mmiimHMMnwwwwmMW i w Umiimm mmmmm iJiiIi j-lirl;ilMVl4iVsdtWiWN'i iii'iiMi-i , , m THE DAILY NEBRASKA N 4w M - i f V r; h THEATRES ORPIIEUM JHEATER THUR., FRI., SAT., APR. 23, 24, 25 GERTRUDE BARNES "That Wonderful Girl" WILLIAM A. BRADY LOUIS HARDT THE FOUR MUSICAL HODGE8 FOSTER AND LOVETT BILLY ROGERS ART BOWEN Hear8t.Sellg News Pltcorlal Mat. Dally at 2:30. Prices 15 & 26c -Night 8v15r Prices 15, 25,35, 50,75c LYRIC THEATER Mon., Tucs., Wed., Apr. 20, 21, 22 "THE ZEB ZARROW TROUPE In "The Isle of Jo; LAMB'S MANIKINS PHOTO PLAYS "A Question of Hats and Gowns" Edison's Two Part Feature "Pathe's Seml-Wcekly" "The Bondage of Fear" Three Shows Dally 2, 7 & 9 Mat. All Scats 10c. Night 15c Try Our Luncheonettes Thoy aro always tho boat Wo sorvo hot and cold drinks all wlntor long. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN Southwest Corner 14th O Street SLAZENGER-- --Tennis Goods and Lee Slotted Throat, Tennis Racquets. LAHR S 1032 O St. mw otch COLLAR (A. Graceful llitfh Hand Novell Collar. 2 far 25 ocnta Cluelt, Pcnbody St Co., loo. Maker HHBKggKHBMBSS9HiMSwBMwflH0HISMBflHIHHIiHH HPABBRu. ivnnS BHiflHHPiNi9R RRWVmui KJ ! "SPAW . Try tho Y. M. 0. A. Lunoh ' Room,. Cafeteria, Plan I Oity Y. M. 0. A. lBth & T ! WHITMAN'S 0LAB8Y ij OANDY ; MEIER DRUG CO. V 13 and O Itreeta CONTRACT BETWEEN CLAS8 AND SENIOR PLAY MANAGER Expenses to Be Paid First Manager to Get Percentage of the Balance. Memo of agreement made this 17th day of April, 1014, between tho Class of 1014, U. of N., and Guy C. Kiddoo, manager of tho Senior Class Play: 1-rTho gross receipts of the play Bhall be distributed as follows: 1. All expenses of presenting this year's play shall first be paid. 2. Of tho next $250.00, eighty per cent shall go to tho cUibs and twenty per cent to tho manager. 3. Or tho next $100.00, Bixty per cent shall go to the class and forty per cent to the manager. 4 Of tho remainder, forty per cent shall go to the class and sixty per cent to tlie manager. II It Is understood that tho mana ger shall accept class notes In pay ment of tho senior play assessment, which notes the class will accept in port- payment of lis share of the pro ceeds of the play. (Signed) CLASS OF 1014. U. OF N., By Hoswell Haskell, President GUV C. KIDDOO, Manager Senior Play. Witness: I. C. HEATH. If there aro any objections to the above contract they must bo Hied In writing with T. A. Williams. Agent Student Activities, by noon, Saturday, April 2f. 1014. LLEB R AS KAGOTF0 U FLT.H- IN HALF MILE AT DRAKE Eastern Schools Carry Off Honors Two Records Broken Chicago and Illinois Men High. In the relaj track meet held at the Drake Stadium at Des Moines last Saturday. Illinois: Chicago' and Wis CQiiBln demonstrated their superiority over the Missouri Valley schools. So complete was Their victory that of the Missouri Valley schools, Drake was the only one to rogister a point, get ting third in the mile relay. That tho eastern schools were repre sented by a remarkable bunch of nth lotos is shown Ijy the fact that two records were broken. Chicago broke the record Tor the half-mile relay by two-fifths of a second, traveling the distance in one minute and thirty-one and onofiftli seconds Illinois achieved the best performance by running the two miles In eight minutes, lowering the record by over eight seconds. Illinois also won tho mile event, while Wisconsin won tho four-mile event. Nebraska did not do very well, getting fourth in the- half-mile relay and fifth in the mllo relay. Uat-poor-fthowingr however, Is not surprising, for with training quarters little larger than the average town hall or a town of five hundred, no remarkable results can be oxpeoted-thlB-early In-the-seaeon; THE MAGNET 1S11 O STREET These Two Big 1 How Jonei Joined the Fraternity Enacted by students of the Nebraska University. 2 Homer's "Odyssey" Over 1,000 actors. A $200,000 production. Don't Miss These Reels ! ADMISSION lO CENTS PICKED PICKINGS Tho University now onJoyB the dis tinction of having a yellow shirt squad amongst its cadet battalion. A few nights ago, on Nebraska field, the com manding officer was heard to shout, "Say, toll that fellow down there- In the yellow shirt thirt-he Is ruled out!" This Is a secret in the Mllitury depart ment and should be so observed by all. Tho country seems to have it on the city in some respects. Witness the defeat of tho Persuings by the Workiz ers a few nights ago. We are Informed by a reliable source that tho Teachers College has organized a baseball team and that they" expect to make quite a stir in the baseball world. "Dad" Elliot, ex-Wes-leyan, is to manago this team. It is understood that somo mighty good ma terial is on this team. Local teams should consider tliomsolves fortunate to schedule a game with this fast ag gregation. Peg Rustin has been called to Oma ha owing to the serious illness of her grandmother. Company K is up against a hard job if it expects to win the com pet again this year. As yet the scalp hangs high. However, Chiof Itoherbaugh is putting liis braves through a hard series of workouts and he expects to be in at tho finish. "Cy" Bryan reports a narrow escape from injury last night. According to a statement issued at a late hour last night, Mr. Bryan was attacked by a party of small boys as he was about to leave the Library building. Tho stories of witnesses vary. At any rate AY.ef.eel sale in sayiiig-Xhat-ho vv-UL-bo- back in classes today FRESHMAN CLASS FINALLY ELECTS OTHER OFFICERS Ten Students as Representatives on Council Committees Are Ap pointed by Allen. The frebhman class held its first meeting of the second semester, after much delay, yesterday morning Tmm'e- diately after convocation and elected its ofllcers for this semester. The fol lowing aro tho ofllcers elected: Vice president, Craig; secretary, Warner; treasurer, Knutzon. The class also elected from among its members ten people to reprosent the freshman class at the student council convention. Misses Klefer, Rustin and Sahln. Messrs. Bryson, Neff, McVicker, Ober felder, Clark, Lyman, Kuutzen. Prsi dent Allen announced the appoint ment of the following committees: Hop Committee E. Hoppo, chair man, Loomis, McFarlaml, Johnson, Janet Chase. InterclasB Athletic Committee J. Rasmussen, chairman, Lyman, G. Por ter. Ivy Day Committee E. Guenzel, citntrman, v. Maxwell, Uborfelder, E. Dealing, L. Unland. Lost A Delta pin on tho cammjs. Call 312 North 14th St. Reward. 204 v Wednesday and Thursday Only ????????????????? WHO WHAT WHERE HANDY DIRECTORY OF THOSE WHO ALWAYS HAVE SOME- THINQ YOU NEED t t. Carry "Vour Bnnk Account With Us KfHlK CITY INTIOlNVL BANK 1Ulln CORNER ELEVENTH MND O STS. (nfll Gregory VUI J. M. CLARK, '10. See I Flfirkf Flowers All the Time. GHAPIN BROS. lIUllJl 3 7 South Thirteenth. Telephone B2234 Pnntiflg Na Location 244 N. lltn Street TilkP YoViT FILMS to FREDK- MACDONALD to be I IllVtl J .lJ nnd H Expostinw. 10c 10 Exixmiro. 15c. 15 Exponuros, 20c developed. ;uh iirowueii uik. Lincoln i7 south Kieventh st. The Artists Way, Take a Lesson Every Day. APIlAPi To our students is our highest aim 31" K Villi" ouest and fair business dealings with Wfcill W Iwk everyone, our guide. INSTRUCTORS Eighteen artists, mostly all imported from New York and abroad because of their up-to-date methods and high stand ing as teaohers and artists. No expense has or will be spared in securing artists of the highest proficiency. ADVANCEMENT can give you a full year's accomplishment in one term of ten 1 1 11 i 1 114.111 wceus wnen measured y otner MUSIC PJH Bfl" Our name is not borrowed from any other N A Ifflt. institution. AVe get all our prestige by our ...."! ."!f Jiigh. standards, good service "find artist instructors. Send for Catalog. NEW TERM JUST STARTING LINCOLN MUSICAL COLLEGE OLIVER BUILDING. Typewriters Rented ALL MAKES SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLYCO. -H-7 SOtJTH DEVELOP YOUR BUSINESS CAPACITY by special work in BUSINESS TRAINING You can arrange for work to suit your convenience THE LINCOLN BUSINESS COLLEGE, is fully accredited by tho National Association of Accredited Commer cial Schools, and offers tho best to be had in equipment, courses and. Instructors. Elegant New Home, 14th and P Sts., 1st Corner East of City Y. M. C. A. B6774 E. C. BIGGER, Pres. W. N. WATSON, V. Pres. W. A. ROBBING, Sec'y Patronize Our Advertisers! Us First. Lot Us Sco You First. B329I GRAVES Send for booklet which will fully con vince vou that we scnoors metnoas. In all its branches is taught with the every day method. - TPWCItFTH - vj r N I if . V,,. ,C . fitk&ia