The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1914, Image 1

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"f ;y Tj-I -5 ji ' i.
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Mf, an,ty ' y" ) rv T '
400 H. S.
Athletes iii
The Game
ar going on
VOL. XIII, NO. 110
Price 5 Cents
i -ir, -a . -m. r "v . .r
1 heuatly INebraskanl
RastlnglTOhfaha nd Yorlc Showing
Up 8trong University Place
Crawls Under Wire With
One Point to the Good.
"Who will bo tho winner?"
This is one of the most important
questions on the campus and through
lout tho athletic spheres of the state;
today. The Annual High School
Basketball Tournament is attracting
are being made as to which teams will
carry off, tho laurols.
Tho process of elimination went fast
yesterday and already half of tho
'teams have written home and told the,
folks how It all happened. Tho rest
are in the midst of great excitement.
'Today's battles -will reduce the propo-'
sltlon down to the finals.
Owing to tho fact that tho greater
parttoday's Issue Is devoted to tho
'University Extension question, a num
ber .of Hho games have been omitted.
They will appoar in the next issue.
David City and oKarney Military
'Academy played to a tie yesterday
i&fterndbn. Flvo minutes were, played
'for tho -playoff Hand :David City retired
the Soldiers.
Tho tournament is yet young, but
i several teams aro Bhowing champion
ship class. Hastings is picked by
many as winners. Parks of Hastings
;Is doing great work. Yofk Is another
jtoam bidding strong. Travgar of that
itoam is a star developed so far.
jQmahar-.plcked byr-manybcfonv..the.
(meet as 1914 champions, Is playing in
(splendid form.
' There will be a meeting ot all the
managers of the high schoof 'teams
tthls morning at 11 o'clock.. Manager
IKoed 1b anxious that there be a"full
sJttohdance. The purpose of tho me'ot;
Jng Is' to offer suggestions on "How
mar thor tournament bo improved?"
ThlTConsolatlon games areWigbty
Interesting. A fuller1 account will bo
;run of -foeso. games in .ouY next Issue.
'"V. (Continued in xnoxtlssue'.)
. " '
Men 8,how Interest by Choosing Op-
posite 8ex All Committee Ap
, . pointments Announced.
President Cameron of the sopho
more class ; presided over ;1i1b first
meeting .yesterday -morning. Election
of'itfilcera was in ordorand four young
ladles were' put on the Hat of. honor.
Miss Jeanette Finney waB made vlco-
prpairtnnt ;-i':rnfli Amnm,-qnnrnrary;
Caroline' Funk, treasurer, and Vivian
Holland, sergeant-at-arms "of- the class.
The committee appointments made by
tho .president aro as, follows:
Hop Committe.o William Locke,
chairman; Arthur A. Emloy, master
of ceremonies; Lucille Leyda, Ethel
Arnold, Irving, C. Baker Irving K.
Frost and WUlard Folsom. v
Ivy Day Committee2 Elmer K. Nel
son, chairman; U. S. Harkson, Helen
Stuby, Carrie Cpraan. and Fred Wein
ard. Class Athletics Committee Henry
Pascale, clmlrmari; David H. Bowman
and Jen F. Liobondorfer. '
" A, class dance will be held later In
the' someflter, .
Annual Trip to Loup City Alumni
From 8urroundlng Territory At
tend Heartily Endorsed.
It has become customary for the
Dramatic Club to mfye an annual trip
to Loup City. Its offerings thoro have
always boon, received very well andi
they aro each time invited to come
again. When there they are visited
by all the alumni in that portion of the )
state. It is unquestionably one of the
biggest and best bits of advertising
tho University of Nebraska gots.
A group of business men get to
gether find guarantee tho expenses of
the trip and sond a cheek for same "In
advance. Then, after all expenses are
paid, whatever profits remain are dl-
tho profits aro usually not great from
a financial standpoint, It must bo re
membered that tho advertising is of
the utmost importance and value.
This is a concrete example of What
University organizations can do. If
It can bo-done by the Dramatic Club,
why can it not bo done by tho other
organizations? It has boon successful
in Minnesota and on this very small
scale in Nebraska without any organ
ized force behind It. This success of
the Dramatic Club -augurs Well for
success in a University Extension
Why You Should Boost for University Extention
Universiny Extention means invaluable experience
to about one hundred Nebraska, students.
Jniversity Extention 4eansanHadded--stimulus--to-representative
University activities.
University Extention means instruction and" enter
tainment of the highest orderQ from twelve to
twenty-four cities atidtowns of the state.
University Extents
impressions qoneiMnj
popularised ny
University Extention means a mote popular Univer
sity; it means cooperation between the University
and the people; it meai a greater Universitjr. - -
Boost University Extension When You Get Home
Swift of Cornhusker Makes 8tate
rhent People Interested Ne
braska to Grow,
Tho value of University Extension
cannot bo overestimated. Tho neces
sity of popularizing the University In
the- publlo mind is 'paramount At'
present their only source of Informal
tlon in regard to the method of con
ducting the University Comes to them
through a prejudiced source tho
ftewBpaper, Every act, no matter of
how trifling a nature, which concerns
(Continued on Page 4)
University Week Would Have Bene.
flolal Effect on the Places
As a. student of the University of
In tlio things that will bo of bonoflt to
It. That University Vook will benefit
tho University I have no doubt, but
we must not bo boMbIi and consider
only how it will effect us. Wo must
remember the Interests of the people
over the Btnte.
How will University Week benefit
tho towns? it will give thd people a
chance to see a good class of entor
talnment at tho least possible cost
-rival the class of entortalnmont of
fered In many of the best theaters In
the cities. The Debating Club dis
cusses live, every-day questions, giv
ing the people just the Information
that they Want. Tho Band Is gener
ally conceded to be one of the best
colloge bands in the United States,
as well as tho best In Nohraska. Tho
coBt will be small, because the Uni
versity will not ontor into competition!
with tho lycoum bureau for financial
gain, but will furnish tho talent at
But University Week will do more.
t,rp, press. - :
It will bring University life home tol
ntirffTRJopTol It will bring those who
are unable to attend the University-in
direct contact with it. It will Bbpw,
the popple what) they, are paying taxes
for. It will promote good feeling and
co-operatipa between the students and
the people. Wo aro at college primarily-to
prepare ourselves to Im
prove conditions over' tho state". Uni
versity "Week: will get us better ac
quainted with the people and their
needs and thus enable .us to do moro
for them.
University "Week, then, will not only
benefll the towns by giving them, the
best kind of entertainment at the least
possible cost, but once established It
will bear its good fruits In all future
generations. JOHN "E. LAN55, '16.
, Plymouth, Nebr,
Pascale, the Lightweight Man, Thinks
Athletes Should Bo Inoluded
Great Addition to Plan.
As a mombor of tho wrostllng team
I may say that the Wrestling Club 1b
heartily in favor of tho extension of
student activities. Wo fool that -numerous
advantages would bo desired
from this innovation, not only to mem
bers of tho wrestling team, but to the
people of the towns to bo visited, as
woll as to tho University as a whole.
As regards tho wroBtling team, it is
neodlesB to speak of the encourage
ment, experience and many other bon
ofits that would -iconic. Tho towns
to be visited would bo benefited not
tho promotion of good clean sport.
Tho University as a whole would bon
oflt very much thrbugh the higher esti
mation and Increased Interest In Its
activities as the leading educational
force in the Btato. For tho upbuilding
of a truly democratic and . popular
University, for .the bringing of Uni
versity standards 'closer to the peoplo,
and for Inspiring tho people with tho
Ideals that predominate In University
life, let us have the extension of stu-,
dont activities.
Two Weeks Used Each Year for the
Promotion of Scheme- Prospers .
In Gopher State..
University Week has been In use
at Minnesota for two years. The
Handbook of Extension Service at
Minnesota has the following to say of
Its success: ,
''University Weeks. For two con
secutivo seasons University Influence
and a part, at .least, of tlio University
atmosphere have, been carried to the
????! .ofthe 8tA:te tfaroghL the, qt
(ContlBHsd ea page 2)
All University Activities to Be Rep
resentedEach Number to Be (
on Road Two Weeks--WIII
Perform at' 12 Towns. .
- Tho proposed University Voofc In
connection with University Extension
work is rapdolod after 'tho sUccoaafUl
Minnosota Bystem. Its aim is to boost
tho Unlvorsity. This it accomplishes
In several striking ways. '
First, roviow tho plan. Soveral rop
roaontatlve University activities, siich.
as the Dramatic Club, the- Dobatlng
Teams, tho Gleo Club4 tho Wrostllng
Team, tho Band, tho Conservation and
Soil Survey Department, , and pthr
similar orgauizatlons, will present
tholr spoclal lino of work In about a
dozen cities and towns of the state.
Each city ortown. on t the circuit will
have its "University iWok' that is,
each one will have billed at its opera
houso or hall one week of University
entortalnmont and" instruction. The
whole will bo In charge of the Depart
ment of University lExtenBlon. JThe
oxponBo will boborno by the cities or
towns thomsolvos none .will fall on
tho University. Each "nuniber" will
be on the road two weeks, giving. their
'.'act" in twelve amerent towns during
this time. For example: a circuit
might 1o made up of .Beatrice, jiWy
moro, Pawnee City, Humboldt, Dawson
and Falls City. On Monday night In
Beatrice might be tho Dramatic Club,
In Dawson the Qlee Clttb, and In Falls
City, Dr, Condra and his "movies."
Tuesday evening they would all ad
vance ono station, with Dr. Condra at
Beatrice. Tills might be one circuit
Then tho following week these same
attractions would go over another cir
cuit in another part of tho state. It
is certain that If the proposal is adopt
ed, thoro will bo, as in Minnesota, no
-difficulty -in-boqking-i'town; Wcan-
(Continued on page 2)
Students Support Plan With. Enthu-
slasm Trips Have keen Made
With uccssj
, .That theiatuderits, wAnttb-uflhJtliUi
scheme of University Week cannot be
doubted, for they have bean express
ing themselves in the Forum of 1the
Daily Nebraskan fpr' the pas; , yr0
weeks-. That the peoplo throughout
tno Btaio are lniere&tea can e
by the fact that the Band' has secure
.d.g.fce&for twd -weeks wlthoutlaasL
trouble on the part of the men' la
charge. The Dramatic Club has-been
making trips to different parts of the
state upon ' request. The' Debating
JTeam went to Malcolm, a small -feat
live town, and gave an entertainment
that won a request to return. People
must have Intellectual entertainment,
for they aro being educated to ignore,
the, cheaper entertainments. If the
better talent does not get to. tWr -towks,
theyrmugt, of course, attead tae
poorer shows. Is it "hot time that Ne
braska, like her sister states, send
some of its talent la respoae to tb
demand, which, "evea:;tkbugh. It b liajfet
ajow, caanoi help but' grow to great
' , &
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