Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1914)
' n f "liv. immmSSeSSSSSimm r if T-: " DAIL "m" fegfe fcfrft' V3T V- mmrrs. s T - .ix Larger appropriations come with confidence (Continued fronupngoj.) - .students, or the University as n whole, la .ntayed "l " , magnified, often. tltneB to such an oxtont that hy the tlmo It roaches the pedplo out In tho stato thoy aro led to bellcvo that tho University is a placo largoly taken, up with questionable things and methods on tho part of tho students. Many suggestions have been made as to how to remedy this falso Im pression. KxteiiBlon of University aotivitloB is at once tho most plausi ble Tho appearance of . tho various organizations over the state would give tho pooplo aa opportunity to Bee for themselves the amount of talent tho students have., and In a greater degree what tho University Is doing In tho way of training, to bring out tho hotter "parts of every student. Not ovory talented studont is engaged in one of the inoro Important activities, but as a gonoral thing the majority -oftho Btudonts aro represented In some ono or other. Tho University of Minnesota Is one of tho most popular with the people of tho stato of any University In tho country: Tlmo-waa-whon-thelr-'metli-'! ods wero looked upon with suspicion by tho taxpayers and tho people upon whoso support It doponded were loath to oxpend much monoy on tho institu tion. This has all changed. Today they have one of tho best facultlos In tho ontiro country, their registration .compares with that of any school in the West antTlhofr campus Is second" to none In tho country. University extouslon may not have been the only thing which contributed to this state i of affairs, but freeing tho people's mind from prejudice brought about larger appropriations from the stato legislature and in this way the school expended large amounts of money for Its bottermont. ll its g&fTAM Im'WfJMm if fig. -jH II wW 1 iOwl Jill I mm " u aa ftorirtg Kranb dtiutira SEE TJtiE &CJEW SOCIETY BRAND ATHLETIC VESTl A Congress of New Spring Styles for Men and Young Men Suits and Top Coats You aro invited to come and view what we consider to be the finest display that has evef graced our store. And that means the best in Nebraska. The cream of tho -world's ten acknowledged foremost jnakers' newest garments are here. Special ized suits that revoal at first glance the utmost distinctiveness, richness and quality. As to diversity Of stylo and pattern, woll, just consider yourself in New York the minute you step into this store. Every thing correct, tho very models and patterns that are sure to set, the Btylo pace during tho coming season. You'll see more expensive clothes on Broadway, but none more correct Specialized Oiothes cost no more than ordinary kinds. Suits $10 to $35 are tho extreme with 'exceptional values at $20 AND $26. This is the Styleplus Store that means a $25 Suit for ?17. REMEMBER, WE SPECIALIZE WITH THE WORLD'8 TEN BEST LINES OF OCOTHE8. Great Values in Popular Balmaccan Coats at $16, $T8, $25. THE STORE AHEAD WITH THE CLOTHE8 AHEAD. HLI-SHIRBrPrtjId.nt- MAYER BROS. COMPANY' H. A'. LBW1NSOHN, Trtuut? If extension can be brought about at Nebraska tho real value of what the University stands for and what it Is doing for Its students will be made plain. Pooplo of the state will boost for Nebraska at every opportunity. JVJieiLJiueatlonablajirtlclefLJiciattackfi. aro circulated throughout the state "Thlfy wm do immediately tabooed My tho people and thero will no longer bo -a-:flold -for- Buchr-J The-people-wlll-de-mand that their University bo given an equal chanco with that of all other Westorn universities and the result will be that wo will got larger appro priations fromtho legislature and be como a bigger, bettor and faster grow- JngJnatltuUon, to which, not .only the good citizens of our own state will be proud to send their sons and daugh ters, but pooplu uf lmlguborlmr Btaum ns woll will hoar of our greatness and Nebraska will bo a mecca for those persons who desire a good modern education. RUS8ELL SWIFT. A Beautiful Showing of SnappySPring Clothes for Young Men. Prices $10.00.-$12.00--$15.p0 SEE OUR WINDOWS 1 , KLINES 1132 OJ3TREET alar Prlot Outfitters tt m i . m wwpi 'i ii m'i 1 1 ii w ' i i i ii 'i ii i Whi ii hi 'WmMi 1 I fl i I f M fflMliriif T i v li t n T i I ySSSSmsvtSmKJ3M7 I - "Wear-Ever Salesmen Succeed!w t $1.00 PER HOUR AVERA(BJYALLMEN f-19t2-wrrf-113 : Excellent Nebraska, Iowa and Missouri territory open for limited number of men. Get particulars before Spring Vacation. Address A. P. MILLER, City Y. M. C. A. ENGINEERS HOP New Lindcll Ball Room, April 3, 14 ALL ENGINEERINGSTUDENTS mUst get tickets by March 25 when sale will be open to students at large, tickets mayrb se-' cured from Kjeldgaafd,' Beck and Peterson University Y. M.G. A. Cafeteria Established for the students. Managed by the students. Conducted in the interests' of the students. Serves the largest amount' of the best food -'. at the least cost. : The Cafeteria In the Temple OLIVER THEATRE Wednesday --. Thursday Matinee -- Thursday New Lindell Ball Ropm SENIOR PROM March 28, 1914 Grand March at 8 o'clock ' :$3:P0 ssC?sM i-i i . tK " f- ti h MARCH 18-19 -, ' i n tj H ' .r' c- , ('mjBKt a'isrfiHa & , JovJIiJ, WES a-ytFTg., ..'..,'-l