dB$t&iwk "r --y.' t' "' v'tift'iW J'"' '-y "'wsayvTyy frwrypwl ' jftryqwiyy - '' l1. VJUJLX ,,1. '" ' 1 JU. J- - THE DAILY KlBRAgyiK fillllCY Tft nliE AMUIIAI t r r COLLEGE SPORTS Athletic Editor. HU8KER9 RUN AWAY WITH LA8T GAME Farmer Boys From Iowa Unablo to Stand the Pace Set by the ''' Stlehm Roller. The lnflt game of tho formal haBkot ball Benson wob played Saturday even ing wlion the Cornhuskors romped over tho Auicb Aggies by a BCor6 of 41 to 13. Tho Iowa tanners wercout claBBed from tlie opening whlstlo ami wore nevor. itblc to ovortako tho vic torious. CornhtiBkerB, and the first half onded with tho Hcoro standing 17 to 3. ft Tho last half was even worso for the Ames basket tOHsers than tho preced ing half and Nebraska's Buporlorlty In all dopartmontB of tho game was vory marked. Captain Ross Haskell covered him solf with glory In tho final Amos game of his collogo days and gave a thrilling exhibition of basketball. Ho located KANSAS WILL NOT ' MEET THE HU8KERfir Nebraska Claims the Missouri Valley Championship by Precedent and Record. If prosont reports aro truo, there will be no post-season gamo with Kan sas. Kansas stands as tho champion In the southern division of tho MIs- HOUTr-VnllDy-ConfoTcuco-and-NcbraHku- -ln-trly-tt-book 4H-be-gWen-to-th In tho northorn. Through preocdonce and tho Benson's standing, Nebraska claims thp championship of tho Mis souri Valloy. Kansas has played more games than Nebraska, but has lost two. Nebraska has a clean slato In its soven Confer ence games. Tho Joyhawkers do not seem inclined to settle tho honor ques tion by post-sorlcs games. Tho Ne braska Bquad was tho undisputed champions in 1913 and 1012, and ath letic authorities seo no grounds for a Ilnnzllk, rf 2 0 1 If ugg, rf .'2 0 2 Haskoll. If 5 2 3 Myers, c 2 - 1 0 Finloy, c 1 0 2 Hawkins, rg 3 0 1 Howard, lg 1 0 0 Rutherford, lg 3 0 0 Without a doubt tho last gamo of tho season will bo played with Wos leyan at tho auditorium Thursday night. tlnr-bTTHkDt tlvu times while bclng-J-KanBaB-clalm-of-ohampionshlp, guarded by Captain Hansell of Ames, who Is regarded as one of the best players In tho Missouri Valley Confer onco. AH tho Cornhuskers took part In tho scoring desplto tho fact that Coach Stlohin changed tho lineup in tho final frame. Ilelow' Is the lineup and score: Nebraska. .Free Goals ThrowB Fouls Standing of-Frat Basketball Tegms. 19 3 9 Ames. Free Goals Throws Fouls Won Lost Alpha Theta Chi 5 0 Delta Tau Delta 2 0 Kappa Sigma 3 0 Phi Kappa. Psi 3 0 Sigma Alpha Epsilon.4 0 Phi Delta Theta 2 1 Beta Theta PI 1 1 Phi Gamma Delta ...2 3 Sigma Phi Epsilon...l . 2 - Alpha Sigma Phi 1 2 Delto Chi 1 4 -Sigmo-Chl ft 1 FOR pftefaPT PAYMENT. Captain WhoseCompany Gets Money In First Gets Corrihusker. Russell F. Swift, business manager of tho 1914 Cornhusker, has offered a freo book to the captain whoso com pany first pays for their space In tho book. In past years much trouble has been gone through in getting the hard cash frpm the Impocunlous cadets. Thero Was little Incentive to bo prompt-and so payments dragged till tho end orXho year. This rosultod in no end of inconvenience to thov man agement. In order to give the cap tains tangible motivo to get tho "kale" most dcsorvlng. Tho competition is open to all captains. CADET BAND PLAN8 TOUR INTO THE 8TATE Spring Vacation DayYto Be Utilized Advance Man Securing Dates. The University Cadet Band will make a trip out into thb state, giving sovoral concerts. B. T. Lane is out this week making date's for the con certs. Tho cities at which tho con- certs are to bo given will be ????'??????-??? ?'? ? I - f , mAmmmh HANDY DIRECTORY A)F THOSE WHO ALWAYS HAVE SOME- THINI YOU NEED Bank Carry Your Bank Account VUltH Ua -CITY NATIONAL BANK! CORNER ELEVENTH AND O 8TS. m Gregory C.ojalCQ. J. M. CLARK, MO. Sea Us First. Lot Us Seo Tod First. B329I Films Developed 6 Exposures 10c, 8 & 10 Exposures 1Bo, 12 Eipsssrei 20c FREDERICK MACDONALD 318 Browntll BIk. PHONE L4022 187 South Kth an nounced later. The concerts aro to bo hvubjH ont. Tli slon department. Tho trip is to Btart on or about the 16th of March. FlnrKt Flowers All the Time. GHAPIN BROS 1 lUllJl 27 South Thirteenth.' Telephone B223 Printing New Location 244 N. 11th Street GRAVES Watch ThisColumn Grow! Delta Upsllon . ; . . .-0 2 Alpha Tau Omega... 0 3 Sigma Nu ....0 4 Pet. 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 .GGG .600 .400 .333, .333 .200 000 .000 .000 .000 Letter Men Announced. Tho men who will recolve their basketball "N" this year are: Captain Haskoll, Hanzllk, Hugg, Myers, Rath orord, Howard and ITawklns. Captain Haskoll has won three letters, Haw kins two, and tho remainder of the mon aro playing for their first season as regular men. Portorfiold. rr. 0 0 Rogers, rf 1 0 0 0 Swlnoy, If 0 6 .Noble, c ? 1 0 tllansoll, rg 1 0 Kelly, lg l o 3 1 2 3 Referee Mark Hyland, of Iowa University. Saturday. Delta Chi 12 AlPha Sigma Phi 10 Phi Gamma Delta 20 Sigma Phi Epsllon a 9 Sigma Alpha Epsllon Sigma Nu '. forfeited Monday. Alpha Theta Chi .. 14 Beta Theta Pi . . , 8 SIMMONS THE PRINTER Good Printing 317 S. 12th St. Tel. B-2319 SPECIAL! FRIDAY MORNING we place on safeO dozen HiglfGfadeSfe All Coat Style. Every one Bonafide 75c and $1:00 value ALL SIZES 43c KLINES 0pin Evenings 1132 0 St. Optimism. Fat man, extravagantly dressed, in cluding Btiff derby, attempts to de scend Icy stops of Unl Hall, slips, slides, rtlps, tumbles, after describing a parabola, falls, in sitting posturo, kerplunk on the stiff derby, which had preceded' his flight. Pat man, looking around furtively: "If I hadn't landed on that darn hat I surely wjould have fractured mysolf." Tho card Index of flunks In tho col ego for tho last semester fills a col Vin nearly a foot lonfc. The flunks In the various courses number 349. -Tho-Btudonts-who-fallod-iu-imire-thmrl ono-third of thoir work number nearly fifty. Thoro wore nearly as many "cons" and "nxB" recorded as straight flunks.- Daily Kansan. Freshman Crew May Go North. Washington is considering a race between their freshmen and tho Cali fornia freshmen crows on Lake Wash ington, according to a statement issued- tne prosldent of -tho unlver sity last week. Daily Callfornian. rrrKH It's Not Too Late to enter one of our new classes which have just been formed. Call at our office and let us talk it over with you. Many new ones just starting. The Lincoln Business College 14th & P Sts., 1st corner east of Y. M. 0. A. E. 0. BIGGER, Pros. W. N. WATSON, V. Pres. W. A. ROBBINS, Sec'y. Typewriters Rented ALL MAKES SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS k OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY CO. 117 SOUTH TWELFTH THE EFFICIENCY AND 8ATI8FACTION of your glasses depend on tne skill and judgment of tho man who ex amines your eyes. Tor 40 years wo have boon test ing eyesight and fitting glasses for tho relief of headache and eye Btraln. HALLETT Results Guaranteed. Registered Optometrist HELP ! Come to this fine new M6n's Store for . your Spring Suit and Overcoat and you will receive the help of ex perienced salesmen in selecting just what will be be coming to you; The-QualityrStylen just what you will like. . The Spring Stock is now here and Sunday was the first day of Spring. - . Notice the window display of the new Hats and Caps, FULK CLOTHING CO. ( 1236-8 O STREET fl 1 us ' v a '1r v , fi-L'.l ' ' v ' 'J L3?rtWMfiw 4