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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1914)
STCflf SffpSfSS ,2. ,- Ji :' f1 , t v.. -4 j rn Th Games are going on Continually 400 H. S. Athlets in Tournament 11 1 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1914. FRICE 5 TEN" TS" VOL. XIII. NO. 109 COMING UP EARLIER NOW " "pvptr-wfw -y.- JipSW k TheDailvNebraskan - , . . . -. . , ...."' ..--... - , - - i- -- 1 1 . niL , i . - - - - lj I. ji i i r - ' -frir r r- 1- - "" "" ' 'i" ' . '." ' .. . . . ,. !. ' ' ' ' - CHARTER IS GRANTED GAMES COMMENCED ' ft? rrR 1t-l Ur EIGHT TEAMS ELIMINATED-LAST NIGHT. MANY ATHLETES ARE HERE .First Series of Games Exhibits Some Good Teams Losers Will Start Battle for Consolation Prize at City Y. M. C. A. The big battle for die high school basketball championship of the state started off with a bang last night. Eight games were played. With tho appearance of sixteen teams a blmch of class haB already been exhibited which gives promise of something .good before the big winner is decided. four ""basketball"" teams from1 over the state were In Lincoln last .night and the remainder of, tho sjxty odd will come in this morning. The teams that lost tut Wednesday night will start lntho Consolation di vision of the tourney this morning. "Tho Consolatlon'gamdB-'wlll'XJommence atr 9:30 nd will be played on the city V. M. C. A. floor.. The way tho teams will line up nro: Humboldt against DeWitt, Ew.lng against Tekamah,-Craig against Banr croft, and Cortland against Alexan dria. ' By for the tightest game last night Bow. This game was a real battle. Both teams have real class. Notice. Games commence thirty minutes earlier than schedule beginning Thursday morning. This is to apply to all games on Armory or Chapel floors. Game No..-1." Sutton vs. 'Humboldt. TlmcTTSO-y." mrrWcdnosdny: : ItefdreeBrannon. Chapel. Anthes. a lg .-.". .,. . ;Bash Gricss rg r. . ,r. .BahlJ Grdsshaus. , c ' ... . ., Davis Nolde". rf Williamson Xlmpiorllo If , .. Petrasok Substitutions Oscnsnor for Zlm m&HtoL.. . ... Summary Goals from flejd : For (Continued on page 3) INFORMATION BUREAU GREAT AID TO BOYS Neat Booklets and Publications Given toProspects Conspicuous Signs Helj). " The fact timt five hundred boys are in ,tho city for. tho.. tournament,. Jde-, 'mandB.: that somo arrangement for, tholr ..entertainment and advisement 1)n:f.ondnctsdtv.-nuy..:Jlefidr.ln.coniunc- tion with 'tho University Y,, M., C. A., . Ms set up an information -'bureau' in. tho Temple. This bureau has. been, fully equipped .with catalogues, .cir culars, booklets, badgesy and other jnatoriai "of consequence to high school 'boys who nre prospects' as fu ture students. Giving information is ono of ihe moBt valuable duties of .this department Signs scattered over the campus direct the wayfarers to the' Temple, wbere the willing assist ants toll and show them where ths or. that place- is. To tho regular student , an information bureau is of course not u necessity; ;but to these men new to ' this-environment" it is. a great aid.,, ,. jJllSdV'i I i Rv i Mi 'IK 1 I ' i I ,a).x! mm atf III . in h r'., i .SSEYi JMf2!.:::l ::. I J , l I I III III I MM hi 'n': l&ty'teyjH&fcJi 'HHH") I I " !l I ' i: lllvft Jakm 'sfafflK A AJAJ l ' 'rTte-zll 1 !! i1 ' olf- PL-jLZcrWiMllWW 11111 "rj' yV iA'Tr:i!!f?:i!i:::::i- ' '--" "i- -,i - T -r -- " T- - " - ""-- "? - - .-.-'-. .Li:-. . . .- .?. -.-JTz-. - i ln .'ifc. ' iCopyriuliU SENIOR PROM TICKETS WILL BE GONE SATURDAY Chairman Keith Announces Many , Novelties for Big Dance Elec trical Features. Those who wish to uttend tho Senior Prom -will have to hurry and secure their tickets, as only a few of tho pasteboardB remain in the hands of the committee. A number are being held up for those who have reservedj them to bo token after tholr return Tif tor Taxation. These partieshave given tho cpmmittco their assurance that they will surely purchase tho llckets and they havo been placed oh 4ho reserved list until Tuesday after they return, when they must redeem them. The sale of tickets for the Prom has been better than was expected by tho committee and Chairman Keith finhounced'to a. roport'orfor tho TJiF (braskan last .nlght that all tho tickets would be sold by tho nd of theweek. ft Is expected 'that several of tho tickets reserved will not bo taken up and these -will 'bo soKLas, soon as tho; number is kiiown doflnitolyr 'Meanwhile preparations for tho Prom are being pushed ahead, as the confidence brthe'commltteo In selling all of- the ninety tickets issued has been realized and no expense Is 'being Bpared tomako the event the greatest of its kind ever held at Nebraska? Be cause of the beautiful finish of the ball ro6m as It now stands, further decbratldnBwlll bo confined i'ni a large noasuro ,to electrical effects and .nov olty 'features. A;.moetlng of the Prom commltteo has been called -for .11 o'clock this morning in, U, 105,' wbere" other matr tersTrelatihg'to (he ,dahce will be dls-' CUSSjBd. ;. ,H I,, -, ..., Y M-Cr-A-M ENTO- ATTEND CONFERENCE Prominent Speakers, Interested In Men's Work, on Progranv -Held at York. The University Y. M. C. A. is plan nlng on sending ubout fifty young men to the state college conference to be held in York, March 13, 14 and 15. Prominent men from throughout this state, besides several college men, from Iowa, will speak at tho confer once, Dean Charles Fordyce, chair man of the student department of the state-committeer Is-to presldo over7tho- meetlngs. The- University pastors, Leland, Popo, Howard and Worthley, will- he in-attendance7antl-entho-pro--gram. General Secretary It. L, Ewlng will speak each of tho three days on topics dealing with work of secre taries. H. L. Helnzman, traveling secretary of the Y. M. C. A. for tho Rocky Mountain states, will bo-on hand tho -firsttwo-days and"will-spealc on-"-Why Such Gatherings?" and on. ''Estesi "Parle." Estes Parle is familiar to most" tudentffirenh-greTftinnTJiffBrofnnl- in Colorado -whore the big meetings' are 'held each year.. ThoPrJday and Sunday moetings-wlll-bo-hold-lnthe. Y. M. C. A. building and the Saturday program at York College., MUST PAY FOR THEIR SPACE AU organizations desiring id be represented- in the Cornbusker must pay for tholr space before vacation. All but a fow of the cute have beeirf gent to the engravers and sthe last bunch must be sent.tihl8eek in order to conform with the contract and get ,the book oufc on May 1. The'Achoth sorority wisheB to an nounce the pledging, of Emma Beard, W UIllVVlUl , , f . , 1 UHlVERSITYWEEOirBE THOROUGHLY EXPLAINED Entire Issue Tomorrow Devoted to . Scheme Read Jt Many Are Falling In Line. Tomorrow tho Nebraskan will pub lish" an Isbuo devoted almost entirely to the University . Wee kpropqsal in connection .with tho work of Univer sity Extension. In the last few days .much comment has been heard con cerning tfils plan. It has been unl--versally In favor-of' -the idea. But many students do"not understand tho plan in detail anda few not oven in general, In order that all students may become familiar with tho pro posal, tho Nebraskan will put before them all the facte obtainable. Tho general outline of tho plan will be given and the testimonials of tho peoplo in charge of tho successful Tvork- in Mtnnosotatho model or our proposed week. Then the. . various phases, of the, plan' will be discussed by representative students who have become interested in tho work. The. Nebraskan. wishes ,to ask that sy.ery- ouo'bwumo familiar with: ihu plan mid1 tho possibilities of Univorsity Week. The students are, soon going home. If they sow tho seeds of University Weelc in their home towns during va cation much can be accomplished in' the .near,' future. READ TOMOR-, ROW'S RAG! y 1 ' AthletesReglsterlng. Manager Guy E. Reed's, office yeer terday wasswarming with high school men who came to report, Tho visitors seemed to enjoy looking, over the pic- ttiroa nf old 'Nebraska learns and the trophies which Mr. Reed has in Jilal great interest in the tango may ifll ojfflce, ' . Inbwn. , ''"'.' - ' 'YE CHRONICLER8," LOCAL JOUR NALI8TIC FRATERNITY. IS CHAPTER SIGMA DELTA CHI - Thirteen University- Journalists In New Professional Fraternity Nebraska-Chapter lthe 7- Elghteenth Addition. Yesterday tho official notification. was sent to tho locul Journalistic so ciety -of "Yo Chroniclers" that it had been granted a chnrtcr as a, chapter or Sigma Delta Clii, tho national' jour nalistic fraternity. The iviv chapter has cxlBted us a local society since the beginning of 'tho .year, and will now bo knowh as Sigma chapter of tho national organization. The installa- , lion will tnko place within tho next month in all probability, " , "Yo Chroniolortt" was ' organized early in the fall, and Its membership was conlined to mon who had worked up In the different', student piiblicnr itlons of tho University. "Tho aim of the society, as set forth-wherf. it wus 'launched, was to help maintain a high -standard In tho publications and to form a closer bond of fellowship be tween tho men. interested ,in various phases of journalism. The members represent practically all tho publica tions. ' ' ' - Tho charter mombertC, tho- ne,v journalistic fraternity ro Merril -V. ' Jleod, Chandler Trimble,, (Erneflt .it. . Graves, John L. Outright, , C. Neil Brown, Charles Epperson Frank S, v Perkins, Fred L. TtebcpckIlIcliardR' Lyman, Kennoth ,M. Snydor; Italph H North r up, Leon Sdrauelson,- Russol Clark. & Tho fraternity' -will be "further J strengthened by the following honor- aiy members: Chancellor Samuel Avery, Dean L. A. Sherman,?,Prof.f,-R'. D. Scott, Prof. J. E. LoRbssIgnol, and Prof. P. M. Buck. Sigma Delta Chi -was founded atDe Pauw Univorsity, and has Hmltod Its 'expansion to hie UrilVorsitles giving' courses in journalism, or to thoso wheh, are represented bytstudetit publica tions ofimerlt-TheNebraakay-5hapter' - - wWNWVWVWW'WWW'.AS'ANVV (Continued otf page 3) PICNIC MAY SUPPLANT , POPULAR TANGO DANCE 1" Girls' Club'Preparfng for Picnic, at the 8tate Farm -Uni Band an Moving" Pictures. Plans nrehW being made; -for aii ' all-University picnic to be held at :;the Statoarmr-Tlnr-Girts' OlUbcquncIl will probably "take charge of the en tertainment and are trying to make for everybody. Tlila will bo. an afternoon picnic. Boxed lunche will be on sale so -no pno need to stay away because ho hasnt time to Iflx, &, lunch. "Arrange- ments havo been made -with. vMr- Cot nell to hayq tho University Band giye a concert on the Farm campus if rora 7 p. ra. until dark. Professor Coadra, has promised td run anything In the picture show line that 1b desired. If this 'proves a success more. sIbqU lar functions will sfollow, and fa spring advances It la prophesied that they Willi take, the place of tho'danoe to a certain extent and some of the 1 ,-. ft; w ' ; r 1 .. V i '. ' . 4' ir 1 J G 1 .j ?ya rf- .-1 . ftM -v. . J': a '- .1 k " . - "" - - jjv. i . .. . ' ' """ - ..- - 7 1 "t. ..- f ,7'. ' " :' . , , w ' .:; IT,. . ,-.. ' , . ,' itr- ; .- t v C" vj4 'X". .';'.'; - '& ..z3k. t-JT-Jk . "ii-' ,.. -a-'v -tV ' ji : -.Vf.-. Hl . r it - 1 ,". 1J!, ,'