Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1914)
'VV f t ' ' w . "i 4. THE DAILY N1BXA1KAN MATCHES FOR THI8 EVENING COLLEGE SPORTS ????????????????? r. Athletic Editor. HHdWfiHMWffiRE fc ..-.a,..,,.. n,.,,, ..,..,CTrt.MJM,MaWr I iiiiib ff-J!-g?-".,iu... 'i i1. 1-rrrrifrrimrri.ri .. . 'TZmZiirSSSSTm'nw'Smin-f' NEBRASKA WRESTLER8 TO MAKE TEXA8 TRIP Standing of Frat Basketball Teams " rr I. l& ? ' r.- i'-- KK Huskers Will Meet Texas Qrapplers In Austin, Texas, on April . Three Men to Go. Contractu were Hlguel yesterday be tween Nebraska and T&xas for a wrfstllnwr match to bp4ield In Austin, . JCL'Xns.. APJriL JJ Three weights are called for: l2lf pound b. lasJjfeiindH, and 145 pounds. It la nrdbablo that Nebraska will do represented by Pascal, Ganz and Gun thf. Lost 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 4 3 TRACK MEET POSTPONED Athletic Club Building Destroyed by Fire. The track meet In. St. Louis which' was scheduled for this wcok's end hnH been postponed on account of the destruction of the Missouri Athletic Club bulldinK by lire Monday night. Won Alpha Thota Chi . . . .G Dprta Tau Delta 5 Hhl Kappa Psl 4 Kappa Sigma 5 -DhlDoltflThUwT-,4 Sigma Chi 2 Dolta Upsllon . ... 2 Sigma AlphaEpsllotr.4 Phi Gamma Dolta ...2 Sigma Phi Bpsiloni-rrl Betn Thota Pi 1 3 -Alpha-Slgma Phi. . .1 4 Delta Chi 1 5 Alpha Tau Omega... 0 3 Sigma Nu 0 6 Tuesday's Games. Kappa Sigma 8 Alpha Thota Chi ic D61ta Tau DolUi Bota Theta Pi Forfeited Sigma Alpha .' 9 Phi Psls 14 Pet. 1000 1000 1000 .833 -800 .6G6 .500 .500 .333 2G0 .250 -200 .166 .000 .000 Spring Football. Spring footbnll practice will begin lifter Spring vacation. ' Sweaters at Last. Football sweaters for tho 1913 team are at last In Lincoln. They arrived yesterday. The sweaters aro the very best grado garment that Spalding manufactures. , TOURNEY TONIGHT. it is what It is today, tho greatest basketball tournament in tho entire world. Guy Hoed Is tho holdor of Uireo University records and holds two Missouri Valley records. Ho is tied on one world's record. Ho holds the University record J n tho. JLQfl. . 220. and 440 yard dashes, tho -Missouri Valley in tho 220 and 440, and Is tied for tho world's record In tho 100-yard dasli which he has run in nine- and J h ree-fl ftlis seconds. At present Mr. t University Notices ' Heed Ih assistant director of athletics at tho University of Nebraska and secretary of tho Nebraska Alumni Association. Besides managing all -uthlotlcs ho rnnnhPH thn track team. As a booster tho Comhuskors have nover found IiIb peer. ANew Pair of "Fraternities and Sororities." Tho pictures of your houses must bo turnod in at tho Cornhuskor office, V Hall, fourth floor, before Friday, March 13. If no picture has been talcon, make arrangements with tho editor. Snap Shots. Fraternities, "and Bororlttes am rtv. quested to mall to tho editor any "lino" snapshots they may have for use in 1914 Cornhuskor. To tho Juniors. An juniors wno have not chocked In with thoir Junior Play tickets will please do so at onco. Either to myself or to T. A. WilliamB. RALPH NORTHRUP. WantedFor Cornhusker. Wanted Your host snapshots for publication in tho Cornhuskor. Any individual, group, J,stunt" -pictures," picnic, dance or party groups will be gladly accepted at tho offlco, or mail to tho Editorial Department. & PANTS $2.45 The $3.00,$3.50,$4.00 Organizations! Notice! All organizations that have had thoir pictures taken and have not paid for thoir spaco in tho Cornhusker must call at -tho offlco and do so at onco, as no. cuts will be made until paia for. - ItrF. SWIFT, -Business Manager. Cornhusker. All organizations desiring space in tho 1914 Cornhuskor must have their pictures taken at Townsond's at onco. BUSINESS MANAGER. Kind KLINES OPEN EVENINGS 1132 O STREET "V Votes for Women Tho University Woman's Equal Suffrage Society wishes to announce that "Votes for Women" badges may bo had for tho asking at Miss Drake's offlco In tho Y. W. C. A. room. NO. MATCH 1. Sutton . .-, V8 Humboldt 'i. l'lerco VB. Do Witt ., 3. Gonon vs. Ewlng .. 4. Wllbor .. vs. Tokamah 5. York .... vs. Craig 6. Mlndon . . VB. Bancroft . 7. Columbus vji. Cortland . 8. Alexandria vs. Broken Bow . 9. Hastings VB. Ainflworth . . . 10. Pawnee City . vs. Hebron 11. Elmwood vs West Point . . 12. Genova vs. Clay Center. 13,-Omaha-.. , vs. Oakdale 14. Kearney . . . vs. Seward .... 15. Franklin ... vs. Ohlowa .... 16. Central City vs. Tecumsoh ., 17. Lincoln vs Papllllon ... 18. Holdrege . . . vs. Silver. Creek 19. Kearney Military Academy VB. David City HANDY DIRECTORY OF THOSE WHO ALWAYS HAVE S0ME- THINI YOU NEED Bank Garry Your Bank Account Vllth Us v CITY INT10lNlw BANK CORNER ELEVENTH AND O 8TS. Coal J. M. CLARK, MO. Set Us First. Id U$ See Yoy First. B329I FlnrKf Flower$ AH ia Time. GHAPIN BROS. IIUIUI 137 South Thirteenth. Ttlephon B2234 Printing New Location ;2-4-4 N. Htb Street GRAVES Your FILMS to FREDK. MACDONALD to be JA-.rA1J fl nnd 8 Exposures. 10c. 10 Exposures, 16c IB Rxpoaaroa, 20c raCyiC10peaiHIlrovnell-Blk.IINCOaM137HoutHHleretb-8tr' Me Watch This Column Grow! r "2U. SoUth Omaha . vs. Shelton 21. Beatrice vs. Ravenna v -22 Nobraslca eity vs. Fullorton 23. Sidney vs. - Culbortson . . . 24. Superior be sold to the students at large. Tickets may bo secured from Kjeld gaard, Beck and Peterson. Cornhusker. vs. Arlington 25. University Place vs.' Syracuse 20. Strom&burg .... vs Toriiplo 27. Gothenburg .... vs. Hampton 28. Falrbury -VH All juniors and seniors who have not called for their individual pictures at Townsend's should do so at once. tho public Wednesday, March 11, from 8:30 to 10:30, if tho skies aro clear, for a view of tho eclipsed moon. Partial eclipse begins at 8:42 p. m. and entty at 11:44. Moon 1112 Sophomore Class Meeting. Sophomore class meeting at the -Templo-nt-llr30;Thursday morningr Every loyal sophomore come out. Observatory Open to Public. Tho Observatory will bo open to eclipsed. ) Cornhusker Staff. Cornhusker staff meets in tho Corn husker offlco at 7:15 tonight Freshman Class Meeting. Freshman class meeting, Thursday at 11:30 in chapel. Election of offi cers. All freshrnen out. RUSSELL ALLEN, President - Typewriters Rented -XJL4U-J t-t -!- vs. Hardy 29. Npwman Grove. vs. Kenesaw 30. Schuyler vs. Lexington Si. Crete .'. vs. Ord 32. Scottsbluff .... vs. Stewart- n .-. .-.- ALL MAKES SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY CO. 117 SOUTH TWELFTH -, tho 'University of Leipzig, Germany, and will bo of very groat interest to students of tho physical sciences and of medicine. A cordial invitation is -xtended-to-anyonntorestod-hT-thisH series of locturos. Senior Poems. Sonlor poems mxist bo submitted to Barney Gill Monday after vacation. University Y. M. C. A. Cafeteria Established for the students. Managed by the students. Conducted in the interests of the students. leJargesLamount-of-the-best-food- at the least cost. The Cafeteria In the Temple Oitwald of Leipzig. The departments of Chemistry J J Agricultural Chemistry and Physics of tho University pf Nebraska an nounce a series of five lectures on "Colloids" to bo glvon on tho Univer sity campus in Braeo Hall, room 211, at 5 p. m. oach day, boglnning Monday, March 9. Thoao lectures will bo given in English, by Dr. Wolfang Ostwald of Senior Prom Committee. There will be a meotfhg of tho Senior Prom committee in U. 105 at 11 o'clock Thursday. A. P. KEITH, Chairman. i Engineering Hop. The Engineering Hop will be hold at tho Llndoll Hotel; April 3, 1914. All engineering students desiring tickets must got thorn before 'March 25, After this date tho tickets will $ the S-T-EN-O-T-Y-P-E Demonstration in,our booth at Auditorium this weok.Now classes aro bqing formed. Enter any -time for STENOTYPY, SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, BOOKKEEPING, PENMANSHIP, ETC. Lincoln Business College New Home at 14th & P Streets. ' E, 0. BIGGER, Pre. W. N. WATSON, V, Prea. W. A. ROBBINS, Seo'y. ' Pk. , Ih ' w .- f . v " . r y f' . -mmmmmmmmmmmm "J-- . w 5t?iA.''WW-i-' '