vtjT. TjWKF , j THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Some of the New Models Which are Being Shown in Lincoln Stores j! i , , j I are introduced, making the whole u I extreme and orttlmcH eccentric linos I This season the skirts nlTord a for- ' - i i i ?t New Apparel for Spring The height of perfection has been facturer has always been given credit attained in the fashioning or tailored for creating the best effects in the garments, which in style and finish plained types of American tailored are unrivaled. The American manu-1 suits, but now, when intricate features arc introduced, making the whole a costume radically different from former modes, we find that American tailors by their versatility have again demonstrated that they aro masters of their trade and need fear no rivals. If they are not credited as being orig inntors, there is no one who will deny the fact that in the adaptations of foreign models, and the elimination of extreme and ofttimes eccentric lines the American ensemble becomes a new and dominant style, which would scarcely bo recognized by Its origina tor, and which, in turn, serving as an Inspiration to someono elso seeking Ideas, keeps our market well supplied with garmonts that have an individual lty of their own. This season the Bklrts afford a for- tile Hold in which a clover designer has ample opportunity to display his talent In creating now forrnlTof tunics and rippled effects. At tho present moment fashion favors tho Imaginative genius of tho designer, and conse quently does not call to account ovon those flights of fancy produco tho queer nnd grotesque In dross. For Wo men Wo Invite Every Woman Student of the State University and "Every other- Woman -in this Vicinity to Visit Our Women's Apparel Section NOW, while the showing of Lovely Spring Creations is Complete. Suits, Coats, Dresses for Every Occasion gjwT ....-1 TIT X .. TC..A... "IT. Ann I Yn9t in ii'niMr V desired fabric, of approved fashion and priced low. 'We want you to feel free to look at and try -ou-any garmont you admiEewith.tho. coirt plete assurance that wo serve you with pleas ure and that you are not obliged to buy, PRICES FOR SUITS AND COATS RANGE PROM $15 to $75 OTHER GARMENTS VERY MODERATELY PRICED. , sfflBfcpy iHui SSv M9MSwMMm flHKHRHB r mimmm shEa iwfflfflm urnm B hhia Kiwtii'iv.y.v.mni m imHiiiBn 4m 'i immW H R ul I RSI B IB ill 1 ti I" ' will 9X lm For Men We Are Just Entering Our First Spring Season As Clothiers for Men nnd Young Men. We do this with tho full knowledge that your eyes are upon us and that you aro rightfully attempting to criticise. We are glad to be looked at from this angle. Wo court your careful scrutiny, with tho full confidence that the closer the "look" thequickerjw:eJffiill become YOUR CLOTH- IERS. Wo have priced all of our Suits and Spring Overcoats of which the Balmacaan is the leader lower than is usually asked for the same value garments. Department store methods of handling merchandise reduce the proportionate expenses. 0VlK PRICES FOR SPRING SUITS $147507177507230- and $28.00 PRICES FOR SPRING OVERCOATS $12.50, 14.50, 18.50 and $23.50 Rudge & Gu z'el Co. is h , i t A, ,Y ' . ,r"iSr i r i X V ; y y, -'-- ,,' ' - .t . .illi uy. il?. 73zTJ2wixa&L2LiBagamMMXZ2Br w jaii ajKjaagEigLigiHHTCayy - - rK 1 I