposes to be tho free yoIco of BtudonCsontlmont; to be fair; to be Impartial; to Book advlco aa vroll aa off or It; to truthfully pioturo eolloK Hfo; to go further limn tho more printing of new by standing for tho high cot idoals of tho University; In short, to serve th University of Nebraska. Tuesday, April 28, 1914 Tho NEBRASKAN does not wish to bo misunderstood in Its attitude towards the enlistment of University men In tho so-called Nebraska Regi ment of the Nebraska-oNtlonaLGuaril. Wo are not attempting to porsuado anyone not to enlist. All that wo wish to do Is to try to bring homo to every Btudent Just what tho real Issue Is in deciding whether or not to enlist. Men who enlist are offering tholr Bervicos far In advanco of any national de mand for them. As yot, tho nation has not issued a call. Those w"ho havo offered them In advance are or should be doing this becauso they afo unx ious to go to war becauso they are anxious to "get In on the ground floor." Every man has a right to chooso his own profession. If war it bo, all right. But wo do not want to soo anyone, deluded by false ideas of patriotism, sacrlflco opportunities far moro 'prom ising to him, in order that ho may havo an opportunity to go to war be foro his country calls him. National Guard companies, it is planned, will bo tho first to go. Tho idea Is plainly to take only thoso men who havo Blgnlflod that thoy wish to follow a military career. Tho govern ment has purpoBoly avoided calling volunteers In order that tho most promising young men may not bo called upon to sacrifice themselves in Mexico. Wo can not for tho Hfo of us see where there Is any call for Uni versity young men to onlist unless thoy desire to follow tho military pro fession. If this bo tho caso, tho pros ent opportunity is indeed a good one. But thero is no call. LOST GoravatChl InitlfftB AT" Rrr name on Inner case. Reward. Charge of Rag office. WANTED University student to do light cnoros for room. Call at 4.34 North 17th St., between 12:30 and 1:30, Friday or Saturday. ATHLETICS Closed Crotch UnionSuits BUDD, 1415 TRACK TRYOUT8 (Continued from Pngo Ono) J Tho following 1h the summary of tho ovontB: 100-yard dash Irwin first, Ileoso second, Zumwlnklo third; 1(T:1. 220-ynrd dash Scott first, Reeeo second, Zum winkle third; 23:4. lOO-yard dash, freshmen Smith first, O'Brlon second, Maxwell third; 10:2. 220-yard dash, freshmen Smith first, Deering socond, Purney third; 24. 120-yard hurdles Kruso first, Llnd strum socond, Nafzlgor third; 1C:4. Mllo run It. AnderBon first, Mc MnBtcrs socond, Ilugg third; 4:47. 220-yard hurdles Llndstrum first, Gross second, Nafzlgor third; 28:3. llalf-mllo run Kublk first, Spohn socond, C. Anderson third; 2:06:3. Two-mllo run Geotzo first, Kratz socond, Racko third; 10:51. Polo vault Llndstrum first, Itcavls second; 11 ft. 8 In. High Jump VIdal first, O'Brlan and Kruse, second; 5 ft. 0 In. Broad Jump Rcavls first, Miller second ; O,BrIhiirtlilrdT20-ftr-4-ln; Shot put Ross first, Corroy second, Q'Brlan third; 37 ft. Discuss Corroy first, Ross second, O'Brlan third; 110 ft. 8 In. Intor-sororlty relay Kappa Alpha Thota (Chamberlalnj Maxwell, How ard and Reed); 135:2. The Forum To Whom It May Concern: In last Friday's isbuo of tho Rag thQteaj?pearedJlho following notice: "Tho Agricultural program planned for next weok has boon postponed In definitely." This gives tho Impression that thero will bo no "Agriculture" week, as has beon tho custom beforo. Tho College of Agriculture Is one of tho strongest In tho University, and wo seo no reason why thero should not bo an Ag. weok as woll as an En gineers' week. Wo havo just as much taloul anuHtuat-a-any-wlltnowjioon7nTuthoAB men. Other colleges put on stunts at convocation, edit tho Rag, havo picnics and make it known to tho student body that such a college exists. Can it bo that tho students of the College of Agriculturo havo no collogo spirit, and do not caro tp show others that thoro is a real llvo Agricultural Col lego in the University of Nebraska? Wo do not bollovo this is tffb caso. Wo bollovo tho Ag. students as a wholo havo plenty of "pop" and want to do something. Why not do It? Wo understand that quite elaborate plans had been mado for this week by the vlce-prosIdonL of tho United Agrlcul- tural Socloty juid her committee and some officers of tho Ag. Club. Just when tho faculty and those in charge had practically completed their plans something went wrong. Tho notice of postponement was given without any whys or wherefores. Wo aro certain that thoso In charge were doing their best, and had a pleasant and success ful weok planned. Somebody Is" knock- ingr-lB-lt-for-tho-good-of-tho-coHeger -or-for-some-selflsh-reason? Wo-beJ Hovo tho students want to know who is responsible for tho postponement, and what are tho reasons. YES, WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW. M. A. SHARP, Ag. '15. Thornburg's Orchestra, B 2556. 59c O STREET University Notices Qerman Dramatic Club Tryouts. Tryouts for membership In tho Gor man Dramatic Club will bo hold In tho Tomplo on April 29th. Candidates may obtain further Information from Miss Heppner. BA8EBALL LEAGUE. All departments wishing to be rep. resented In the Interdepartment Base ball League are requested to have their representative confer with Coach Stiehm at once. Senior Hop. Senior Hop at Capital Beach, May 2. Opening danco of the season at tho Beach. Proceeds to bo applied to tho purchase of a class gift. Tickets may too obtained from tho following persons: G. V. Tunks, chairman; Fred Trumbull, master of ceremonies; Bob Flory, Ralph Wagner, Geraldlno Groy, and Elizabeth Hydo. Eng in e erj ngN otjee. Tho following men who are han dllng tickets for tho Engineers' ban quet aro requeBted-to-mect in Mi A building, room 102, Tuesday at 11:00 a. m., April 28th: L. Harte, C. W. Beck, I. C. Bakor, H. L. Zottorman, L. E, Norris, F. O. Shafor, D. C. Schink, C. H. Anderson, C. O. Martz, C. A. Hauptman, R. L. Taylor, -B. F. Morrlam, Paul Buol, L. C. Lewis, W. C. Chapln, J. Calloway, R. P. Wagner, Professor Bridgman, H.- B. Wood, A. A. Luobs, E. F. Bor chat, G. A. Spooner, M. B. Long, H. B. Whitfield, A. JD. Greenly, H. Schlactor, G. V. Tunks, E. Hawkins, C. A. Atwell, R. C. Grlor, W. H. Bauman, M. F. i Clark, H. R. Rasmusscn, J. E. Brown, ) F. B. Star, W. A. Cone. W. H. BIXBY, Chairman. W. A. NELSON. C. L. FISHER. Sigma Delta Chi. Mooting of the Sigma Delta Chi this Architectural Engineers. Thoro will bo a meoting of the Architectural Engineers Thursday ovonlng at 7:30 o'clock In room 208, M. A. Election of officers for tho com ing somoster; alBO dope on baseball team will be handed out. All members aro urged to bo present. A collection Is requested and expected from those members who havo not as yet paid their assessment for tho CornhuBker. PHILLIP WARNER, Grand Treasurer 1914. Chorus, AttentlonI Each member of the" Chorus may bring nn escort or guest to the II Trovatoro concert this evening by merely presenting a card with their namos upon It to tho doorkeeper. Silver Serpent. Silver Serpent meoting today at 11 o'clock in L. 310. Important! A. I. E. E. Meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. in., in Electrical Building. C. A. Atwell will talk on "An Experimental Investi gation With tho Oscillograph." Pan-Hel Dance. Tho Pan-Hellenic dance will be held May 15th at the Auditorium. Notice. All men desiring to file as candi dates for the election of student mem bers of tho University Athletic Board must do so by 12 o'clock, May 4th, at my office. DR. R. G. CLAPP, Secretary Athletic Board. Ivy Day Committee. Meeting of all Ivy Day committees In U. 106, Tuesday at 11 a. m. All members come out. CHAIRMAN. ARMSTRONG'S Remodeling and Rebuild-. ing Sale 20o DISCOUNT On all Men's Suits and Top Coats. On all Men's Soft and Stiff Hats (B0CBTSOASJDXCEPTKjD) On all Traveling Equipment. Dozens of Furnishing Specials Armstrong GOOD CLOTHE8 THE University School of Music Established 1894 Opposite the UniversityGan!jnrar"HthTnTd--Sts; in- 8truction8 Given in All Branches of Music Students may Enter at Any Time. Beginners Accepted. WILLARD KIMBALL, Director rRATERNITIES, Soror ities, organizations or individuals wishing a file of the Daily. Nebr askan for the second semester of this year may secure the same for the price of $1.25 LD(HIIldf cloth Only a limited number of files are being kept daily. Orders should be sent in immediately in care of the Business Department PLAY BALL LIWL0R CYCLE & SP0RTINQ GOODS CO. 1423 0 St. Clothing Co. MERCHANTS Spalding and Victor Base ball.Tennis & Track Outfits, s Supplies for eyery Sport. A m, I wv 1 I 1 a ' W m u '. A J .h.-A) , f .JhiUteidaifcw.; jLdMaftfeSj& foiaiiTfrt m.