fF ft. jAA" THE ,DiULY NEBRASKAN . &? ft- s -V V THEATRES OLIVER THEATER WEDJJEBDAY NlfiHT, MARCH 11 Charles Frohman Presents NAZI M OVA In the Sensational Success "Bella Donna" Prices $2.00 to 50c 0RPI1EUM THEATER THURSDAY, FRIDAY, '8'XTIJRDAY March 12, 13. 14 JJORACE-GOLDIN- The Old & New and a Tiger Too 35 People 35 M'CORMACK & IRVING In "Between Decks" Vera McCord & Arthur Shaw- In "Just Like a Woman" ' - WIL80N & PEAR80N - In "At, the Reception." SHARP & TUREY NELSON & NEL80N "Hearst-Scllg News .PJctorlal" -LYRie-THEATEB- MON.-TUE8.-WED., March 9-10-ff MENL08 MOORE'S "STAGE DOOR JOHNIE8" With Trlx Oliver LEX NEAL The Beau Brummel of Vaudeville. PHOTO PLAYS "The Drama In Heyvllle" Thirty Minutes of Laughter & Tears "PATHE'S SEMI-WEEKLY' "Her Father's 8llent Partner" Three Shows Dally 2r 7, '9 p. m. Mat All Seats 10c- Night 15c KATHLEEN- PRLOW GREATEST WOMAN VIOLINIST Assisted by OLLIE MAE COBEL, Soprano TEMPLE THEATRE WED. EVE., MARCH 11, 8:15 P. M. TICKETS 75c nd $1.00" On 8ale at the ROSS P. CURTICE MU8IC STbRE, 13th and O Old Tickets Exchanged ' Jolly Five Dancing Club Newly Remodeled t-all at 1548 O Street. Dancea every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Admission 25 cents. Free check room. Mualo by Hampton's Or ohestra. PRIZE WALTZ EVERY TUESDAY For Information call I. C. LEATH - ' - B-4339 Miss Charlotte Wkdon Will give' tho first of a series ot afternoon dances, Saturday after noon, March 7th, at tho Lincoln. She will teach tho Tango One Stop; Hesitation Waltze, Mexlxe and other new dances. 's attn-drtyV-Iesson yvillbeontIm Tango. Lesson from 4 to 5 o'clock. Dancing from 5 to 6 o'clock. WHITMAN'S GLASSY OANDY MEIER DRUG CO. 18 and O Street -- ' ! . r k i 99 lry mi t M. O. A.-Txuich Boom, O&feteriSv Plan City Y. M. O. A. 13th A P GOO L BASKETBA NAMENT-STARTSJDMORRQW NIGHT Largest Basketball Meet in the WorldOver Five Hundred High School Athletes to Attend -To Battle for Loving Cup Consol " ation Prize Medals and Banners, The fourth nnnual High School Championship Basketball Tournament wilK-begin tomorrow evening on the Armory' and Chapol floors. From to morrow evening, when eight games wil be played, until Saturday evening, when the champlonahlp match cornea ouV-thecampus -will ba swarming with future Cornhuakers. . The phenomenal growth nf. this great athletic carnival Is hardly real ized by the ordinary University stu dent. Lastsyear forty-five teams were entered. This year slxty-fqnr teams will Qght for the highest honors in the state. Manager Reed has been working several months completing arrange ments so that everything would go like clock-work. To the three teamB which' stand the LtC3LunjUl-Saturday-.nIght-prIze8wlll oe awarded. 'To the winning team a beautiful silver loving cup will bo bivuu. iasi year ueneva High School won thlB high honor. Unlvoralty Place won second, Gothonburg flnlBhed third, and Columbua fourth. It waa .complained that a team loBing one, game ahould not be entirely cast off, so to meet this criticism Manager Reed has introduced a new feature. A consolation contest will be held. The team8 which are eliminated in the first rpund will battlojt out for a con solation prize. ThisVlll be a silver loving cup. To the teams finishing second and third In the consolation division banners will be awarded. To the members of the champion ship team medals will bo awarded. To the second and third teams ban ners will bo given. All championship games will take place on the campus. The consolation play will bo on the court at the city Y. M. C. A. Tho complete list of the stxty,four teams entered Is as follows: Alnawnrth rteU-KlckpairlokT-Lester- piorgan, Earl Grant, Harry Beattyk Nell Morgan, Ervln Jofferles. I ' '--vjni EXTRA Attraction Without EXTRA Cost . ' huh..va jl-. ojoaiBnnur okbibvhbii h- - ..... -r j; 1 dBj NAZIMOVA, the Russian Actress in "UAU 11111 Yhe'OLiVcg, Wednesday Nigfit Mkr? (! Delia ' UOIUia LL Alexandria Harold Hoppo, Emmott Heaton, Galen Allen, Bymon Domor ary, Paul Backoy, Oliver Axtoll, Bon Woisel. Arlington Grant Gllfry, Waltor Echtenkamp, Roscoo Rhen, Reed Fos sett, Glenn Ludwlg, Roy Menklng. Bancroft Glen Cates, Edward Far loy, Paul Rouk, Martin Vogt, Earl Cralg,-PaulVoga Beatrice Ralph Herman, Tod Rld- dell, Raleigh LeBaa, John Cook, Lacoy Adams, Floyd Bott, Jesso Day, Ed ward Smith, Earl Ilowoy, Merwln Kyle, Richard Schultz. rBoken Bow Kent Crawford, Moro dlth Reneau, Fred Humphroy, Harold Predmore, Ray Bennls, Leland Wat ers, Charles Sargent, Harold England, Joe Slucky, Verne Mclnnich, Edward Kennedy. -Central CityClaTlrGrIoYe Corf Lutes, William Stubbe, Arthur Nolto, Randall Morrow, Victor Fleming. Adrian Ayres. , Clay Center Lester Orr, Worth Mc Dunnald, Harold Patterson, Afolvjn WilBon, Earl Wood, William Boslnnd, George Allen. CohimbuB Jake Glur, John Mlllor, Bert "Phillips, Edward Weaver, Earl Drawbaugh, Raymond Thompson, Glen Munger, Waltor Gaaa. Cortland Harry Malono, Georgo Malone, Clarpnco GlonBman, Howard McPherson, Kemyaa Bonobrlght, Theodore Rosenfelt. .ffijjalg Harry Erwin, Roscoo Erwin, Glenn .Matcholdor, Robert Dochhead, Ira McDonald, Gregers-Frlls, Linde Llndberg. Crete Ralph Andrews, Wallace An drews, William Bayer, Joo Belka, Robin Mickel, Lester Frundell, Clar ence Frundell, William Ellis. Culbertson Walter Mlllor, Will Fahrenbruch, Henry Hill, Harnor spencer, Albert Cllne, Will Hanko. -David eity-Tliurmuii Hlrtmr rcnr gene Doty, Joo Dworak, Georgo uado, Paul Carlisle, Paul Welto, Elmor Stc- phonaon, Elmor Strokn, Robert Schwoaer, Otto Muller. DoWItt Jobb Blodgott, George Stout, Albert Lake, Cyril .Ilowlett, Morrill aBIloy, Wllllo Brier. Elntwood Arthur Sohnoldor, Roy Towlo, Henry Towlo, William Mc Crory, Holland Tyson, Vernon Clem onta, -facon Rooltger. Ewlng Clint Hopkins, Ira Napier, Vio Spittlor, William Stanton. Leonard Hull, "William Moore, Clauda-Rutlcdgo, Otto Rolmor. Fairbury Cecil Holman, Vdrnon Donny, Arthur Powoll, Cornelius Brod loy, Bornnrd Colmnn, Harry Ward, Dan Gibson, Fred Uutgman, Charles Pitgor, Fred Sheford. - - Franklin Clarence Phusin. Herbert -Hussong, Franlc-Davldr-Hnny-pirtiF'' noy, Roy Story, Daws Piatt. Fullorton Josoph Gooding, Fayo Smith, Wllllo Abel, Dean Hattcn, El mor Kromor, Roy Woods. Gonova Herbort Ashton, Paul Cur tis, John Koohlor, Ray Kllllon, Forrest Borland, Seymour Martin, Raymond Beeson, Harry Johnson. Genoa Dwight Davis, Edward Lar son, Wilford Nolson, Robs RichardB, Wallaco Spoar, Mobos Vengor, Clifford jonnson. Gothenburg K. Chester Nolson, Otto Jansson, G. Byron Rich. Fred Borger, Rynol Johnson, Oscar Swan- son, Lloyd McFato, Bon Junker, Rob ert Beath, William Jaggof. Hampton Orvnl Marlow, Cablo Newman, Carl Fulhouor,"IIorn Dennor, Aaron Potorson, Dean Camp, Edwin Hanson, SilaB Peterson. Hardy Jcbso Tucker, Harold HayeB, Ray Haynos, Tom White, John White, Ralph Raines. Hastings Earl . Wilson, Willnrd Parks, Hugo Flynn, Fred Klein, Pnul Korman,r LoRoy Cook, Lloyd White houso, L. Bouham, W. Burr. Hobron Albort Nacko, Vorn aBHov. Earl Bailey, Harry Lawless, Noll Gray, Amnion Shearer, Glynn Smith, Will Stewart. Holdrogo Claude Magiil. Edward Gillette, Glenn Hefner, Charles Thomas, Charles Mitchell, Bernard Wlnquist, Leon Green, Laverno Colo. Humboldt Earl Bahl, Roland BaBh, Aria Coons, Hanson Davis, Wade Dor- land, Buoll Harding, Brooks Harding, Otto Petrasok, Wirt Williamson. Kearnoy High School Homor Tinll, THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO i . A 5 Part photo Drama Jarp9 ONeili (Jiimsel) plays the Leading Eole in this . . MagnificenWrocluction 1 Juiy, Wwlnesday apl Thursday MHmiin iiHiiart h oe MHI1S III THE MAGNET fafailvi N HiyVt The Balmaccan Qveeeeat is the- most noticeably popular of all spzing garments. Loose, comfortable, dre88y,8erviceable-tailored in handsome foreign and": domestic tweeds, home spuns and fancy mixtures- that will captivate .the.. "smart dresser on sight. y Our trouble js not in. selling them, but in keep ing enough on hand to" supply the demand. We're well fixed now, however, and we urge you -to.see-tbemr -A-splendid investment of $20, $22.50, or $25. 'V Nprlng Mult are lierel So ars all (he new teg In our Boya I)ept.--cx ceptlouftl strong value. Walter Boardsloy, Bert Wallaco Ed ward Shlolds, Ludwlch Johnson, Paul Thomas, Joan Nelson, George CJoaryf Francis McVanoy, Galo Woldon. Kearney Military Academy Rea Eaton, Valiant Nlms, Donald Nowborn, Lynn Swanson, Harry Wilson, 'Glenn. Wilson, Bruco Taylor, AlbanHall, Leo Bockford, Oscar Jacobson, Alfred Humphreys, Harry Blxby. Keneeaw Ray " Alshouso, FJoyd Ernest, Arthur Oolachlagor, LeBllo Wonnor. Rex Holdenhrrfmi, JqsWl. Young, Loo Anderson, Ira Currier, Lea- Ho Stonor, Elwin Burroughs. . Lexington Leon Toscb, Clyde Cunt ;y ' (in Q $friit v. I i , '.', Hi .PI I .I'll m - V A SW K ( 13 V. VV"- --i 1 t ( " i f "41. "t. iw.: 7V . l.' ... .. ,. ' . j," fi .V . 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