ISM iiteM&iiaiuiMaiu$rim.awnijji!iirim . & 8&fc v I THE DAILY NEBRASKAN A Ui ? PICKED PICKINGS ' By "Pick" Enthusiasm for roller aknting reigns MPJTino jUJi10 JJLJi01 Tno D. Gs. do not condno themselves to such a limited Bimco iih a roller skating rink, but thoy spread out ovor half the Hldowalks in South Lincoln. UnT StucTetiTiB nTajnfior-BnjoTtho-cn-tranclng Rtralns of the moonlight dance on tlio most cloudy of nlghlB. Th Lincoln Hotel management has Invented a new artificial moon which bids fair to outshine the renl article. Many well known campiiB fussers wore Boon on the rear seats at Easter song services Sunday night. Inas much as this is the first offenso of its class for many of them, their namoB wlTTnol UcToxpoHed nuttMnton A woll known French professor says that sinco It Is so near spring the classroom radiators won't last much longor. We're glad that winter Is a -long-wny-off, Itus Philp. says that those NebrnB kans who arc sadly In need of a hair cut have an excellent opportunity to beautify themselves now that the Jani tors nro cutting the campus lawns onco more. II. D. claims to have gone to' more parties this year than any girl In the freshman class, with tho exception, of course, of J. C. LookB as though the Rag would bo forced to Btart a popu larity contest in tho near future. About six cabs were drawn up In front or tho XI Pal Phi house Saturday evening. Problem In rapid calcula tion. In next year's directory tho Delta Chls will bo listed as a hospital. Four of tho boys are sick. Tho very latest equipment obtainable will bo Installed. Ag News. Prof. H. It. Smith, head of the Ani mal Husbandry department of Minne sota Ag School, was a visitor at tho Stalo Farm yesterday. Professor -Smlth-,was formerly co nnectedjYitlL tho same department at Nebraska. Prof. II. B. Fhllloy of tho Farm Management department loft yostor day for Chicago, where ho will attond tho Second National Conference on Marketing and Farm Credits, April 14, 15 and 16. Prof. J. H. Fiandfon, head of tho Dairy department, departed yesterday for mufflIcm-a7To"Wa7wllere liewill select and purchase for tho State Farm dairy herd. Ho will also attend tho Chicago Conforenco before returning. Scene from "LITTLE LOST SISTER" THE OLIVER, TODAY MAT. and EVE. and WED. MAT. and EVE. ????????????????? WHOWHATWHERE t HANDY DIRECTORY OF THOSE WHO ALWAYS HAVE SOME THING YOU NEED f . Carry Your Bonk Account Vllth Us KflflK OITTY NATIONAL BANK LIUIIIl CORNER ELEVENTH AlND O SXS. (flrll Gregory Coal Co. ""' J. M. CLARK, MO. See Us Ffrst. Lot Us Soo You First. B329I florist ! Flowers All the Time. GHAPIN BROS. A. 2 7 South Thirteenth. Tl o pHVOri Oi2;2-3-- Printing NeA Location ;24-4 N. 11th Street GRAVES TiIa Your FILMS to FREDK. MACDONALD to be I II It Yi J.,1J fl find 8 Exposures. 10c. 10 Exposures, 15c. 15 Exponuron, 20c IUIIV deVelOpea. 31H Urownell Dlk. LINCOLN 137 Soutli Blevonth St. i i r Watch This Column Grow ! WORLD A MILLION YEAR8 . OLD ACCORDING TO SOME Authorities Vary, But All Endorse the Statement-That Thouaanda-WIII Not-Express Age of Wortd. iiiWHinninn Thq University of Chicago HOME STUDY in addition to resident work, offcra al.o irutruc tion by correspondence. For detailed In formation addrcM c Thursday evening, at tho Unl. Y. M. C. A., Professor Barbour spoke on "Tho Beginning of Things." Ho In troduced his talk by telling of his trip to Wyoming and of tho coal beds which ho visited In that state. Many coal beds nro still burning, according to Professor Barbour. During hiatrlp 'ho eIbo visited the coal bods ot Ne-.. braska, sqmo of which- exceed one thousand feet in thickness. Also in tho hilly portions of the state are found tho remains of fossil animals. This meanfl that Hum Is vmj lung. U.cfC.(DiT. H)CMci.,ra. "'' AGAIN We urge you to pick out one of our snappy Young Men's Suits' in time for Spring ANNUAL DELTA ZETA FORMAL SATURDAY NIGHT Sixty-Five Couples Enjoy Dancing SeveralAlumniReturn for . thcEYSPt. The Delta Zetas held their formal party at the Lincoln Hotel Saturday evening. About sixty-five couples were present. Edna Brown and Chan Collins, Ruth Odell and Jack Ough led the grand march. Tho out-of-town guests were: Misses Jonnlo Pratt, Marguerlto Scott and Jessie Odell of Omaha, Rose -Bergman of Grand Island, Marie Beart of Flandrew, S. D., Minnie Thieroff of Plattsmouth, Mario Sullivan of Kearney, and Marie Coats of North Platte. Typewriters Rented ALL MAKES SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS OF HCOOUIPMENT &- SUPPLYCO 117 SOUTH TWELFTH Spalding and Victor Base ball, Tennis & Track Outfits, Supplies for every Sport. LAWLOR CYCLE & SPORTING GOODS CO. 1423 0 St. PLAY BALL wear 10.00 12.50 15.00 KLINES 1132 O STREET Professor Barbour expressed his be lief In the first chapter of Genesis con cerning tho beginning of things and the length of days. You are taught that tho world is 5,000 years old. If a geologist tolls a person that a fossil animal 1b a million years old he does not believe it. A prominent professor of tho University of Loipzlg related that ho found written in stone a treatise on medicine which ho believes was written seven thousand years ago. Landmarks are continually diBappearH Ing. Some things which are here one year aro gone tho next Many people" not acquainted with tho facts nro skeptical of tho things going on around about thom. Dana accepted tho theory of evolution. Ho said that tho world is a hundred million years old. Other authorities make it even greater oven up to a billion years. Tho popular opinion at this tlmo for tho ago of tho world by authorities on geology is a thousand million years. Although many people express their disbelief of this, yet geologists bellevo themselves to bo correct because the measuring rods of tlmo aro very accurate. So you see, tho woirld Is -pretty old after all-and perhaps ther were a few wise men before your day. Artlstlo dance programs and menus for particular people. George Bros., ALL MEN EVERYWHERE like to bewell dressed and whatever the occasion we can meet the demand. We've got the Clothes that will exactly please you In every way, no question about it. Come in and get them. Hats and Fur nishings that go with the clothes in the new SPRING STYLES. Fulk Clothing Co. ' 1236-8 O Street tl i Printers, 1318 N street ' .. wGmyW cimMiii i ""ln"'".lj!'lftJM i' f " i -