mtgfrrn J- t TheDailyNebraskan High School TOHrMIHOIlt Noxi Wetk Ttirinmint Opint Ntxt .4 V! s VOL. XIII. NO. 105 UNIVERSITY, OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1914. Priced Cents GQRNHUSKERS LOSE EIGHT H; S. DEBATES L) t WESLEYAN WIN8 RUBBER GAME FROM. CORNHUSKER8. FAST PLAY WAS BIG FEATURE Weslcyan in Excellent. Trim and Fight Was In Their 'Blood rNcbraska Probably Overconfidont Game Fairly Won. WeBleyan won tho rubber gamo last night from Nebraska. Tho contest -was staged on a neutral floor the .City Auditorium having boon trans formed Into an arenn. Some six or seven hundred fnns witnessed . the tragedy. Rud" Brownrmr ux-Kuuhub buskeft ball star, did tho olliclating and gave entire satisfaction. The story of the gamo is told In detail. It was Just about llko this: Wesleyan came on to tho floor at two minutes of olght and began warm ing up on the north basket. Nebraska, led by Captain Haskoll, came on to the floor ten minutes later. They were greeted by old No, 1. .Both the supporters of Wesloyan and Nebraska woro trying to drown out each other. A part (nine pleceB) of the Ne braska Band was on hand doing its best to add to the racket. Both c6aches called their teams off for a final council of war. At 8:28 p. m., Referee Brown threw uii tho ball nnd was nu Keester scored first by tho free route. In Just a minute of play Hugg shot a basket from a bad angle. Hughes scores.- Keester shoots an other -free throw. Kline scoreH. Keester mlssos free throw. Haskell scores: Keeulm- agulu misses; John son scores. Captain Haskell scores on an out-of-boundB play, Hawkins, to Haskell Doublo foul. Keester and Haskell miss. Hughes tackles Has .kol 0 Haskell throws his first freo throw. Hughes Bcores. Haskell adds 'one point on a foul throw. Keester (Continued on page 2) HIGH SCHOOL-BOYS ' , TO BE ENTERTAINED Nearly 500 Boys Expected In the City During the Tourney Y. M. C. A. Working With University. Tho Yt M. C. A. and tho Athlotlc department of the TlhlvornHy nre working In co-operation to make the High School Basketball Tournament to bo hold next week tho best over hold at tho University. Every train - will bo mot by University students. The-hIglr-8chool-nthlotoB-nnd-dologatos who will attend the tournament will bo tagged so that they can bo dis tinguished from other civilians.' Headquarters aro to bo established at tho Temple. Tho information bureau of tho V. M. 0. A. will give what In formation tho visitors may desire. Thoro will bo enough guides at the Temple to show tho high school stu dents tho campus and other Interest ing places in the olty, Arrangements havo been made so that tho facilities at tho cafeteria may bo enlarged ff necessary. Everything, possible Ib. to bo done to Bhow royal hospitality dn tho part of University studonts to the high, .school athletes and other die gates. I x ' ' . ENVYI - " T- --' ii I I II L .. Ill I - I - -, .1 -.. , .1. n.m -. , . , 0te . WI5H ftf " ' ' f LUCKV FELLOW ' I COULO HANP 4AW HE PONT HWE . &.HEPUL& L,KejS. pBI - 5WL ' ( NCOMmx, I (CopyriBhL) CORNHUSKER OUT EARLY ACCaROING-T-0-RR08PEGT& May Day Set for Distribution of the Books Military Department Busy Price Up a Little. AlLJraleniltyaudsororlty-i.plcturos for tho blg 1914 Cornhuskor have been taken. All but a few of these ihavo accepted tholr proofs. All of the junior and senior pictures havo been taken. This speaks well for tho stuff. They- said they would have thcBO pictures out of tho way by tho 1st of March, nnd they did it. Now they say they will have tho big 1)ook ready forytke students on May Day. And it looks as If tho staff moant business when thoy said It. Now, then, In order to keep their word and shatter tho old precedent that a Cornhusker caanevot come .out on scheduled time, It is necessary that all copy, cuts, etc., bo turned in by tho middle of tho present month. 1L takes two weeks jto jmkQiha cjits: from pictures, and all cuts and copy flvu&t-be-fc last day of March. Tho only thing that 1b holding back tho work now is tho Military department nnd a fow tardy general organizations. But if thoy wish to get into tho book thoy TnTistrbTruIckTtbTtTitrt7foTnrCoF' talnly is coming out on time for once. Tho book will bo more expensive "than" over before to tho management, not to tho purchaser. It will sell at $2,50 and $3.50, black grained' leather and full Moroccp editions. It is espe cially desirous thatall-organlzatlons and individuals make tholr payments as soon, as -possible that tho discounts offered for cash payment may bo taken' advantage of by tho manage ment. Thoro woro fourteen less medical schools In tho United States In 1913 than In 1912, about one thousand two hundred fewer-studonts, and about ft vo hundred .fewer graduates. ANiUALELECIiQNJlL Y.M.G.A. OFFICERS TODAY Polls Open to All Members ftll. 2 P. M. Tomorrow SeVeral Prominent MenOut.- The Y. M. C. A. annual election of officers will be held today and tomor row. Tho polls open today at 9 a. m. and will close tomorrow at 2 p. m. Tho nomination committee, composed of tho following men, W. A. Rockie, C. V. Smith, H. B. Pier, R. W. Orr and M. V Rood, recommend H. S. Reoso as condldatoi for president; Charles Anderson Jnd Oscar W. Sjogren for vice-president, ahd Alfred Hlnzo and Ira Klndig as candidates for secretary. Ballots may bo sent In by mail to the goneral secretary's office. Members, may vote. Coach Stlehm congratulated Mr. Kllne-of-Vealeyan-whon armlnuto" of J)lay was. left last night Little things othi slinging from some quarters CADET BAND PLAYED BEFORE-LARGE-CROWD Members of Matinee Musical Club Out v 'En Masse Selections From Mozart. Tho University Cadet Band, under tho direction of Prof. Clalro Cornell, furnished the music for yesterday morning's conv6cat!on. Tho program consisted of four se lections from Mozart: Tho Gloria from tho 'Twelfth MasB," tho overture to. tho "Magic Flute," tho Sanctus from tbp "Mass In G," and tho "Marchq AJlo Turka." An unusually large crowd was present, including many members of theMatlnoo'Musical Club. S. DEPARTMENT NOW rTASEXTEN8TON-COUR8E- Cookery in All Its Phases Taught ' Two Hours Credit Given Two 'Courses Offered. : After-many requests-from-various women's clubs over tho state, ds well as from various individuals, tho Do mestic Science department consented to work up ,a course for University Extension. Two courses are now of fered and others aro contemplated. These courses can be taken with a feo, tho same as .any extension course, with two hours credit each on matrlcu taken in tho University. Several people are already taking It, and it Is oxpjscted that many more will rogjsterj for It shortly, and that ft will prove a popular course. Praotlcally tho whole course in cooking la Domestic Science can bo rinnn through extension. Written los- sons contain tho theory of tho course, rioli-lB-4o-be-Klone-flr8tj then-dt tlons for tho methods of practice work aro given. Tho results of this work aro to be reported to Miss Loo ml s, of tho department. The-most-lmportant-leBBonB-In-tho first course Cookery a aro: Rules lor workTho preparation of rresif fruits, cookery of fresh and dried fruits, preserves, candy making, tho ubo of , tho flreloss cooker, tho prepara tion of fresh and cooked vegetables, different ways of preparing meat, and tho servlco of food. In tho second course Cookery 4a tho preparation of eggs, breads, cakes, salads, rollshos and frozen desserts 1b to be taken up; also school and picnic lunches, diets -for tho sick, and prepar- atlon of meals. t .Now different rural clubs havo been asking to havo sowing given In con- nectlon with tho cookery courses. I This will probably bo taken up next. FACULTY AND STUDENTS OF UNI VERSITY ACTING A8 JUDGE8. SPECIAL TRAIN WILL BE RUN Misunderstanding Causes Postpone ment of One of the Important Debates Wymore Continu ous Winner 81nce 1908. L Thoro will lib eight flrst'sorlos de bates in tho Nobraska High School Debating Longuo tonight, ono Satur day evening, nndono Monday overl ing. Many University poopl67hoth, students and faculty members, aro act ing as judges in these debatog. , v The debate bolwooirtno T6acno"rtf' College High School and tho Nobraska Military Academy, scheduled' for last night, has boon indefinitely postponed because of a. miBundorHtnndlng con corning tho bldoa to bo tnkon .by onclw .Uiilrorslty pooplo uro watching closely the- work-of tho- Tenchers College team bocauso It Is coached by Harold ' A. Prlnco, three-times member of Ne braska's Intdrcollogiato Debating Team. Tho Judgoa for this dobnte were to havo boon Professora Mnxoy, I'erslnger and Stephens. , Several University .neoplo .wllUcnvo. . . today to Judgo contest In tho several districts of tho league. Prof Edwin Maxoy and Harold A. Prince., '13, Law 'IB, of Grand Island, will go .to Har vard this morning to judge tho Har- -vard-HnstlngB-conteBMn-the-WoBtern- dlstrlct. Clifford L. Roln, '13, JAyr '15, of Loup City, loft for Sargent this morning to Judge tho St. Paul-Sargent,, dobato. In tho Westorn district. Wll-' bor and Haveloclc havo asked Profes sor Fogg to Bend a" Jury to Wllber for "tills evening and Tabic Tlo6lc.hndT?aw- neo City wish Judgea at Table Rock Monday evonlng. Thoro will bo a special irninrun from Beatrlco to Wymoro to take tho Beatrlco students to tho Wymoro Bentrico dobato In tho Southeastern, district. Vmoro has won tho cham (Continued on pago 3) SOPHOMORE CO-EDS GIVE VI SPIUERVICE-BRQGRAM j" -- "Babes In the-Woods" and Many Other Fairy tales ToldHazer Clark Presides. Tho Y. y. O.-.A. vespox sarvloes -yesterday.. afUnwon by tho sophomore girls. Hazel C'larH presided; OsaIIancl sang. Fjiiry tales wore told and applied to eqch college class, and from them' excellent .lfiflnnnnwnrn,mrrnpfnt1, TK . Hfirt-,, ley told of tho "Babes In tho -Wpods" comparing tho freshmen to.,the UaTlr who w'ero lost in, tho deep forodt of Hard Work. Camlllo Leyda compared tho sophomore )xl and her cutt:hg, off of nil hindrances to her -work with tfto story of "Tho Forty Thloyes.' Mil dred Poory told how tho junior girl was-llko CIndorelln, who was reward? pi for her hard work by her fairy god mother. Finally, Louise" Brownoll told that tho -sorflorgirl was, like Aladdin With a bright and shinfng lamp of happiness and pQwcr anil knowledge, Doris Slater, a sophomore -promt- ncnt In Y."W. C. A work, mado a rangementa for tho povel vesper ser- ' vJco, " H , ',- i.l . I s 1'i J l vl tl ,'S till . l i JJ ' Ml rl r fvl i'M fc r , : -,n TONIGHT: "THE MAN FROM HOME" V t f " 3 BfK i -A F a . .3 -.V j rV' ' -v -. rZ ,' V tx -, .f k ',' yf 4 r L-' -'S