i7 T ,' ,.1 fr.y "a"" .,i,i.iii..hh. i r,,i i i,i iHina'iM'f"i"illl'lil" ' ""i".1;1 'K, . - f '' : THE DAILY N E B R'A S K A'tf tTCP I The Daily Nebraskan Property of UNIVERSITY OP Lincoln tub NEBRASKA UKKD II. DAWSON Alitor In -Chief Phono L-7451 MnnnKlnK Editor P C. Sponcgr Associate Editor IUith M. Squlrca Asaoclnto Editor R. V. KoupaJ Athlotlo Editor C. K. Morao IlBPOIlTORIAIi STAFF Carrlo Coman HortcnBo Knurtninn W. E. linger aernldlne Knuffman Elizabeth Hyde 1 1 "fill MoVlckcr Knrl Janouch Ethel Arnold Loon Pnlmor F. M. Mcrrlnm ftrma NalBOil DuBlneBS Mannnor Frank S. Porklns Aest. Business Manager. .Russell F. Clark Subscription prlco $2,00 por year, paynhlo lTmdvanco; Slnglo copies, B contfl oach. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, ns second-class moll matter, undor tho Act of CongToss of March 3, 1870. Tho DAfLY NEBRASICAN purposes to bo tho froo volco of Btudont sontlmont; to ho fair; to ho Impartial; to sock advlco as woll as offer It; to truthfully plcturo coltogo llfo; to go further thari tho moro printing of news by standing for tho highest Ideals of tho Unlvorelty; In short, t6serV6 tho UiUVorBltyorN?uTaflkn: TuOBilny, March 10, 1914 THE BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT Tho high-school baskotball tourna ment, which opens In tho Armory Wednesday evening, Is tho largest meeting of its kind In tho world. Never before woro bo many teams and so many sciiools engaged in a similar contest. Nebraska is proud of tho honor or acting as hoBt to tho high -BChODlffurilnrtat. WiFaroglad tbaF wo can open our doors to this, tho largest baskotball tournament In his tory. Thoro are wayB enough for us to show tho visitors that wo are truly glad to ontertaln thorn. Thoro will bo a team here from almost every town of any size in the slate. Go around and wolcomo tho boys from your town. Show them about tho campus and about the city. Got thom, ac quainted with old Nebraska, hor tradi tions, her endeavors. Sow deeply in them tho dcBlro to como hero when thoy graduate from high school. Hero is an opportunity for tho school to roalizo much from hor hospitality. Mako your collego popular with all tho schools of tho state. Thon will Ne braska have moro studontB, a greater school. Ho hospitable. Convocation. Convocation, Thursday, 11 a. m., Momorlal Hall. Shubert's Unfinished Symphony. Strang quartotto and organ. HERB REESE HONORED WITH Y.M.C. A. PRESIDENCY C. H. Anderson, Vice-President The Officers to Be Installed Next Month. Herbert S. Reese, president of tho Junior class, was olocted president of tho Univorslty Y. M. O. A. In tho election hold last Friday and Satur day. C. II. Anderson was elected vico--presldentrnmr-lrNriUndlg, secretary. Tho newly elected officers nsanmo lliolr duties on tho first bf April of" this year. Cluett Pleated Coats at $1.50 .Shirts BUDD, 1415 The Forum An Up-to-Date Idea. Tho University fs not n scholastic clolBtor, It Is moro than a provider Of Meal tlekots to tho intellectually Impractical,- -Drawing Its support from tho pockotbooks of tho pebplo, tho "University Is nn organization undor a morally binding contract to sorvo tho people. Tho people our fathers and mothers, our brothers and sistors onjoy, as wo do, tho cxcellont In dra matics,, public speaking, athletics, con certs and what not. Tho University is In n position to take thoso things Jto them. Why, theroforo, should it not? To lorvo tho pooplo In this way can hardly help but bring desirable re- -sultsr It-will 'bTlnEtotho"UnIvorsIEy moro students, moro money, and best of all, moro good will. I am for It. C. A. SORENSBN. People We Know. Mario Dally of Ounlap, la., is at tho Chi Omega house. Anna Koss of Aurora Is visiting friends in Lincoln.- """" MlnniO Hn!Mi of Auburn q vlcltlng. tho Alpha XI Doltas and other friends this week. Dr. J. D. Hoffman entertained tho senior engineering students at his homo Saturday ovenlng. TO.DAY IN NEBRASKA'S HISTORY March 11, 1905. Professor Kimball 1b arranging sev eral big musical ovents for tho near future. Tho first will bo a concert by Ibib famous Spanish pianist, Da Matta. His appoarance will be March 17. On May i tho celebrated violin virtuosos, J Ysayo, will glvo a concert nt tho Ollvor. , March 11, 1911. Many students attended tho me morial sorvico in honor of tho late professor Phillips. Thero was an ad dress by tho Chancellor, and Dean Burnett and Dr. Bossoy made short talks. Between fifty and sixty stu dents of tho Forestry departmonta t tended In a-body. Phi Beta Kappa Announcements. Classes will bo dismissed at 10 o'clock. Uiis morning for tho junlor froshman debate to bo held in Me morial Hall. The subject of tho de bate touches tho vital question of suffrage. Phi Beta Kappa announce raents will bo made Immediately after tho contest. KANSA8 AGGIE-NEBRASKA CORRESPONDENCE SHOOT Scores Not Complete-7-Huskers and Gophers to Shoot Soon Min nesota s Strong. Tho Kansas Aggie-Nebraska riflo contbst ondod fast night Tho con tesUwas carried on by correspondence, Kansas shooting on hor range and Ne braska on tho home range. Scores will bo ready for publication tomor row. Tho greatest event of this na turo will bo tho correspondence shoot between tho Nobroaka and Minnesota teams, to bo hold soon. The Gophors aro Raidto-hav.o-a strong toam -but- tho Huskors Boom to bo ready willing to "take them on." and 75c Price Q STREET University Calendar Muesday, March 10. 10:00 a. m. -Convocation Memorial Hall. 5:00 pT m. Schiontlfic lecture Braco Hall. 6:00 p. m. Kappa Slgs vs. Alpha Thots. 0:00 p. m. -Delta TauB vs. Betas. 7:15 p. m. Palladian business meet ing. 7:15 p. m. Gloo Club practlco Templo. 7:30 p. m. Pharmaceutical Society U. 3. 8:00 p. m. Latin Club- Homo of Misses Hummel. Wednesday, March 11. 5:00 p, m. Scientific lecture- Braco Hall. 0:00 p. m. Sigma Chls vs. Phi Delta. 7:00 p. m. Union business meeting; - J7:15 p. m. Gleo Club practice. Artlstlo danco programs and menus for particular pooplo. T3eorgo Bros., Printors, 1313 N street. -University-Notices- "Fraternities and Sororities." Tho pictures of your houses must bo turned In at the Cornhuskor office, U Hall, fourth floor, before Friday, March 13. 'If no plcturo has been taken, mako arrangements with the editor. , ' - Snap Shots. Fraternities and BororltioB aro re- I'quosteu to man to tno editor any '."line" snapshots thoy may have for use In 1914 Cornhuskor. To the Juniors. AH Juniors who have not checked In with their Junior Play tickets Avill please do so at onco. Either to myself or to T. A. Williams. . RALPH NORTHRUP. Palladian-Society. Palladian business meeting tonight at 7:15 at tho Palladian Hall. Latin Club. The Latin Club will meet tonight at 211 South Twenty-eighth street with tho Misses Hummoll. On account of quarantine at tho Achoth houBo tho club cannot meet with tho Misses Hayes and Cuba. Spharo Styx. Report of the Spharo Styx play given January 17, 1914: Total seat sale, $329.25. Expenditures Rental of Ollvor Theater, $120.25; costumos, $48.83; advertising, $23; stago hands, $9; stamps, telephone tolls and signs, $2.88; stenographic bureau, $3.55; orchestra, $30; Incidentals, $2; all tho balance of $83.74 to pay the di rector of the play. R. F. Swift, Mana ger. Auditod March C, 1914. T. A. WILLIAMS, Agont Studont Activities. Pharmaceutical Society, Tho Pharmaceutical Society meet tonight In U'. Hall 103. will 7 JPI edges. Sigma Nu annouhcos the pledging of Lloyd . P. Romoche, Schuyler; Byron C. MacHerron, Pender; Emll J. Krahulik, Olarkson. Wanted For Cornhusker. Wanted Your bosp snapshots fpr publication In tho CornhUBkor. Any i . --- . - ... i..- . . - imomquai, group, "stuny' moturps picnic, dance or party groups will bo giaaiy accopiea at tno omco, or man tp tho Editorial Department Organizations! Notice All organizations that have had their; pictures taken and hayo not paid for their spaco In- tbo CorjahUBker ARMSTRONG New Athletic Carrying a complete line of Sporting Goods Baseball, Basketball, and othr branches of" athletics. TFeatiiringtlie" Alt Spalding & Bros. ATHLETIC GOODS Armstrong. GOOD CLOTHE8 THE University School of Established 1894 -Opposite the University Campus, 1 1 th and R Sts. In structions Given in All Branches of Music. Students mayEnter at Any Time. Beginners Accepted. WILLARD KIMBALL, Director must call at tho ofllco and do so at onco, as no cuts will ho mado until paid for. R. P. SWIFT, Business Manager. Cornhusker. All organizations desiring spaco In tho19l4 Cornhusker must have their pictures taken at TownBond's at onco. BUSINESS MANAGER. Votes for Women. Tho Univorslty Woman's Equal Suffrage Society wishes to announce that "Votes for Women" badges may do nau tor too asKtng at miss uraKos office In tho Y. W. C. A. room. Ostwald of Leipzig. Tho departments of Chomistry, Agrjqultural Chomlstry and Physics of. tho University of .Nebraska an nounce a series of flvo lectures on ''Col)olds" to bo given on tho JJnlvor- Bliy vuuiub in niuvju -RMi yum an. at 5 p. ra, each day, beginning Monday, March 9. Thoso lectures wll bo glvon In English by Dr. Wolfang-Ostiyald of tbo University of Lplpzlg, Germany, and will bo" of, very groat-Interest to students of tho physical Bploncos and ofrmodicino. A cordial invitation is oxtonded to anyone Interested in this bwiob qi ivuiyruu, Juniors. Thoro will bo a mooting of tho junior class Tuosday'mornlng.immedl atoly after convocation. 'All Juniors out". , Department 4 Clothing Co. MERCHANT8 Music Jones' Orchestra. Phono L-8G6G. CLASSIFIED LIST LOST A small black leather pocket book ojx campus Monday, in Law Building or U.Hall. Finder return to Rag Office. . 3-9-1 LOST In. drill locker room, drill blouso. Leavb Information at Rag office. Jteward. LOSTAblackWaterman fountain pen, 1 pair brown gloves, a brown pockotbook with 75 cents; between Memorial Hall and Temple. Pleaso return to Rag office, 3?7-3 JTAIODN from Semplor-outsideafe- $orla, notebook containing Gorman and Latin notes, Return to Rag office. POUND At Oliver' Theater, gold,cuff button, marked "W.'' Call at Rag office and call for some. POUND In Chom. building, a watch. Call at 'JRag" offlco and 14en);fy property, 3-5-3 K POUND ONo gpld bracelet, In the Temple Owner may havo samoby calling aCofeteria an Identifying it, " ' '"" n 3-7-3 UNIVERSITY stenographic work. Your thosJB copied at reasqnablo rates. Phono' L-7'C9i. s 3-5:5 v I V 4 :;'- . -& r; r Zt T55 . . N H'r .W, VM A , ' WL JP,?s j '., . v 'V f r r; w&,:-.. N.' tj ';- ys t.'IW'fv t .' i .iA; &- vyT fp. BpfllBWPWii" T' '