(A ,r , ' -v S N,- ,J ... TurMMiHt Opito Htxl Wad. Evt If r,' m VOL. XIII. NO. 106 TimVERSITYF-iraB Pmce 5 Cents ' M TheDaily Nebraskan : i ! '' - . -. u - v (LtTA v i ' r; ; H - PLAY IS A SUCCESS NORTHRUP REPORTS FINANCES 8AFE CONDITION. IRE CAST SHOWS UP FINE rly Large Audience Well Satisfied With" Junior Clan Play, "The Man From Home," at the Oliver Last Night. The Junior Play was one grand buc- XX3BB. Tho playNvaa good, the cast vclb good, and tho audionco was prob ably largo onough to pay expenses. Nothing happoncd to mar tho smooth jiess of tho production or tho enjoy mcntoLthe.audlenco.But this doesn't half begin to glvo credit to the cast and the management It is hard to toll just where to begin In presenting tho boquets, but since ilrst on tho program comes Daniel Voorhees Plko of Kokomo, Indiana, rCloyd Stewart shall head.ytho honor roll. Stewart's work was excellent. "His entlro Interpretation of tho "man 1 rdm home" was characterized by easo :uud bluuui'lty. Tbc-midlcnce-qulte-for- .got that It was Cloyd Stewart they "Wore hearing; they thought it was a Yankee lawyer from Indiana trying to persuade a title-hunting heiress . jigalnBt herself. Mr. Stewart Is cer tainly worthy of much credit for his presentation of Mr. Pike. r Ethel Granger-SImpBon. the Amer ican helrosB, was exceptionally woll played by Miss Ella Williams. She could Bulk, bo moody, then bo bright and happy; then turn oh poor old Plko and rap him soundly. She throw -herself entlrery Into tho tfart. Hor earnestness and sincerity rang truo to -tne auuienco. Tlieru wub uuthlirg-swl perflcial In her interpretation of a girl who was hunting happiness In an empty title, and who found It in a simple man from Indiana. Itocklo Aramerman- was tho big laugh of the show. Ho scored an im mediate "hit" which lasted till hoad made his last bow before tho foot lights. Hocklo took this part of tho fortune-hunting Englishman but two days before 'tho play was given, and had but one rehearsal. Tot his volco, (Continued on pago 2) 1HTER-FRAT TRACK MEET IS POSTPONED . y m ; Many Men Go to ,Kansas City Slg JiX v 'Alphs -Winner LasC Year y" 1 Eac" Fra Confident. ' On account of tho largo number of . : athletic men who will attena th"omtey; colleglato moot in Kansas Olty tho -" latter part of this week, tho inter fratornlty track meet has boon post poned'. This moot was scheduled tor this afternoon, but wlll;probably not occur until after spring vacation. Tho men have been working out for. some time and a very goooT meet Is ex pected, i As yet-the outcome Is rather doubtful, although oach fraternity Is certain that their men ,aro sure win ners. Last year tho Slg Alphs won the meet and they bavo a good bunch ln school again this year -"but tho - same nay. bo said of many other - .. . Tjunchea. i IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE I --,. wkat? AfcAiNt) fa? or , I IXw I heRv anp! ; T r-pT MA OR W6LI m I R omp ' Hi ' 'I p L )IPVr ' S M THE C(FV , - I f ALL RUbHF I J flLLUM AND ij "ttx Cri i Ma tmi- lij" i aoc fin Mfi m w ya in front i Tfy $n$ci ak-- J & f I i fr & 19 wmjW' r- sAft Infill pfPH I ill L!!?rH 4 J 9 JfiSBfTT" ffllillll lTt' i I flJ ' Kv Sls LI H 3 lA' 1M THE COOHTP.V - if CopyrUhLi , . -- NOT ONLY. TEACHING -FOR UNIVERSITY GIRLS Misses Pound, Graham and Drake on Committee for Establishing Bureau In West. Tho Association of Colleglato Alumnao has occupation bureaus now in Boston, Now York, Philadelphia, and Chicago, and aro now attempting to start ono in Kansas City or Omaha. Ono of tho lines of activities of 'this association is to help girls establish thoraselvos in other lines of ;work be sides teaching. It is felt that tho teachers' bureau takes cafo of that lino of work adequately and tho field Ib now too full. Da,ta Is being gath ered which will state tho qualifications necessary for tho "girls In other linos of work. It has boon found that GO -per cent of the positions ollglblo and acceptable to college womon require training in stenography. Tho attempt now is to jpubllsh data whloh will ad tIbo girls "what lino of work to tako at tho beginning of tholr courses which will qualify them for the posj (ions thoy suggest. A committeo composed of Miss Pound, Miss Drako, and Miss Graham .luift-hnnn-Appntntflfl-hnrp in nWI n thn work. When-thls-assoclatlon work Is fully organized Jt 'will moan a groat deal to future business women. The committeo is planning to glvo a recep tion to senior girls about April 18th, so that thoy can learn' about tho or ganization and boost It. GIRL8 CLUB PARTY IN TEMPLE TODAY ' Girls' Club party this afternoon at the Tomplo. Tho first parf of the pro gram will bo given' in the theater and tho latter part in tho Music Hall. A number of girls from the. School of Agriculture will be the guests of the rigs our JSt? mfc Jyfyry' fe t- lrn 1 LA8T ROUND UP . BEFORE VACATION Talbot of the Modern Woodmen Speak Plans for Next Week to Be Discussed. - to T-ho-laBtoundup-boforo-springyod oauon win do nom touay in tno 'rom pie. Tills is also tho last round-up which will bo in charge of tho old offi cers. The Y. M. C. A. has been to- quostod to aid in showing tho high school athletes hospitality during their stay in Lincoln and this matter will bo discussed. Luncheon will bo served at 12:30, followed immediately by a short devotional period, led by Itov. J. F. Booyo. Pfans lor tho week Will bo discussed and A, n. Talbot, head consul of tho Modern Woodmen of America, will, dollvor a practical talk on "The Prospective Student and How Wo May Approach Him." Every one is urged to bo present PRINCETON UNIVERSITY -MAN WINS FIRST PRIZE Gtory on Volunteer Convention Held In Kansas City, Mo. Many Ne- braska-Students There!-, - A number of the students from the University of Nebraska attended the Student Volunteor convention held in Kansas City. Mo., last January; and their reports of tho convention upoir tholr return wore tba nothing better had been hold -for a long time. An account of tho convention written by GrO. McKown is given In the follow ing article: Five thousand delegates from Insti tutions of learning in- the United States and Canada gathered at Kansas City for a convention lasting from De cember 31-to January A, in the inter- AAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAVAAAMAAAAAAAAVVi HUSKERS TO CHICAGO FOR GYM. MEET IN APRIL Intercollegiate Transfered From Lin coln to Chicago Because of Dr. Clapp's Illness. , Already tho gymnasts aro beginning to look forward to tho intorcolloglato moot which is to be hold April Gth at Chicago University. The plan had boon to hold this mcetat Nebraska this year, but owing to tho sickness of Dr. Clapp, It was decided to post pone the meeting hero until next year and to hold this year's moot in Chi cago. Tho tryouts will probably not bo held until a short timo before tho meet, but tho men havo been working hard to mako a place. All men who make a creditable showing will be taken on tho trip. At this meet repre sentatives will bo present from all tho mombers of tho '"Big Nino," as well as several other largo universities of .thoJK.OBt, This moans that tho com petition will bo botwoon very capable" mon and that very good work must bo dono la order to mako a showing.. But some vory good men have boon show ing up In the Armory and it is thought posBlblo to pull down several of the honors. Last year Nebraska was rep roscntod by Southwlck, Guhther and Ganz. Thoso men did vory good work but woro unablo to pull tho larger points. It is expected that Nebraska wlir raise tho standing made" last year. ONE-ACT COMEDY BY GERMAN 'DRAMATIC CLUB At the regular mooting of tho Ger man DramaUo Club last night a one- act farce comedy was presontedr "Das Gespenst in Dor Pension," At the business meeting which followed sev eral other plays wore discussed. An- other production will be presentedtW the near futue - SENIOR GL CHANCELLOR "AVERY AND GOV ERNOR MOREHEAD TO ATTEND TICKETS FOR NINETY COUPLE Llndoll DlnlnjrRoom-toBe-EIfntly Decorated Programs Only o1 tho BetMaterlalaranrd" March at ElpfhL . Aftor Booing tho sampleaofforcd by a dozen program makorB, tho commit too In chargo oftho annual prom of Alio Bonlor class is yet undodided as to what thoy will proyldo tho dancers at tho function in tho way of pro grams. Designs in ivory, leather. -moUioruof-pcjiri;ii)aporncJTLmjaj have boon submitted to tho'commlttes, but thoy are. holding off tho lotting of " tho contract until several other flrmti are heard from, Tho' preaonfc plans call for a program that can bo pre- , Borvcd ns a useful favor and ono not to bo cast aside aftor the last dance of tho evening. SS PROM Qovornor and. Mrs.-Morohead. and. t Chancellor and Mrs. Avory Vlll bo in - tho receiving lino at the prom ancj; will tako "partjn tho festlvlties.ot the evening. Tho Governor and Chancel- -lor Avery both expressed Jhomsoves as pleased with an opportunity to at- - tend tho function. Governor More head has an engagement to sneak out " in tho state, "the evening .before, but stated that ho would hasten back to Lincoln and don his evening clothes to bo prosont . ' .. Tho dining hall at-tho X,lndell Hotel , will IO arranged into a prettily; dec orated parlor for the evening and a refreshment bower -will be erected at' ono end of tho room whore thqge.at tending will bo given the best of re-4 freshmonts that tho city caterers' can- V provide. - JX VWDIk PORIU Ul UVABLB A.VXJI, UJJ yB-, -".J,! torday when it became known- that ?' n1v nftlAV AAlinlnfl sili1l n fan1 Ht a. 1 vw .w. WWMVW w MWU. W. , plan of tho committeo In keeping down ihn ntfnnrlnnn anainnA 4r mint vrlh i ..w mw...ww nuwtuvu v viu wv. -IJ A. i II . . - , .J uiu iuu tiuuuunuuiuuut mac lao.sr&na' march would begin atelgbt o'clock,;- and a demand for thopasteboards be gan. . . . , , . TRI DELTS UNDER DAN IIVTII ODDiun umifinM umiL orninu t nun iuu v anjHeJLenip Council Pui' onflW Front Others In Llne'ferJlu S"" " Like Offsnse. 4!;i Delta Delta Delta has been forbid' "1 don to inltlato any, of its. pledges' until . .-..... i- ( "n f f3W hTifli rtit mr ftrr& l km irsjr.i' h- - Mw Mw k.ja.uq fnvAbiUU UWBUBCW tho initiation, ofa .sophomore girl w)k:: was incomplete in a ono houPsubJeeL.v' This was-declded at the neetingf , tho GIrls'4 PanJHellenlo Advisor Covuiv ell held yesterday morning iot- the re ylow of minor offenses.. This vows V, v . ponaity was declared, However, there aro other offenseV etj to, e A Judged, but eaoVmugtrfay as proper'; neanng, . Several other sororities reoorUd. girls Initiated wlthoUt the signature ' of tho Patf-Hollenlo chairman but4n all these cases tho records were clear.' ' xuw uowniiiee ibibkb ihih eaceiess- Be and, igiowusoe' ef "rule slwulft.' IronrlmanHail 1 :.. i 1 ,J Jt J I KJ t6 .ii f: ' ; V u. J?l ' r. '4 V& M m Club. (Continued on page 3) --If..-- V... . . , f fk w J , Kf V I p r V t tl,-, -u- ' V r ...' - . . Zi ., -sj v .-',1.' '."Lii"ti "li-' - KSt.fc iiH . hi V