The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 08, 1914, Image 2

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The nallv Nebraskan
property of
Phono . L-74R1
MfinnKlnff Editor P. C, Bponcor
Awroclmto Editor Kuth M. BqiHroe
Aoclato Editor R. V. Koupal
Attilotlo Editor C. K. Moruo
Oaxrlo Ooman
W. E. Hasr
EirziiMlh Il'yd
Karl Janouoh
XiSolT Palmar
John I-anr.
llortonno Knuffmnn
Gnralillnn Kauffinan
IIurIj MoVlckor
Kthcl Arnold
V. Mr Merrlnm
lOrnia NpIboii
Doano 1'lckorliiB
Bualnnm Manngor Frank S. Porkln
Amrt. BiiBlncsB Manager.. KumoII F. Clark
Subscription prlco $2.00 pqr year,
-payable In advance - .
Slnglo coplco, C ccntu each.
Entered at the postofllco at Lincoln,
Nebraska, an eecond-clana mall matter,
under the Aot of Congress of Maroh 3,
be llio free volco of student sontlmont;
to be fair; to bo Impartial; to nook advlco
iui woll aa offor It; to truthfully picture
ooflcgo llfo; to go furthor than tho moro
printing of nowa by standing for the
highest IdealB of tho Unlvorslty; In short,
to eerve the University of Nebraska.
Wednoadny, April 8, 1914
JUnlvorBltlc8lu Kcnornl havo boon
---. - - - .lit n'Wiymt-.TTrvft rt'.Ts. -iXt.S.
orltlclaod sovoroly becauso they havo
failed to provldo any system of ath
lotlcB which would ho of bonoflt to
anything llko a ropresontatlve numbor
of tho studohts. 'This criticism has
been felt at Nebraska. Comparatively
fow mon aro physically able to tako
advantage of the athlotic training of
fered by football. Few havo tho skill
required to play basketball. Basoball
has boon abandoned. .Gymnasium
work has boon optional und unpopular.
The only oxorciso required and offored
has boon given in military drill. This,
at tho best, has boon, vory limited.
Tho Unlvorslty of Chicago Ib an ex-nttinrrtoBtninr-nnlvoTBltleEr-which-rr
qulro tholr students to participate in
some form or other of collogo ath
letics. Hero all students are required
to olther play football, baskotball,
bascboll, wrostlo, bo on tho track
team, bo it gymnast, or play soccer.
Nebraska roquireB none of those and
offers all of them to a comparatively
Recontly soccer has boon intro
duced. This is tho means by which
tho athlotic coach hopes to offer ath
lotic training to tho many. No
especial physical strength is required.
Almost. any man' may develop Into an
excellent player by practlco and care.
Of courso, it requires highly developed
aklll. But it 1b not, like football or
basketball, necessary to be physically
The practlco of optometry Is tho
employmont of any means, othor
that v tho use of drugs for tho
neasuromont- of tho powers or
vlBlon and the adaptation of glasses
'the Ti!dthoreofT
, Made to order glasses aro guar
anteed to give satisfaction.
Estab. 1871 1143 O
Balkan Sandals $2.95
Patent Low Heel, Ventilated One Strap.
j ' Samples in $5.00 Values. Ladies Upstairs.
7 .' I
poworful to become an expert. It la
iaJ beJionod that thoBtudonta tako
hold of soccornnd tako advantage ,of
tho opportunity for good, cloan ath
lotlo training It offers. Too many can
not get out on tho athletic field Tucs-
dayy Thursday and-Saturday after
noons. PorhapB Bomo day Nebraska
too will roquiro participation in nth
lotica.' Until then thoso who hayo
stayed out bocauBo thoro wfls no sport
for tho ordinary man either play
Boccor, or forovor hold their poaco.
University Calendar
Wednesday, April 8.
1:50 p. m. Ag Collogo meetA. H.
6; 15 p. m. Phi Alpha Tau Lincoln.
Hotel '
7:15 p. m. Gleo Club practice
MubIc Hall.
7:30 p. m. Gorman Dramatic Club
Tom plo.
Thursday, April 9.
11:00 a. m. Convocation Chapel.
5:00 p. m. Y. W. C. A. vesper ser
vice 5:00 p. m. Zoological -Seminar Ne
braska Hall.
7:00 p. 'm. Y. M. C. A. mooting.
7:15 p. m. Pershing Rifles Arm
8 5 00. p. m. Phi Dolta Phi.
Will Decide Winner of Contest In
Boys' Essay Contest Large
Prizes Offered.
. , T. jceutlcal Society will bo hold tomor
Clmrlea p. Horner of Kansas City row (Wednesday) night. 'An unusu
has offered 325 In prizes to tho boys nlly good program lfl In vlew x
who write the best essays on "A Boy's tant buMnoBB to be taken up.
Reasons for Living on tho Squaro." ' -
inmenloLjxotR, nnmrly, Prnf HnvJrPheGennRnDrRmaUc3lubwin.
ard W. Caldwoll of Nebraska, E. W.
Hoch of Kansas and J. J. Taylor of
Tho purpose of this contest Ib to
'got tho young boy's reasons for being
clean and on tho level In work and
play. Only boys who llvo in or noar
towns that have Rodpath-Horner
chautauquas may bo In tho contest.
as professor of American history In
tho University of Nebraska. Profes
sor Caldwell is known to many far
beyond tho borders of the stato as a
man "ovorybody likes." Students and
nlumnl swear-by; hlnr; ire Ib a mail
who, quietly, but persistently, stands
for ovory good Intorost of Ills school,
his students and co-workers whom ho
loves as ho Iovob his own liro and his
own work. He Is a scholar and edu
cator of wide roputo among educators.
Ex-Governor Hoch of Kansas is
known throughout tho country as a
marf who stands always for things that
are on the squaro.
Mr. J. J. Taylor is president of the
odltor of the Dallas-Galveston News.
Ag College.
Tho Agricultural College will meet
at A. H. 108 today at 1:50 o'clock to
organize a world boating basoball
team. All Ag basehall flayers out.
Senior IPni.
Senior pins may bo obtained at tho
University Book Store
Sophomore Class.
Sophomoro class meotlng next
Thursday at 11:30 a. m. In Memorial
frail. Very important. Election of
dologatcs to student council conven
tion. Everybody out.
Household Arts Club.
Tho meeting of the Household Arts
Club has beolT postponed unfll TLprlT
14, when It will meet with Miss Flor-
onco.Nnson at tho PI Beta Phi house.
Beginning of Things.
Professor Barbour will speak be
ford tho young' moirof tho TJnlvcrsltjr
at tho Tomplo on Thursday evening
at 7:00 o'clock. Tho thomo of his talk
will bo "Tho Beginning of Things."
Tho Somlnar of Agriculture Teach
ers will moot in U. 102 on Monday
ovening, April 13, at 8 o'clock. Prof.
P. B. Barker will discuss tho "Five
Aero Tract." All mon interested in
tho teaching of agriculture are urged
to come out.
A. I. E.E.
"Constant Current Machinery" wjll.
bo tho subject discussed' by" -three
seniors nt tho regular meeting of the
A. I. E. E., Wednesday evening In tho
locturo room of tho Electrical Labora
tory. D. E. Ahrens, C. W. Beck and
J. F. Formanek will present tho sub
ject All engineers out.
; Pill Mixers, Attention 1
' Tho regular meeting of the Pharma-
German Dramatic Club.
moot Wednesday evening at 7:30 in
tho Templo. A play and special en
tertainment will bo furnished.
Engineering Hop.
Roport of tho Engineering Hop,
April 3, 1914: Receipts, 90 tickets at
$1.50, $135.00. Expenditures: Ball
room, J37.5(T; refreshments, $25.40;
miislc $287" programs, $14; decora
tions, $6; advertising, $7; printing
tickets, $1; doorkeeper ?L50. JTotal,
$120.40. O. T. Peterson, chairman.
Audited April 7, 1914.
Agent Student Aotlvltlos.
r -, n r jf p55"dfrra , j"ge ' 1)
as to the smnltary conditions of their
housp, how many "quiet hours" they
had each day, and various other points
regarding the direct personal govern
ment. Sophomore Pledging.
iMIss Graham gave a fow comments
on sophomore pledging. She stated
mat she tnought tho moro advanced
studonts-woro-iir-favor-of-itr Inbrlng
Ing out hor point she quoted a friend
who had emphasized the point to hor
that a man ought not to llvo In a frat
houBo until he know that his soul was
his own; that going into a frat house
prematurely has a tendency to make
a person believe that his soul Is not
his own ,and takes away his self-con4
Although thoro wore no Immediate'
results from tho mooting, thoso in
chargo bollove that It was a start In
tho right direction. . Another meeting
Is belng'arranged for tho near future.
About one hundrodt and fifty girls and
a number" of the house, ohaporoneB
wore, present.
Artistic dance programs and menus
for particular people; George : BroB.f
Printers, 1313 N ttroet
On all Men's Suits and
On all Traveling Equipment.
Dozens of Furnishing Specials.
University School of Music
Established 1894
Opposite the University Campus, 1 1 th and R Stsv- In--
may Enter at Any Time. Beginners Accepted.
Election to Be Held Friday Highest
Junior to Go to National Con
vention In Indiana.
At the mass meeting of the Girls'
Club last evening, the additional nomi
nations -for tho board for next year
were voted upon. The two junior
names for tho ballot arc Freda Stuff
and Helen Thomas; the sophomores,
Ploronco Anglo and Loretta Lord; tho
freshmen, Genovlovo Seogor and, Helen
Jack. Tho complete, ballot for the
election, wlflch will occur Triddybf
IhTs "weekT Is as follow"s: "
Juniors Genovlovo Lowry, Lela
McNerny, Erma Nelson, Sadie Abor,
Alice Miller, Mabel Sterne, Freda
Stuff, Helen Thomas.
Sophomores Florence Dunn, Louise
Brownell, Doris Slater, Cornelia Fra
zier, Ethel Arnold, Florence Angle,
Loretta Lord.
Freshmen Edna Ogden, Cornelia
Crittenden, Mary Hallor, Helen Car
roll, Margaret Haley, Genevieve See-
gor, Helen Jack.
In voting Friday, five of tho juniors
and four of tho sophomores and fresh
men, respectively, may bo voted upon.
The junior receiving the highest vqte
will be president and delegate to the
national convention, , April 24th and
25th. The next highest junior will be
vice president The highest sopho
more will foe secretary, and tho high
est freshman,, treasurer.
and Rebuild
Top Coats.
On all Men's Soft and Stiff Hats.
Clothing 1 11.
The Australian ballot system will be
used. The ballot box .will either be N
In tho Library or In front of Unlver-
T$ltr Hall-lf 1t 1s ti -warm-day;
Friday will ulso be "Tag Day" for
tho GirlB' Club. About $30 moro is
needed in order to send our delegate-
to the national convention in Indiana.
Tags will be sold at ten cents or more.
Miss Graham announced the coming
of Miss Taft and MIsb Blanchard in.
the Interests of the YT V Cr A Miss "
Taft has spent much time in China
and will be able to givo an Interesting;
talk on college conditions there. Misj
Blanchard is the newly appointed
Stato University secretary. There
JWilL beaaealnArtHall,JEhursday ,
afternoon f rom-3-to 5-o'olockHu-honoi?
of these ladles.
People We Know.
Mrs. Raymond Is organizing it.
chorus for which one hour of credit Is
to he given. Seo hor at tho Temple
Theatre, 4 to 5 p. m.
Monday ovening the' cadets were
put through tho first stops of tho latest
maxlxo Butts Manual sot to music.
Get In the swim and have the
measles. Tho mumps make a fair
BubBtituto. Ewing Is tho latest victim.
Dr. Maxey made his rogular semi
monthly debut in the Awgwan Mon
The Dolta Taus should bo proud of
their brand new front yard. It lB,a
fitting example of what a "clean up
week" will do for' tho great 'uh'
washed. .,,,,.,,-.
,i m.i.,-
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