The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1914, Image 3
ff'Ti-srim--' ??: I- " .v ' :.v j ." Til DAILY NXBRASKAM ,Vi r&JFyfipywQgpfi IV w. r? - - THEATRES OLIVER THEATE& WED.', THUB.. and THOU. MAT,, MARCH 18-19 First Tim in Lincoln Fisher A Stevens PMtent Thft-vMuslcai Comedy DeLuxe M PINK LADY 76-Pebple 75 NIQHT $2 to 50c. MAT. 11.50 to 50o ORPHCUM THEATER THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY March 12, 13, 14 HORACE GOLDIN The Old & New and a Tiger Too 35 People 35 M'CORMACK & IRVING In "Between- Decks" Vera McCord & Arthur Shaw In "Just Like a Woman" WILSON & PEAR80N In "At tho Reception." 8HARP i TUREY NEL80N & NELSON "Hcart-8cllg News' Pictorial" LYl EC" THUR-FRI..3AT, MARCH 12-13-14 ALLEN'S ORIGINAL COWBOY MINSTRELS Presenting "A Cowboy's Life at Twilight" MARR EVANS . The "Acrobatic Comedians PHOTO-PLAY8 "THE TWO R08E8" PATHE'S 8EMI-WEEKLY ... "PA AND MA ELOPE" Three 8hows bally -2, 7, 9 p. m. .Mai ALL SsatslOc. Nlgjit 15c uiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia Canterbury The season's ost-pleasin& and popular model. Jde Silver xjoliars SforiSo For8ale by -Dosn'ixrti .FULK-CLOTHING-CO.- j me top. lwiiiiniiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu! WHITMAN'S. OLAIIY OAjfDY MEIER DRUG CO. 18ndt4Kr an . Try th Y, M. 0. Ai tmnok loom, Oitfeterit, Plan Otty Y.-1L 0. A. l&tkAP . ch COLLAR A Graceful Ulgh Baad Notch Collar. - , , 2 for 25 ceBts Cluett, reabodr A Co.. Iao. Maker Students of th University of Co lumbia aro (making a desperato .off ort to havo football put back" on. tho. cal onlar of sports. Tho faculty ruled football out several years ago. " . H v&-jj , tV i irJUfr .1 Is. H1IHWMHS & um imavu m MMh. iWMW UM III ViHW ' ' W BBBBB ffBBM BBBf ' - - BBBBBJ f H ' ' m BBBD College Uni. BUSINESS MEN INTERESTED . IN UNIVERSITY EXTENSION V Sorsnson ' Explains University eek Flan to Convention oT Ne- iuajftkA-fljtlallAQii The Unlvorslty Wock plan made great progress yesterday. Merchants to tho number of 700 heard C. A. Soronoon, an ardent advocato of tho plan, in a -short, spicy and convincing talk explain tho purpose and possibili ties of "University Week. Applause greeted tho statement that "the Uni versity should reach all the- people all tho "time." By tholr closo atten tion and applaUBo these business men showed their hearty support of tho plan. -Miv Sorenson-enoko-ln-part- as -follows: "Our University, supported by tho dollars of the people, supplied with students from the people, exists pri marily and all tho time to servo tho people Tho University exists not merely for the few who can send their sons nnd daughters to Lincoln, but to reach and serve ovory indi vidual in tho state. "How? By taking tho University totho-TJeoplcrWo-tall-it-Unlvorsity Extension. Some one has said that in Wisconsin tho University is as closo to tho Intelligent farmer as his pig pen or tool bouse. "Nobraska is not far behind. Our Agricultural College, through tho use of microscope and teBt tubo, is laying tho foundation for scientific farming. "ProfeBsOr Condra Is doing much in calling attention to tho great resources of tho state. "Professor Fogg, through his High" School Dobating League, is causing hundreds, if not thousands, of high Bchool students to "think and express themselves on public questions. "These aro but a fow examples of tho contact of tho faculty with tho leppie-oi-fcne-fltaieT it - is - reairgenumot service". "What aro tho students doing in University Extension? So far, noth But wo aro eager to do our Bhare. That Is why I am 'here. Hero Is our plan, Wo call it 'University Week.' j (Here follows a descrlDtlon 'of tho (Here follows a description -planr I U JU l1 ' ' " "Minnesotahas.thls plan, and likeB it Observers eolare-itralseB tho 'pop' and enthusiasm 'itt.'a town 20 per centra "Wo speak of democracy. This is democracy sharing with tho people that which has been produced indi rectly through their sacrifice. "Tho students want to sfiow tho peo ple what an excellent Unlvorslty they havo. Tho students want to Bhow tho .people .that the-' University is-an ideal place for young men and women to develop mentally and morally; that the .students do not come hero, as somo think, to waste tholr money and damn their souls. The students want to show the people that they appreci ate tho confidence, and interest of the JKKPl9 iR equipping and maintaining sotgreat a school for thorn. '"Tho old idea of a University was That of a great institution above and bdyohd tho people; a kind of scholas tic xslolstor. The now idea- is that of sorvico to all tho people all tho time." MUST PAY. FOR THEIR SPACE y All organizations desiring to, bo represented In the Cornhusker must pay for tholr-spaco beforo vacation. All but a fow of tho cuts bavc been sent to tho engravers and tho laBt bunch must be sent this week In ordor to; ,conform with, tho contract and. get the book out on lay 1, f "f ",, i'Otff .. FAX Cafeteria BAND QOE8 INTO THE' STATE NEXT MQNDAY '61 Dates Settled May Extend Trip Two Weeks-i-Band, Furnishes Half of Necessary f 1,000. On Monday, March 16, the Univer sity, Cadet Band starts on its first annual toUr, which is to cover at least ono and possibly two weeks. Prof. O. B. Cornell, instructor of tho band, .outlined tho origin of tho plan to a Rag reporter as follows: "Tho Idea was conceived in tho minds of members of tho band two or throo years ago, but at that timo we woro unablo financially to put tho plan into execution. Our appeal to tho University authorities for financial support was UBeless, nnd so wo sot outrto mako-our-own 'money. Wottow havo about $200 to start out with, ovory cent of which has been enrned by tho boys themsclvoB. "From tho money thus made by tho band enough was withdrawn a few weeks ago to send a booking agent out to make the dates. Tho schodulo as it stands so far is as follows: "March 16 Wahoo. "March 17 Fremont. "March 18 Schuyler. ""Marcn-iacentral .City. . ' " ' ' "March 20 Ravenna. "March 21 York. "Tho contracts as made by Mr. Lane, tho advance agent, provide a guaran tee of entertainment for tho band, and at least $25. If tho proceeds from tho entertainment exceed that amount tho organiatlon gets half. "Tho total expenso .will amount to practically $1,000, of which tho band will have to furnish half." Besides tho forty members of he band, there will bo Holga Larssen Cornell, Norwegian Boprano, who will render several solos at each entertain ment. She is known all ov.or Europe and tho soUth'and eastern part of tho United States, and according to a - chlcugo critic, shfl la tho greatest singer of folk songs since Johnlo Lindk jMr. Gordon Beck will render tronv bono solos at each entertainment' arid will also play with tho famous Ne- braska Trombone Sextette. Gordon's wife will accompany' him nn thn trip! . . r. V " ' Artistic dance programs and menus for particular' people. Goorgp Bros,, Printers, ,1818 N street . - GREAT BENEFIT DERIVED BY ALL PARTICIPANTS 8chwab Made Trip to tMaifcblm on - Debating -Teamr-Stase-of-Dellvery by the Gophers in Debate. Jndiscussing-tho-behcrit8-to -be-de- rived from a University WeekMhero- laro many viewpoints to be taken. 'One of the most important, perhaps, is from tho standpoint of the dtudehts who will represent tho University. At least ono hundred students will go out Into tho state cevery year with tho various-attractions. Byerj oho" of" them will byer.beiiefited in. many ways. In the first place, It glveBroach ono a 'chance to meet the people pf the state and to see about fifteen 'towns 'in all parts of tho state. This Is certainly broadeningrandJwlll-stand-one-l n-good "Btfcarrwbir'thir tIrao"comes to goTout into the state to make a Hying. Another benefit that isvexyoyrdeniE is tho practice tho stiidepts will got Jn tholr various lines of yofk. As ah example ot the 'benefit derived; from this practice, take tho Minnesota de bating team that deflated Nebraska laBt fall. These .men were polished speakers and showed an easo and smoothness that Nebraska had not at tained, simply because of this lack of training., As another example, take for Men and Women V t r, -lr' 'J?4jf. ' T... 6W5K., fUNQtiM'i'4JW. Smart Clothes for young the kind you admire in fashion illustrations but have never been able to find in real life. We have them to fit you in the newest Spring models. Kensingtons or Kuppenheimers $20 $22.50 $25 X tho Wesleyan Glee Club. This club has takon oxtonslvo trips every year and their reputation is onvlablo. This, reputation waB gained simply through the excellence gained through prac tice in many entertainments. So, looking at this proposition from' a selfish standpoint alone, ovory UnM verslty student should heartily favor it and try to do all he can to put thie plan over. . A luncheon was hold at the Lindoll yesterday in honor of Dr. OBbwald of Leipzig, under the auspices of the Bigma-Xi. Cabaret Dinner for Students' Union : ,A cabaret chicken dinner, is to bo given, by the members of. tho Michigan Union, at which tho tables will bo ar ranged in, roBfaurant style and per formers will do -their, acttaT about the, tables-lns(cad-)f-on--tho-platfoi,iii,-ti8i was thprcusom- before the Inaugura tion of tho cabaret -Idea, DaUy Call- iornian; ANOTHER a 1. m ' -: i- r ;3 ACTS ENTIRE WEEK, BEGINNING MON., MAR. 16 THE GREATEST OF GEORGE KLEINE ATTRACTIONS Antony 7)500 PEOPLE PRODUCED IN R6D5, ITALY. AND SEEOTJBrTTAVOSlTESnPROM'aSS " . PHOTO DRAMA t HIgTORIOALLY OdRREOT IN EVERY DETAIL fRST AND ONLY TIME HERE. DON'T MISS if. ADBHSSION ADULTS, 25o; JJHILJDREN, 10c. ., THREE SHOWS DAILY 2:30, 6:30, 8:45 P. M. ': N. B, Two matine8 on Saturday 1 p. mf and 3:16 p. m. f Vti'. -i-j ;feS - i 3V h.- -,v 'V . v' fellows SjK if tWRCw.'') .. .."fa im'Mfi. .' t - iyr 4(V m & ' I- - ' i iMt . 4 " ' A f CLASSIFIED LIST LOST A general note-book, Findw.' ploaso notify "Rag1' offlce ' -wherie. book can be gotten, ; 3.1JJ-2 LOST A small. black leather pocketr y book on campus Monday, Jn Law . Building or U Hall. Finder return' tot hag ofilco. " 8-9-i . i.' FOUND A silver coin purso wltn; a card bearing tho hftmo '''Margaret M Haley." Ownor may havp"8amo'by . identifying nurso and navinfer foWihlg advertisement. . WANTED An agent to devoto alitor part tlmo to business. Good money mado. Call at room 104 Bankers Life Bldg., and investigate. -" " -FOrt-SA-LES-tennlB-Tgcket, good, as' new, for 4;. alsobicycl, good con dition,, $12. V. JC. Greor,. Heglstrar's ofilco.. 3-12-5t BIG ONE ; ' ,; and Cleopatra 8 PARTS 4 1 - ALEXANDRIA. EGYPT f t " ,ti1 " HF. H( . $ a n of i 1132 . - .m ,5.-- na ' ; -4 M .A iff!! W. t jA 4 il S f: --. . So -') r 4? r r .w Si t-m - l ! -V '. ,--J iv "f .-1 .A - ft " .' W-, ra -. - . . . A. II :;M "'U.M I 1 i .t-" r .