-40W- ?"V .. n,f-x t- ".v " 'U Ti ' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN K 3$ -Mr ";j-" "J 'I1 , I MJ jl v 'k i X P"B H- Mi I V V V 11 f 1 v f w: ' 4 THEATRES LYRIC THEATEB Thura., Fri., Sat., April 16-17.1 8 BRINDAMOUR The Original Jall-Brcaker STONE & KING Singing and Talking Comedians PHOTO-PLAYS "MEMORIES THAT HAUNT" A Beautiful 2-Part Story PATHE'S SEMI-WEEKLY" "Hlckvllle's Finest" . Three Shows Pally 2, 7 & 9 Mat. AIL Seats 10c. Night 15c OIIPIICIIM THEATER Thurs., Frl. & Sat., . April 16-17-18 MR. GEORGE DAMEREL "THE KNIGHT OF THE AIR" CHICK SALE KELBY & POLLOCK MAXIN& BROTHERS DEMAREST & CHABOT MARIE BISHOP HEARST-SELIG NEWS PICTORIAL Mat. Dallv at 2:30. Prices 15 & 25c -NlghT8Tl5; Prtcciri5725T35750r75c- Try Our Luncheonettes They aro alwayB the beat We etorv hot and cold drinks all winter long. LINCOLN-CANDY KITCHEN 8outhwest Corner 14th O Street University Jeweler and v Optician C. ft. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1121 0 St. Yellow Front Your Patronage Solicited SI.AZENGER- Tennis Goods and Lee SlottedJTnroat, Tennis Kacquets. LAHR'S 1032 O St. a 99 Try tha Y. M. 0. A. Lunch Boom, Oafetsri- Plan 0y Y. M. 0. A. 18th A P WHITMAN'S 0LAMY 0ANPY MEIER DRUG CO. 18 ancTO Itmto H . i ' i ) "Mi i KBBB tLMMWWYF ' mm . GEORGE DAMEREL VIENNESE OPERETTA "THE KNIGHT OF THE AIR" CORNELIUS VAN VLIET Famous Dutch 'Cellist With the Mln- neapolis Symphony Orchestra. V In presenting Cornelius Van Vliet, the new solo 'cellist of the Minneapolis Symphany Orchestra, Emil Obcrhoffer, conductor, which is to appear here In our May Festival at the Oliver, May 25, the management of the orchestra 4ahappy ln the knoAviedKO-JJiaL ikey are offering an artist whose equal it would be difficult to find in this coun try, or nbrondr The following concise biography oj" Mr. Vaiv Vliet, taken from the "Kon zert Rundschau," Munich, Germany, is a record of activity and. success of which any artist might be proud: Cornelius Van Vliet was born in Rot terdam, Holland, on September 1, 188G. Beginning with his sixth year, his father had him Instructed in violin and piano. At nine years of age his whole interest centered-ln-the 'cello In the playing of which he finally became master, so that today there are but few who may be counted his rivals. At the age of twelve he often ap peared as soloist in the larger cities of Holland. His travels began In October, 1903, when T)ut seventeen years old he be came solo 'cellist of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Leipzig under Hana Win- kderstein. in Leipzig, as well as on many concert tourB of the orchestra, Van Vliet proved a brilliant success. HlB" roputation uu on irrtiBt soon spread so-that Oscar Nebdal, director oftho Philharmonic Orchestra of Prague, ongagedh Im. With this, or chestra Van Vliet made numerous con cert tours through Bohemia, Polnjjd and Russia, always with the same suc cess. After a brilliant season in Pawlowsk, near St. Petersburg, Van Vliet stayed for a time in Helslngfors, the capital of Finland, as solo 'cellist of the Phil harmonic Orchestra. He gave up this position in October, 1005, to become the first solo 'cellist pf the Kaim 'Orchestra in Munich, Ger many. 'Here, too, success followed him and he had the honor JLo play on sev eral occasions for members of the royal household, for example the Princess Ruprecht, the future Queen ,of Bavaria, In October, 1908, ho was engaged by the famous director, FelixJ-Weingart- ner as solo 'celliBt of the ViennaHoyal Opera, a position which he held tords three years, until at last his wish to appear in America was fulfilled, through his engagement with the Min neapolis Symphony Orchestra. WILLIAM E. WILLIAMS Mr. Williams Is representatlve-at-larne In congress from Illinois. He went to school at Illinois college with W. J. Bryan and has been a Bryan .man. ever, alflcfl. - Phi Beta Kappa. The newly elected members of the Nebraska Alpha chapter of Phi Beta Kappa are requested to meet at noon (12 o'clock) on Monday, April 20, in Nebraska Hall 110, for the purposes of electing a speaker to .represent them at the initiation and of securing credentials of membership. Tho treasurer, Miss Needham, wijl be present to receive the usual mem bership feo, upon receipt of which cer tificates of membership will be issued. These certificates must accompany orders for keys. The annual initiation and banquet will probably occur on the evening of April 24 or May, 1. The exact date and hour will bo announced at the meeting on Monday. , V ITAYMOND J. POOL, jT . Secretary. V Mra aw WlMMMMMMMMMWiMIamY. IN OLUS the outaide shirt and underdrawers are one garment. This means that thcshirt-can'-L worlc out ot the trousers, that there arc no shirt tails to bunch in scat, that the drawers "stay put," to say nothing of th'c comfort and economy of saving a earment. OLUS is co.it cut opens all the way down closed crotch, closed back. See illustration. For golf, tennis :tnd field wear, we recom mend the special attached collar OLUS with regular or short sleeves. Extra sizes for very tall or stout men. AH shirt fabrics, in mart designs, including silks- $1.50 to $10.00. OLUS one-piece PAJAMAS for lounrniifr, resting and comfortable sleep. Made on the tame principle as uuo tinrts cuat ta, closed back, closed crotch. xn!o strinRS to tighten or come looe. $1.50 to $8.50. Atk your dealer for OLUS. Booklet on retnt. TKBii7rjoMirC7MAkR( DipVti 11W BrwidirsrrMrT. THE MAGNET tSll O STREET These Two Big Features: 1 How Jones Joined the Fraternity Enaoted by students of the Nebraska University. Come look for your friends' faces; maybe you're in it yourself. 2 Homer's "Odysey" Every student ought to see this feature. Over 1,000 actors. . A $200,000 production. ADMISSION : l&urShirt- Tails Four Days, Commencing Monday .April 20 10 CEINXS I m I 1 B - TW AmviV "A iffi 1 WMr wk h IliK li Bit T 1 1 ImP J & 1 I , r-t 5 f 'vi s N H" r ir 4 - vv. .&v o-i rtVja' ftWf t ' ' -i .. . .jrtw A' - , "j.iW f ?m? swyv 'i, ". A . , , . M