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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1914)
fSfrjtT1 "' 'te yg.-3h. XP"" Vr ( 1 ' ). s K 1 V 1 (- rf.'j i. 3TbeDailyNefepaskan VOL. XIII. NO. 116 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1914. pRicp 5 Cents BOOKS 60 ON SALE BARNYARD. NEWS c - - - - i DR. BESSEY RETURNS IM I' LN ft l'4-i.t 8ALE OF CORNHUSKERS WILL COMMENCE At 7:30 A. M. NUMBER IS LIMITED TO 1,300 Many Orders Coming From Outside Will Not Last Two Days De- tails of the Big Annual Choice of Two Books. Tomorrow and Thursday subscrip tions will bo taken (or the 1914 Corn busker, the biggest and best of its kind over issued at Nebraska. No ox- )cn8erbasbon''spareu to makoit not only tho equal of any other college annual in the middlo west, but the am bition of the management has boon to eclipse anything over put out by any university In this part of tho country. A staff artist has been at work for the past six months making oil paintings, which will be reproduced in the vari ous sections of the book at a great cost. Tho football section Islargor, and moro complete than that of any previous issue and is illustrated from tho beginning throughout an entire section covering fifty pages. The senior pictures have been placed In nn entirely new system, with a beautiful and expensive border at tho top and a beautiful etching drawn by a famous Minnesota artist further decorates tho -page; A large student Hfosectionr which is devoted entirely to tho fun loving side of every student, is fea tured in vaifous calors and is some; ' thing never before seen In a Corn huskcr. In this section snaD-Bhotfl-ot- every organization and of practically ., over-y .studentrin tho University np- pear prominently on each page and a catchy -write-up of many of our popu lar students adorns those pages. ' The management are placing two books beforo the students this year. The standard book, which will bo bound in full seal black cowhide with (Continued on page 3) 6ANZ WINS FROM WADE IN WRESTLING BOUT Winner Will Represent Nebraska at Chicago -Team to Leave Fri day Afternoon. " MOQdiy evening atr five o'clock, in the Armory, wasstaged one of the -prettiest exhibitions of wrestling one would care to, see. ' The bout was .be tween Merle Wrfdo and Captain Carl pans. The contest 'was waged to see who would" represent Nebraska at the Western, Cpnferqncu,feynina8tic exnibl-Ilonrhich-Twill- btnlreW tnJChicago on Saturday- night of this week. Tho contest was, waged for tho full ton mlnuteB wlthouTa fall, when Coach Owen Dally, who 'acted as ''referee, awarded the decision to Captain Gams for waging the most aggressive battle. The decision was lustily chdered by the small crowd of mat fans whp were present. To bo fair to tho loser it; must' be said that ho wrestled a game battle. .and at the announcement of the referee's decision was the first to congratulatovhls ,vlctor. Captain Ganz showed his superior ability liotluorf offense and defense. The wrestling team tyill leave for Chicago Friday afternoon, . The men who will make the trip arc 'Pascal, Captain Ganz and Gunther. 'WouyrlKhU THE GLEE CLUB'S HOME CONCERT MIDDLE OF MAY .W.m-Be-No-Annual-TrlpA1t-EffoTts Concentrated on Home Program. Tho homo concert of tho University Gleo Club -will bo given about tho middle of May. It Is very probable that tho olub will not make a trip this year, as has been tho custom In former seasons Mrs. Raymond is drilling the, sixteen .members regularly on some exceptionally good music and a high class program Is expected. This Is the club's first year under the Jurisdiction of tho University au thorities and tho members are especi ally desirous o.f showing up well under the new plan. Tho chlof reason for the failure to make a trip UiIb spring was the lack of preparation. A n f firt- class glee clubs have, been on the road and. tho local organization dldTiolrwIsh to make an appearance until they in tho best of condition. Since giving up their idea of a trip they hav.o concentrated all their ef forts upon the homo program and It gives promise, of being .one of the best "ever attempted, The club has some excellont material and! under tho lead ership of Mrs. Raymond, nothing but tfho best results .could be expected. Tholee Club is conducted as any other course in tho University and credit Is given for tho work. .It affords a splendid opportunity to any person who has tho-lalent to obtain excellent musical training. ' . Tho homo concert will, bo glvoi). at the Temple. President Grlswold an nounces that although' the. date: has n$t been depnitoly sot, it wjll be given about tho middle of May, Tryouts for tho senior:play will bo held at Amos, April 7. The play, "Polish;1 is a drama written oy Mise Helen, Osier, a student. INTER80RORITY COUNCIL PREPARING SET OF RULE8 Assessment Made to Assist in - penses-of-Girls'-Club-DelegatS to National Convention. Ex- At tho lntersororlty qouncll meet ing last ovenlng, rules for next year wero 'discussed, and practically set tled. A few points, however, wore left to the discussion of the separate so rorities and v. will Tjo brought up for final voting next Monday night. Tho rules will soon bo definitely "settled, printed and ready for circulation. It was voted that twenty dollars or two dollars fro meach sorority should bo given to the treasurer of tho Girls' Club tor help-" In sending tho "newly elected president" of tho Girls Club to tho national convention which will bo held In Bloomington, Ind., this spring. Next Tuesday evening all the Boror- Ity house girls will take their dinner iMuiho Temple in -oTderthat house rules tor .next yearjnaybfldiscussed,- PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR MADE LAST SATURDAY Round Up to Be Made More Extensive Ne,xt Year Reese Not on thi program Out of City. Roy. Mr. Ellldge spokq at the round up mooting hold in tho University Tcmplb last Saturday, in place o 6.N. Mgee, who was unable to attend. Herbert' Reese, president of theunl y.erslty Y. M.' C. A., who was to speak on "Spring Practice," -was called out of the city and iMessrp.' Klndlg, Haver and Showafter spoke in his stead on tho "York Convention? held at York, Nebfy during tho spring vacation, Besides suggestions for the coming year's work, E. E. Bennott of the Mid west Life Insurance pompany gave a practioal talk- on "Enlisting Men for Service." , LARGE ATTENDANCE AT 4HE-ALPHA4 BANQUET Over 8lxty Members Present Annual Formal Held Friday Night .The twelfth annual banquet of tho Alpha Omlcron PI sorority was held at tho Lincoln Hotel, Saturday night. About sixty members wore present, Baskets of the sorority flowers, red rose's, -were used jn decorating tho tables. The menu cardB were tastily arranged, in the shape, of tho Alpha O pins. Miss Gisola Blrkner presided as toastmlstress. Elsie Ford Plpor and -Emily-Trigg responded; with" toasts t rom the aluranj, Melvlna Waters from tho seniors,, Elsie Fitzgerald, tho juniors; Vova Young, sophomores, and Luclle Saunders from the fresh men. xne outrof-town people present wore: ?a5et RamejrjreonleafKan.; . Grace Cannon, Syracuse, Neb.; Mathilda. andFreddle Stongor, Janet McCallls ter, Columbus, Neb.; Katherlno FcHl mer, Oak, Nob.; Stella Butler, Aaron, la.; Mrs." Leslie Hlgglns, XSura Peter son, Bess Mitchell, Omaha, Nob.; Ruth Wheellock, Beatrice, eb.; Mrs, Chas. Chaco, Schuyler, 'Neb.; Breta Dlohl, Stratton, Nob.; Belle Tyson, Skidmore, Nob.; .Elna Nisson, Kennard, Nob.; Elslo Ford Plpor, Wayno, Nob,, and Mrs, Irving Froyd, Aurora, 111. The annual formal' was held Friday night at the Lincoln, couples attended. About r sixty Iowa, " A great sensation was created In Iowa University circles when It was learned that petitions were belng cli oulated by certain alumni asking for the removal of Mr, N. AKellogg, ath letic director or Iowa. The petition accuses Mr. Kellogg of mismanage ment of. a.hietio affairs of the univer sity, both as to finances and otherwise, and of various other charges. VALUABLE 8TUDY MADE OF WE8TERN PLANT8 AT ARIZONA. NEBRASKANS ENTERTAIN HIM Gives Important Lecture to University of Arizona Fine Reception Ten' dered Him In iDenver - Will Lecture Here. Dr. Dessoy has returned from his trip to Tucson, Ariz., whore ho tias been sinco March 1. He left Lincoln Haturday, Fobruary 28, forDonvor, wfooro ho was mot by F. W. Morrol and Carlos Batos, former University of Nebraska students' now in tho United States Forest Service Dr. Bcs'sey spent about an hour with these mon and then took the train for Tuc son, passing through Colorado Springs, Pueblo and La Junta In Colorado, and Las Vegas, Albuquerquo, Rlncon, an'd Doming la Now Mexico, reaching -Tucson, Ariz., a llttlo mora than sixty miles from tho Mexican boundary lino. The city of Tucson haaa population of about 15,000 and lies on a plain Burrounded by mountains. Tho clim ate is very dry, tho rainfall being a little moro than eleven inches a year.' About half tho population is Moxlcan, but over nine-tenths of tho wealth is possessed by Americana. The land belonged wholly to Mexicans fifty years ago; it Is .now almost wholly owned by tho Amaricans, who ocoupy the most desirable parts' of tho city jmiLxQuntryleaving-tho-less-deslrable- portions for Mexicans. Dr. uessey's main purpose in going to Tucson was one of study at t,hb Carnegie Institution botanical v labora tory located thore under the name of tho Desert Botanical Laboratory. The laboratory is a one-story building, abouC125 feet long. All the vegeta. tion around tho building-was "left growing, as the purposo was to' have (Continued on page 2) 8PELLIHG REFORM IN UNIVERSITY PUBLH5ATI0NS Regents Decide That Various Methods of Spelling Not Systematic Committee Works. At arecent raeeUng jof .the Board of. Regents arrangements. weremade to establish a uniform form of spell- lng in , tho University publications. Heretofore one department has been accustomed to use the old form 'of spelling, while other departments find the new or simplified form, more suit able, A'commUtee of University .fac ulty members has been appointed to look Into the matter of theT beet form of spelling to We, ttf publications, and after tho decision has been 'made every publication on- the campus wjjl havo either t.h.f qjd.fqr orfie sTm pllfied form of spelling not part o one and part of the other, Tho formerly called J'Head o De -partment" will hereafter belknown a professor! charge of department The reason for this action on the part" of, theT board Is due; to-the fact- that some pf the men In certain departs raents, although not a theVgd4 are xuuy. h cvmpient ana reoeire a much salary. v. Q R ! iK V til -TXl Ma ! rw . h ji -T- 'fi 7 -! - - i2 I, mw -c f - i 1 s- . 1 -rr" - 'f- . . :4r- V A -.. - - ' " n r: Kn fM --' . ORDER m .- ,-r- f -ii r- ty r , -U 4- S YOUR CORNHUSKER TOMORROW