u - - - - ' JMM"1 .- '- .lii I ;vi ' r J THE DAILY NEBBABEAN ' 1 i. !" 4 IS lh f I-, ll III it sis al II r, I 1' . !' ,il !& .':- I.-, S,', ;t The Dally Nebraskan Property of UNIVIQUHITY OF Mncoln NEBRASKA THIO IlKRD H. DAWSON Killtoi -In-Chief Phono L-7451 ManaKlnK Editor Awoclivto Wdltoi Associate Editor. Atfitetlc TOdllor. P. C. Sponcor Ruth M. SqiHrca It. V. Koupal C. K. Morao nicpouToiUAi, staff Carrie Ooman Knrl Jaiiouch W. B. Hivgor F. M. Morrliim EllsiaJirth Hyde Rrmii NoIhoii I, con INilmer nimlnetw MaiiaRpr Frank S. Porkln Awt. Nunlncnn Manuir. .Uuiwoll F. Clark Subscription prlco $2.00 por year, paynblii In advance. HIiikIo copies, f contfl each. Entered at tho pontomco at Lincoln, Nfibniska. nn HPcotul-clftnn mall mattor, under th Act of Conirrp-BS of March 3, 1879. The DAILY NICWIASKAN purposes to ho tho frqo volco of student Bontlm&nt; to he fair; to he Impartial; to seok ndvlco as well a offor It. to truthfully plcturo oollogo life; to ko further than tho more printing of newn hy Htandlnp for .-tho hlRliost Ideals of tho University; In short, to nerve tho University of Nebraska. Friday. February 27. 1914 A CORRECTION In a recent Issue of tho Dally .Me braskan an article appeared" Btatlng that a young lady was expelled from college because nl the extreme Btyle of her dress We wish to apologize to Nebraska young women. This article was an exchange item Through some negligence, the paper from which It was Hipped was not given. CAMP AGAIN Last eveii-ng Lieutenant Bowman presented to the olllcers of (ho regi ment IiIh camp proposal Briefly, it is To have camp either at Leavonwortli or at York, amp to be not loss than seven days; the time to bo June 2-9; all cadets and cadets alone will take final examinations a woek early; cadets will be dismissed at camp at tho same time the others will be dis missed In Lincoln, the cost will be under six dollars no more than to stay in Lincoln, and thero will be strict military discipline In camp but well within the realm of reasou. The Commandant invited criticism and suggestions It was decided that the cadets would he assembled next week and the Commandant will pre sent to them all the facts concerning camp The petitions signed up to date under methods which the Ne braskan was criticising are declared null and void N'ew ones will be cir culated -after the cadets know till about camp. The Nebraska is greatly pleased with this policy Although Lieutenant THE EFFICIENCY AND SATISFACTION or your glasses depend on tho skill and Judgment of tho man who ex amines your eyes. For 40 yearB we have boon test ing eyoBlght and fitting gloflBOB for tho relief of headache and oye Htraln. HALLETT Results Guaranteed. Registered Optometrist $3.50 union SIZES :2 CLUETT FLANNELS 55c BUDD, 1415 0 St. Bowman has nlwnys been In favor of tho present policy, ho had, up until UADtnrrlnv fnlrnti tin hnnil In (tisi tiaM. Iuiv.wj, uuixuii uu mum wj pen- Un'DB' With the Commnnclant In charge fair play Is aHnurod. People We Know. PIcqbo note that tho phono number of tho Dally Nobraskan has boon changed and 1b now L-7451. ProfcsflorB Maxey, AyleBWorth and Jonon will Judge n debate tonight bo tween the York nnd Osceola High Schooln. Florence Unird, who attondod the University last year, 1b making a Bhort visit In Lincoln. She Is taking volco loHBOtiB from Madame CoBgrove In Chicago. MIbb Rachel Holmes, formerly of tho Botany department, who haa boon taking 1'rofeBBor SnodgrasB' plo.co In the Kearney Normal School, haB been, appointed to u position In the Bureau of Plant Industry at Washington, I). C. She loaves this afternoon to take up hor new work Doctor Condra Ih in Falls City to doy, whore he will give a lecture be fore the local conservation congress. Later In the week ho will lecture at Rtromsburg and Minden. Jonoa' Orchestra. Phono L-9666. TODAY IN NEBRASKA'S HISTORY February 27, 1909. Louis A. Gregory was yesterday chosen by Elmer W. Mills, sonior president, as Ivy Day orator. This is the most important office that the president of the class has to appoint. Mr. Gregory was a member of the de bating team for two years and is a member of Deltn Tau Delta and Phi Alpha Tan fraternities February 27, 1912. The committee on delinquent sin dents which has been acting on the rases of wayward students for the past week has completed its work. Professor Kngberg announces that the number of delinquents is smaller than last ear This year only eleven were .requested to leave school, as com pared with sixteen a year ago Artlstlo dance programs and menus for particular poople. George Broa., Printers, 1313 N street. Y. M. C. A. Lecture. W M. Bryant delivered a very in teresting address last night in Music Hall of the Temple on the subject, "Expensive Whistles." He attempted to show that often we place too much stresB upon and pay too expensively for mere pleasures which last but for a time. The attendance was -not so large as It should have been. This serlos of lectures which the Y. M. C. A. is giving presents some very good speakers and deserves the support of evory man. Tho attendance hereto fore haa been very good nnd should not drop down now when some of the best numbers appear. Seventy-First Regular Meeting. The eeventy-flrfit regular mooting of the NebraBkn section of the Chemical Society will meet this evening In the chemical lecture room at 8:00 o'clock. Tho following program will bo given: "Dl-Phenyl Carbazlde, Bichromate Titration for Iron," Dr. Benton Dalea; "Sorao New Molecular Organic Com pounds of Aluminum and Trlum," William Kirk. suns 3-4-3 $1.50 CADET8 WANTED AT PANAMA EXPOSITION Three-Page Circular Letter Distributed Among Cadets Explaining the Trip. Major 8. A. Cloman, chief of tho military bureau of tho United States Army, haB issued a circular letter, pertaining to an International military tournament, which has boon dis tributed among the cadets of tho Mili tary department. Military repreBonta 'tlvoa from all parts of the world and from all states of the Union will be represented. The program, divided Into bIx sec tions, 1b as follows: FlrBt Tho Notional Gunrd conven tion; congrosfl of military surgeons, nnd various other military and semi mllltnry assemblies. Second A military encampment In which the forces may not only be comfortably sheltered, but which will be a model and object lesson to all. Third Military ceremonies of all nations and non-compotltive displays. Fourth Band competitions. Fifth Athletic and riding competi tions. Sixth- A complete schedule of com petitive military events between Indi viduals, squads, companies, batteries, and largor detachments. This International military lournn Inent will be held at the Panama- Pnclflc Exposition. San Franolsco, II California, during the summer of 1915. Every school that is able to Bend men to participate in this evont Is urged to do so Subscriptions are usually made by parents, but many other ar rangements can be made by enthusi astic young fellows University Calendar Friday, February 27. 8:00 p. m. -Union Literary Society. X:ir p. m. Palladlan Literary So ciety. S:00 p in American Chemical So ciety. 8:30 p. m. Botanical Seminar. Alpha Chi Delta dancing party Music hall, Temple. Delta Tau Dolta houso party. Alpha Theta Chi formal party Lin dell Hotel. Beta Theta PI and Phi Dolta Theta Joint dance Lincoln Hotel. Saturday, February 28. 9.00 a. m. Kosmet Klub rehearsal Temple. 9:00 a. m Kappa Slgs vs. Delta TaiiB. 10:00 a. m. Sigma Alphs vs. Sigma Nub. 1:00 p. m Delta Chls vs. Alpha SlgB. 2:00 p. in. Sigma Eps vs. Phi Gams. 2:30 p. m. All University GIHb' party Temple. 8:00 p. in. Ag Club meeting U. 102. 8:30 p. m. Komensky Klub Tem ple. Commissioned Officers of Stato Farm Mualc Hall. Delta Delta Dolta dancing party AV Hall. Alpha Phi annual banquet Lincoln Hotel. Junior Hop Llndell Hotel. Ted Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter, and Repairer. Auto B-1799. 235 No. 11th. CLASSIFIED LIST rr TXSTXbunc1i of Hoys on chain and ring, somewhere on campuB. Finder it,. pleaBe return to Nebraskan office 2-27-3 WANTED University alumnus has splendid opportunity for students working tholr way through college to earn all expenses whllo In residence. MuBt have experience or ability In salesmanship. Write Tho Grip Bow o HELP US UNLOAD! And we will help you to the biggest Suit and Over coat bargains rti America. We have the goods, we know what they are worth and we know, too, how badly we want to dispose of them. It's all in your favor. See how we price them below: I BUY SUITS AND OVERCOATS worth $20, $18.00, $16.50 and $15.00 and pay only $8.88 Armstrong GOOD CLOTHES $8?!! New British Model in Men's Hanan Shoes A shipment of these smart shoes just received. Come in dark Tan Russia Calf custom last lace style blind eyelets narrow toe low heel extra stout sole heavy white stitched. Classy in appear ance excellent for real wear. May be had in high cut or Oxford. All sizes now Price $7.00 pair. We are Lincoln Retailers for Hanan Shoes. Main Floor. (A3 . ?? sTS - mi m m ras S vv s THE University School of Music Established 1894 Opposite the University Campus, 1 1 th and R Sta. In structions Given in All Branches of Music. Students may Enter at Any Time. Beginners Accepted." WILLARD KIMBALL, Director BUY SUITS AND OVERCOATS worth $30, $27.50, $25.00 and $22.50 and pay only $13.88 $1388 Clothing Co. MERCHANTS 0 -J vame V rs ' . vO Co.f Omaha, Nob. 2-25-6 L": -W, M? 'w " r "'- v. '!,) -."" - -"i "J "W". V- -I -, r -' - mssm V! v ;? rf. i-xi -iil'i i, ?' iU r; fi4. . wwwifiiii.iiiMmiHp (." . j;?v..v '&& A " ,. .Hv';t