mmm4ifm4 aKwAflR jfcu-iWJJ rf A f- jim,- , . j. , .' ... y. J J? "S-U ,;w- Ti ""; y "v. - A t - - V IT- x THE DAILY NEBtRASKAN rjmmmttmmym ML. i I; ( COLLEGE ' Athletic SPORTS Editor. SPORT NOTES. Tho followlnB Ih the Wofltorn Con filronoo basketball Htundftig, February 27th: - Won Ioh Wisconsin & llllnoiB 7 Chicago 7 Ohio HUte 6 Northwestern R MUnTosolTf . r - I'urdue Iowii 1 4cU- 1000 .700 .GC7 .750 0 3 I! 1 6 r250 (5 ,.250 4 .250 ,.554 Indiana 0 9 Western Conference Standing, Won LoBt Washington 10 2 Idaho , , .. 8 2 W. H. 7 4 O. A. (! 3 4 Oregon 1 7 Whitman 0 fl .000 I'cf ,m .G3G .428 .125 .000 i ' If ANTI8 ORGANIZE (Continued from ;PaggPe) ho can fight for tils convictions as an Individual., But, through It all, ho de-olftwdr-ws-mnnt.. hn fair, yhnn thn, - l j jV ,-',flfl. -r Hail ,, ,J)'l iTn) j -j KV SKIT tRf3ou .iwH ft ' tay v.'m " B I CAPTAIN HASKELL. Mentioned as all-MissourJ Valley forward for tho third tlm6. One of tho two Cornhuslcers who Nebraska will lose by graduation. Haskell will play the. last basketball game of his colleglato career against Wesleyan to morrow night. Standing of Frat Basketball Teams. Lost 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 Won Alpha Thet'a'rjhl 5 Delta Tau Dolta 3 Kappa Sigma 4 Phi Kappa Pal 3 . Sigma Alpha Epsllon.4 Phi Delta Thota 2 Phi Gamma Delta, ...2 Sigma Phi Epsllon...! - Rpln Tbotn PI 1 Alpha Sigma Phi 1 Dolto Chi 1 Sigma Chi 0 Delta Upsllon 0 Alpha Tan Omega... 0 Sigma Nu 0 Tuesday. Botas forfeit to Kappa 9igs. Dolta Talis defeat Alpha Slgs, 44 to 4. JL 3 4 1 2 3 4 Pet. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 .066 .400 .333 .333 .250 .200 .000 .000 .000 .000 campaign is ovor all must bury tho hatchet; thoro must bo mado no en emies of tho University. .Tudgo Allen W. Field said that this is indeed a critical time for tho Uni versity, and that It Is tho duty of tho -alumni-to-put the proposition- beforo the pcoplo of tho state To hhn it is a very one-sided question. Just tell tho pcoplo what tho facts aro and tho election is won was his belief. His arguments word: Tho presont Blto en ablos many students to work their way through school who could nbt at tho Farm; tho University should be lo cated in the heart of business, not away from it; it would cost ono and one-half million dollars more to move; removal would mean tho tearing down of the old buildings so dear to all graduates it would mean tho destroy ing of sentiment in connection with tho school; nil big plants, businoss or educational, aro compact a largo xmnrpus-Tvould-niean-a-loss-of-timcind-efilcloncy. -Judge-Gi-Mr-Skiles-of David City, emphasized the fact that the question will be submitted on separate ballots, and that it takes 35 per cent of the aflirmatlvc votes cast at the election in order to carry either proposition, for or against. It this fails, tho Uni versity will bo loft high and, dry. So it is up to all lntorosted in thp Uni versity to seo to It that all who vote vote ono way or the other on this proposition. After a round-table discussion of views and ideas tho tomporary organi zation Mr. Pollard, chairman; Mr. Fred V. Hawxby, county attorney of Nemaha county, secretary was made permanent and tho chair was empow ered to appoint a committoo of seven to havo full powers to act as a cen- Lcojiini Ittce in conducting tho antl- ????????????????? WWHArfhm HANDY DIRECTORY OF THOSE WHO ALWAYS HAVE S0ME- THINI YOU NEED fMr Carry Your Bnnfc Account With Ub " KflflK CITY INXIOlNL BANK IS Ullll CORNER ELEVENTH AND O STS, COdI urego k L F 'M. -y vyui '-- J. M. CLARK.'IO. See Us First. Lot Us Seo You First. B329I Films Developed 6 Exposures 10c, 8 & 10 Exposures 15o, 12 Exposures 20c FREDERICK MACDONALD 3J8 Browtwll Bile. PHONE L4022 187 South It h Flnrjct Flowers All the Time. GHAPIN BROS, IIUHOI. 137 South Thirteenth. Telephone B223 mkvfis Printing sz Location 1th Street Watch This Column Grow ! MILO HANZLIK. llanzlik is competing In his last year of Nebraska nthlotlcs. For three Kousons ho has boon a forward on tho basketball five. Ho will play his last Kamo against Wesloyan tomorrow night. SIMMONS THE PRINTER Good Printing 317 S. 12th St. Tel. B-2319 SPECIAL ! FRIDAY MORNING -Aveplaca on sale50dozen. High Grade Shirts All Coat Style. Every one Bonafide 75c and $1.00 value ALL SIZES 43c KLINES Opin Evenings 11320 St. PL z JHA :y' mm: WwJm .'.Taa.' it "?- romovaliat fight next fall. Beforo this committoo was ap pointed, Will Owen Jones, prosldent of tho Alumni Association, explained that tho association felt that it was bctter not to take a dofinito stand one way or tho other, but that its mem bers could form outside organizations on either side. But ho hoped that no ill-feeling might creep into the asso ciation over this matter. Ho gave a bit of advice both for romovallsts and "antis." "Keep tho question of 'wot' or 'dry' Lincoln out of tho light It Is but a tomporary Issue; don't plead the cost side, rather the sorvlcoslde; fight a good clean fight, that no en emies for tho University may be mado." Ex-Congrossman Pollard then an nounced tho personnel of the central committee: University Jpweler. and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1123 0 St. Yellow Front I Your Patronage Solicited C. M. Skllos, David City. Fred Hawxby, Auburn. Mr. Rolm, Falrbury. Mrj-Keiseiv-Nobraska- City. Allen W. Fiold, Lincoln. Miss Ware, Lincoln. . Patent Button Evening Dress Shoes for Men at , UiHY FAY M O R E "? BUDD, 1415 O St, $3.50 SENIOR CLASS ELECT8 SECOND 8EMESTER OFFICER8 (Continued from pago 1.) Picnic "BOB" FINLEY. Substltiito contor whot hog, promlso of, becoming a Nebraska star, Only tho presence of "Seven" Myers has kept him from winning his letter. It. F. Lyman, chairman. Senior Masquerade &mTBixnciS-1 ; Q, V. TunkB, chairman. Frod Trumbell, master of coro monlos. Ralph Wagner. Robert Flory. Geraldlno Grey. ' Elizabeth Hydo. Inter-Class Athletics A. O. Llndstrum. It's Not Too Late to enter one of our new classes which havo just been formed. Call at our office1 and let us talk it over with you. Many new1 ones just starting; The' Lincoln Business College 14th & P Sts., 1st corner east of Y. M. 0. A. E. C. BIGGER, Pres. W. N. WATSON, V. Pres. W. A. ROBBINS, Sec'y. T. Washington. Amendments to the postofilco bill to strip the postmaster general of ilowor to lower rates and alter regulations of tho parcel post woro thrown out by tho senate thirty three to twenty-four. A government troop train carrying a company of infantry from Mexico City, destinod for Jalapa, was blown up by rebels. Tho wreck occurred near tho Lima station of tho Intor oceanlc railway, 40 miles from Vera Cruz, Tho entlro .train was demolished. Typewriters Rented ALL MAKES SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS 0MCE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY CG. 1IT SOUTFjl TWELFTH ( L A K. . liiiiw iiiwwWMHMWi''CTWl,lMiK''t; 15 ii 'I" i 'J t r irf s "IW-. V J A. . ' '