j r WMNWfMMMM i pumiWi WJWHPjUMUPmtlM W HlUf WJWW W ' "V 4 TheDailyNebraskan VOL. XIII. NO. 135 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1914. Price 5 Cents CADET INSPECTION t " Vf V- NO SOPH PLEDGING BOARD OF REQENT8 ADVISES A POSTPONEMENT OF RULE. IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE R UNIVERSITY REGIMENT INSPECT ED BY U. S. STAFF OFFICER. CAPTAIN LAUBACH PLEASED Lieutenant Bowman Satisfied With Showing Made by Cadets Yester day Large " Crowds Turn Out to Sec Soldiers. Yesterday afternoon the University cadots responded promptly to the call of the bugle nnd . on schedule time marched to the Athletic Field, where the government inspection was held, tapt. Howard Laubach of the United States Army was In charge of tho In spection andin not more than an hour had completed his work. Command ant Bowman remarked that he was more tlian pleased with the Inspec tion and Captain Laubach showed an attitude of satisfaction after his task was finished. For some time after the Inspection thq companies gave exhibitions of company drill in battalion formation, extended order drill, bayonet exor cises, Butts Manual, advance to the at- tack aiul battallonUriir 'Oinrconrpmiy- did outpost duty during the exercises. Many people were present to see the Inspection. The war agitation at this time arouses the Interest of the people and they turn out on mass when drill exhibitions are given. In one movemont where the cadets were required to run forward and fall Hat on the ground, a portion of a com pany was forced to fall down In a -mud puddle. Like true warriors, how ever, they never wavered, but ex ecuted the command as if they were falling on the downiest of heather. Throughout tho entire Inspection tho same old spirit prevailed, which was very noticeablo to those on tho slIo linos. Owing to tho bad condition of tho grounds, some of the planned field work was dispensed with. .Government Inspector Satisfied. "The inspection of your cadet rogl- (Contlnuod on page 2) RECRUITING STATION ON THE UNIVERSITY CAMPUS Captain Paine In Charge Number of Enlistments Questions Answered. "What's that little brown tent for, -out on Twelfth street, in front of tho Armory?" was ,a general question around tne campusyoBtoTdny; Tho War department has estab lished a recruiting station at this point for tho enlistment of volunteers into tho cadot companies of tho Sixth Nebraska regiment. Capt. C. H. Paine, captain of I company, which won tho compet in 1912, is in chargo of tho station. Ho reports that a number of enlist ments wore made yesterday. Ho states that a number of inquiries have been received regarding tho naturo of the- enlistment. Enlistment is made provisionally that service will bo re quired if war is declared, but in case such does not happen, tho papers will he canceled. In no case will tho vol unteers be required to serve out a term as national guardsmen. ll .ji I IX III I LAWS TO CELEBRATE AT BEACH NEXT THURSOAY Rally Monday Morning for Half Hour Professors to Participate In Excitement. The soason's out-of-door festivities will bo inaugurated next Thursday when tho laws stage their annual bar bequo at Capital Beach. Unlike last year's picnic, this will be a genuine bar'beque. The committee has ar ranged wltlLaiL ol&dlme artist :wJi& had twdnty years' oxperlenco on tho Mexican border, and who guarantees a dish fit for the most exacting epi cure. In order to work up a proper ap petite for this great love feast, the dean has granted a special rally Mon day morning. This will start at ton minutes of-nine Tmd-last untiL nine-r twenty. The most notable stumpers from each class, in charge of Bayard Griffin, will stir up tho "pop" of tho assembled multitude, Tickets wll then bo put on salo and Professor -Vilson-says-that-no-ono-w41lIigoouL-i young man" until ho has dug down for tho necessary six bits. . The barbecue is a unique, distinc tive affair of tho law college. On this one day they orate, eat and romp like a happy family. For the only time during tho year Doctor Maxey comes down from his dignity, Professor Rob bins says nice things about tho em bryonic jokes d'y understand, and Professor Wilson and the dean lead that grand old anthem that has spurred so many tired intellects to redoubled efforts "over Street, Coko and Blackstone. There will bo good speeches (by out-of-town lawyers), athletics will bo lightly indulged in, and there will al ways bo on tap plenty of nice, fresh, juicy roast steer. JffiTy ''''"'IrWCAKJERSEQcl ARTIFICIAL BREATHING PRACTICED ON DOGS Doctor Lyman Much Interested in His New Machine Other Experl- ments Later. Doctor Lyman and his assistants have been demonstrating a .series of interesting experiments in tho physi ology laboratory this week. An artery in a dog's neck was opened and the artificial respiration started. A lcohol was then injected into tho artery and all tho different stages of alcoholism were shown In a few minutes, from tho happy stage of excitement to the last stago of drunkenness. "Fifteen centimeters of alcohol was sufficient to kill a dog. Caffeine and adrenalin were also used in another similar ex periment. At some other time another dog will bo used to show tho blood pressure. Arrange Schedules. CoacJiStlehra- is -anxious-to-have-a conference with all tho managers of ihe Interdop'artment Baseball League for tho purpose of arranging a schedule. CLARINET-GOMPANY-WAfr ORGANIZED YESTERDAY Section of the Band Went Through Exercises Officers to Be Annlounced Later. A now company has boon formed at Nebraska. All this happened yester day at Inspection. The company is composed of tho clarinet section of tho band. This section of tho band got out on tho field and went through vari ous drills tho samo as tho other com panies. Instead of a rifle tho boys used their instruments. Butt's 'Manual was also oxeputed In grand style. Tho officers have hot yet been announced. This will bo done soon. . NEXT TUESOAY IS DAY FOR RESERVING SEATS Cast Working Hard on Parts Mana. ger Klddoo Says Much Interest Is Being Shown. " Many inquiries have been made as to whon reserved seats for "Tho For tune Hunter," tho senior play, may bo secured at tho Oliver. The mana ger states that 1:00 p. m., next Tues day, April 28, is the' time whon Mr. Owen Gone, holder of tlckot Number 1, may exchange it for his choice of tho seats. Other seniors holdlngjium bored tickets may then oxchango thorn for reserved seats as follows: Numbers 1 to 25, from 1:00 "to 1:30; numbers 25 to 50, from 1:30 to 2:00; numbers 50 to 75, from 2:00 to 2:30, otc. After tho seniors who have paid their assessments have resorvedtholr seats tho Bale "will . bo open to Jhe public generally. Indications point to a record-breaking sale. Several organizations havo filed requests for ltirgA hlnnkw nf RnntR. Ono fraternity will take fifty seats in a body. Organizations that desire reservations together may so arrange by application to Manager Klddoo. Advertising folders havo been dis tributed at tho recent Shakespeare plays at tho Oliver, and tho towns people are showing a great deal of in terest in tho play. Bookings at tho Oliver have been bo poor this year that the peoplo of Lincoln welcome an opportunity to see an up-to-date play like "Tho Fortune Hunter," well presented. Marlon Preeco Is doing excellent work In rehearsals as tho daughter of tho old Inventor. Her chaVm and beauty finally- convince Nat (Rocklo Amerman) that ho would rather have her than Joslo Lockwood (Isabel Coons) even thpugh Joslo has a mil lion. ' i ACTION TAKEN YESTERDAY Meets With General Approval of the Greek Organizations Miss Git- tings Granted Leave of Absence for One Year. The Hoard of Rogen'trt hold a meet ing in Administration Building yoster day and dispensed with several Items of bualneaa. Tho Board of KegcntB recalled thoir resolution favoring sophomoro pledge ing and gave Chancellor Avery per mission to suspend for twoyoars tho operation of such a rulo. The Board, at a recent meeting, passed a motion favoring the adoption df sophomoro pledging at onco.' This retraction moots with gonoral favor junong tho Greek fratornltlos, although there nro a few of. the organizations who favor the adoption of tho new ruling at once. At a recent mooting of tho Intorfra ternlty Hoard, tho matter was dis cussed pro and con by tho different members and It is thought that their "" attitude had something to do with tho retraction. Miss Iua E. Qittlngs, professor of physical education, was granted a year's absence from tho University. Professor Hutton Webster of tho Soci ology department was given a similar leave. Chancellor Avery was instructed to proceod with tho formation of tho' gFaa4e-sortS&wgttgn, Doaa- Fordyco presented a number of recom mondatlons for tho reorganizing of tho teaching staff of tho Teachers Col logo, following tho formation of tho i now school, which were nil approved. Professor Luckoy will bo doan of tho now school. The Medical College was granted the following representation in tho University Senate: Professors Point er, Wlllard, Guonther, Glfford, SchuUz, Cutter, Jonas, and Brldgos. STUDENTS COUNCIL CON VENTION WAS NOT HELD Not Enough Presentto Do Business Inspection Probably Kept Many -Away. On account of tho small number, not oven a quorumJjolnBl).re8ent.no stihlont council convention was hold yesterday afternoon. Probably tho government Inspection had sbmethlng to-do with the absence of tho ro3t of tho members. Tho first meeting will -bo held either on Tuesday at eleven o'clock or at seven o'clock on Wed nesday or Thursday evenings. It is hoped that thoro will bo a full at tendance at this meeting, because nothing can bo done without tho ninlted effort of the whole body. Watch tho Rag for tho exact dato of the meeting. Minnesota, The 1914 Gopher will appear on the campus about May the eighth, as an nounced, by tho managing editor, A big danco will be given the same night. 'i - i 4 1 H tl n T i V . 4 i , . ifJCam." vlsL 'fctaJh... .. &JfIV4lte atflbfl&3Mfete jiiU V fZ ' t-,'j i. t