l'WVjy'l,.-WpiVy?p7 " -.M-s''' "3TS J' ";.y. .' THE DAILY NE'BBASrAN H IV ' ? ry. k -..' : CEASSIFIED7LIST WANTBD A quiet, iudustrloUB por Hon to work about flvo hourH por week at Inboling bIIJoh, etc. Must Imvo flklll enough to uao a needle or Jack-knife properly. University prlcoa. Cull at room 207 Nebraska Hall. LOST Solid Bllver neclctlo pin In drill locker room. Finder plcaso bring snino to ling ofllco. LOST Ono bunch of koyn. Coinmor - clal National BaukJdcntlflcatioh. tag on ring. Plcaso hand In at bank, Iteglfltrnr's office, or bco I A. BIMz. 3-1-50 i i H i f LOST A Mooro'H fountain pon; abort, plain barrel, stub point. Kinder pleaHc roturn to Hag ofllco. i , .Artlstlo danco programs and monua for particular pooplo. Qoorgo Bros., Printers, 1313 N street. JL1 The University of Chicago IT A UP in addition to resident II 1 1 III I. vrork.' off tn also Irwtruc "W1,IU tian by correspondence. QTIinV '' '.(.lied In. LJlUlfl fonnsllon address MndYesr U.efC.(Drr. H)CLIesio,IH. m.wiTw-J University Jowelor and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTIOIAN 1123 0 St. Yellow Front Your Patronage Solioited Good Printing 317 S. 12th St. TcLB-2319 m wotch COLLAR ,A. Graceful, Illtfh Bond Notch Collar. 2 for 25 cents Cluett.'Peabodr A Co., lac. Maker THE DIVINITY SGHOOL OB HARVARD UNIVERSITY UNSECTARIAN UNIVBUSITX PRIVILEGES Elective courses loading to the University degrees of S. T, B A.M., and Ph.D. Students pay ing the" full foe may take with out extra charge appropriate courses offered in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and In Andover Theological Sem inary, iFor particulars addrpss The Dean of the Harvard Divin ity School, 4 Divinity Library, Cambridge. Mass, saBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal laM aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal Eft ttftt. I 1 sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbIKS DAVID WALSH bbbbBHLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb& ,&&9bBBBBBYmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBs9bBBBBBBBBBB1 ''"vvPvTJeHIBKHBSStBssSlnH b0$3&''&$. &'LB "&3Ssbbbbbbbb: '&&? i::::iae 3tfBBBBBBBBHB4ra2g39ra&8BBBBBB I ''i:?sisBBBBBBBB9EKfflHRI3BwaBBBBBBv vw!' iSBBBT' 2S3aVSBBBBBBw&RwW8SBBBBBBBS I -qBBW':BBBBw3sraBBWvt$H&JEaBBBBBTC.' I BBUJBBBBBBBBaNlBBBwclft4BBBlBBBBBB' IIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV' 'Ybbbbbbbbbbt bbbbbbw-'''' saaaa:' v:bbbbsbbbbbv sw ." Bammm. Vbbbbbbbbbt sbbbt bbbbbT David Walsh, governor of -Massachusetts, has Just wondlstlnctlon by refusing an increase In salary. The legislature recently voted to Increase the salary of the governor from $8,000 Jto $MjPMl but the governor declined the Increase, declaring that his elec tion was a contract With the people to serve for the former remuneration. MISS LUCY RUSSELL Miss Russell Is the daughter of Charles Wells Russell, United States' -mlnlstertoHfipBla. The Right Spirit. (South Dakota .Industrial Collegian.) Here are a few little' reminders to carry out when, at home: - Toll thomall aboutUieHOeyiii gothor-Got" and the "Trip Around the World." ' -- - Show the commercial club invita tions to the business men In our home communities. Talk about the great football game against North Dakota on Novombor 14, next fall. The Brookings C?mmer- i JbbbbbbbbbbbMBbbbbbbbbKbV aammmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmaamHPayaamV ammmmmmmmmmmmBS:-: -. ii:. BjH 'm:$$&MammmmmmmmmVaK; iwrVwWwammmmawiW WE clnl Club' ls'pcndlngi-7d07to-nnanco this gamo. Hobo Day will bo pulled off at this time. It will bo ono of the greatost days ever added to South Dakota history, - Got our homo high schools to send a largo team to the high 'school track moot conduptod by the college hero tho first part of May. Wo want an attendance of L000 noxt year, Will you help? TEACHER'S COLLEGE ALUMNI TO DANCE Ta Bp Held at the Lincoln Hotel April 10 Tp Be One of Their Best Dances. On April 10, a week from today, the alumni of tho Teachers College High School will hold their annual danco at the Lincoln Hotel. Elaborate IfropatatlonB are bolng mado to make it one of tho best hops that the alumni of this high school have ever had. In order to make tho affair if iinanoiai-BuccoBs-tickotB-AvilPbe-Bold1 'to a limited number of tho students of tho Unlvorslty, and all thoso who wish to attend this danco should se cure their tickets at once. They nro on salo at tho Co-Op Book Store'. PRINCESS CLEMENTINE JP vlfe of Prince Victor Napoleon recently presented "her 'Husband with an heir to the pretensions of the house of Bonaparte and declares she Ts the fiappTest woman ThTne world. SIR LIONEL CARDEN The British ambassadbr to Mexico who recently conferred with President Wilson concerning the Mexican situa - . . . , .QBBswaflaaeaaAlCr"" "" "" sammmmmmWsSvoamammmmmm ' isaaaaaubi-ii:iUiL.:';''XV saaaaaavv ammmWawa&K:',: : iaSyft'SiBammmmmw saaammmm'''-?''' aalsBasavMJLXN'i.'' 'aPSSsaTWxy:!:- saaRsa KSaaavaaBsBs f'vv'ii bsm HHsBaBBiNBaaBaaSiBaa Q:' s 9 IBaaaaaaaaaaasBaaaaBSaaaaassaLiLjf''' 'mHsm aaaaaaaaaaaaaaanBaBaaBaaaaBaaaaaaBLBaaa VBaaBaaaaav'' 'aaaaaWMpasff BMaaMBSsaT-y ???????? WHOWHATWHERE HANDY DIRECTORY OF THOSE WHO ALWAYS HAVE SOME- THIHI YOU NEED flimf ,- u J Carry'Your Bank Account Wlth Ua KlM C.ITY INXIOlNL Biq,INK U till II GO FWETFf -EtnBElNTTM ViN O O TS; COdl J. M. CLARK, '10. Flnrkt Flowers All the Time. CHAPIN BROS; llUHJl 27 South Thirteenth. Telephone B2234 Na Location 244 4SInth Ti-lfP Your FILMS to FREDK- MAQDONALD to be 1UIVC developed. &&g8SRfc& M,8S5raHft.lSraK , . i Watch This Column Grow ! ANNOUNCEMENT During tho remaining weeks of the school . year . the Daily Nehraslcan will issue several special num bers in supplement form. ,It has Been the custom in previous years for various school organizations to jisk the management of tho Daily Nebraskan to allow one issue of the paper to a certain organi zation. These special issues have always been suc cessful from the editorial standpoint but nearly always a financial burden to the paper.- In the future special editions will bo issued in supplement -form. (mjy. as .this method allows plenty of time to get news and advertising matter into shape and" will not cause a delay in the issue of tho daily edition. During tho" next five weeks several special editions will be issued as follows : GIRL'S NUMBER early in May. PHARMACEUTICAL NUMBER second week-in May- . . .. Other EDITIONS will be arranged for during tho next few weeks. Heads of organizations contemplating a-special edition as in previous years will kindly consult -with-the-businoss manager.- BusinessMaiiagement Patronize Our .Advertisers! ..?' ???????? Set Us Rest. Lot Us See You First. B329I Street" GRACES THE V .. ' , it -j j , ifSn kAMk: