,-c ' 41 ' -n, i- ." L ,,1 ' . -t. 7-, THE DAILY NIBRASKAN ' .-"'-' 1 v ei THEATRES OLIVER THEATER Tonight, Fri., Sat. &. 8at. Mat. Night 8 p. m. Matinee 2 p. m. KLAW & ERLINGER'S International BEN HUR PRICE8 $2.00 to 60c March 2-43 Nights & Wed. Mat. OTI8 8KINNER In "KI8MET" Prices $2.00 to 50 Cents OltPIIEUM THEATER THUR8. FRI. 8AT. Feb. 26, 27, 28 BILLY B. VAN THE BEAUMONT 8I8TER8 & CO. In the One-Act Musical Comedy "PROPS" SOPHYE BARNARD LOU ANGER BOUDINI BROTHERS MARGARET ILE8 & CO. ED CORELLI & CHA8. GILLETT -ROBERTO Assisted by BEA VERERA Mat at 2:15. Prices 15 & 25c. NJght at 8: 15; prices 15, 25, 35, 50 & 75c LYRIC THEATER THUR, FRI., SAT., FEB. 26, 27, 28 THE FIVE ROSE MAIDS In a Classy Musical Novelty THE METROPOLE FOUR The Singing Entertainers PHOTO PLAYS "DOCTOR POLLY" A 8plendid Feature Story PATHE'S SEMI-WEEKLY "A DESPERATE HERO" A 8cream Three Shows Daily 2, 7, 9 p. m. Mat All Seats 10c. Night 15c University Jeweler and Optician C. A. TUCKER JEWELER S. S. SHEAN OPTICIAN 1128 O St. Yellow Front Your Patronage Solicited Miss Charlotte Whedon Student of Louis Chalif of New York Announces classes In the New Social Dances Maxlxe Tango Ono-Stop Hesitation Waltzes, beginning Sat urday, 3:30 p. m., at Whitten-Car-lisle GymnaBlum. For information call Phone B1287. WHITMAN'S GLASSY OANDY MEIER DRUG CO. 13 and O Streets t 99 Try the Y. M. G. A. Lunch Boom, Cafeteria, Plan City Y. M. O. A. 13th & P THE WEEK AT THE THEATRE8 BA8KETBALL MEET (Continued from Pago One) It will be ready for publication in tho Dally Nebraskan some time within the next two weeks List of Entries. Following la the lint of entries for the big tournament: Ainsworth Dell Klrkpatrlck, LeBter Morgan, Earl Grant. Harry B Dontly, Nell Morgan. Ervln Jefferles. Alexandria Harold Hoppe, Emmett HoBton. Galen Allen, Byron Demaran, Paul Backer, Oliver Axtell. Hen Wei sel Arlington Orant Gilfrj. Walter Echtenkamp, Koacoe Phen, Heed Fos Bott, Glenn Ludwlg, Roy Menking Bancroft Glenn Gates, Edward Far lej, Paul Honk, Martin Vogl, Ear Craig, Paul VogU Broken Bow Kent Crawford, Mere dith Reneau. Fred Humphrey, Harold Predmore, Ray Hennln, Leland Waters, CharleB Sargent, Glenn Sar gent, Joseph Stuckey, Verne Mrlnnlch. Edward Kennedy Crete Ralph Andrews) Wallace An drews, William Bayer, .Joseph Belka, Robin Melkle. IxBtcr Frundnll, Clar ence Frundall. William EHIb Cla Center- Lester Orr, Worth Mc Hampton Earl Fulhonor, Donor Horn, Aaron Peterson, Dean Camp, Edwin HanBon, Silas Peterson. Hebron Albort Nacko, Ben Hill, Berne Bailey, Earl Bailey, Harry Lnw Iobb, Noll Gray. Malcolm Shoaror, Glynn Smith, 8till Steward. Hardy Jcsbo Tucker, Harold HayeB, Ray RalncH, Tom White, John White, Ralph Raines Konoaaw Ray AlahouBe. Floyd Ern est, Arthur Oelschloger, Lesllo Wdn ner, Rex Heldenbrand, Joseph Young, Lee Anderson, Ira Currier, Leslie Stonor, Elwlu Burroughs. Kearney High School Homer Ball, Walter Heardeley, Bert Wallace, Ed ward Shields, Ludvlch Johnson, Thomas Paul, Jean NoIboii, George Clcary, Francis McVano. Welden Gale Kearney Military AcadeJiui -Ilea Eaton, Valliant Minis, Donald New horne, Ljnn Swanson, Harry Wilson, Bruce Taylor, Albon Hall, Leo Beck erd, Oscar JacobBon, Alfred Hum phroys, Harry Bixby. Lexington Lean Lesvh. Clyde Cum mlngs, Albert Krlng, Harold Dunlap. Leslie FergUBon.Clarence NeffjElmer Zimmerman, Francis Knapple, Earl Ewon Minden Warren Orcutt, Richard Rogers, Daniel Johnson, Grover Peter son, Warren McGregor, Ralolgh Ire land, Andrew Nesblt, Joo Bliss University Place Gale Grubb, Ar wod Elchberg, George Bannoy, Erwln Clark. Carle Amos, Everett Cole, Har old Mageo, Paul Alden ' Wllber Ignac Prucha. William To blska, Mllo Beck, Robert Hlepicka, James Pllhal, Anton Fridrich. Frank Kludlacek. West Point Leroy Krause, John KrniiBC, Donald Elliott, Wayne Weils. Jobso Jensen, Albert Schwedhelm Donald, Harold Patterson. Melvin Wll Bon, Earl Wood, William Borland, son, Kenneth Carman, George Kings 80CIAL PROBLEMS OF CITIES ARE PICTURED Pictorial Display of Work Done by American Schools of Philanthropy. A collection of prints from tho Chi cago School of Philanthropy are on display In the Sociology department this week The photos and prints allow tho work done by social service and municipal betterment leagues in tho cities and rural dlstrictB of" tho United States In a gentral way they the discussed eugenic marrlago cer tificates is shown, accompanied by n llttlo data on the work already dono along this line. New plans for tho Introduction of agriculture In rural gchools are sub mitted as a remedy for Kcoplng tho boys and girls on tho farm. George Allen. Graig Harry Erwln, Robcoo Erwin, Glonn Batchelder, Ira McDonald, Greg ory Ferris, Llnde Llndberg. Columbus .lake Glur, John Miller, Bert Phillips, Edward Weaver, Earl Drawbough. Raymond Thompson. Glenn Munger, Walter Cass Central City Clark Grieve. Carl Lutes, William Stubbe, Arthur Nolte, Randall Morrow, Victor Fleming Adrian AgreB David City Thermnn nines, Eu gene Doty. Joseph Dworak. George Quade, Paul Carlisle, Paul Welte, El mer Stevens, Elmer Straka, Robert Schweser, Otto Muller Elmwood Arthur Schneider, Roj Towlo, Henry Towle, William Mc Crar, Roland Tyson, Vernon Clem entB, Leon Roettger. Fullerton Joseph Gooding, Filyo Smith, Willie Able. Dean Hatton, El mer Kreamer, Roy Wood. Franklin Clarence Prusla, Herbert HuBsang, Frank Davis, Perry Phinnoy, Roy Storoy, Dews Plntt Gothonburg Chester Nelson. Otto Jansen, Byron Rich, Fred Berger, Ry nol Johnson, Oscar Swenson, Lloyd McFatoB, Bon Junger, Hobart Beatli, William Jogger. Genoa Dwight Davis, Edward Lar uon, Wllford Nelson, Robs Richards. Wallace Spear, Moses Venger, Clifford Johason. Humboldt Earl Baal, Roland Bach, Arlo Cooue, Hanson Davis, Wade Dor land, Buell Gorgens, Brooke Hardy, Otto Petrashek, Bert Williamson. Hastirr -Warl WUboii. Wllliard Parks, .. Flynn, Fred Klein, Hall Kerman, Leroy Cook, 'Lloyd Whlto houBe, L. Bonhan, W. Burr. loy. Elliott Olson. Newman Grove Donald Mitunan, Harold Olsen, Stanley Johnson. George Kllstad Ord LeBlio Flynn, William Hench, Leslie Martz, Henry Zikmund, Alfred Soronson, Bryan Byerby, Earl Barnes, Leigh Carson, Louis Prince, Wilber May. Omaha- Mark Hughes James Gar diner. Mahue Berry, Paul Flotaw, Rub sell Larmon, Roy Platz, Edward Bau inan, Froldof EngBtrom, Ernest Adams, Floyd Poynter, Benjamin Porcupilo, Leroy Buzzard, Frank Peterson Stromsburg Arthur I'lerson, George Llnd, Albine Rodlne, Frank McCue, Wesley Erlckson, WeBley Carlson, Robert Lunner. Schuyler Charles Hoope, Harry Chronesler, Will Knopf, Dale Smith, Joe Kadleqk, Dunham Kuhloy Syracuse Fred Motzgor, Harry Amende, Carl Amende, Ross France, Elmer Rohlinan, Walter Gosb. Sutton Carl Grasshans, Oliver An- J thes, Carl Nolde, OscarGulesB, Henry Miihalf, Hugo Oschsnor, Benjamin Zlmmorlie. South Omaha Paul McBride, Carl Beall, Byron Nixon, LouIb Faley, George Bott, Lyman Corr, Ralph Loach, Hayward Boicourt, Theodore Kordmaker, William Grimm, Forrest Dennis. Seward Edward Goensen, Elmer Graff, Harold Miller, Thurburt Ram Bey, Gale Shores, Herman Wnller, Eu gene Ray. Silver Creek Wallace Carter, Wll lard Carter, Frank Tlrey, GIfford Hutchinson, CaBs Halstead, Lynn Sim mons. Teknmah Harry Farrens, Dale Glb- A GREAT FAVORITE. Through the Roviow Of Rovlows' scholarship fund nn unusual and won derful opportunity Is this year being extended to Btudente whereby vthoy may secure adequate funds with which to meet all their college oxponBos. A noncompetitive cash scholarship Is offered for work during Jiparo timo while the student is in college or dur in the summer vacations. Theso ucholarshipH have a cash value of from $2.r.o to $1,000. Over one thousand students, work ing under the diroctttTn of tho manage ment or this fund, have already se cured such scholarships. Thero Is an unlimited number of such scholarships available to students today. This plan oi' awarding suoh scholar- tend to bring out the excellence of the American system over those used in ships is endorsed by President Wood foreign countries. Some of tho sub jects illustrated are life-saving, child welfare, lowering the baby death rate, open air crtisude, positive eugenics, difficult charity, field houses, rural education, city suburb gardens, and public school centers v The Chicago School of Philanthropy was originated by Graham Taylor, tho famous social worker of the Chicago slums. He will be remembered as bo lng one of the speakers In the rellg Ioub movement which met here last winter During his visit in tlie city he spoke at convocation and was warmly received by the students. The school of philanthropy takes up all formB of municipal and social bet terment The Rod Cross branch takes up the causes of the high death rate of tho city dweller, the sanitation of tho tenements, and the source and quality of the mil kand vegetable Bup ply of our larger cltleB. Open air schools have" been started and their effect upon the deficient children Is carefully noted. One of row Wilson arid lending college presi dents, all over the country. College employment bureaus from Maine to California commend If ns a suro means of winning a college education. ItB popularity Is duo to the fact that it ulways cotiHldors tho best lntereats. of the student. The scholarship money is paid to him direct Ho haw an oxclusive field in which to work. Expert management is afforded and his work Is guaranteed. Thero is no house to house canvassing or delivory of goods. Any studci t of good character Is eligible for work under this plan. It makes a strong appeal to the ideals or college men and is nlways eminent ly satisfactory. Complete details of this plan may bo secured from Mr. Ira M. Smjth; western representative Review of Re views. Mr. Smith has .a display ad in another part of this Ibsuo of the Daily Nehrasknn. His proposition has been explained to a NobraBkan reporter. It IsJiitereBting Typewriters Rented ALL MAKES SPECIAL BATES TO STUDENTS OFFICE EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY CO. 117 SOUTH TWELFTH The Oliver "Ben Hur, ' Thursday, Friday, Satur day and matinee. Coming, March 2, 3, 4, Otis Skinner in "KlBmet." The Orpheum The Road Show, with Billy Van and Company as headllners. The Lyric Advanced vaudeville and feature films. The Magnet "Oheckera," with .Thomas Robs a great feature film. Daily and matinees with orchestral muBlc. BILLY B. VAN, THE BEAUMONT SISTERS & COMPANY In The OneAct Ausical Cooiedy, " R R O F &- VUitH The QRFHteUm Show. FJbrueu-y 3 - T - ZbQ Dlrectlonjof TYltJrtln Beck 1 1 ! .it t ' r ' i ' J' i i ' ., : r . V . :. tAi Ul rfi W -",4 i lr. Y ":.- 3 r' 'VI " "r V, t v A' ' jsto , wft ' l S-V' i" u'.'n 3 ' ,'m w - ts.4V3 i, y vJJ ft. ' ! .! .t '. tv -i i &." -j i5 . r - M ? -s &'. .' V t?. . T r-tn v K -" fWflf v 3 "v y , )- . T" ' v -'. i ftj - - n., vai ' 5,1? Wtf , th fr 'I s- r k ' T"" T ' - -