vyflypw ' Y-yp&Qsiti! ,yy5nffSS'5S3B5BBy!SS 1 ' rfJ ? ?l T'W ..'f a -ft? iA3 &f'Jb' '" ,-. , , m,, ' ' " , i . - V k ' 'i V v THE DAILY NEBRASKA!? KA y M -;. r iprasianr- property of THE UNIVBnSITY DF Lincoln NEBRASKA RHI3D B. DAWSON Editor-ln-Chlof Phono L.-74B1 Managing Editor P. 0. Spenoer Afloclaito Editor nuth M. sauiree ABsoolato Editor.. ....... rrUKoupfU Athletic Editor C, K. Morse RBPOHTORIAL STAFF Oarrlo Ooman llortonoo Knuftman Ocrnldlno Kivuffman Hugh MoVlokcr Ethel Arnold F. M. McYriam Ernia Nelflon W. 13. Hagwr TfiUzabwttf Hyd Karl Janouch Loon Palmer John Lrum pr esenco.- Rom&mber th jutlmejhe. plalo, and your JlIGHTp, Turn out, arid brln your friends, Show your irue colore and mafco ihisa roa CLASS mooting. A SOPHOMORE. People We Know. Job. T, Votava, 'il, of Omaha, spent -Sunday with frionda in tho city. yirqlnin. Nov il 1 perloUBly injured Doiuio PlcUcrlng DuBlneea Manager Frank S. Porkln Aggj DuBlnena Manager.. HuaooU F. Clark Subscription prico $2.00 per year," payablo In advance. Slnglo coplcfl, G conla each. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, na flocond-claoa mall matter, undor"thirTitf-OongToifMaMh::Jfc 1879. The DAILY NEDRASKAN purposes, to be tho froo volco of student sontlment; to be fair; to bo impartial; to Book advice as Trell ea offer it; to truthfully picture ooUoge llfo; to go furthor than tho more printing of nowB by Btandlng for tho Mgheat Ideal of the, tjnlerslty Jn short, to serve the Unlvorelty of Nobraeka. TuoBday, April 7, 1914 Professor Hopt has withdrawn hla rofllgnation. Ho is rated as one of tho two boat men in hla profession flold crops woat of tho Mississippi river. Too often in tho last decado Nebraska -has-allowed-hor-bettor professoratQ. accept positions in other colloges and unlverBltlea. But here is tho excep tion. Wo aro going to keep Professor Hopt. In building up a greater university a beautiful cam dub and large, Impos ing buildings aro very desirable.. But tho university muat depend upon the men in it. Wo come to colloBrto- yrrHf-HMten-mftn(nnt-tr, nlffl nflyjU tago of a beautiful campus. What wo need is tho realization that of far greater importance to ub at this tlmo and at all times than a better campus 1b tho maintaining and bettering of the quality of tho faculty. For this reason wo are more than glad that the Uni versity Jias taken meaBuroB to retain Professor Hopt. The UnlvesBlty needs hm. " - her nnglo Sunday afternoon at tho Alpha Phi house. Tho Injury was duo to a falling porch swing. Loreno Holtz, at tho Acoth house, la out of Bchool Tvlth tho measles - Dr. Barkor of tho Zoology depart ment has Just returned from Excelsior Springs. Miss Rhodon, assistant in the Zool ogy Lab., has JUBt recovered from an 'attack. oUhcapDondlcltls. : A largo number of alumni and formor Btudents wore in tho city this week to attend tho teachers' meotlngs and tho week-end nartios. Among them were Willinm Reiner of Omaha, uraco TruoiroiraTiaitK'ParrlshTTjf'Sui- porior, Graco Hanson of Adams, Lolia Berry of Pairbury, Marguerite Stowart of Blair, Mary Holcomb of Stroms burg, Roth Hoacock of Falls City, and Matlo Hall of Fairfield. Eathor Warner of Tecumseh spent tho weok-ond in Lincoln. Gertrude Tyler of Albion is at tho Achclh Tioubo. . PansyjrtlggejisLBeatxico is visit ing In tho city. Evelyn DobbB of Palmyra, Mildred BorluB of Beatrice,, Helen Pierce of Harlan, Iowa, and Edna Bushnoll of Fremont wore at tho Alpha XI Delta houso this week. University Notice 1 Senior IPn. Senior pins may bo obtained at tho University Book Store Senior Play Tryouts. Senior play tryouts will bo hold, on Tuesday evening, April 7. Play at re serve desk. Resistor with Miss Howell. GUY C. KIDDOO, Chairman. 8ophomore Class. Sophomore- class meeting next Thursday at 11:30 a. m. in Memorial Hall. Very Important. Election of delegates to student council conven tion. Everybody out. Missouri Club. Tho Missouri Club will meet this evening (Tuesday) at 7:00 pr m. in room 9 of tho Temple High School for a 'short business session. All Mis sourians please be present. Household Arts Club. The mooting of the Household Arts J Club has boon postponed until April 14, when it will meet with Miss Flor ence Nason at tho Pi Beta Phi house. Beginning of Things. Professor Barbour will Bneak be fore Tfcho young men of tho University at tho Tomple on Thursday evening at 7 : 00 o'clock. The theme of his talk will.be "The Beginning of Things." Seminar of Ag Teachers. Tho Seminar of Agriculture Teach- ers will meet in U. 102 on Monday FroT Five evenlncr. Anril 1 n ft 1rt; fr-p B Barker will discuss the -,Acro Tract" All men Interested in SENIOR INVITATIONS. J the teaching of agriculture are urged fc.to come out m Senior invitations will be on fc salo on tho campus Friday and Saturday of this week. This Is posltlYelytho only opportunltyjto j , order announcements and Invita- $ IF ftons: " $ Leather Invitations, each 25c Paper Invitations, two for.... 25c $ Engraved announcements.... 5c T " 7p 7v 7v 1 ? i lr Jv Ttf t ifi vy The Forum HARK YE, 80PHOMORES. On Thuosday, April 9, Is to "be hold tho moBt Important mooting of tho year. In another column appears the president's call. Business of tho -greafeBlTmlfanoe--to-thO-intorests of. every loyal sophomore is to. bo dis cussedthe Student Council. It Is up to you, Mr. Sophomore, to exorcise your right as a member of this1 class. Are you going to use your right, or things? Aro you going to stick to your Lab for that important half hour? Arc you going to Bit complacently in tho Library whllo your right to ex press your opinion is being "loBt? Come out of your shell and show what you aro. Come prepared to say some thing, and SAY it. You cannot afford tp stay away, for your duty to your class and to yourself demands your FRATERNITY FORMAL 8EASON AT CLIMAX Alpha Phis Give Annual Party Ball .-Room Tastily Decorated Large Attendance. Alpha Phi hold Its annual formal party at tho Lincoln Hotel, Saturday evening. There wero Beventy-flve couples la attendance. Tho hall was beautifully decorated in Japanese lanterns, palms and oleanders. Gold Alpha Phi letters stood out from an embankment of green on either side of the stage. Japanese flowers and smilax wore used in decorating tho ordinary. Tho grand march waB led Tiro-you-golng- to let- thn-fnw" control by Ruth EvttnB nnd William Neville . . . I Ill TV X . ... . Helen Heaton and 'Merrill Rohrbaugh. Tho patrons and patronesses wero Mr. andMrs. Grant WatklnB and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Branch. The party was chaperoned by Professor and Mrs. O. G. Robblns, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. O. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. John Haarmann, and Mrs. 0. E. Holland. - Jones' Orchestra. Phone Lrl6S6. Balkan Sandals $2.95 Patent Low Heel, Ventilated One Strap. Samples in $5.00 Values. - Ladies Upstairs. BUDD, 1415 Q STREET A. I. E. E. "Constant Current Machinery" will bo the subject discussed by three seniors at tho regular meeting of tho 'AT'lrE. E Wednesday-evening-1n-the lecture room of tho Electrical Labora tory. D. E. Ahrens, C. W. Bock and J. F. Formanek will present tho sub ject All engineors out Christian Science 8oclety. There will be a meeting of the Christian Science Society tonight at 7:30 o'clock In Forestry Hall, tho Temple. All are wolcomeT 8enior Play Tryouts. Register U. 100, 11 to 11:30 o'clock. D. E. AHRENS. Foresters. Forest Club meeting tonight in N. 2. Forest topics discussed. Important business meeting. All out. , Pill Mixers, Attention I . Tho regular meeting of tho Pharma ceutical Society will bo held tomor row (Wednesday) night An unusu- ally good-program is in view. Impor tant, business to be taken up. SOPHOMORE GIRL8 ENTERTAIN. GIRL-SnSLUB- Only Three More Parties to Be Given This Year Special Program Next Saturday. The sophomore girls had charge of tho Girls' Club party Saturday aftojv noon. Tho number In attendance was not as large as usual, owing to tho Blak Masque entertainment for the Junior girjs that afternoon and a num ber of small Informal parties at sev eral of the houses. Two or th.TVwtmm'A parties will bo given before tho season closes. ' ,.-, A special program will bo given next Saturday afternoon and' ajl University, girls are invited to attend. Artistlo danco. programs and menus for particular people. G6rge Bro. Printers, 1313 N etret, j. in ARMSTRONGS Remodeling and Rebuild ing Sale 20 0 DISCOUNT OallJVlenlsSuitsjBLnJtoaals On all Men's Soft and Stiff Hats. (STETSONS BXOEPTED) On all Traveling Equipment. Dozens of Furnishing Specials. -Armstrong Clothing in. GOOD CLOTHE8 MERCHANT8 THE University School of Music Established 1894 Opposite, Jthtt University Campus. J 1 tk'arid RSte. In structions Given in All BrancheVoY Music. Students" may Enter at Any Time. Beginners Accepted. WILLARD KIMBALL, director To the Subscribers, of the Daily Nebraskan: During -tho campaign-ior. jnew subscribers .during tho past registration week, promissory notes for $1.00 were taken by the management as equivalent to the cash subscription. $fchile tllCSft-nntfm nrn pnynhlo nn tlm flmnnT of the publishers, it is not tho intent or tho pub lishers to demand the payment at a certain- date but it understood that payment must bo made bo foro the signer of tho note leaves school. ' - Those who are indebted to tho Dajly Nebraskan for tho present semester may visit tho office in tho basement of University Hall at any time and upon tho payjnt of $1.00 receive a receipt in full. Prompt'payment will assist the management very materially in making a full financial report before the end oL tho school year. L y THE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT . '. ?. ' 7i 'v , .j ', n IM" WW """ ' ''" ' '"'"I '' "'"l" i.-uU, 'stj.5 - ..,,, ?t..'j',vl.V,rjA? . , 4. ,M,w,t..T: jfc1 &tc 'ivi y ,. f ',f M