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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1914)
BBBBBBBBk ''TwWP?"r35?SWSs ?tvT?Wraff ff sP" a " TW 'Vi'JP "ifro flw ' i ,ts5PWWbJrR x'Pw'Ww r pRnterr $r ' wwarSJJ? - r- THE DAILY NIBRASKAN Bt eSBBJ saaBBBBav' m F " ' V T f 1 $7" f V y . v.v.. i'J. .- .; THEATRES OLIVER-THEATEO TODAY 2:30 TONIGHT 8:15 The Sensational 8uccess "WHIN THE LAW" Mat. $1 to 50c. Night $1.50 to 25c Thu., Fri., Sat. & Sat. Mat, Apr. 2-4 "TrIE TRAFFIC" Nnglht $1.60 to 25c. Mat. 50c QRPHEUM THEATER THUR,, FRI. & 8AT., APRIL 24-4 W. H. MURPHY, BLANCHE NICHOLS AND COMPANY IN "THE SCHOOL OF ACTING" LEO CARILLO "THE DOUBLE CROSS" HANS ROBERTS AND CO. MARTINETTE& SYLVESTER PHILLIP8 & WHITE AMBLER BROTHERS Mat. Daily at 2:15. Prices 15 & 25c Night 8M5. iPrices 15, 25,35,50,75c LYRIC THEATEB Mon.-Tues.-Wed., Mar.30-31, Apr. 1 The Terplschorean Favorites rtTHE MA8CAGNIS" WILLIAMS & WARNER PHOTO PLAYS "DOLLY OF THE DAILIES" The Vltograph Masterpieces "LOST IN MID-OCEAN" See "THE 8INKING OF THE OCEAN LINER" PATHE'S SEMI-WEEKLY University Jeweler Optioian and C. A. TUCKER JEWELER, S. S. SHEAN OPTIOIAN 11M O St. Yellow Froat Tonr Patronage Solicited SLAZENGER- Tennis Goods and Lee Slotted Ten nis Racquets. LAHR'S 1032 O St. . I Try Our Luncheonettes They are always tho bOBt -xp qor.vA...hnt, and cold drinks all'wintor long. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN Southwest Corner 14th Q Street WHITMAN'S OI4S OANDY MEIER DRUG CO. 13,4uid O Streets a SPA" Try the iY. M. 0. A. ImnokN Room, Oafeteritvt Flan Oity Y. M. 0. JL ISth A P University Notices -Organizational Notice! organizations that have All organizations that have had their pictures taken and havo not paid for (hlftr space in the Cornhusker must, call at the ofilco and do bo at once,' as no cuts will bo made until paid for. Ofllce hours, 11 to 12 daily. BUSINESS MANAGER. Ag. Seminar. The seminar of agricultural teach ers will meet in U. 102, March 30, at 7:45 p. m. Prof. C. W. Pugsloy will discuss tho relation of the teachers of agriculture in the high school to tho public. All men interested are urged to attend. Reception. The Black Masque wlU hold a recop- tion for Junior girls April 25 at tho governor's mansion. All Junior girls aro Invited. Students, Faculty, Alumni, Attention! Subscriptions will be taken for the 1914 Cornhusker Wednesday and ThursdayrADrilnniti Engineers' Hop. The Engineering Hop will bt held at the Lindell Hotel, April 3, 1914. Tickets are now on sale to students at large. They may be" secured from KJeldgaard, Beck and" Peterson. t Senior IPns. Senior pins may bo obtained at the University Book Store. Silver Serpents. All tho Important committees of the Silver Serpents are requested 'to re port AT ONCE. Intercollegiate Prohibition Association. The local contest for a representa tive in the Intercolloglate Prohibition Association oratorical contest for Ne braska will bo hold April 7 place to be announced later. Those wishing to compete will notify Walter Hixen- .baugh. J3 1562. not later than WedneB- day. Inter-Frat Athletic Board. Meeting of tho inter-fraternity ath letic board, Thursday at 11 o'clock. Each representative is requested to be on hand with list of entries and dues for the ensuing year. Illinois. At a meeting of tho sophomore class over one hundred and fifty Btudents turned out. Plans for tho semester wero outlined and a scheme for a class picnic were presented. CLASSIFIED LIST Wanted. Three or four Unl men to act in tho capacity of models for Society Brand Clothes at tno. Spring JEofiPlon snow Thursday and Friday. Apply at once to. Mn Bempkej advertising manager, third floor. Good, pay. Mayer Bros. Northwestern Teachers' Agency. I Thn leading agency for tlhe entire Wes tand Alaska. Write immediately for free circular. Boise, Idaho. 3-31-2 Five general and traveling agonta to demonstrate and sell "Endless Neck ties. Latest novelty. Twolvo beauti ful silk ties in one. Stylish Colors, latest styles', durable and quick sell ers. One agent, an ox-student at Ne braska, made ?56 in one week selling these ties. Fifty dolars weekly guar anteed to hustlers. Liberal commis sion. Exclusive territory now being allotted. Write TODAY. W. It Draper, Exojusivo Factory Distributor, 414 -Keith & Perry Bldg,, Kansas City, Mo. . 331-3 Artiatlo dance programs and menus fdr particular people. Georgo Bros., Printers, 1313 N street. BOOKS ON 8ALE (Continued from page 1) a pebble finish nnd will be printed on theflnest enamel paper available. This edition will sell at 2.oU, lliutmuur prlco as laBt year, despite tho fact that they cost 50 centB a copy moro than the standard book of Inst year Just to print. The do luxo book, which is being introduced for tho first timo in Nobraskn, is an oleganC book, bound in red morocco and gold, with a padded cover, printed on an extra grado enamel paper with a gold top and tho owner's name in gold In tho right hand corner, and a silk facing in tho inside. Last year at Wisconsin tho Badger sold 300 copies of this edition at $5.00 each. Tho management, in order to introduce them hcror are offer ing them, for $3.50, or about half what they cost to print and engrnve. The contract calls for 1,300 copies of both editions and when this num ber is sold it will bo impossible to get any more at any price. Since tho an nouncement in tho Rag last week of tho advance sale, orders havo been pouring into the business manager's ofilco at tho rate of from fifteen to twenty-five a day, so it is very doubt fiil If "the remalnIng-bookswill-la8t long. Business Manager Swift antici pates a shortage by tho second day and advises everybody that wants a book to get them early, rather than risk a chance of not getting one at all. The following are those who will take tho orders: Elizabeth Hyde, Ruth M. Squires, J. W. Ferris, Leon Samuel son, William Novlllo, "Jake" Schwab, "Mike" Poteott Reed Dawson, L. W. Charlesworth, Russell Swift, R. W. Hahn, P C. Spencer, R. V. Koupal, and Karl L. Janouch. Orders may be sent Into the ofilco at any time during the two days. The de luxe edition will require a deposit of $1.50 and the other $1.00. Baseball Team at Farm. Tho Agricultural College is to have a baseball team this year. A meeting for tho purpose of organizing is to be held at the Farm this afternoon. It is hoped that all those interested in tho. -nationals jpor! jviU comeout. Other colleges of tho Unlversltyare getting ' up team'BTnidlively-confpeti- tion for tho University college cham pionship is looked for. Tryouts will- be held at the Farm field next Friday afternoon. Massachusetts Technical. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is tho first school in the country to establish a course in the mechanics of air navigation. Our Latest In addition to an Immanfce showing off man's and young man's iraw stylish spring suits that cannot fall to plaasa you bacausa tharats nothing battar. made, wa hava just racalvad a naw shlpmant off tha famous "Balmaccan" cravanattad ovarcoats for spring kimono sleeve and full skirt effectrposltlvely tha nobbiest garment aver called an overcoat. These come In a variety of patterns. Don't fall to see them. v -. ' Fulk Ctotihng Co. 1236 O Street HBH 5" .-.''yv- W-'t? JkMBMWBK jeejBSaBflMBSasasSiaaiaaaeaBal y& 3mm.Tr, mmMmmmzm ff&WaSffi ----msr-:'m.msmkjmmm tv 7xmmmiFmmr mKw...m 'jfV . . , .V.:CV JHHM ffy'j?Trcr,? !& if I flf,i iajBpjt - Tv "ARIZONA" at Four Days Commencing To the Subscribers of the Daily Nebraskah: During the campaign for new subscribers during the past registration week', promissory " notesforr $1.00 were taken by the management as equivalent to the, cash subscription? i "While these notes aro payable on tho demand' of the publishers, it is not the intent of the pub lishers to demand the payment at a certain date but it understood that payment must be made be fore the signer of the note leaves school. h'ose who are indebted to the Daily Nebraskan for the present semester may visit the office In IHo " basement of University Hall at any timo and -upon the payment of $1.00 receive a receipt in full. Prompt payment, villassist tho management very materially m mainnrnllninieial-rcporfc-before-the end of the school year. THE BUSINESS ) j3flraBeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBl -m the MAGNET Monday, March 30th MANAGEMENT ""V 4 'j.l tJ " ' ; n" V ,4 -, i a . o "H - sy . l"yiil