The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 07, 1914, Image 2

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The paily Ncbraskan
Property of
1 lMio'no ...'. L-"T
Managing Editor P. C. Sponcor
AwioolJvto Editor Huth M. Sqiriree
Aasoclnto Editor R- V, Koupal
Athletic Editor C'JC- Morao
Oarrio Oomon HortenHo Knuffmun
W. B. Hogtr Oernlillno Kauffman
ElltabBth Hyde Hugh McVlckor
t ...!. 1,'Hiol Arnnlrt
'lUVrl jiuiuuuii j
Loon Palmer V. M. Mnrrlum
Krma NcIhou
BuslncM Monngor FYank S. Porklna
Awt. BimlncBO MaimBor..RuBsoll P. Clark
Subscription prlco $2.00 per year,
payablo In advance.
Slnglo copies, 5 cents oach.
Entered at tho pontofllco at Lincoln,
Nebmnka. na seconl-clns mall matter,
under the Act of Congress of March 3,
The DAILY NEBRASICAN purposes to
bo dho frow volco of student Bontlmont;
to be fair; to bo Impartial; to Hook advlco
as woll rw offer It; to truthfully picture
oollogo life; to go further than tho moro
printing of nowa by standing for tho
hlghoat Idoala of the Unlvoralty; in abort,
to aervo tho Unlvoralty of Nnbranka.
Saturday, March 7, 1914
'dont,, will leavo for homo. Don't fall
to And out if your homo town people
.would bo willing to- hnvo somo Uni
ivorslty talont Instead of somo road
show whon entertainment is desired.
fDonit fall to lot thorn know that tho
students want to show what Is ..being
Tlohe at BOiiooi, lor In that way and
only in that way will somo of theso
falso Impressions bo effaced. Every
body with his shoulder to tho wheel.
The Forum
Editor of tho Dally Nobraskan:
Slnco so much Interest ha8 been
shown by tho students in regard to tho
extension of University activities, I
seo no reason why a good tblng slioulu
not bo caught up and carried 'to ulti
mate success. Many of tho young peo
plo going to their homo towns during
tho spring vacation can work up a
sontlment which will work wonders.
A groat movement of this naturo must
not fall through. Just a simplo ex
planation of tho proposition will make
tho homo folks interested enough to
look inju tho papers for furthor par
ticular. That many peoplo throughout tho
state havo a falso impression of Uni
versity activities can not bo doubtedv
Thoy feel and think that we spend our
spare ume in useless amusements and
our monoy In wasteful ways. Wo
know that thoy ar,o mistaken for our
debating programs, our dramatic pro
ductions, our band concerts and vari
ous activities aro of tho best and by
tho best talent. Must wo allow falsely
colored and crudely drawn posters,
unauthoritative articles and unground
ed expressions by unthinking peoplo
leave a falso impression with high
school students and their parents that
it will tako years to eradicate?
A wook from today you, Mr. Stu-
(Contlnued from-P&ggQgQ)
his dialect, his manner, his wholo In
terpretation had tho air of a finished,
studied bit of presentation. Ho gbt
tho laughs tlmo after timo. Ho nlso
got somo celory presented utter tlfb"
second net. ThlB brought down tho
houso, But Rockio mado A littlo cur
tain speech nnd "got nwny with It" in
flno stylo.
Prank Kruso did somo good work In
his presentation of tho Russian duko
traveling "Incog." Ho had tho sym
pathy of tho audlonco from tho first,
partially because ho waB Piko's best
Tho naughty Fronch widow who ran
away with an Englishman years boforo
and who tried to got tho Amorlcan
Esslo Jones. Fred Babcock did ono
of tho best plecos of chnractor work
seen In University dramatics for Bomo
timo. Ho was an ideal oscaped Rus
sian nihilist. Fred Fielding, as tho
Earl of HawcaBtle, succeeded in get
ting himself disliked from tho first
whloh waB his business, tho deep vll
lian that ho was. In fact, there was
toot ono misfit in tho cast. Tho minor
parts, which uw not bo noticeable
whon thoy aro well played, aro vory
conspicuous whon poorly playod. But
last night tho wholo cast did itself
Tho programs woro vory catchy.
Thoy woro In tho shape of a suit caso,
with "Daniel Voorhees PIRo" on tho
outsido. Tho programs woro present
ed to tho Junior Class by tho Amer
ican Printing Company.
Much credit is due tho committeo
in charge in general, and to Itylph
Northrup, tho business manager, in
particular. There is no danger of tho
play having lost two hundred dollars.
-bato-iast-nlgbt-Mr. NOrtlirUp 'could"
not be found, so no definite statement
can bo made. But It is cortaln that
thoro will bo no largo deficit. Tho
finances aro on the safe side.
University Calendar
Saturday, March 7.
0:u0 a. m. Delta Ub yb. Alpha Taus.
9:00 a. m.-fllgma Chls vs. Sigma
10:00 a. m. Phi Psls vs. Sigma
10:00 a. m. Slg Eps vs. Phi Edits.
10:00 a. m. Kappa Sigtf vs. Alpha
2:00' p. m. All-University Girls'
party. -
8:00 p. m. Gorman Club, Valeria
8:15 p. m. Tegnor Socloty Tem
ple. 8:30 p. m. Union Literary Socloty.
"Rag"dnnccFTrr.T)oir house.
Sigma Nu dancing party Art Hall.
Bushnoll Guild dnnclng party
Music Hall.
Kappa Kappa Gamma dancing
party Fraternity Hall. -
Dolta . Chi pledge danco Chapter
Sigma Chi houso party.
Alpha Tau Omega houso party.
Sigma Alpha Epsllon annual ban
quet. Mystic Fish dancing party St.
George's Studio. v
People We Know.
p. $ 1lt
Keys at HallotfB. All bIzob.
14K gold, eavo your certificate.
EBtab. 1871 1143 O.
The following men aro back for tho
biennial formal party and banquet of
tho Sigma Alpha Epsllon fraternity:
Cecil Bachort of David City, A. B.
Olson and C. D. Olson of Osceola,
Davo Mookor of Imperial, Paul Har
rington and B6b. Johnson of Grand
Island, J. L. McAllen of Council THnff
, to our announcement The Now fcm!?r,,Sw
HaF iimr
to our announcement The Now
Spring '14' Hats are ready. And
we're proud to say that there's
a reason, tho best season The
Armstrong reason which means
greater volume greater values
classier styles.
And lot us add that wo 're extra
proud' this season, for wo'vo put
forth greater effort to add laurols
to our distinction of .being several
monthB Tihead of what's generally
said to bo new. Let us show you
Stetson, Dunlap, Schoble, Gordon, O. & K., Deputy. . .$2 to $5
Heidoap, Cross, Konfidence 60c to $2.50
We'll feature for this season THE "ARTMER" HAT
$2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.60
Armstrong Clothing Co.
and D. B. Templo of Wayne
Joseph T. Votava, '11, of Omaha,
; visited tho University while In tho city
' yesterday. Mr. Votava will bo remem
bered by tho older students on ac
count of tho prominence ho won in
Tho physiology class of tho Lincoln
High School visited tho Pharmacy de
partment this week.
Dr. Condra spoko before tho State
Conservation Congress at McCook last
night. During tho past week ho has
been taking pictures of tho horse In
dustry at Sutton.
Hazel Pfttflrfl nr TJrth Tnd It-
Cornell, Iowa, Trounces Cornhusker's
Tho Wesloyan basketball team, after
travollng slnco night boforo last, was
dofoated by the Cornell team In Cor
nell, Iowa, last night. .Tho final score
was 16 to 14. It was a hard-fought
battle from whlstlo to whistle. Tho
outcomo was in doubt till tho last.
Wesloyan attributed their defeat to
tho lang hard trip they woro forced
to tako. In tho. meantime It Is ex--pectcd
that Cornell will bo making
somo little holler over thero about
that team of thoirB..
Advisory Committee to Meet.
The faculty committeo on tho qd.
vlsory system will meet In Professor
Lo Hosslgnol's ofllco this morning at
10 o'clock to discuss plans.
The New AnWe Strap Effect
$4.50 Values
spending tho week end at tho Alpha
Chi Omega houso.
Grace. McTaggert of Columbus is at
tho Delta Gamma houso.
Graco Fisher of York is spending
the week end at the Thota house.
Anderson Talked on Mechanical Slde-
of Agricultural Engineer's Work
Rhodes, on Managerial Side.
The Agricultural finginooring So
ciety hold Us rogular meeting last
Thursday jilghL L. Rhodes and C. H.
Anderson gave talks on somo of the
opportunities of tho agricultural en
gineer, Mr. -Anderson discussed tho
field offered as farm mechanics. Ho
compared tho machinery of today with
that of fifty years ago and pointed out
wbat, modern agricultural machinery
has done for tho dovolopmont of this
country; HoromphaBize"(rtho neeu or
technical trained men 'to design ma
chinery in order to meet tho agricul
tural problems of tho future.
Mr. Rhodes talked 'on tho agricul
tural engineer as manager of a farm.
Ho brought up somo of tho things that
aro being done by men of this profes
sion already in that field. Thero aro
many difficult problems to be solved
in tho arrangement of buildings and
tho choice and carb of machinery. Ho
pointed out that tho average farmer
Is-loalng a large portion of his profits
on account, of being unablo to solve
theso problems to the best advantage.
It was pointed out by the speaker that
efficiency is as Important on tho farm
as in tho factory,
New British Model fn Men's
Hanan Shoes
A shipment of these smart shoes just received.
Come in dark Tan Russia Calf- custom last laoe
style blind eyelets narrow toe low heel extra
stout sole heavy white stitched. Classy in appear
ance excellent for real wear. May be had in high
cut or Oxford. All sizes now Price $7.00 pair.
We are Lincoln Retailers for Hanan Shoes.
Main Floor.
University School of Music
Established 1894
Opposite the University Campus, 1 1 th and R Sts. In
structions Given in All Branches of Music. Students
may Enter at Any Time. Beginners Accepted.
. - ,v -r'
S. J A
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