.. ' "wuarK-. ' ' ' ,"T v :'' "'" ' -.. r. r ;r re ,; w i-? . . i-y -y ;;py, t hT -,r;: , :.', rergya ti-MZ witfciiuM'i"" ""'""' iwipiiwwiwww JIIWrtWWJiwWilwBWfew f ui i'mttmm mmmmmmim N THE DAILY NEBRASKAN MINNEAPOLIS 8YMPH0NY ORCHE8TRA MAY 26TH , HENRY C. STUART Y. W. C. A. WORKER TO VI8IT UNIVER8ITY ASSOCIATION 'TT- .1 i I i i 'i tut ft M Hh- 1 il 'if 1 ' ! 8 IT I H ! . - k 1 "If. . .1 i.-t i ft J a r I1; k -FfTTahTrf-the-Serles-of-Symphony-Pro- grams Emll Oborhoffer Conductor. With tho oxcoptlon ol Theodore Thomas, no symphony conductor In this country can show tho record of Emll Oborhoffor, conductor of tho Minneapolis Symphony Ordhoatra, which Is to appear on May 25 at tho Oliver Thoatre. Tho organization and development of tho Flour Olty iiifltifu tlon Is solely due to the energy, gonitis -and onthuslusm this one man, who, nlono and unaided, was able to inspire -the bunlneHH mon- ofMlnnoapollB to the point whoro they wore willing to contrlbrtto tho financial aid necessary to establish and carry on this great organization. Beginning eleven years ago wltsh a modest guaranty fund of $10,000 a year, this filnd has boon In .creased until it now has reached tho proportions of $65,000 and more. As it is a well known fact that no orchos tra or opera Is solf-Bustalnlng, cither In this country or abroad, tho guaran torHTyearnf ter-y earth a vowil 1 in gly contributed tholr Individual sharo for Its maintenance. Tho last guarantee waB signed for five years, so thnt tho total sum underwritten amounted to over $250,000. In this connection it is of great sig nificance that Mr. B. L, Carpenter, president of tho association, who at present is engaged In raising a new guaranteo fund for a further five years, has not only nqt met with a single re fusal from former guarantors, but many have voluntarily increased tholr Individual .contribution, while many, never before guarantors, havo request ed tho privilege of becoming such. Tho prldo in tho orchostra is not confined to Minneapolis alone, for many, citizens of cities visited by tho orchestra during the Bprlng tour havo written, to Mr. Carpontcr with, tho re quest that thoy bo placed on the guar antee list for goodly amounts, stating that thoy feel that tho orchestra Is no longer only a Minneapolis i Institution. but a Northwestern one, and that they -aro-as-proud-of Ittr-BUCC08b"UB -lf'lt- belonged to them. Jones' OrchoBtra, Phone L-1666. University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN . OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. Yellow Front Your Patronage Solicited Young Men who are Wise will buy their Easter Outfit froth KLINE$ 1132 O STREET BBBBTCvAaB93HQk oTBfc Wjmf Henry C. Stuart was Inaugurated asgovernonofyJrgInLa.oiuEebnuary2, with quite Imposing ceremonies. Ho is a wealthy member of one of thf state's oldest families. Texas. Tho athletic council Is planning to adopt a new system of awarding men who make "T's" in sports. IhBtead of giving a medal, a sweater, and some times an extra award, under tho pres ent systom a medal and bar with uniquo doslgn will bo, awarded. It will also, the council hopes, eliminate tho unfairness of giving tho football mon a modal, a Bwoater and other awards and giving tho basoball men, tho basketball men nnd track men al most nothing. Under tho now system all will bo treated alike. The man who makes a team receives a medal and a bar bearing tho year In which ho played, and for each year after wards ho will receive an additional tar. CSHHHHHHHHTI- l:mm$ rflBMHHHuM'ifM few mmiiliiM xWrjsMKmXi '.'IciHilBW WW ' BBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBvBBK BBBBBBBBBBBBnBMBFnn " "fr x BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbHBBBBBB . Bb BBBBBBBBBBBBMBhBBkb'mK x i bbbbbbbbbsbi bbbHbhBSXPI' bbbVKS - BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBaf '?, m, , ,. .V , ; laBBBBKBMBTM"M BH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbVHtT 4& ii 'TBBBBBBBHOHBrttTBl iBBTBTBTBnHB HBTn' 'f Wftii ' -. bWH BTBTBTBTBVBTBTf B RSL , S - :AS'' 'ifcHI bbTbybTbybTIibI BBIw . v ' &SnH BTaTafBTaH Hbt.. - '''M-mmSB H BBHPwaVaVflBBl ' W'JFfSS1kV -.JBM BH n IkVbbbbbbFBeBm bbbVbmBBBBBk ,bbbbbV ?'& JtfB iavBBBBBBBHBBl HlSM04liBBBBT'aV''i.V'&' fift V ,''BBBBB1 H KBoBnBBHHsStt Wt . iJAjw 'yv 'r.BBBBffBBBl HFJwIBBBw&BhBM W W 'mwvh' n-BBBflH Bl PBck SbwBhBt !9v- ilvf'KltHu. vaBTassSBBBBH BbMPk 3lmW . 1E'1BhPSBB1BB I r SbSbBbs9bbH ffj ,'n smM&F 9A7BKHKBB9Afi I yvw. t 'BBBHSPIBmBbBBBI I r ; n ; liMgirnTBBIBB ! itHEFmtfTHF At THE OLIVER, Tonight, Fri., Sat; & Sat, Mat, -Mlse-Taft Comc-Apr4l-Elghth.Chlna-l Her Field of Work Was In Boxer Uprising. Miss Frances Taft, a distinguished Y. W. C. A. workor, has just arrived in tho United States after a number of years of very successful work in China. She will visit this association on April tho eighth, bringing with her the (ruo spirit of tho Chinese missionary. The opportunity will be offered to all Uni versity girls to hear her speak. The talk promisos to have unusual spice for MIbb Taft was In tho midst of the peril JindoxcJtomen.L-.oLekingduring. tho Boxer uprising. While thousands prossed to tho railway In terror of tholr lives, she romalned In the city hqlping to harbor tho women and chil dren from danger. When tho crisis was past Bhe wont to Tien Tsin, where she cared for tho refugees of govern ment girls' schools. Miss Taft was peculiarly fitted for her work, for she was born in China nnd remained thero until she was twlveTHpeducatlonwn9jomploted at Wollesloy In 1909. She worked for a time In tho Tlon Tsin association, Instructing girls In tho work of the Y. W. C. A., drawing especially on her knowledgo of tho association at Wel lealey. Later she was called to Shang hai, whoro she was obliged to become acquainted with tho now dialect. Hero she'Btarted a weekly news sheet and made hundreds of calls on the Chinese membership, at the same lime arrang ing for Biblo classes and educational work. In tho autumn of 1913 Miss Taft be came acting general secretary for Shanghai. This is a position of great responsibility and ono for which Miss Taft had fitted herself admirably. Her resignation has been accepted with great regret, but thero is the compen sation that she will still reside in North China after hor marriage, and will thus be able to help the great cause in North China. TRAFFIC" , - . . .' ????????????????? 1 WHOWHATWHERE " HANDY DIRECTORY OF THOSE WHO ALWAYS HAVE S0ME- THINI YOU NEED ifcMfs Carry Your Bank Account Alth Urn MM C,TY NATIONAL BANK IS UIIll CORNER ELEVENTH A1ND O SXS. COdI J. M. CLARK, '10. See Flnrjcf Flowers All the Time. GHAPIN BROS. IIUIUI 2V South Thirteenth. Telephone B2234 Printing New Location 2A-A- N. 11th Street ttVnoutELMS-to-FREDKMACDONALDtob& dmrAlnnr1 B ond 8 ExpoBuros. lOo. 10 Exposures. 16c. 15 Expoauroa, 20o CVeiOpea. at8 Ilrownell Blk. LINCOLN 137 South Klevouth St. Watch This Column Grow! ANNOUNCEMENT During the remaining weeks of the school year the- Daily Nebraskan will-issue-several-special num hers in supplement form. It has been thq custom in previous years for various school organizations to ask the management of the Daily Nebraskan to allow one issue of the paper to a certain organi zation. These special issues have always been suc cessful from the editorial standpoint but nearly always a financial burden to the paper. In the future special editions will be issued in supplement form only as this method allows plenty of time to get news and advertising matter into shape and "will not cause- a delay in tlie issue" of the daily edition. During tlie next five weeks several special editions will be issued as follows: SPRING OPENING EDITION early in April. GntL'S NUMBER early in May. PHARMACEUTICAL NUMBER second week in .May. i Other EDITIONS -will bo next few weeks. Heads of organizations contemplating a special edition as in previous years will kindly consult'' -with-the-business-manageri THE BusinessManagement Patronize Our Us First. Let Us See You First. B329I GRAVES I arranged for during the Advertisers! s Q, ,&. 'rT EZdKi i.tn&m.- a. - i i H in 1 1 in ii i f i i i i ii a ii i"iii'X'i il jwi JgJi4.Mt',?W"-"f"'?