WP wTrpw7' Ti . T Z r"l . , c'r ' - "-.-'T V K ' - f 1 r-"3t' ft TBI DAILY N EBKA.SK AN y ?Vsr T7V h 'A -4 .'i t' V 1-4-1 f T tl C 6LLEGE STUKTS Athletic RdiloL . j 8P0RT N0TE8.- m Tim first game of tho big high school bnakeflmll toufnaiiilQntwlirbcr played next Wednesday ovonlng; In the Armory. Thursday will seo thirty two teams ollmlnated. Friday tho Homl-finals and consolation matches will bo played. Tho finals will como off Saturday. The men -who aro gbTnglo fopfoBolit Nebraska In tho Kansas City Athletic Club moot, Saturday night; left last night over the Burlington. Tho soven men comprising tho party wero Cap tain Reavls, Reoao, Whorry, Zumwln klo, Scott, Irwin and Bates. Thoy will Tdtum""oarlySundaymornlngr Thoro is a rumor abroad on tho cnmpiiHthnt thomedlcsaro In dlro W.osjoynn has a fast toam. Any ono of tho twolvo hundred peoplo who wit nessed tho game will say that Wos loyan is fast and In Thursday night's battle doBorvcd to win. From tho Ne braska point of view tho gamo was a big disappointment Nebraska oxpect ed to win. That thoy didn't win was due- to tho fact that Thursday night thoy mot a 'bettor team, se ART HALL FLOOR FINE PROGRAM ON ROMAN ART FOR THE'NEWDXNCErr BVLATINCUUB TUE8DAY- Trl Dclts Well Pleased Other Organi zations Soon to Experiments From all reports of tho Trl DoltB, Art Hull provod very satisfactory as a luii'cIh,'irailrTho-glrls-llko-tho-hall especially because of tho soft lights, pictures and cuIUTSircUttavenport87 "which give tho room a homoliko ap pearance. Also thoro soomod to bo more room, tho hall being wider than most of the other halls generally used by the students. llowover, thoy say tho floor Is not ho good for dancing as Is that of tho Music Hall, but that would not seem to be of ho much iraportauco with tho -now dances. Qther objections aro Timi lliuiu uiu nu dicflatog-roeuH-&iHl- Meeting at'Achoth House Five Inter esting Numbers Listed. Tho Latin Club will moot Tuosday ovonlng, March 10, with tho Misses Jiaya-and,CubaatJ;ho Achoth houso. Tho following program will bo given: Roman Art? Its History Ruby Hills Etrusqan Art Zoo Hays Pompelian Art Helen Stuby Mothpds pf Painting Miss Long "Tho Grandeur That Was Rome" Johanna Ogden iw other room In which to sit betwoon 'dances, thus thoy miss Faculty Hall. Nevertheless, tho girls seem to bo very much ploasod with tho hall, which Ih surely destined to becomo a popu lar place for University dances. SIMMONS THE PRINTER Good Printing 317S.12th.Sl. TcJLB-2319 BHBPp'anok!a!5BMB 'l I - xwMTyrw'9 3&& zyw?$: - ':'- ' ' I n uiuett, l'cbody A Uo., tae Maker .m'rMiMfll . X-.- ''.fKftWBralBB, ,4 1 watch 1 'ifd iMm -; FOR OUR IVLJSlmVVlW;':'IK ' ' i. , PANTS -''BHrttSF'' - L ZL" i 1?IbbbM"' - i jiggl:1BaMk' .. ' .. ' a BBB B m -. ftH ' . TBBBBBBBBT '! r- ytBrjBy . . 7 "6,va-v77IBBHKBlfeS7 II ,i HI IIICQ I -tWiwj"iiP: ffl' ... HV1BHH1 ffflfflBTBr' " BbI tJWfewt aS-afctxaiir.A. ".. - .-- . j- . ..-. 1 , L M . . j: ' -Popular Priced Outfitters ' .... fel V nm:..x Montgomery & Stoneih "fte Udy of; the Slipper" , . X kl & AVLtU & H I ' ANOKA ARROW (COLLAR ArtlBtlo danco programs and menus tor particular pooplo. George BroB Prlntors, 1313 N etroot. CAT8 IN DEMAND BY ENERGETIC MEDICS Purchasing Agent Wondering Where tatrrrdry Bags Ge Mlie Badly Scratched. noed of cats 'tis ovon said that kittles havo been missing from several homes in tho lmmedlato vicinity. However truo this minor Is, tho fact remains that every medic has a peculiar searching look in his oyo and his foot stops aro becoming softer and softer as tho days go by. Yob, and not a fow carry hands decoralbcT with band ngcB, which aro said to bo duo to scratches recofveff In tho l)rocesff vti picking roses (or something else). Evans haB registered a complaint against tho uso of thoir laundry bags -for-tho transportation of wild animals Also drastic measures aro soon to bo commenced by soveral has-been own ors of tho follno tribe. To add to tho dangers, a heavy flno hag been placed on each medic who does..not turn in a flno handsomo cat. MICHIGAN 8TUDEIMT8 OBTECT11 ????????????????? 1HWWftTWHERE - HANDY DIRECTORY OF THOSE WHO ALWAYS HAVE SOME- THIN! YOU MEED , f i. Carry Your Batnlc Account VUlth Jm MM CTY NATIOINAL BANK UUIUl CORNER ELEVENTH ANP O 8TS, (M Gregory C(al Go, VUUI J. M. CLARK, MO. Sei Us First Urils See too Hrst. B329I Films Developed 6 Expos&ns 10c, 8 & 10 Explores 160, 12 EiiMjwes 20a FREDERICK MACDONALD 318 Brownttl Bile. PHONE L402i 187 South Mth FfnrKt Flowers All the Time. CHAPIN BROS. I lUlUl. 12-7- South Thirteenth. Telephone B2234 Print j IIlX2lkNJLltti Street UKlVJCi3 Equal Suffrage Association. . Thoro will bo a mooting of tho Uni versity Women's Equal Suffrage Asso ciation In tho Tomplo, Saturday at 2 p. m., just before tho Girls' Club meet ing. It Is hoped that all University young women will como early and at tend tho equal suffrage meeting. It Is to be very Important. It will bo over fn timo for tho Girls' Club party. All young women aro invited to attend. , They ,aro going to pull off a play in tho Unlvorslty of Chicago entitled "Tho Student Superior." That's a good title tho studont is. alwaysv su periorbut to what? Want Athletic Board Elected Directly by Students. Agitation has been started on tho Michigan campus for a change In tho athletic control. At present, tho mon who aro elected as managors of tho various teams, tho secretary and treasurer, and tho faculty and alumni representatives constltuto a board of directors which elects from its own Jinmhnr thn -hnnrA 4n ffnnfrnl- whlclulB the real governing board. A now sys tem Is advocated by which the mem bers of tho board In control shall bo olected directly for this purposo by tho students. It is hold that tho men who aro olected for administrative offices should not bo given legislative and executive power. Watch This Column Grow ! Fraternities-Require Eleven Hours Fraternities of Michigan have agreed to initiate no freshmen until they have mado oloven hours of work with a. grade of at least C. They fur Thor agreeu" tf allow no froshmen to live in tho houso until thoy havo mado tho required hours, and to do no pledging outside ot Ann Arbor. University Jeweler arid Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. Yellow Pjont Tour Patronage Solicited New Lindell Ball Room SENIOR PROM March 28, 1914 Grand March at 8 o'clock - $3:00 NEW CLASSES BEING FORMED. NOW. This is a good timo to enter for a full course or for work in connection with your university work. Call at our office and talk it over. The Lincoln Business College 14th & P Sts., 1st corner east of Y. M. 0. A, E. 0. BIGGER, Preg. W. N. WATSON, V. JPrei. W. A. BOBBINS, Seo'y Typ ewriters Rented ALL MAKES SPECIAL BOTES TO STUDENTS OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1 117 SOUTH .TWELFTH SUPPLY CO t. ,j ' : Zi'vaBffBtaHBBBBftli The Oliver, Monday March 9 I 1 r -v ;:: A -,',.-. .- k LA' .i.-' (.. --.. . . . . ' .. . '. ..MiB(Cvywi & , 'Wtox--. ?; &$& llii-O . y Pffr r j,l.... .uu.,y ; .x ?- - -ft. - - ...-- - t. ' JW-" Ktir. v ."-.- -' i.v . - ,.',, ' ,' 1, . .. g ':k .L. .: ... -. - .,-. - -1, -V ' . r".- ''' ,.-t ' u, -..V,iVW' J?:?!T "' iJa"- -v.. ..." . " v - 2 i " . t-, . -. .i. .T- :rv vt? - t .. ' .